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  1. My ass is open to all cummers
  2. So true. Love it bare
  3. Would be fun to be out and see the look on the face of someone that recognizes her.
  4. I am bi, versatile. Lately into bottoming. Recently hooked up with a mm couple both tops and they both used my ass. Didn't get their info, was a random hook up at a bar.
  5. I was with my ex. I pretty much knew she was cheating but lacked any solid evidence. So, I called into work and didn't tell her. Drove a safe distance away, parked the car and walked back. Found a good hiding spot with a wide view. After a while, a guy shows up. I watch through windows. In short order she's sucking him, then they get undressed and find their way to bedroom. I thought about walking in an d all that, BUT, I'm rock hard. Well, I rub 1 out while watching them fuck. Didn't take long for me to cum. Only thing, I'm not getting soft. I'm still watching him fuck her bare. I start jacking off again. He breeds her and I cum even harder the second time. It took a while to go down. I didn't say anything to her. Instead watched many more times.
  6. I've been fucked by m/m couple. I bottomed for both of them
  7. That's hot.
  8. I think so lol
  9. Pregnancy is a risk of having sex
  10. My girl also but miscarriages
  11. My girl also but miscarriages
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