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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by SooRight

  1. Re-posting! Back up! What do you think? https://unsee.cc/4ebaa1aa/
  2. Back up! https://unsee.cc/17429a49/
  3. Gimme your thoughts and join the fun. What do you think? https://unsee.cc/55c7cb45/
  4. Hi all! PM ME! If you wanna help me with my GF! Thanks
  5. https://unsee.cc/nitebadu/
  6. If any of you wanna chat with me about my prude slutty tough gf. PM or msg me asap
  7. https://unsee.cc/gunatomi/
  8. Tell me what you think. https://unsee.cc/nizabume/
  9. Hi!I am brand new here and I wanted to introduce myself.I am looking for a bull to work with, in order to mentally seduce my gf. She is the friendly shy typical conservative type but definitely enjoys attention. I believe she is to overly shy in person to speak to about any of her hidden inner sexual fantasies etc.I would like to get a bull to befriend her and gain her trust and then mentally seduce her to reveal all that is hidden within. I am looking for someone who is dedicated and consistent and willing to daily text her etc within reason.Would this interest you? PM me or msg me on kik chat PKPBOSS
  10. Hi all! I am in search for a dedicated dude who can help me out with my GF! Someone who is experienced in seducing her over text and interested in helping me reveal all her hidden inner fantasies etc. This will involve a reasonable amount of patience and time! If you are interested and want to know more. PM ME immediately and lets figure out a solid plan. You can also leave me your kik info... Its easier to chat that way aswell. Thanks
  11. If anyone is interested in trying to mentally seduce my gf through txt... msg me. Lets chat and figure out a plan of action. PM your kik info. Lets get this going!
  12. If anyone can help me with my gf... pm me or give me your kik info
  13. I am looking for someone to help me seduce her / get her to open up about her hidden fantasies through anonymous txting. If you're interested msg me... Lets see if we can come up with a plan. Thanks SooRight
  14. https://unsee.cc/tubipera/
  15. Hi All! I got an overly shy gf who I want to show off and get some feedback on. I really wish is was willing to be put on display, but is too shy for her own good.... Let me know what you think... Feel free to comment https://unsee.cc/mapozesi/ Thanks SooRight
  16. If anyone is interested in trying to mentally seduce my gf through txt... msg me. Lets chat and figure out a plan of action. Thanks
  17. Agreed... I wish there was a easier way to tell them
  18. Agreed.. I am also trying to find out what the middle ground is aswell
  19. Amazing Fantasy
  20. I really crave showing her off at times...
  21. Any pics of her Flipboy? I guess I am somewhat in the same position without the 2 years of course. I fuck my gf quite often and she loves my cock. But I crave and have fantasies about seeing her with other men & women... I'd love to see how beautiful she would look with all her holes filled...
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