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Cuckold Porn


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About brumbull

  • Birthday 01/11/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Birmingham, UK
  • Interests
    Looking for a regular long term couple but happy to play whilst i look!

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  1. Robert, what a great story and even better pics, thank you on behalf of all site users. BB
  2. Steve, do you ever come down South? I'd be happy happy to pay for a hotel for you both in Birmingham and we could have a "chance meet" that we develop. Let me know if you're interested. BB
  3. Hi All, Genuine UK Bull, looking for a couple who want control and direction. Not interested in on-line chats, looking at pics and telling people how good i am and what i'm going to do. Please only contact if you're looking for similar. Happy to travel or accommodate. BB
  4. What a great conversation! Love all the comments, if anyone would like to send me pics of their ladies i'd be more than happy to tell you what i'd do given half the chance! BB
  5. Hi DeeDee, nice story! I'm guessing it's a 24/7 thing for you guys. I haven't come across that before, most couples i have met are into the scene more for just the sex side so i imagine live "normal" when they're not meeting. Maybe that's just what i imagine though and nothing like reality. Can i ask another question, and this one is to everyone. Are the majority of bulls arrogant twats who can't string a sentence together? Obviously being from that side i don't get to talk to that many but reading through responses and posts on the site there seems to be a lot of, "I would fuck you in da ass" type statements and not much conversation. Is this what cuck couples want or do you prefer a bull that can communicate on the same level as yourself before joining you both in the bedroom? Hope i haven't upset the other bulls in the room. lol BB
  6. Really interesting to read it from the cucks side and point of view. I've got to honest i've never given it a second thought before, just relished in the fact that someone wants me to fuck his wife in front in of him. What's going on in the mind of the wife who humiliates her husband? I used to meet regularly with a couple where the wife really got off on humiliating her husband, telling how good i was or how much bigger than him i was and then would make him lick us both clean. Whilst i've got to admit i enjoyed it i always wandered what their life was like out of the scene when they were living their everyday life. I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts. BB
  7. Hi Guys, where are you both? Ben
  8. Hi Guys, i'm very interested but i'm in the Midlands. Are you up this way at all? Ben
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