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Everything posted by arrowheadwaterj

  1. been a while. still luv comments
  2. shoot, sorry guys, just saw the post. i never got the email sayingg someone responded. let me know what kind u want to see next ;)
  3. heyy. so my wife is aware of my fantasy to have her with other guys and all that but i dont know the best way for a slow start. she told me for my birthday i can do a 'turn on checklist' and she will see what she can do for thatt. i suggested pictures kissing other guys, flirting with other guys and that and she also added making videos and more special pictures. anyone have any advice on what i can ask for as she is very new and doesnt go out much.
  4. not yet, getting more and more open tho.
  5. heyy everyone. first, ssome of the pics that others put on here arent her, dont know why they are doing that. second, i am thinking of starting a kik group to do more pic and video updates and live video stuff too of my little hot wife. would anyone be interested in joining?
  6. 97, so i guess im in between? ;P
  7. luv to see u do that ;)
  8. california here.
  9. i know these arent the definintion of 'upskirt' but here r a few up her skirts and a few other. i'll work on upskirt for u
  10. i have learned a lot from u guys. thank u. it makes a lot more sense. now just have to start applying that strategy
  11. this is great. thannk u for the help. i have been buying panties and clothes. just have to sit back more and let it happenn like u said. thankks
  12. heyy guys, we r a fairly young couple, late 20's. i have expressed for a couple years now how much i want her to be open and flirt, dance, etc with other guys. she doesnt have the most confidence and doesnt think other guys are interested in her. what r some of the best ways to get her interested in doing stuff with other guys? also, shes been approached while we have been out but then they get scared away because i am there. i wanted to try to drop a hint that i wanted them to stay but didnt know how to say it without her knowingg.
  13. i'll try. tho, she almost always wears g string or thong panties under skirts.
  14. i dont have any full action shots, just lots of pre action shots can take some in the future tho, still take pics and videos all the time. any other requests for pics or gifs now?
  15. since i see people do respond and want to see more, here's some more can take requests and all. thought nobody came on here any more. glad its still active
  16. any requests? comments?
  17. it has been a very long time guyss. im sorry. anyone still around? i have lots more if interested as always here r some for now if anyone is still around.
  18. i havent been on in a while. anyone around still? :)

  19. funnnny how peopple keep posting other girls on here
  20. wow, keep the comments and requests coming a few more for her fans
  21. woww, thanks for the responses guys. here is another nite. i have so many more too and make new ones as requests come in
  22. unforunately no, we arent
  23. heyy guys, anyone want more of my little petite wife? new to this and trying to get some interest i have hundreds more too if u guys want. comments?
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