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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by crimea68

  1. 'Goodhusband' is just a stupid schoolboy
  2. to pathetic virgin kid named yourself 'Goodhusband' - >>>> it is an adult forum, poor kid. Don't be SO silly, liitle boi.
  3. oh yesss! Great!
  4. someone sent me the link to the hypnosis video but i am not sure to open this video...he said that it is just porno nothing more but i watched it and now i feel strange...dizzy...something wrong with my mind... Now I feel better. But when I see a cock i lose my will and my mind...(YIM crimea68)
  5. damn..i feel strange...something wromg with my mind...
  6. well ok i'll try...my wife is not in the room and i can open the link
  7. Someone in the chatroom on CF sent me the link to the hypnosis video but i am not sure to open this video...he said that it is just porno nothing more but i am afraid a little...have you ever seen that? http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=2051584720 should i open the link or not? how do you think? i am not sure...
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