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fullyfashion1 last won the day on May 25 2024

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  1. If I think the person male or female is ok I hitch my stockings up through my trousers to give them the idea then sit with the legs of my trousers tight so the suspender bump is showing
  2. Last night I was staying in a small hotel in Aberdeen as I have a meeting this afternoon my wife was at home on a date with her younger boyfriend we are in our 60s. I was told before I went away that I had 7pm curfew that I had to stay in my room wearing my wife’s panties and to go on to chat and get humiliated by showing pics of myself in her pants this I tried and was chatting to a bull from America and asked him if I send a couple of pics of myself and I would screenshot his comments to send to my wife unfortunately he left when I sent the first one. did I ask to Much of him or would others of done it. Fully1
  3. Fullyfashion if anyone want a chat tonight
  4. Where do we find cocks that big
  5. On a train Aberdeen with panties suspenders and tan stockings on. the thrill is unbelievable
  6. Will be up near Aberdeen this weekend if anyone wants to meet up
  7. Very sexy lady would love to come over her and not just her photo. thanks for sharing
  8. Hi I’m from Scotland in my 60s would love to correspond
  9. Got to agree the first experience we had the chap started to slag off my cock size, which put my wife off and everything stop there with a lot of be ill feeling. because we share doesn’t mean we don’t love each other dearly.
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