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Gretchen 66

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  1. We did it again. 8 days ago at the women in wine party. Big Marsha arrived. She was wearing this red satin blouse buttoned up to the top, tucked into black satin pants and 5inch heels black shoes. She had full make up on. Again I was hypnotized and mesmerized by Marsha's big tits. My attention focussed on the arresting sight of her sizeable breasts. Her breasts are exactly the level of my face. I walked up to her and started chatting with her. And in the next instant, my hand was resting directly on her breast, through her red satin blouse and bra of course, but on her breast! Only seconds had passed, but my hand remained as I kneaded the softness of her breast like a contented cat. For me at least, it felt like an eternity. My hand remained on her tit. Even with her blouse and bra on, I now felt the sudden emergence of her hard extended nipple. But even more surprisingly, her gasp, the audible sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips in a long drawn out pleasured sound, unlike any I had ever heard before. But that nipple! Oh my god, that nipple! I swear it had burned an impression within the palm of my hand, half tempted to check, though fearful of doing so, which would mean taking my hand away. Something I didn't dare do, as I was already well into the twenty or thirty second mark of booby fondling Then suddenly Big Marsha took my hand and gently moved it off and away from her. Even though she did, I was floating on cloud nine, not even aware of the massive wetness in my pants, the short-circuiting of my own arousal not as yet registering in my head as Big Marsha slid over a few inches, putting distance between us. "Excuse me," we both turned around, it was 41 year old Korean woman my groping partner Andy and this really skinny, short like 5ft2 , pale face green eyes thin lips light brown haired with Chin-Length haircut 44 year old woman Ruth, "can we get a picture?" Andy said addressing Big Marsha. "Oh sure, excuse me can you take our picture?" Big Marsha asked me."Oh, uh sure" I said taking Ruth's phone.There were Andy to one side of her and Ruth to the other. I could see them beside Big Marsha put their arms around her waist. They did various poses laughing and having a good time, their hands definitely got low on her back a few times and the one may barely at the top of her ass but nothing very inappropriate. They didn't do anything very inappropriate, Andy had her hand on her hip more than her waist, and Ruth brushed her hand across her butt after they took a photo. Gwen decided to flirt a little heavier, giving Big Marsha's arms generous squeezes when they were chatting. As Big Marsha was chatting with Andy and Ruth more people came over and joined the convo. I wasn't involved but stood close. Ruth stood particularly close to Big Marsha, sometimes putting her hand on her back as they chatted, with Andy grabbing big Marsha's arm every now and then. When Andy put her arm around Big Marsha Ruth purposefully gave her butt a little squeeze. Andy shot Ruth a coy look, as they chatted she moved her hand so it rested on the top of big Marsha's ass . They kept chatting, as they did Andy's hand lowered to the center of Big Marsha's round rump, gently rubbing her ass as they chatted . Then Andy gestured toward a bar area . Big Marsha nodded smiling and gesturing toward me, with Andy's hand still planted on the center of her big backside. She turned to walk toward me. But then Big Marsha turned to walk toward the bar, I took the opportunity to admire her ass yet again. As Big Marsha stood there I noticed Ruth walk behind her. I saw Ruth reach under and give Marsha's tush a little pinch , then she kept walking. She jumped pretty high and whirled her head around seeing Ruth walking away. I walked over. Andy continued to flirt with Big Marsha. She was saying something to her to make her laugh but was keeping her hands to herself. As she talked to Andy and Ruth passed behind her I saw Ruth run her hand over Big Marsha's ass before continuing to walk on. When I got back from the bathroom she was standing by herself. We stood there and talked for a few minutes. Big Marsha bent over the table slightly toward me and stuck her butt out some. I couldn't see everything because the table was a little high but I clearly saw Andy run her hand over her bum then put a hand on each hip and position herself behind Big Marsha. She gasped a little and stood up straight as Andy still held her hips. Big Marsha then gulped down her drink and told me, "I'll see ya in a bit." As Andy still held her, then turned to walk toward this other woman. I watched after them, Andy's arm moving around Big Marsha's waist, hand on her hip. Andy then brought her hand down and clearly squeezed Big Marsha's ass cheek as they walked. I was in full jealous and turned on mode now as Andy felt up her booty. When she didn't protest Andy started rubbing her left ass cheek . Andy stopped groping her ass when they got to the woman only to give her a playful swat on the rear and position herself behind her as she bent over a tad to talk .I saw Andy stand behind big Marsha holding her around her waist as she pressed her crotch into her. They stood there like that before walking towards me. I was about to grope Big Marsha's tits, when suddenly Andy's pair of hands appeared on her hips and a head emerged under her left armpit. Andy seemed to have pressed herself up against Big Marsha from behind . A big smile spread across Andy's face as she ground herself against her. Andy's hands slipped up from Big Marsha,s hips, sliding casually across her full breasts and giving them an eager squeeze. Marsha turned around. Andy's hands once again moved over Marsha's giant voluptuous body. My eyes went wide as i watched Andy's hands move to Big Marsha's succulent ass and give it a squeeze through her tight fitting black satin pants. . Andy was kneading the big firm cheeks of Marsha's ass, thoroughly groping her for all she was worth. Suddenly they broke apart. Ruth yanked Andy away from Big Marsha . I walked up to Big Marsha. . " Whats going on? You short , old, masculine weird women are gravitating towards me like fruit flies on a banana AND YOU ALL WANT TO TOUCH. Andy is all over me and you are groping me and i am just letting you. I just feel like a deer in headlights. I've always had big boobs. I easily had the largest chest in my high school. But I was one of the lucky ones that's never had her boobs grabbed, touched, or jiggled before i met you . Probably because of my size, my social status and my bitch resting face. I am completely the opposite to a homophobe... but i am literally 100% straight. As far as having intimacy with a woman? That s just something that I haven t done and will probably not do so. Im a straight woman never got turned on by a women. You can touch me all you want, but i am not getting any sexual pleasure. I am totally numb. You are the first woman who groped me. It wasn't a coincidence. This woman Andy said that you told her everything about me. Probably you bragged to your lesbian friends about groping me. These weird small women Andy and Ruth probably feel like its now "ok" to do because you told them that you groped me. " Big Marsha loudly said. . " You are a tall curvy woman Big Marsha. There is something appealing about curvy women. We are just fascinated with you. You are always dressed in that designer expensive shiny tight form fitting fancy clothes, on those 5inch heels, with full make up, with your hair up, with your huge boobs your, big ass ? You are obviously 5ft11. We are small and skinny women. We are all much shorter than you. " I answered to Big Marsha. " I was now shaking with a mixture of nervousness and excitement and i carried on talking to her as i gently placed my small old hand on her massive bum. Big Marsha just remained still as she felt my hand spread across her ass. I even groaned a little as i sank my old fingers into the full firmness of her right buttock. My chatter began to fade as i placed my other hand on the other cheek and began to squeeze and fondle that one too. I began to salivate at the feel of her silky smooth satin pants stretched tightly across the most perfect ass i had ever seen. It was just the most amazing experience to have my hands freely roaming all over the ass of this lovely big woman without any objection. I never thought i would ever be in this position, freely groping the big ass of such a classy, arrogant, rich and sexy woman . Then Marsha walked away. About 30 minutes later the event ended, Big Marsha was leaving. . . "You are a great woman Big Marsha," i said, opening my arms for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her giant body, Marsha hugged me back. It felt like hugging a large cushion. I was between the arms of a soft giantess, resting my head on her chest and hugging her large body. Her chest was spacious and comfortable like a bed of pillows. Marsha broke the hug. She left
  2. 15 days ago i did it again. I attended this woman in wine party . Big Marsha was there. She was wearing this pink satin blouse buttoned up to the top, tucked into pink satin pants and 5inch heels pink shoes. She had full make up on. . "Hello. Marsha," i said, opening my arms for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her giant body, Marsha hugged me back. It felt like hugging a large cushion. I was between the arms of a soft giantess, resting my head on her chest and hugging her large body. Her chest was spacious and comfortable like a bed of pillows. I reached down and gave her big ass a couple blatant squeezes. Marsha broke the hug. I was really horny ( she was dressed in pink satin head to toe, for Christ sake) so i started feeling her ass with my right hand while she was chatting with other women. She eventually said "you enjoying yourself back there?" And I simply replied "Very much" to which she just laughed and continued chatting. That was the only permission I needed. I turned her around, lifted her big boobs up, and buried my face in them. Again, in front of all these women! I thought she'd be horrified, but as I jiggled my face between those things, I felt her hand on the back of my head, and heard her giggling. At this point, I lost my mind. My hands moved and squeezed her big booty. I looked up at her, again expecting her to be horrified as she was getting felt up in front of all these women, but she just smiled at me, and even bit her lip. Eventually, we both came to our senses, and we pulled away from each other and awkwardly laughed it off. . This 41 year old Korean woman Andy who is a short skinny ugly lesbian like me, caught on and walked up to Big Marsha. They started talking. I walked over to them. Andy kept saying that Big Marsha's tits were amazing , Big Martha kept laughing at her ...just them talking about Marsha's tits got me wet...I kept subtly reaching over and squeezing Marsha's tits playfully through her blouse and bra ....she wasn't stopping me....we all kept laughing about her enormous tits.... I was gently playing with her hard nipples and big soft tits through her blouse and bra. Although the conversation had shifted to another topic (not Big Marsha's tits) this woman Andy tried to continue the conversation , but she was just blatantly watching the show ....my pussy was dripping wet at the fact that Big Marsha is letting me put on a show for Andy I lifted Marsha's tits and give em a good squeeze... This very short woman Andy leaned up and started staring at Marsha's big perfect tits jiggling around as i was bouncing them.....Andy couldn't contain herself and kept saying "oh my fuckin god those are nice" and stared intently at them as if she would never see another pair again....I jiggled them around a little bit for Andy and she never broke eye contact with them. We had some casual conversation but this woman Andy could not get past Marsha's big tits and kept complimenting them . Andy circles the conversation back to her tits tits again....she was thanking big Marsha for the previous show...saying how great they are / how lucky I am .....after a while of her half drunk rambling....i said that if she wants to them so bad then to go ahead and grab them.....I joked that she should practice groping big tits and get some experience in doing it. There was a bit of hesitancy on Andy's part so i said "c'mon Andy haha go for it". Andy got her right hand down under Marsha's big soft breast. As big Marsha stood there in front of me and Andy , our faces were literally her breast level- we stared and admired big Marsha perfect chest for a minute before I couldn't help myself and began to rub her nipples and squeeze her tits some more through her blouse and bra with my right hand...Andy's hand slowly crept towards her chest as she looked to me for approval .... I responded "go ahead Andy".....she slowly caressed and rubbed her palm across Marsha's hard nipple and gently squeezed every inch of her left breast before turning her attention to the right one....never before have I been as turned on as I was at that moment... watching big Martha, watch Andy as she gently fondled and caressed her big perfect tits....This continued on for longer than I would have thought. We tag teamed grabbing Big Marsha's ass and copping feels of her massive tits in front of all these women at the party. Me and Andy literally just took turns dancing with Big Marsha and grabbing her boobs and ass. While she giggled and playfully told us to stop while we passed her back and forth. The party ended. As we walked towards Big Marsha's car , me and Andy both had our arms around her hips, each had a hand palming a cheek as we walked. For some reasons that turned me on even more as big Marsha walked with our hands on her backside laughing at something we said to her. When we reached the driver side Andy opened the door for her as i helped her in. *SMACK* Of course i couldn't help but spank big Marsha one last time as she got in the car, eliciting nothing but a yelp and smile from her.
  3. 27 days ago I did it again. On the way to work i stopped at the drugstore. All of a sudden big Marsha walked out of the drugstore. She was wearing a black cotton blazer over her shoulders, a red long sleeve satin blouse buttoned up to the top tucked into black cotton pencil skirt, sheer lace hold up nylon stockings and 5 inch heels red shoes. She had full make up on. I got out of the car. I walked up to her . I decided to up the ante a lot. I just rubbed the back of my fingers back and forth on her nipple through her blouse and bra, feeling it flick between my fingers. I got her nipple between my fingers and squeezed and pinched her firm nipple for several seconds. She pushed her chest into my hand when I did this, chatting with me the entire time. Then I turned my hand around and took her breast into my palm, tweaking her nipple with my thumb and finger through her blouse and bra. We stopped chatting and she was definitely breathing hard, and i was soaking wet. Then she said "I gotta go " I unwillingly removed my small hand from her enormous soft breasts. Big Marsha walked over to her car. I went inside the drugstore . 19 days ago I did it again. I am so excited. On my way home i stopped at the grocery store. Big Marsha was there in front of the store. She was wearing a white long sleeve satin blouse buttoned up to the top tucked into black satin pencil skirt, sheer lace hold up nylon stockings and 5 inch heels black shoes. I got out of the car. I walked up to her and gave her big ass a good smack she just laughed. Then I just went straight to cupping and feeling her tit through her blouse and bra, i felt her tit and nipple with my palm and fingers. She was breathing really heavy and let out a little moan when I touched her nipple. I played with her boob for about 30 seconds, and took a peek as I pulled my hand away. Then we both walked inside the grocery store. Big Marsha was walking all around the store, so I followed from a distance trying to find the right moment. Right as I got close from behind, she stopped . I grabbed one of her perfect, soft cheeks with one hand and then she looked back when I gave it a squeeze. I walked off, not wanting to draw too much attention.
  4. Groping voluptuous, ultrafeminine tall curvy attractive heterosexual women makes me cum. I can literally cum by groping Big Marsha . I got pretty good at it, Big Marsha doesn't even realize it! Wtf is a matter with me but I just love doing it
  5. Big Marsha is wonderful. Stylish, fully dressed, classy, confident, tall, curvy , ultrafeminine women do it for me as much as any naked big slut. Most of Big Marsha's fall/winter outfit are pencil high waist pants and skirts satin and satin and silk blouses. She is always on high heels with too much make up on. Sadly she wears almost always her satin and silk blouses fully buttoned to the top . She doesn’t wear anything vulgar but because of her body type anything she wears looks tight on her. But on some of her FB pictures she wears more revealing clothes. Probably she wears cleavage clothes in spring/summer. I would love to sink my head between her enormous soft boobs. Just look at her
  6. I'd love nothing more than to have passionate sex with Big Marsha. I imagine rubbing her clit and finger fucking her pussy. I imagine giving her a sexual orgasm and watching her and hearing her cum. I'd love to watch Big Marsha having a sexual orgasm. I'd love to hear her cum. Knowing that I was sexually responsible for her sexual orgasm, I'd love to hear her call my name. I imagine rubbing her clit harder. I imagine not stopping until she had her sexual orgasm.
  7. I had some progress with Big Marsha. I erected her nipples. About three hours ago on my way home i stopped at the grocery store. I got out of my car. I saw Big Marsha. She was wearing a white long sleeve satin blouse buttoned up to the top tucked into tight high waist red satin pants and 5 inch heels purple shoes. She had full make up on. She was bent at the waist, her beautiful ass jutting out directly towards me, the satin material of her pants clinging to her flawless buttocks deliciously. She was putting bags of groceries in the back seat of her car. I licked my lips at the glorious sight and immediately moved in behind her. Big Marsha gasped as she felt my right hand on the back of her calf, just below her knee. "Mmm, Big Marsha " i murmured in appreciation of her as i slid my hand slowly upwards. My palm stroked slowly up the back of her leg and i got a little wet in my pants. Big Marsha froze, remaining bent over as my hand moved up to her thigh and then slid higher still, climbing up , the soft satin material bunching against my wrist and i explored upwards. I was breathing nosily through my nose, almost snorting with lust as my hand moved up over Big Marsha's soft, upper thigh, right the way to the tasty curve of her buttock. My hand stroked upward over the curve of Big Marsha's big ass, i was cupping her buttock in my palm. I gave her ass a squeeze, my fingers sinking into the firm cheeks of her buttocks. "Lovely," i breathed softly, giving her big ass another firm squeeze. I gave her buttock a gentle pat. Big Marsha moved , standing up straight. She turned around to face me. I reached up with my both hands, and seized both her hooters through her blouse and bra, giving them a rather firm squeeze. Big Marsha tensed slightly at my touch. I gave Big Marsha's massive breasts several squeezes. I asked her. "Why are you not wearing a coat Big Marsha. It is freezing cold for christ sake ?" Big Marsha paled slightly. " I...I forgot my coat in my store." "You allowed me to grope you. Are you sure about that?" i asked as i continued to squeeze and fondle her astonishing melons. Big Marsha nodded, "Absolutely. You touching my breasts or ass through clothes doesn't bug me anymore than if you were to grab my hand, or my hair or something. The first time when you groped me at the restaurant bathroom it surely was weird. But i realized that I actually don't mind you touching my boobs and butt. It's not like you don't have a barrier of clothes between your hands and my skin anyway. Personally, unless you are hurting me, I'd never take action against you copping a feel. In fact it makes me excited when you touch my breasts or butt. You seem to get so excited. To be honest i feel sorry for you. You are ugly, short and skinny weird little woman. I don't get lesbian pleasure out of this. I am strictly heterosexual , i am not a closet lesbian. " I swiped my thumbs across Big Marsha's nipples, the buds hardening at my touch. "Big Marsha i would never hurt you. Every blouse you wear is buttoned up to the top. But still your buttoned up blouses show the shape and the sheer size of your big breasts. You must be proud of your breasts " i commented, jiggling my small fingers against the undersides of Big Marsha's oversized knockers, causing them to quiver slightly on her chest. People passed by, staring. It was not particularly crowded on the drugstore parking lot, probably about 7/8 people in sight, but I caught a few stares. My palms were running across the expansive mounds and feeling her nipples jutting through the material of her blouse and bra. "Wow Big Marsha your nipples are rock hard, probably from the cold" i said sarcastically , pinching her nipples through her blouse and bra. I then then released her tits and marched onwards into the grocery store. Marsha got into her car.
  8. I didn't see her today, but i will continue to sexually abuse Big Marsha by feeling her big soft tits and ass through her clothes. She allowed me. I'd love to finger and lick her pussy. I'd love to give her multiple orgasms with my fingers and my tongue. I'd love to see her topless, too. Big Marsha wears almost always her satin and silk blouses fully buttoned to the top combined with a skirt or pants. She doesn’t wear anything vulgar but because of her body type anything she wears looks tight on her. Big Marsha is always on high heels with too much make up on. She is curvy, tall and busty, so many clothes tend to look sexier on her than on a thin person.I'd love to see, touch, and feel her naked breasts. I'd love to fondle her big nipples while sucking her erect nipples. I want to immerse my face between Big Marsha's giant breasts. If I had a choice on how I wanted to die, my preferred way to die would be for her to smother my face between her gargantuan tits.
  9. It is difficult to control my sexual impulses and urges, it is hard to resist putting the sexual moves on Big Marsha. She allowed me to continue touching, feeling, and fondling her big breasts and ass through clothes. I want to have sex with Big Marsha
  10. Honestly Big Marsha is quiet narcissistic. She is extremely image conscious. She is always overdressed , with too much make up on and on high heels. Her clothing makes her stick out like a sore thumb in this town. She comes from old money. She grew up rich. She is used to a lot of money and expensive things because of this. She does have a housekeeper. Maybe that is why she subconsciously loves being groped and slightly humiliated by me in public. maybe she is a humiliation whore. Maybe the loss of control is exhilarating for her. She literally became my giant groping toy. This morning she allowed me to grope her.
  11. I am starting to think that Big Marsha is some kind of exhibitionist . She is very open to be groped (through clothes) by me in public . She allowed me to grope her. She loves being objectified. Maybe she enjoys the feeling of being used and treated like a giant toy by me in front of every one. I am feeling her up in front of virtually everyone in public situations. Maybe she loves the attention. Maybe because Big Marsha knows she wouldn't take it farther, because she is not sexually attracted to me (i am ugly and repulsive, she said that to my face this morning) Maybe she is becoming addicted to the humiliation of being groped in public by me. Marsha is a big woman. She is 5 ft 11 tall and being well endowed well built and curvy always on high heels makes her HUGE! But I love Marsha's height and curvy stature. I look like a midget standing next to her. Her curves and height have been sexualized and/or objectified by every sex or orientation, but she said that i am the first person who groped her in public. She said that she feels safe with me because i am physically harmless.
  12. I confronted Big Marsha and i am totally confused. She must be some kind of exhibitionist. About four hours ago on my way to work i stopped at the drugstore. I got out of the car. Big Marsha walked out of the drugstore. She was wearing a black long fur coat over her shoulders, a gold long sleeve satin blouse buttoned up to the top tucked into black cotton pencil skirt, sheer lace hold up nylon stockings and 5 inch heels black shoes. She had full make up on. I walked up RUSHING up when i saw her, i reached up with my both hands and started to rub her upper breasts. I didn’t say anything at first i was just slowly rubbing her upper breasts. Then i said " " Big Marsha you are a magnetic sensual ultrafeminine classy massive woman. That is why i am touching you. I am relentless and i want you. I admit that i desperately want to have sex with you. God you are just so perfect. You are such a massive woman. I want to tongue fuck your pussy; probably you taste so good. I want to hear your moans, you are desperate and so full of need. I would eat your cunt and tongue fuck you between your legs on a daily basis. Do you trust me? Wow, your massive soft breasts are exactly the level of my face". : "Ooh Gretchen. I've always had big boobs. I easily had the largest chest in my high school. But I was one of the "lucky ones" that's never had her boobs grabbed, touched, or jiggled before i met you. Probably because of my size and my bitch resting face. You are my first groper. I realized that i don't have an issue specifically with you groping me . But i am straight and i never had any desire to do anything sexual with a female. I don't get lesbian pleasure out of this. ( i was still slowly rubbing her upper breasts with my both hands) I am strictly heterosexual - i am not a closet lesbian. I am a straight woman, I love men, simple! Also to be honest you are ugly, creepy and repulsive to me." Big Marsha insulted me to my face. . I just kept rubbing her upper breasts and replied . "Big Marsha you can't be 100% straight. Straight women don't exist. There have been studies on female sexuality that show our brains are more responsive to many more things than the male brain. Straight women the study responded to images of other women, men, and some kind of animal having sex, while the straight men in the study almost exclusively responded to only imagery of women. If you are so straight why are you letting me touch you all over? Why? " "Maybe i feel safe with you because you are ugly and repulsive to me. Also i am strictly hetero. But if a handsome attractive man starts groping me, rubbing me, pressing his cock against my butt, i will get aroused. And i don't want to cheat on my husband your cousin. But I must admit to you that I am getting a sort of meta-pleasure out of the abandonment and handing over of my body, delight being used for your pleasure. It is almost an out-of-body experience, watching myself allowing your small hands to crawl over me. It is bizarre how physically weak you are, and i let you to rub me and grope me in public. For some reason i cannot, do not, fight you as i would some male who groped me. It is like is instilled in my mind now, that i am there for you to grope me. . Also I often feel powerful and confident, thought sometimes I feel like I can be accidentally intimidating . I’m 5’11” fot christ sake. I’ve learned to be a little extra friendly or goofy with new people so they don’t get that impression. I'm often thought of as stuck up because I don't usually talk unless I have to. I get nervous just walking into a room and saying hello to everyone. I think that maybe I have a certain look on my face when people see me; I mean, to me it's my "I'm seriously nervous and uncomfortable" face, but to others I think it makes them feel like I think that I'm better than everyone. So everyone just thinks I'm stand-offish and an overall rude person who thinks way too highly of themselves. When I’m feeling low self esteem sometimes I feel too big, and get very self conscious about being larger than other women. But usually I can get out of that headspace by putting on a badass outfit that only a very tall statuesque woman could pull off. So maybe that is why i am letting you to grope me. Maybe because you are total opposite of me. You are a short skinny older lesbian woman. You are not are not physically threatening to me at all. " Big Marsha replied. . I said, "I am admiring you big Marsha. You are everything that i am not. You are a massive woman. You are much taller and bigger than me. This beautiful clothes are so tight on you because of your body type. You are so sophisticated and elegant. I am fascinated with you. You look so polished. You are a sophisticated, elegant, upper middle class, tall woman. " I then slid my hands down, and grabbed both of her massive soft breasts. I kneaded both of her breasts, lifting and squeezing them. Marsha's head was up and her chest heaved out, as she got goosed and tit – fondled by me. We were standing in the middle of the parking lot. People passed by, staring, then averting their eyes at the incongruous scene, the massive tall classy woman standing still, letting the small skinny old woman to fondle her breasts. They saw Big Marsha standing there, her breasts being lifted, squeezed and jiggled, never trying to escape or force me away. I just kept rubbing, lifting and squeezing her enormous breasts. I felt powerful. I don't understand why, but Big Marsha offered me that i could feel her any way i wanted for as long as i wanted and she wouldn't try to stop me. . I asked "Big Marsha i can grab your breasts and ass, for as long as i want, and you won't stop me?" . Big Marsha answered. "yes, go ahead, touch me all you want, anywhere I swear, as long as i am fully clothed and you are touching me through clothes i don't mind. I don t feel nothing. I am totally numb. I am a heterosexual woman. But please not in front of my husband. He is extremely jealous of any kind of attention I get. Please note I am not trying to sound conceited at all, but my looks and body shape get me quite a lot of attention from men. It's been that way since I started developing as a young teenager. I don't give in to these remarks or anything, but it still bothers him to no end. He'll get really clingy and start grabbing all up on me I guess to make it known we're together, which that can get frustrating sometimes. It'll bug him to death if I go out without him dressed up,texting and calling me about what I'm doing and who I'm with. This is very tiring. I don't like being told what to do or wear as I'm not a child. I'm not allowed to have any guy friends. My husband even doesn't allow me to talk to other guys. My husband doesn't want me around other guys, so i only attend these all female events." " . I asked again," are you sure about that?" Big Marsha answered "yes, absolutely. you can touch all you want. But I have to go now ". "Don t worry Big Marsha, !"i said and finally removed her hands from massive soft breasts. She walked off towards her car, i thanked her and went inside. What is wrong with Big Marsha?
  13. Thanks for your support. I took your advice. I groped Big Marsha again . Two days ago i attended this women in wine party. Big Marsha was there. She was wearing a purple long sleeve satin blouse buttoned up to the top tucked into tight pink satin pants and 5 inch heels purple shoes. She had full make up on. She was just standing there with a glass of wine in her hand. I walked up to her and started chatting with her. Just casual conversation mostly. So as we were talking I decided to try to make a move. While chatting I put my hand out on her lower back, which she didn't seem to mind at all. As we continue small talk, I slowly slide my hand down her back. I remarked how nice her perfume smelled as I slid my hand over her big ass. I could feel the routine of her panties thru her satin pants, as I gave her ass a little squeeze. She said "thank you", as we continued chatting. I reached back over and grabbed a full handful of her ass and I know I felt her push towards my hand. I slowly kept feeling and grabbing her fat ass as she looked down at me and gave me a little smirk . She let me feel for a few more seconds before pulling away. . Big Marsha sat on this chair and started a conversation with these women. I sat on the chair next to her on her left side. . "Big Marsha you are always so elegant. You are dressed in all this satin. I love your beautiful satin clothes. You are so sophisticated and elegant. I am fascinated with you. You are everything i am not. You look magnificent in these clothes. You are a colossal woman. We are all wearing flat shoes or sneakers, you are on those high heels. You are like a soft giantess among us." I smiled at her when i said this, and put my right arm around her shoulder. Big Marsha didn't pull away. I engaged the group in conversation, mostly small talk. . Then i started stroking Big Marsha's shoulder and upper back. I started complaining about my life. I just kept talking about my hard life. I was complaining about how shitty most people are to me. I just kept rambling on about my poverty and hard life. Then i dropped my hand down under Big Marsha's armpit, and i started touching the side of her right breast with my right hand, over her bra and blouse. I was subtly patting the side of her right breast for the next like 5 minutes. . I'm going to go to the bathroom," Big Marsha said, i removed my hand from the side of her right breast. She got up and went to the bathroom. .About 20 minutes later Big Marsha was standing and chatting with the host, i walked up from behind, reached up and put one hand on each of her shoulders. "Sorry Big Marsha. Oh , god, this feels good! This satin material" I said and slowly moved my hands down her back I continued moving up and down her back. I was literally massaging her back . Big Marsha wasn't opposing me in any manner. I just kept pushing these long strokes with my both hands from her lower back up to her shoulders. I continued working my palms into Big Marsha's shoulders, upper back and lower back while she was chatting with the host. Then i finally stopped rubbing her back and put my right arm around Big Marsha, and rested my hand on her right hip and joined the conversation. Then i lowered my hand down further, and rested my palm square on her right butt cheek. Big Marsha did nothing to stop this brazen move. I just kept chatting. My hand did more than rest – my palm slowly circled her big ass. I moved my palm all over her butt and said "Wow. This satin material.". I said to Big Marsha. "Dance with me," "Oh, no thank you, maybe later." she replied "One dance" i insisted, with a begging voice. Big Marsha agreed. We began slow dancing, i pulled her close to me. I pressed my face into her massive soft breasts(my face is exactly the level of her breasts). I caressed her back. I lowered my hands down her backbone. I slide my fingers below her tailbone. I rested both palms on her big ass cheeks. I looked around to see if other women were watching me groping Big Marsha's ass. They just sat/stood there and watched us dancing. I burrowed my head into her enormous soft breasts. I clenched her big butt with my both hands. I was getting wet. We danced slow, i started to grind my crotch into her leg. Since Big Marsha wasn't objecting to my smothering dance moves, i got bolder, and slid my right hand up her side and over her left breast. I squeezed her breast. I was literally grinding into Big Marsha. I kept squeezing her breast and her ass. Finally Big Marsha pulled out of my arms and said "I need to sit down and rest.." This chubby woman said to her" Just take your shoes off. I wonder how can you walk on those 6inch shoes all the time ". " "They are 5 inch. I don't want to take my shoes off. I love my shoes. I wear high heels every day too.All the time." Big Marsha answered to her. About 10 minutes later Big Marsha was sitting alone in the kitchen . I walked into the kitchen , closed the door and sat next to her, on her left side. I said "Big Marsha i just love your blouse. Satin is so smooth to touch. You are such a great woman. " I reached out with my right hand and started rubbing her whole front side concentrating on her massive soft breasts. I was rubbing and feeling up her breasts through her blouse and bra for like 5 minutes. Again she did nothing to stop me. We talked while i rubbed her breasts like nothing is happening. But I tried to reach her mouth and kiss her but she turned her head to the other side and didn't say anything. Then she got up and walked out of the kitchen. . About 30 minutes later Big Marsha was leaving. I asked if she can give me a ride home. She agreed. We walked out of the house. Shestarted walking ahead of me to get into her car. She open it, and get in. She asked me for my address. We started heading towards my home During this time, she was talking about her store. We get to my house, i invited her in. Big Marsha declined my offer. Then i couldn't resist and reached out with my right hand and started rubbing her whole front side concentrating on her breasts. I was rubbing and feeling up her breasts in her own car for like 2/3 minutes. Again she did nothing to stop me. We even talked about her store while she i rubbed her breasts like nothing is happening. Then again I tried to reach her mouth and kiss her but again she turned her head to the other side and didn't say anything. I thanked her for the ride and got out. I waved her off and then rushed inside my house to masturbate
  14. I love groping in public. I know it’s wrong but the thrill turns me on so much. I love to grope tall, curvy, ultrafeminine women. Thanks for your support
  15. Please don't judge me, i am a lesbian groper. I've been getting handsy with most tall, curvy , feminine women I know ever since I was 19 years old . I've had a history of being handsy with that type of women. I am totally fixated on satisfying my super weird fetish for giant, extremely feminine, curvy, heterosexual women that are out of my league. I get handsy with voluptuous, tall, curvy, ultrafeminine women and it's amazing how much they just let me get away with, probably because i am a short, skinny, physically weak woman. I am ugly and masculine, but i am just a tiny woman. I don't look tough and intimidating . All of these women my "victims" are much taller and stronger than me. . I have always enjoyed groping tall, curvy, feminine women. Running my hands all up and down their bodies, rubbing their backs/shoulders, grabbing, slapping and pinching their asses, copping a feel of their tits. As soon as one tells me it makes them uncomfortable or feel like an object I stop but most put up with it or even seem to enjoy it. It's great. That is driving me INSANELY horny. . I do think confidence is the key. They're so surprised that I did it that their brains just accept it. I always give it a go. I've noticed that voluptuous, tall, feminine, heterosexual women with big boobs and butts (like Big Marsha) are usually very accepting of being groped by other women so I do that often. They're usually surprised but don't know what to think about it so I just carry on doing it. I've had a couple of women tell me it makes them feel objectified, but most of them find it flattering. I even slap plain Jane women on the ass and I think they definitely take it as a compliment. . I'm very tactile and love groping. I honestly just love putting my hands all over a tall, curvy feminine woman's body. Running my hands all up and down their bodies, squeezing their ass and breasts. If I see a tall, curvy, feminine stranger woman I always try to grope her. Most of these women just let me grope them. I am getting off on it. I haven’t been able to have a healthy relationship with women because of this stuff and I feel like it will continue to be this way. I like straight women. I’m just into fems, but literally every tall, curvy, feminine woman I find attractive is straight. I always had a strong desire to have tall curvy straight women feel attracted to me. Being a short, skinny , ugly, soft butch woman is killing me. My height (5' ft 3") has been bothering me ever since I was a teenage girl. The majority of women are taller than me. I feel jealous of tall butch women who have a more masculine look than me. I am envious of strong bone structure and tall bodies. A lot of people mock me and insult me and laugh at height "jokes". Yeah treating me like a disgusting creature is really a funny joke. I feel pretty miserable about myself but being handsy with voluptuous, tall, curvy, ultrafeminine, classy women helps me feel validated and powerful. But the problem is that sometimes it haunts me and makes me feel bad and perverse. PLEASE DON'T JUDGE ME.
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