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The Door was opened


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     New here so I thought I would share how my wife and I started on the journey into the cuckold lifestyle.  When we married my wife was a virgin and I was not overly experienced.  I had several 'bi' encounters and she also had a 'bi' experience with a friend several times in the past.  We both knew about these encounters and admitted we had enjoyed them, but were both set on each other as partners.  After several years of marriage and a couple of kids things began to change.  My wife (though beautiful to me) was never a 'looker' and rarely got glances by other men.  She decided to try and lose some baby weight gain, work out and get healthy.  Through this process she became very attractive all of a sudden.  When she and I were out together I noticed men looking at her, turning heads at her now stunning ass in tight jeans.  She seemed oblivious, but it got my juices and thoughts going.  I started telling her how other men were looking at her, she just shrugged, but over time started teasing me about my jealousy.  When she did she noticed I got a huge erection, and got a confused look on her face.  This was the beginning of the internet age, so I started investigating different kinks and such and found cuckolding.  I knew I was on to something for me, but doubted she would ever go for it, I also found I was far more bi than originally thought and began having fantasies.  I trusted my wife implicitly, and our relationship was built on honesty, so I started sharing these fantasies with her.  At first the was taken aback, but then shared how she to had looked at different woman and men and wondered...that opened a crack in the door.

     After a lot of conversation and fantasy play in bed, she started reading some of the sites I had visited and began to tease me about being a cuck.  We would playfully banter, but I never thought it would go anywhere.  Then one day my wife came home from work (she was a nurse) and told me of a younger male aide who kept looking at her and she noticed he had a hard on (something he likely did not try to hide from her).  After she shared this she noticed I was hard as a rock, red faced, and yet breathing hard with excitement.  She grabbed my hand, sat me down and tole me to explain to her every emotion and thought I was experiencing.  I told her of the anger, jealousy, humiliation, fear, and yet total excitement of another man giving her sexual pleasure.  She grabbed my hand again, took me to the bedroom, stripped and literally sat on my face, rubbing her wet pussy on me till she had a huge orgasm.  She then went into the shower and refused to let me cum (she read this on some site).  Thus begun our first steps into FLR and her completely controlling my sex life.  Soon we moved into chastity and I was locked 24/7, only allowed to cum 1x a month through jacking off, yet her sexual appetite continually increased, I was orally and manually pleasing her at least 5x or more a week.  she started experiencing multiple O's, and was finding her onw sexual being and the power behind it.   Though cute, she knew she could not explore a relationship with the aide at work, and she was not quite ready to admit she wanted to screw another man.  We agreed the best way to flirt was to go out to a bar or club, she would sit at the bar or alone in a booth and I would sit alone and watch and protect her.  This went on for several weeks, she had plenty of suitors, most jerks, but one night a guy approached her and asked if he could buy her a drink and talk a bit.  She agreed and I could tell she really liked this one.  As they talked she motioned at me (later I found out she told him everything), and shared with him what we had been doing, and were not sure how far we wanted to take this.

     She accepted a date with him the next week at a dance club (he knew I would be in the shadows).  At the club they danced a few numbers, sat and talked, then a slow dance started.  I had never seen her so close to another man. He rubbed her back, then he gave her a slow passionate kiss (and she responded accordingly).  He moved his had onto her ass and caressed it slowly, at this I knew the door was wide open and likely never going to close.  After the dance she came to me and said we were going to his house for a nightcap.  When we arrived it was like we entered a new dimension.  Immediately he took charge, not in a bossy demanding way, just knew that we were in his domain and I was now a servant.  He took her to the couch, pointed to the bar and said to make them drinks.  As I started to walk over he said in a commanding voice, "cucks will always be naked in my house, and will learn how to serve or else."  I looked startled, but took off my clothes and went to the bar.  I poured some wine for the two of them and handed the glass to him first.  he told me to trun around and bend over (I did), and he pulled his belt out and gave me to hard swats.  "Woman, especially your wife will always be served first."  I looked at my wife with shame, but she was just in total awe of the whole situation.  He told me to go stand in the corner and watch as a real man made love to a woman.  

They started kissing, caressing and soon were naked.  I watched as my bride willing gave herself to this man. She went down on him (something reserved for my BD),  he slowly made love to her touching every area of her body.  Finally he looked at me and told me he was going to enter my wife, but first he needed my saliva on his cock.  He said this would seal in my mind that her pussy was now being fucked by a real man and I was only good to suck cocks from now on.  The insanity going through my mind as I watched them, she was being fulfilled in ways I never could have dreamed.  After several orgasms he finally came in her.  He told her to lay back and order me to clean her out.  She hesitated, but was so enthralled with the moment that she did as she was told.  I hesitated as well, but he softened and told me he knew this is what I wanted, this is what I had dreamed of..and he was correct.  

     My wife and I were silent in the car,  but we both agreed to talk thoroughly about what had happened this evening before we went to bed.  To shorten this long story, we both agreed this was something we wanted to pursue, the one thing that stands out was her reaction to me sucking cock,  She was actually proud of me and it seemed like it was natural for me.  She actually got excited and wanted to see me used more.  The door was opened...and never to close.  

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Cuckold Tests

10 hours ago, whips said:

     New here so I thought I would share how my wife and I started on the journey into the cuckold lifestyle.  When we married my wife was a virgin and I was not overly experienced.  I had several 'bi' encounters and she also had a 'bi' experience with a friend several times in the past.  We both knew about these encounters and admitted we had enjoyed them, but were both set on each other as partners.  After several years of marriage and a couple of kids things began to change.  My wife (though beautiful to me) was never a 'looker' and rarely got glances by other men.  She decided to try and lose some baby weight gain, work out and get healthy.  Through this process she became very attractive all of a sudden.  When she and I were out together I noticed men looking at her, turning heads at her now stunning ass in tight jeans.  She seemed oblivious, but it got my juices and thoughts going.  I started telling her how other men were looking at her, she just shrugged, but over time started teasing me about my jealousy.  When she did she noticed I got a huge erection, and got a confused look on her face.  This was the beginning of the internet age, so I started investigating different kinks and such and found cuckolding.  I knew I was on to something for me, but doubted she would ever go for it, I also found I was far more bi than originally thought and began having fantasies.  I trusted my wife implicitly, and our relationship was built on honesty, so I started sharing these fantasies with her.  At first the was taken aback, but then shared how she to had looked at different woman and men and wondered...that opened a crack in the door.

     After a lot of conversation and fantasy play in bed, she started reading some of the sites I had visited and began to tease me about being a cuck.  We would playfully banter, but I never thought it would go anywhere.  Then one day my wife came home from work (she was a nurse) and told me of a younger male aide who kept looking at her and she noticed he had a hard on (something he likely did not try to hide from her).  After she shared this she noticed I was hard as a rock, red faced, and yet breathing hard with excitement.  She grabbed my hand, sat me down and tole me to explain to her every emotion and thought I was experiencing.  I told her of the anger, jealousy, humiliation, fear, and yet total excitement of another man giving her sexual pleasure.  She grabbed my hand again, took me to the bedroom, stripped and literally sat on my face, rubbing her wet pussy on me till she had a huge orgasm.  She then went into the shower and refused to let me cum (she read this on some site).  Thus begun our first steps into FLR and her completely controlling my sex life.  Soon we moved into chastity and I was locked 24/7, only allowed to cum 1x a month through jacking off, yet her sexual appetite continually increased, I was orally and manually pleasing her at least 5x or more a week.  she started experiencing multiple O's, and was finding her onw sexual being and the power behind it.   Though cute, she knew she could not explore a relationship with the aide at work, and she was not quite ready to admit she wanted to screw another man.  We agreed the best way to flirt was to go out to a bar or club, she would sit at the bar or alone in a booth and I would sit alone and watch and protect her.  This went on for several weeks, she had plenty of suitors, most jerks, but one night a guy approached her and asked if he could buy her a drink and talk a bit.  She agreed and I could tell she really liked this one.  As they talked she motioned at me (later I found out she told him everything), and shared with him what we had been doing, and were not sure how far we wanted to take this.

     She accepted a date with him the next week at a dance club (he knew I would be in the shadows).  At the club they danced a few numbers, sat and talked, then a slow dance started.  I had never seen her so close to another man. He rubbed her back, then he gave her a slow passionate kiss (and she responded accordingly).  He moved his had onto her ass and caressed it slowly, at this I knew the door was wide open and likely never going to close.  After the dance she came to me and said we were going to his house for a nightcap.  When we arrived it was like we entered a new dimension.  Immediately he took charge, not in a bossy demanding way, just knew that we were in his domain and I was now a servant.  He took her to the couch, pointed to the bar and said to make them drinks.  As I started to walk over he said in a commanding voice, "cucks will always be naked in my house, and will learn how to serve or else."  I looked startled, but took off my clothes and went to the bar.  I poured some wine for the two of them and handed the glass to him first.  he told me to trun around and bend over (I did), and he pulled his belt out and gave me to hard swats.  "Woman, especially your wife will always be served first."  I looked at my wife with shame, but she was just in total awe of the whole situation.  He told me to go stand in the corner and watch as a real man made love to a woman.  

They started kissing, caressing and soon were naked.  I watched as my bride willing gave herself to this man. She went down on him (something reserved for my BD),  he slowly made love to her touching every area of her body.  Finally he looked at me and told me he was going to enter my wife, but first he needed my saliva on his cock.  He said this would seal in my mind that her pussy was now being fucked by a real man and I was only good to suck cocks from now on.  The insanity going through my mind as I watched them, she was being fulfilled in ways I never could have dreamed.  After several orgasms he finally came in her.  He told her to lay back and order me to clean her out.  She hesitated, but was so enthralled with the moment that she did as she was told.  I hesitated as well, but he softened and told me he knew this is what I wanted, this is what I had dreamed of..and he was correct.  

     My wife and I were silent in the car,  but we both agreed to talk thoroughly about what had happened this evening before we went to bed.  To shorten this long story, we both agreed this was something we wanted to pursue, the one thing that stands out was her reaction to me sucking cock,  She was actually proud of me and it seemed like it was natural for me.  She actually got excited and wanted to see me used more.  The door was opened...and never to close.  

Wow great story. Wonderful to also share the mindset progression ...as well as the erotic details. Have you and your sexy wife continued in the lifestyle? Certainly would love to hear more. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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Thanks for responding 2mikl.  Yes we did continue the FLR marriage and she had several lovers over the years, both m and f.  Ours was not the traditional cuck (or at least the fantasy version many like to 'hope' for).  Our first (Steve) became our mentor and friend and we were with him several years.  He enjoyed more of the BDSM lifestyle and brought us to a place and level where we felt more alive and comfortable in the lifestyle.  J (my wife), was always submissive in her persona for most of her life, and yet enjoyed being the 'Queen" of the home.  As a sub myself it was natural to fall into that role in the home and life.  Steve hated labels, so he was never called 'Master' or 'Bull', yet in his domain there was no compromise as to who was in charge.  Low key, yet definite roles and expectations.  What worked for us was his ability to bring out our natural desires and train us to live joyfully in those roles.  As stated in the first post we had begun exploring chastity and this became a permanent arrangement.  In the 25 years I rarely had sex with my wife (BD, Christmas, and a 'freebie' I got to choose).  Sometimes she would unlock me and play, and if she decided she wanted it would allow me to enter.  She knew however I would likely cum as soon as I entered (or even before) and this was part of her 'fun' sadistic streak (which I lived for and adored).  Perhaps more of those stories in the future.  Steve had a couple of woman and men in the lifestyle (both cuck and BDSM) that he enjoyed being with and eventually we were brought into that fold.  One couple in particular we bonded with, both bi and similar to our situation. My wife was not into becoming a 'slut', she really enjoyed relational aspects as well as the physical, so finding these friends was paramount in the success of our marriage and life happiness in our lifestyle choice.  

I will share more in depth in later posts, but Steve was her lover and mentor for the first 3 years or so, Sue (wife of the other couple) became her lifetime friend and lover, her hub Rob became a good friend of mine and we were expected (and allowed) to release our sexual tensions on each other.  Seems like a strange dynamic but it worked..me being the total bottom for the group.  Both J and Sue would continue their relationship until my wife's death 2 years ago, would at times just go away on holiday and enjoy each other, or have a fling with guys who were vetted through Rob and I.  Sometimes we would accompany them, a couple of times a year they would just enjoy going out and being together.  With her passing the key to my cage has been passed on to Sue.  While I have no physical relational with her, I am very thankful she provides that dominant guidance I have relied on...plus she seems to know when I need that occasional spanking or other 'punishment' (more funishment) to get me through the day.  

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