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Cuckold Porn


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  1. seen a lot of those before
  2. Have been cruising pron sites for a long time but about a week ago I saw someone that looked very familiar. Looked at it very close and saw a birthmake that matched one on my wife exactly. I looked at it for a week or so and finally asked her to look at it for herself. after some questioning she admited it might be her. she had a HUGE black cock in her pussy and a pleased look on her face. I have never been able to get that look from her myself but it was a hot picture . She fnally admitted she loved black dick and liked more cocks . That really got to me because I'de been afraid to bring up the subject to her. After a while we decided to try it out for ourselves. It was wonderful. I will never go back. Loved eating his cum from her pussy and shr learned to be able to tell me her desires without fear. . Made us closer as a couple.
  3. in my earlier years my ex wife used to have a line at the bedroom door , and being the good husband/cuckold I was I would make sure they were hard before they went into the bedroom. Sad thing is that ended when we divorced and I got remarried but this wife loved me being a cuck too.and she shared. LOL
  4. I was chatting with a guy online late last night and this subject was kind of in the forefront . I was actually invited over to help clean his wife after a session. Just the thought after all this time has me thinking about it seriously again.
  5. Bryan, lost her to cancer a few yrs ago. So about all I have left is memories. she cucked me for several yrs but with my premission and we both agreed on things.She loved large cocks and i did too. I really miss those days . Thanks to all the guys that have posted pics that brought back so many memorys especiall the BBC guys. She did love that and I really got off on it too
  6. I always loved seeing a black cock in my wife and seemed like they always cum a ton too. we both enjoyed the times and the different cocks we had back then.
  7. I asked my wife and she asked if I really wanted to know. I said yes and she said more than 10 but less than 100. I tend to believe its closer to 100 than it is to 10
  8. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it. My first wife and I started with just her bull and wound up with as many as 5 guys in one night. I never even got my cock close to her again.But I did find out I loved to eat cum from her pussy.her pussy and suckher pussy and suck
  9. my first post here but I wanted to thank all the guys that haved shared the pictures especially pics of their wives. It has years since i got to eat another mans cum from my wifes pussy thanks to an operation on my part and wife passed away several years ago. I loved it when her lovers would leave me a gift in her and she loved the varitity of cocks she got and we had a wonderful marriage because of it.
  10. my wife loved big and I mean BIG black cock
  11. done that and it is a turn on
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