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DESPERATELY wish my gorgeous wife would cuckold me!

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Is there a facility to show your location. Would certainly love that.

More than happy for you to seduce my wife.....

She will be home a loan tonight

Antigua, jolly harbour anchored just off the channel by No.6 green buoy

Big dodgers with name Secret Smile on the side.

Should she expect you to call??.....lol

To answer your serious question if one fills out location in the profile it does show to other users when you post.


To answer about a Captain Black boarding party, I am afraid not in Antigua at this time.  My range is rather limited as the sloop is out of action and only the tender available.


I will however keep my eyes open for Secret Smile in my waters one day.



  • Like 1

She is TRULY a cuckoldress now. Sunday night I hired a Greek God of a male escort to approach her at the bar while we were out at a casino and he really put the moves on her. After several drinks my wife said....well, here's the perfect opportunity to live out your twisted fantasy. You SURE you want this?...I told her, YES. She said...baby, this is going to hurt....I told her that I knew that. Guys, it did. It HURT watching that 24 year old guy with a MASSIVE cock fuck...and I mean FUCK my wife. He pussy fucked her, I had to watch him fuck her mouth and the part that probably hurt the most was she was so horny and turned on, she let him do something she has NEVER let me do...about 3/4 of way into it and ignoring me the whole time, she looked back at him while he was fucking her from behind and begged him to fuck her in the ass. I sat there and WATCHED this guy fuck my wife's ass with that gigantic dick. I could NOT believe it! I didn't even touch myself and after only 10 minutes into this I came all over myself. I had to sit there and watch the other solid hour of him fucking my sweet wife. It was the hottest thing I have ever experienced.

SHE obviously fucking LOVED it and wants to do it again. It really hurt to watch this. I may have started something.

  • Like 6

Anyone interested in putting me in my place and spending a night at the bar and dance floor with my wife? Then go upstairs to the hotel suite and make me sit in a corner chair like a good husband and watch every second of your bending my wife over and fucking and sucking every inch of her body??

Would love to


Perhaps this article written by Kole Reymond from his cuckold coach might help you in convincing her

Introduction To The Techniques - Before you learn the techniques that will make your woman willingly want to cuckold you, there are a few things you need to know about these techniques and why they work so well. This chapter will not take long to read but once read it will give you a proper understanding of what these techniques are about and what you are trying to achieve

by the application of these techniques. Once a firm understanding is grasped, you will find yourself understanding and applying the techniques both quickly and confidently.

Why should you use techniques to get your woman to cuckold you? - Most men who have a fantasy of being cuckolded often do not realize that their women do not share these same fantasies. While a lot of women will cheat on their men during a relationship, the idea of doing so with their men’s knowledge and consent seems taboo to them. Women are taught as young girls to be faithful to their men. Cuckolding their men seems anti relationship. It is important to remember that in order to get your woman to willingly cuckold you; you will have to mentally prepare her to be receptive to the idea. The correct application of the techniques that you are about to learn mentally prepares women to be receptive to the cuckold lifestyle.

Your woman has already refused to cuckold you. Will these techniques still work? - Definitely! The reason why most women refuse to cuckold their men is because the idea of a cuckold lifestyle was sprung as a surprise to them. The men who did so had no idea that they had to mentally prepare their women before confessing their desires. Even if your woman has already said no, if the techniques are correctly applied then the woman will become mentally receptive to the idea of a cuckold lifestyle and will willingly agree to enter the cuckold lifestyle when asked again.

Why do these techniques work if women are conditioned to be faithful? - Women are taught when they are young to be faithful to their men. They are socially programmed and conditioned to be sexually and emotionally faithful to one man. However scientific research reveals another story all together. You know that women are biologically programmed to mate with many men. It is an evolutionary trait that helps women to seek the best genes. These techniques appeal to the biological side of women.

The techniques help women subconsciously realize that through a cuckold lifestyle they will be able to satisfy their sexual urges that they are biologically programmed with, while at the same time still have a man that is faithful and loyal to them.

What is attraction and why is it so important with regards to the techniques?  - Women are always attracted to strong confident men. Men who women are strongly attracted to are perceived as being sexy and having good genes. It is very difficult if not impossible to get women to cuckold men who they are attracted to. In order to get your woman to indulge in the cuckold lifestyle you will have to first reduce a lot of the attraction she has towards you. However just reducing her attraction towards you can be harmful for the relationship in the long run. To guard against this you have to increase the amount of love and affection feelings that she has towards you. Each technique in this book helps to slowly reduce your partner’s attraction towards you but at the same time amplifies love and affection so that your woman remains emotionally faithful and loyal to you.

What do these techniques seek to achieve? - The ultimate goal of these techniques is to get your woman to willingly want to cuckold you. This goal is achieved by mentally preparing her

to be receptive to the idea of a cuckold lifestyle. The techniques if applied correctly will help your woman realize that she can cuckold you with out the fear of loosing you. The techniques taught are also designed to keep her emotionally faithful and loyal to you. Many men feel that using psychological techniques to get your woman to cuckold you is wrong. These men feel that psychology based techniques are wrong. They feel that such an approach is underhand, sneaky and just down right unethical. These men often advocate that if someone has cuckold desires then he should just confess these desires to his woman and if she really loves him she will agree to a cuckold relationship.

Their school of thought is flawed on many levels. For starters, the truth is that none of the techniques that I am about to teach you are anything close to underhand, sneaky or unethical. If

you have read the book from the beginning, you will be better able to understand the techniques and what they are trying to achieve. The techniques are designed to help your woman realize her core drives. They increase her affection and love feelings towards you and make you seem super dependable and reliable in her eyes. This gives her biological urges a chance to crop up and when the other techniques are used it makes her very receptive and very eager for a cuckold lifestyle.

Confessing a cuckold desire out of the blue like many men on various forums advocate will not only result in your woman saying a flat no but can also cause damage to your relationship. You will be frustrated that your desires are not being met and she will feel hurt that you are pushing her towards such a lifestyle. Another major flaw in the advice rendered by such men is that if your woman loves you she will agree to the lifestyle. Let me tell you that nothing can be further from the truth. If you go up to your woman and ask her to cuckold you, her saying no to you does not mean she doesn’t love you. I know this seems like a funny scenario but I have actually seen people dole out this kind of advice. The safest way to get your woman to cuckold you with out any repercussions is to use the techniques first and then confess your desires.

Meet Jack and Jane

Jack and Jane are a couple from New York. Like so many men Jack too has a cuckold desires and yearns to see Jane with other men. They are both going to play a big part from now on. I am going to use Jack and Jane to showcase how each technique should be used in a real life scenario. I felt that just teaching the techniques without giving you a live example of how they should be implemented would be wrong on my part and might prove difficult for you to fully comprehend and implement.

Jack Smith; - Location: New York, Occupation: Investment Consultant , Age: 47

Jack is a normal type of guy. He works hard for his living and he is doting and caring towards his wife. For the last two years, Jack has had a fantasy to see his wife Jane sleep with other men. After buying the cuckold coach manual he now knows the reason for his desires and he no longer feels guilty about them. He has decided to implement the techniques taught in the manual.

Jane Smith; - Location: New York, Occupation: Housewife, Age: 39

Jane is a housewife. She takes good care of herself and is in great shape for 39. She is traditional in her outlook and is socially conditioned to be faithful and loyal to her man. She does have

fantasies about other men but she feels guilty about these fantasies. Lisa Raymond is going to follow Jane right through the techniques and explain to you from a woman’s perspective how Jane is subconsciously reacting to the techniques that are being discretely applied on her.

Chapter 8

Personality Types - Women will subconsciously classify men into one of three personality types. They are the Lover personality, The Provider personality and the Looser Chic. Women will classify you into one of these personality types irrespective of your looks or your social and economic standing. Each of these personality types affects your chances of getting your woman to cuckold you in a different way. Given below is a description of each personality type and an explanation on how each personality type will affect a cuckold relationship. Later on in this chapter you will learn how to mould your personality in the eyes of your woman into the personality type that is most conducive to be cuckolded.

The Lover personality

Men who fall under this category are generally fun to be around with. They are mostly guys who love adventure, are spontaneous and most of them can be socially classified as bad boys. These men arouse strong sexual feelings in women. Women love to sleep with guys who fall under this category. Most men who seek a cuckold relationship do not fall under the Lover personality but there are exceptions. It is very difficult to get your woman to cuckold you if you are a lover personality because you are strongly triggering feelings of sexual attraction. If you fall under this category you will have to change your personality type (only in the eyes of your woman) to one that is conducive to be cuckolded. Don’t worry as it is easy to do so and in the following pages you will learn how to change your personality type in the eyes of your woman in no time at all.

The Provider personality

Men who fall under this category are normally men who provide a security blanket to women. The men need not be very rich and most of them are normal guys who draw fixed monthly incomes. Women will secretly admit to finding such type of men boring as they lack a sense of adventure and are not spontaneous. Women will remain with such type of men because they are extremely loyal and caring in a relationship. Men under this type are normally regular type of men. They do not trigger strong sexual feelings in their woman but rather trigger strong feelings of affection. Most men who seek a cuckold lifestyle already fall under this category. This personality type works best for a cuckold relationship. If you do not fall under this category do not worry as all you have to do is incorporate the traits of this personality type in your dealings with your woman. We will discuss this personality type in detail on the next page because this is the personality type that you must incorporate if you want to have a satisfying cuckold relationship.

Looser Chic

These are men who can neither trigger sexual attraction or feelings of security or feelings of affection. They are not the spontaneous adventurous bad boys nor are they able to provide a security blanket to women. This personality type is the most risky for a cuckold relationship because while the woman may be extremely receptive to the idea, there is a huge risk that she may eventually leave the looser chic for someone else.

If you fall under this category and want to enter the cuckold lifestyle it is much safer to incorporate the traits of the provider personality. As I said earlier, the traits of a provider personality can be easily learned and are easy to be incorporated in your dealings with your woman. Most men under this category do not normally have a desire to be cuckolded as they are always afraid of loosing their women. Very few men fall under this category. Normally most men are able to trigger affection feelings in their women.

Why the provider personality type works best for a cuckold relationship

The provider type of personality is most conducive for a cuckold relationship for a variety of reasons.

Unlike the lover personality the provider personality does not trigger strong sexual attraction in the woman so the woman is generally receptive to the idea of a cuckold lifestyle because it

gives her an opportunity to satisfy her sexual urges.

Women who are in a relationship with provider personality men genuinely love their men at a conscious and subconscious level for the security they provide. When these women indulge in a

cuckold lifestyle they remain emotionally faithful and loyal to their men. Also unless the man turns in to a looser chic personality the chances of the woman leaving the man are zero.

Most women who are in a relationship with men of the provider personality type are secretly bored and would love some spontaneity and adventure. Such women are more receptive to a

cuckold lifestyle because such a lifestyle provides them with a sense of adventure and spontaneity.

Women who are in relationships with provider personalities already tend to use sex to their advantage to get what they want from their men. Such manipulation by women towards their men creates an environment that is conducive for a cuckold relationship.

Most women who are in a relationship with men of the provider personality type are already in control of the relationship. So the idea of a man having a fantasy where the woman is in control does not come as a big surprise for them.

As seen the advantages of having the traits of a provider type of personality before confessing your desires of a cuckold lifestyle to your woman are enormous. It can be the difference between your woman accepting to go ahead with the cuckold lifestyle or not. As I said earlier, most men who seek a cuckold lifestyle are already of the provider personality type. However if you belong to another personality type then I realize that you may be a bit apprehensive of changing your personality type but the good news is you do not have to. All you have to do is learn the traits of the provider personality type and incorporate them in your dealings with your woman. Once your woman sees these traits in you she will subconsciously start to classify you as a provider personality. It does not matter under what category other women place you in as long as the woman you want to cuckold you classifies you as a provider personality.

How to get your woman to classify you as a provider personality

Most of the men who I coach are under the misconception that to be classified as a provider personality you have to be extremely well settled and be able to provide a rich and flamboyant lifestyle to a woman. This is definitely not true. Yes, rich guys are classified in most women’s minds as provider personalities but the fact is that most men that women will subconsciously classify as provider personalities are just normal regular men who can provide women with some level of stability.

Given below is a list of techniques that if done correctly will get you to be classified as a provider personality. They are easy and you can begin incorporating them in your dealings with your woman as soon as you are done reading them.

Be a nice regular type of guy.

One of the most important things that you can do to be classified as a provider personality is to start behaving like a regular nice guy. Remember the old cliché that nice guys finish last. Well

guess what? If your goal is to get your woman to cuckold you then being a regular nice guy will actually work wonders for you. The reason being that women have a strong sense of emotional

loyalty to nice regular men however at the same time nice men do not arouse them sexually. So when a nice guy tells his woman about the cuckold lifestyle the woman may appear a bit surprised at first but you can bet she is secretly happy about the whole idea and that it arouses her. It gives her an opportunity to be emotionally faithful and loyal to her man and yet lead a sexually satisfying life without feeling guilty of cheating on her man.

Stop being spontaneous.

This means stop all the surprise flowers, surprise gifts and all the other spontaneous stuff that you might normally do. Spontaneous behavior is a strong trait of a lover personality. Spontaneous behavior creates sexual attraction and if you are creating sexual attraction then your chances of your woman agreeing to cuckold you are minimal. Your aim is to stop creating sexual attraction but rather create feelings of emotional loyalty and faithfulness. Once your woman has cuckolded you then you can go back to being spontaneous.

Start being stable.

That means both financially and emotionally. Even if you do not have a job you can still appear stable by genuinely searching for one and focusing on your goals. Being stable or appearing to be stable is very important for a cuckold lifestyle because it keeps you from being classified as a looser chic. Remember if you are classified as a looser chic personality the woman will almost

certainly agree to the cuckold lifestyle but you run the risk of her leaving you for someone else.

Give into her demands.

Women will always be demanding towards men. It is a way for them to test you to help them figure out how strong your emotional quotient is. If you pass these tests you maintain control over the relationship and create strong sexual attraction. As I have said before creating attraction is not a good thing when you want your woman to cuckold you. Giving into her demands gives her control over the relationship. Normally when women are in control over the relationship they do not feel strong sexual attraction towards their partner and they then become very receptive to the idea of a cuckold relationship.

Pick up fights and apologize.

You are about to learn a powerful yet simple technique to get yourself classified as a provider personality type and at the same time get your woman to realize that she is in control of the

relationship. The next time your woman does something wrong, pick up a minor argument about it. Women never like to admit that they are wrong. She will try to defend herself and it is at

this junction of the argument that you see her point of view and agree that she is right and apologize for being wrong. Use submissive body language that you will learn later on in this book and explain to her how you understand her point of view. It does not matter how silly her argument is. Just apologize and tell her that she is right. This instantly lets her know that she is in control of the relationship and she will mentally classify you as a provider type of personality. You can either make the apology during the argument itself or wait for a little while after the argument and then apologize.

Be loyal and caring.

Most women who subconsciously classify their men as provider personalities do so because their men appear to be loyal and caring. Most men who want to be cuckolded are already loyal

and care a lot about their women. Reinforcing this fact helps a great deal. Make sure you often tell your woman that you are lucky to be with her, how you will never leave her and how you

will always be faithful to her. You need to start showing her that you care. Small deeds and actions can let her know you care in a big way. Being loyal and caring is important as it helps keep

your woman emotionally loyal and faithful towards you and this is important in a cuckold relationship.

Trigger feelings of security and stability.

A provider personality triggers feelings of security and stability in a woman. Most men feel that in order to do this you have to be rich. This is not the case. One great way to trigger these feelings in your woman is to pick up the tab every time you’ll go out. You’ll do not have to go anywhere fancy or the bill does not have to be a big one. It can be for a movie or a shake and the bill can be just a few dollars but it is important that you get the tab every time from now on even if you’ll have a policy of going Dutch

Let her know your lucky.

Nothing tells a woman she is in control of the relationship more than the guy telling her often how lucky he is to be with her. While this seems like a nice gesture, it does wonders to reduce

sexual attraction which is good for a cuckold relationship. At the same time it amplifies her sense of loyalty and faithfulness to you. Personally I would recommend telling your woman how

lucky you feel to be with her at least once in three to five days.

Use the challenge technique.

The challenge technique is a neat and fun game to play with your woman. Its role in successfully getting your woman to cuckold you is so vital that I have devoted a whole chapter to it. It is easy, lots of fun and it gives you an opportunity to get a glimpse of what the cuckold lifestyle with your woman will be like. Make sure you read the chapter on the challenge technique

carefully. Once you put it into use it will not only reinforce to your woman that you are a provider personality but it will give her more control of the relationship. You will find that after using

the challenge technique your woman will instantly become more dominant towards you which helps when your goal is to have a cuckold relationship.

Submissive Body Language.

Apart from demanding behavior and tests, women read men’s body language at a subconscious level to determine how strong their emotional quotients are. Strong positive body language

helps in creating strong sexual attraction which as I have already said is not going to get her to cuckold you. In the chapter on body language you will learn about submissive body language. It

does not matter if your body language towards others is strong and positive. If your body language towards your woman is submissive, she will classify you as a provider personality. The above techniques if used correctly will definitely get your woman to subconsciously classify you as a provider personality. However do exercise caution in using the above techniques. Do not get

up one morning and apply all the techniques at once. Your woman will realize something is cooking and it will backfire on you. Instead apply each technique slowly, one by one until you are at a stage where you are applying all the techniques in tandem.

Lisa Raymond:

Personality in men is a big issue when it comes to women. Unlike men we are not attracted by looks but rather personality. The two personalities that really catch a woman’s eye in general are the lover personality and the provider personality. While lover personalities do get our attention, we don’t normally fall for them because we instinctively know that they are not dependable.

However a lot of women fantasize about lover personalities and in a cuckold relationship would love to sleep with lover personality type of guys.

Women love men who exhibit signs of a provider personality because we instinctively know that these men are reliable and are ready to spoil and fuss over us. Women love this. Before we entered the cuckold lifestyle, I would say Kole was a mix between a lover and a provider personality. He had this lover personality streak at one time and a provider personality streak during

other times. When he started being a total provider personality I didn’t realize it at first and I guess it is a good thing because you don’t want us women to realize what’s going on. I did  eventually realize the loss of spontaneity but because he was sending all the other signs of a provider personality type I had this warm glow towards him and felt a stronger bonding. I feel the bonding that this personality type provides makes it a really important technique to employ when you’re goal is to get your woman to willingly agree to a cuckold lifestyle.

For me the technique where Kole would pick up small arguments with me over something that was clearly my fault and then later apologize really drove the point home that he was a dependable guy and one who wouldn’t leave me. At that time I felt I was in control, I had no idea it was actually a technique being used on me. All I can say is that when this technique was applied on me it worked very well!!

Hi Kole,

I bought your book two weeks ago and yesterday I tried one of your techniques. I picked up a fight with my partner over something trivial and something which I new was her fault. Like you said she argued that it was not her fault. I think I took her by surprise when I apologized to her but I could see that she was really happy about it. She gave me a big hug and I knew right then that I had come across as a provider personality. Your stuff really works.

Jose Fernandez


Jack picks up a fight with Jane

Jack has been studying the techniques in the cuckold manual for about three weeks now. He already tells his wife how lucky he is to have her and is very loyal and caring towards her. He now feels ready to try another technique on her. He decides that as his next move he is going to pick up a fight with her whenever she messes up so that he can apologize to her later. This week seems like a good time to try this technique. Things are going well between them and Jane has been in a really good mood of late. Monday and Tuesday passes by without any real opportunity for Jack to pick up a fight with Jane. Jack understands that you have to be patient and wait for the right moment to pick up this fight. This is the key to this technique. Instead of picking up a fight over the most trivial issue, wait for an incident where a fight seems natural. Remember women are very intuitive. You don’t want her to guess something is cooking.

The next day Jack comes home and realizes that Jane has forgotten to pick up a couple of his suits from the drycleaners. The drycleaners are right next to her gym and she was supposed to pick them up on her way back home. A couple of times in the past, Jane has forgotten to pick up Jack’s suits and the couple has argued over this issue. Jane normally states that she forgot about it and that since Jack has plenty of suits to wear to the workplace it shouldn’t be a big deal. Jack always argues that he likes to wear particular suits on particular days. Jack has picked up a good incident to argue over. He knows that Jane always argues back when it comes to her forgetting to pick up the suits and he is targeting an incident that isn’t attacking Jane personally.

Jack: Hey babe, I am meeting with a client over lunch tomorrow and I can’t choose between the grey suit and the navy blue suit. (Both these suits are at the cleaners) Which one do you think I should wear?

Jane: Instantly realizes that she has forgotten to pick up the suits from the dry cleaners. Hey babe, I really think that you should wear a black one. Both the other suits look better at night. (Notice how Jane suggested the black suit? Women will always subconsciously create a situation where they believe that their mistake isn’t going to cause any problems.)

Jack: No I still prefer the grey one. I think it’s just nice to wear when meeting a client. Besides I consider it to be lucky for me.

Jane: Already jumpy cause he turned down her suggestion on the black suit. Hey babe, the suits are still at the cleaners, I was supposed to pick them up today but I was so tired after my work out that I drove straight home. I guess you will just have to wear the black one.

Jack: What do you mean you forgot? You always forget to pick up the suits from the cleaners. The place is right next to your gym. I got to meet with a client tomorrow and I don’t have my lucky suit.

Jane: You’re being really irrational about this. What do you mean by a lucky suit? It’s just another suit. You have plenty of suits. You always behave like this. I told you I was really tired after my work out.

Jack and Jane argue over this for another five minutes and Jack walks out of the room. Jack goes into another room quite happy with how the argument played out. The argument was natural and Jane was trying to defend her self. He waits for around 10 minutes and he goes back to Jane. The key is to not wait too long before tendering the apology.

Jack: Hey Babe, You know what? You were right. I was acting a bit irrational. I am really sorry for loosing my cool. I guess I have been a little stressed out at work lately and I took it out on you. Besides your right, the black suit makes for a better lunch meeting any day.

Jane: Hey love, don’t worry about it. I am glad you saw my point of view. By the way I will pick up the suits from the cleaners tomorrow for sure.

Jack pulled of this technique really well. Jack pulled off the technique well because of the following reasons:

He picked up the argument over a seemingly trivial issue. The argument wasn’t personal.

He picked up the argument over an issue he knew Jane would try and defend herself.

He made sure that the couple only argued and that the fight wasn’t a full blown one. This made it easier to apologize later and for Jane to readily accept the apology.

He waited just for around 10 minutes before going back and making an apology. He didn’t delay in tendering the apology.

Lisa Raymond:

When Jack first bought up the topic of the suits, Jane would have instantly realized that she forgot to pick up the suits from the cleaners. Since this was an issue the couple has argued upon in the past, she was already conditioned to get defensive and argue on this topic. Even though Jane knew that she was in the wrong, she still argued and put her rationale across. When Jack came back and apologized to her, it probably did surprise her. I can tell you as a lady that the apology did a couple of things for Jane. First it secretly made her very happy that Jack apologized for

something that she messed up. It tells her that even if she messes up a couple of times that Jack will still be there and be understanding about the whole situation. At this point Jack is coming across as a dependable and a reliable mate.

The second thing that happens is that she starts to feel strong feelings of affection and love towards Jack. This is because Jack has come across as dependable and reliable.

Kole Raymond:

As you can see the above technique isn’t very hard to apply. One thing to remember is that you don’t want to over use this technique. You shouldn’t use this every day or your woman will guess that something is cooking. You can also use this technique in a scenario where your woman picks up an argument with you and that you are sure that you are in the right.

  • Like 3

I don't want to be made to watch that, but she said that is EXACTLY WHY she wants soooo bad to do it. She told me that I have been begging her for this for so long that she is going to give it to me and give it to me HARD. I asked her about the size of black cock, hoping desperately that it would make her think twice, you know....deter her. But I almost wanted to cry when she said, she WILL fuck and suck a random black guy whether I went on the trip or not. She said my choices were to see it or hear about it and she not only knew black cocks are bigger but that she was INTENTIONALLY a looking for one big enough to stretch her out so badly that I wouldn't be able to use my pathetic little dick (her words) inside of her again. Oh dear God, what have I done. My sweet baby. She is going to fuck a huge black cock and I know I will see it cuz there is no way I'm going to let her go alone.


  • Like 3

Then she told me this morning that black or white, it doesn't matter...she is currently seeking someone else besides me to stretch her out, she doesn't care WHO it is. She said she is even willing to PAY them to do it with my money

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