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    Watching my girl getting dominated by a bull and cleaning her pussy afterwards.

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  1. Stupid videos not loading
  2. After months of talking to perspective bulls we finally found someone that seemed to fit. We met him at a bar to feel him out. To see if we all got along. I had her wear a dress with no underwear and if she felt comfortable enough she would say a predetermined word and he could play with her. She said it and I got a nice video of him playing with her pussy. YouCut_20230309_043205288.mp4 YouCut_20230328_184745031.mp4
  3. All the great advice paid off. After over a year of looking, we met a bull this weekend for drinks to judge for compatability. It couldn't have gone better. The conversation flowed, and everyone was getting along great. I had her wear a dress with no underwear and we came up with a code word that if said gave him the thumbs up to touch him. After about an hour of talking, she said it and for the last hour he took full advantage of the opportunity.
  4. What can I say, I love to share her.
  5. To bad this didn't go anywhere. It was exciting to read hoping g it would end with her getting fucked.
  6. Thank you all so much, I really appreciate it. I will reach out, never hurt to get all the insight I can so I don't stumble and the door closes for good.
  7. Thanks again for the insight, you have given me so much to think about. I now feel like I was about to go about it in the wrong way. Much appreciated!
  8. Thank you so much, I think you given me more then enough to think about. And your right the hardest part is behind me but I want to make sure I move forward in the smoothest way possible.
  9. She has agreed to sleep with another man in front of me and I couldn't be more excited. I would like to know the best way of finding a bull and how to vet them properly. We are knew to this and any information you could share would be appreciated.
  10. Amazing, just amazing!!!
  11. Makes my mouth water!
  12. Absolutely wonderful!!
  13. Looks like dinner is served!
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