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Everything posted by Peter C
And yes, I can confirm that several men came in my wife's pussy whilst we were married. Two of them knew me from work but weren't bothered about that. They could see I was no threat but didn't know at the time that I actually approved of my wife getting some extra cock anyway.
Thank you. I enjoyed that account. Young, cocky, arrogant guys know what they want and are pretty good at getting it.
Yes, I still have serious doubts that she'll ever actually dare let it go that far, but I do like the prospect of it happening. I loved my wife doing it. I miss it. In Becky's case I'm pretty sure he'd have to be black and preferably a lot, lot younger than her. She'll be 46 soon but admits that she loves being chatted up online by lads in the 20s and late teens. Very good for her ego. That at least is one thing she has in common with my ex-wife Debbie. She liked them young too! And yes, I'm surprised you have had no takers for her river cruises. As you say it would be ideal for a couple looking for the wife to enjoy some extra-marital cock. My Debbie would have been up for that!
Hi and welcome. My now ex-wife cuckolded me for some years and trust me, those tendencies never leave you. Consequently I now find myself gently encouraging my shy, inexperienced girlfriend to the point that she is now quite open with me about the men she chats to online. Whether she'll ever take the plunge and go with one of these guys - with my knowledge and full approval of course - remains to be seen but if she does I'm sure he will be much younger than her and most definitely black! Gunner 3.5 here seems to assume that your wife is interested in going with a black guy, but you haven't said what her preferences might be. One thing i would say is that the choice of lover should be down to your wife. Has she got a guy in mind? One of your friends perhaps or a work colleague? A much younger guy who picks her up on a girls night out? Discuss it of course, communication every step of the way is key here and you need to be sure you have a really strong, trusting relationship. No secrets. That's where we went wrong eventually, my wife preferring not to tell me who she was fucking and when for reasons I'll never know. It's not like I would have complained! If you want any advice from a "usedtobe" cuckold just ask. But before your wife does move this from a bedroom fantasy to actually real life sex with someone else, realise that once the deed is done, be it a one night stand or a regular "bit on the side", there's no going back. Your wife will have been unfaithful in the eyes of people not into this lifestyle. She can never be unfucked. Good luck my friend. Keep us informed on how things progress. A photo of your wife would be nice plus may i suggest you add your location to your profile? Members here are predominantly US based, some like me are in the UK.
Sex with Becky is not very frequent if I'm honest and yes, she is very passive between the sheets. I think the guy she was with from the age of 15 until she was about 21, 22, pretty much put her off sex. He was a complete and utter asshole, abusing her emotionally and physically over time. Her son is his. On a break from him - she went to a women's refuge but soon went back to him - she was persuaded to go out clubbing by a friend's mum. Uncharacteristically, Becky got drunk that night and egged on by her mate's mum was encouraged to take a guy home to get back at her partner. The guy knew Becky and her fella well as he lived on the same estate and I bet he couldn't believe his luck that night. Back at the mum's house he got to stay the night and fucked Becky, only the second guy she'd been with. Sadly, in the morning as he was leaving he was caught about to steal Becky's purse. How ungrateful! I doubt her partner ever found out about that revenge one night stand - he'd have killed her and the guy - and I'm probably one the few that know about it. She's really embarrassed by it even now and doesn't like to talk about it. I was totally shocked when she told me about it, even telling me the guy's name. Once she was finally free of her abusive partner, having aborted a second baby he'd got her pregnant with, she got with the brother of a woman that worked with Becky's mum. She insists they never had sex all the time he was seeing her and I think he eventually decided to cut his losses, give up and move on. I can quite believe that as similarly with me, it took a very very long time to get anywhere with her but I was clearly more patient.
No, my now ex-wife cuckolded me, but Becky is a different kettle of fish entirely, quite shy and inexperienced, everything my wife Debbie wasn't! That said, I am inching her very slowly along that path as since lock-down here in the UK back in 2020 when she chanced upon a garage and hip hop clubbing website she has ventured into chat rooms and made friends there, mainly male and mainly black. I've gently encouraged her in this to the point that we now both refer to some of them as her black "boyfriends". One of the guys is slightly older than her and working as a DJ in Ibiza. If I were to renew Becky's passport I think that's where she'd like to go and he seems to know damn well that I'd be okay with her going to visit. When we were discussing the idea one day I remarked that in his line of work he probably gets to fuck a different white girl every night, to which Becky replied, "I don't want to think about that!" However when I continued and suggested that in her case he'd probably make an exception and that he'd want to fuck her every night she was there, she just smiled and giggled...
Might be a good idea, maybe start with that one of "her" on the sun lounger on holiday with her black boyfriend. She does chat online to a guy working as a DJ in Ibiza. Perhaps that would encourage her to ask me renew her passport. After starting with this guy and another black man in London she got friendly with through a garage and hip hop clubbing website she discovered, Becky found others wanted to chat to her. This coincided with her plucking up the courage to go on webcam rather than just texting in the chat room and the men being able to see what she looks like. the guys started getting younger too, mid 30s, early 30s, mid 20s, early 20s, like a countdown. Becky has never hidden the fact that she's in her 40s with a grown-up son and an older white partner, but this rarely puts them off. They flirt with her, flatter her by saying she looks about 21 and now is even attracting the attention of teenage black lads, 17, 18, 19 year olds, which has boosted her ego and self-confidence no end. She especially likes that I totally approve of her "seeing" these much younger black guys and will tease me about them calling her a cougar and a MILF. She enjoys it when I remind her that these boys are even younger than her son and that they're young enough to be my grandsons. Becky has admitted that she's been invited to go to London several times to meet a black guy with one or two even offering to come to our town to meet up with her, take her out for a drink, dinner and on to a club, but although she is turned on by the idea of "being naughty" and going out on a date with a black guy whilst I'm at work in the evening, she's reticent about taking things even that far, well aware that they will probably expect sex and is reluctant to cheat on me, even though I've told her that I'd be okay with it if it happens. I'd want to know of course, but I've stressed to her that I wouldn't dump her if she did it. You have to remember she's only ever been with 3 men in her whole life, all of us white. In a late night text, no doubt horny from a chat with one of these young black lads, Becky texted me saying that I was the last white man she'd be going with. When I texted back, suggesting she'd only be seeing black men in future, she replied, "Definitely xxx" I ejaculated involuntarily there and then.
Something a bit different today. All these photos and gifs feature women that bear a striking resemblance to my girlfriend Becky doing things I want Becky to do.
I often wonder what percentage of white women have already been blacked and of those that haven't, how many are at least curious or tempted to try it (my Becky for example)? Are there many white women that categorically would never go with a black guy? Are there any black men that absolutely not go with a white girl? There seems to be a lot less white guys into black women (I've been with 3), than black men into white women and white women into black guys. Personally I find it much more arousing knowing that much younger black guys are hitting on my Becky and that she's enjoying all the attention than if they were white like me and her only 2 other previous partners.
That first February Sunday afternoon I went to pick my wife Debbie up after she'd been over to see my ex-workmate Mick whilst his wife was out, she got in the car in her pale blue denim mini-skirt and no knickers with his cum still trickling down her inner thigh just like in this photo. Although her first reaction was, "Well, that wasn't all that!" and she was disappointed that his cock was half the size of mine, she went to see him for the next 2-3 years until he moved away whenever she needed a good pounding and could let herself go rather than our more gentle lovemaking when she had to keep the noise down in case the kids heard us.
What i thought was my wife's first extra-marital encounter (I've since found out she secretly had sex with a work colleague of mine a couple of months before) was with a customer from the shop she worked in. Debbie was assistant manageress, but this young guy always made a beeline for her till. He was only 23 so Debbie was particularly flattered by his attention. She told him she was married with 4 kids and fast approaching 35, but he was unperturbed by that and asked her out for a drink. We'd already been discussing her getting some extra sex on the side with one of her shop's delivery drivers particularly keen to meet up with her away from work. However it was this young lad that she agreed to go out with, telling him that she'd tell her husband that she'd be late home due to "stock-taking". After a few drinks it was back to his place and into bed where this Chris eagerly fucked my wife 3 times before letting her come home. In bed she told me all about her evening. Aroused by the knowledge that I now had an unfaithful wife we made love twice that night, so Debbie had had her pussy filled 5 times by two different men. We snuggled up and discussed where things go from here. We both liked the idea of her having a toyboy, a much younger "bit on the side", and I readily agreed to her suggestion that she could perhaps start seeing him once or twice a week, maybe even stay at his place for the weekend once a month or so. Curious now then that my current partner Becky is, at 45, also now confessing to an interest in much younger guys, her age preference being even lower than Debbie's was and with a particular need for them to be black...
Thanks for checking out these photos and gifs from my saved photos on my PC. Plain to see the kind of stuff I like, so any likes and comments are most welcome.
These two look a lot like my Becky's pale white body, the thighs, the belly. In the gif the tattoo needs to be the other side, whilst the other photo just needs her tattoo! It's good that the guys are black though. That's what she needs to satisfy her curiosity.
She does doesn't she? If her hair was darker at the back, with her fringe blonde she could be Becky's double.
Thank you so much for homing in on my posts about Becky. I feel honoured to have input from a bull I respect and admire. Rather than a "wannabe" I regard myself as a "usedtobe" as my now ex-wife Debbie who has featured here in various states of undress did indeed cuckold me from late 1999 until we finally split up in 2012. I make no apology for stating that I miss it. Debbie remains the best fuck I've ever had and I loved knowing other men were spreading those gorgeous legs of hers and getting their bare cocks inside my wife. Two guys I know that fucked her have been less complimentary about Debbie's prowess in bed, which disappointed me. I would have preferred to hear them say how good she was in the sack. Her mate's step-dad did at least say that Debbie gave good head and was a lovely shag. Debbie and Becky are like chalk and cheese though, Debbie comfortable with male company and at 22, already having had plenty of cock before she met me. Becky on the other hand is shy and inexperienced, fast approaching 46 but only ever having been with 3 guys, all of us white. She left home at 15 to live with her 1st boyfriend. She had his kid at 19, but he was violent and abusive. She finally escaped his grasp 2 or 3 years later, scarred physically and emotionally. Whilst on a break from him though, whilst staying at a hostel for battered women before going back to him, she was encouraged to go out clubbing by her friend's mum. Long story short, she met a guy she knew from her estate, got drunk and was persuaded to take him back to this friend's house for the night, maybe as a way to get revenge on her fella. I doubt the guy could believe his luck. He'd have known Becky and her partner well and eagerly fucked her when that opportunity arose. With her sleepy and hungover he fucked Becky again the next morning before he left. I'm probably one of the few she's told about that episode, she's embarrassed and reluctant to talk about it even now, 25 years later. Her ex and the one night stand must have put her off sex altogether as Becky's next boyfriend saw her for some time but never managed to persuade her to have sex and eventually he gave up and went elsewhere. Similarly with me, it took a long long time to get anywhere with her. Even now, sex is infrequent even though she has come out of her shell a bit now, posing for photos and chatting to guys online. Blushing whilst admitting to me that she fancies "a bit of black" was a major step forward, something I continue to encourage. To help you embellish my fantasy Dom, it's worth me telling you that we don't live together. Becky has her own place across town, so taking a guy back after a date would be easy for her, especially as I - nearly 20 years her senior by the way - work evenings. She often likes to tease me in texts saying she's going clubbing whilst I'm at work earning the money for my "naughty wifey" to go out with her young black boyfriends. She wouldn't call me "cucky", but she has often called my "white boy" in the past, suggested I believe by one the older guys she was chatting to online who I'm sure picked up on the idea that I wouldn't have a problem with him fucking Becky. I think he was slightly older than her, but over time the black guys she chats to on these online garage and hip hop club sites have got younger and younger, men in their 30s, then 20s and now lads in their late teens all hitting on her. She's really flattered by all the attention and pleasantly surprised how happy I am for her to not only continue chatting with them, but for her to take things further if she wants to. Nerves and her shyness have made her reluctant to arrange to meet anyone of these guys so far, but who knows? The right guy might just catch her at the right time, say the right things and Becky could agree to a real life date. That would be a massive step for her and my favorable reaction to her actually going out for a drink with a much younger black guy could well pave the way for her seeing him again. After two or three dates she'd hopefully be more relaxed in his company and if he played his cards right her 4th cock would be a young black one.
When my Becky has her hair even blonder than it is now everyone comments on how much it suits her. I reckon her on her knees like that with a big black cock in her mouth would suit her too!
I appreciate any likes or comments. Thanks Dober and especially DomBull4U who I know is particular fan of my ex-wife Debbie and my current young lady Becky.