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Cuckold Porn

El Cojelon

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Everything posted by El Cojelon

  1. Come and read the 4th Story of My favorite erotica Cuckold network First Steps To Being A Cuckold Pt. 02 bylondondavid© "What's wrong?" It had been a few days since our last chat about Karl. I'd been distracted, even upset, by what my wife had said. Not about any one thing - though being told she was planning to meet up with a younger, richer, taller, better hung guy made my tummy flip over when I thought about it. Nor about the fact he was black. It was more than everything about him seemed different to me, and that worried me. "Is it about him? Karl?" My wife wasn't going to let this lie. She reached across the sofa, where we'd curled up to watch TV, and touched my arm. "Look, it's just that, you know...you seem to have gone for an upgrade in every area," I confessed. "That feels a bit hard to take, you know?" I figured that I had little to lose by being honest. It had got me this far, after all. My wife frowned and scooted along the sofa to be and nuzzled into my neck. She knew this was the best way to distract me, I love my neck being kissed. "Look, silly," she began, kissing just below my ear lobe, making my head spin gently. "I love you in every way. You get that, don't you?" She leaned back to check my reaction. I was frowning too, trying to make sense of the emotions running through me. "I do. I'm just worried. That you'll experience him and..." - I looked her in the eye - "that'll be that for us." She shook her head and got up to stand in front of me. She was wearing a white strappy vest top, which squeezed her boobs together, with no bra, and dark blue cotton pyjamas, which hugged her hips. "Look", she started again, a note of irritation entering her voice. "You started this. You asked me if I was satisfied. I said I was. We could have left it there. But you pressed. And you asked me if I wanted to try something else. You said you'd be OK with it. So, I said 'yes'." She spun round, to look out of the window, to the houses across the street. "I mean...who wouldn't? The chance to just...have some fun? With someone else?" "OK, I'm sorry", I stammered. "It's fine. It's just..." I couldn't find the words. A pause followed. She knelt down by me, and looked me straight in the eye. "I'm not going to keep having this conversation. You said it was fine and I have put myself right in the firing line with you now." I could tell she was upset, her cheeks had gone pink and her eyes darted from side to side. I said nothing. "He's younger than you, big deal. He's taller. Who cares? I don't give a toss about his job, he was just by far the nicest guy who replied to my advert, for God's sake. Some of the guys...Jesus!" I'd not seen her ad, nor asked to see it. I nodded, to show I understood. "I know this isn't about him being black, you're better than that. And I only told you about it to wind you up. It's not about any of that, is it?" I shook my head, dumbly. She stood up again, right in front of me, and put her hands on her hips. "So, I think it's about his size, isn't it? Or yours?" I looked down for what seemed an age. I couldn't meet her eyes. "Sweetheart?" I looked up. She was smiling, kindly now. The irritation seemed to have passed. She squatted down in front of me, and put her hands on my knees. "You need to get a few things into your head. Properly. Number one," she reached for my crotch and put a hand on where my flaccid cock was sitting in my shorts, "I love what this can do for me. That's not going to change. But number two..." - I tensed. "Number two is that you asked me if I'd like to try something different, something bigger. And, you know? I would. That's not a crime." I nodded again. My mouth was dry, if I knew what to say, I'd not have had a chance of getting the words out. "I mean, " her eyes grew wide, "who ever heard of someone cheating with someone with a smaller cock?" I could see the point, and smiled sheepishly. "Imagine if he was a carbon copy of you, "she continued. "That would be something worth worrying about. He's different, in loads of ways. He seems nice, which is, you know, very important for what we plan to do together" - my heart skipped a beat - "but, apart from that..." she searched for the phrase for a second - "it's just a trip. An excursion. And one you wanted me to take. So, can you work with me on it? Please? And, you know, trust me?" She smiled, and ran her hands through her blonde tousled hair. I nodded. I was relieved at the breaking of the tension, pleased to hear reassuring words from my wife, who I was slightly surprised to learn was becoming more and more attractive to me. And just a bit worried by talk of a 'plan'. But you can't have everything, right? "Right, good." She leaned in to kiss me, and slid her hands up onto my crotch. "Now, let me show you what I think of this guy." And with that, she began unbuttoning my cargo shorts. I let her slip them off and over my bare feet. My dick had started to harden and was poking up through my blue cotton boxers. "Time to get these off too", she whispered, and pulled them down and off. By now my dick was stiff as a pencil, poking straight up. I'm uncircumcised, but my foreskin had rolled itself back. My balls were tight and I was at full size, just over five inches, and about as thick as ever, maybe four and a half inches at the widest point of the head. "If you ever, ever worry about what I think of you" - she grabbed my dick in one hand - "or this little fellow...just remember this." And with that, she bowed her head and took me in her mouth. After thirty seconds of gentle, sucking and licking, I couldn't hold back. Normally - well, on the infrequent occasions on which http://68.media.tumblr.com/9a24020136ea0577cff928eedd72f9c6/tumblr_od6l2jyfN61vezhymo1_500.gif I got a blow job from her these days, maybe once every three months or so - she'd pull her head back and away if I got close to cumming, but this time, as I got ready to blow, she stayed in place, lips wrapped tightly around my dick. My climax hit me, and I threw my head back, and felt four or five powerful shots pump out into her mouth. "Jesus, fuck, God..." As the orgasm subsided, I looked down at her. She raised her head, letting my rapidly deflating dick fall from her mouth. She swallowed, a big swallow, winced, then beamed a big smile, looking me in the eye. "That never tastes good. But do you feel better now?" "M-Much, much. Thank you." I stammered. "Good boy," she replied, as she stood up. She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. "And I'll be doing that for him soon, you know that don't you?", she whispered. "I know", I replied. My heart felt as if it would burst. Another kiss, this time on the top of my head. She lingered for a second, murmuring into my hair. "Good boy. Thank you. Love you." "Thank you, love you too," I whispered back. And with that, she left the room, leaving me to dress myself.
  2. Here we go with the 3rd story at My favorite erotica Cuckold network its a serie of 5 stories. First Steps To Being A Cuckold bylondondavid© The thought of not being big enough for my wife had driven me mad for the last year. Ever since she had asked me if I was 'in yet', during a night of pretty drunken sex. After a few days of sulking, she'd finally asked me what was wrong and I'd told her. 'Look, if you want bigger, that's fine, at leaast just let me know.' She looked terrified, clearly hurting at the idea she'd hurt me. 'No, no, of course not.' She kissed me urgently. 'It was just the angle was wrong. And you were a bit soft, because of the booze. I love you, I love what we do in bed, you're a lovely size, a good size. Really.' I let it go, allowed myself to be reassured. We got over it. I'm pretty realistic. I know that most if not all girls I've slept with have had more than my five inch by four inch dick. Including my wife. But the subject had been broached. Six months later, after another drunken sex session, my tongue loosened by alcohol, lust and adrenalin, it came out. 'Look. I know you say I'm fine, size-wise.' She turned to look at me. 'You are, you are! I just came, didn't I?', she said, wriggling up the bed to lie next to me. She seemed desperate for me to feel OK, to feel reassured. 'Yes. But look...' I could hear the blood pumping in my ears. 'Just...' She was looking at me, trying to work out what I was going to say next. I wasn't sure myself. 'Just...if you ever wanted to get something bigger, that's fine by me.' The penny dropped, then hung in mid-air. She wrinkled her brow, puzzled. 'What, a toy? A dildo?' Oh God, I was going to have to spell it out. My head swam. I was in too far to back out now, though. 'Sure, a toy, fine, sure, if you want. But if you want another guy...a bigger guy, that's fine too. Just let me know about it. Please don't cheat.' Her eyes grew wide like saucers.'You want me to...fuck another guy?' She couldn't have sounded more incredulous. 'I'm not saying I want you to', I replied. 'But, look, if you wanted to, you know, someone different, bigger, I don't know, I'd be OK with it. Just don't cheat on me, I'd hate that.' I could see her trying to compute what I'd said. We were both drunk, which made it eaier to talk, but harder to understand. 'Is this...do you want to sleep with someone else?' 'No, this is about you. I want you to feel OK, to feel good. Not like you're missing out.' She rolled over, away from me. 'OK. Look, I need to sleep now.' Oh God, I thought. I've blown it now. I moved over to kiss her shoulder. 'Look, I'm sorry, please don't be freaked out. It's just...I want you to be happy, to feel good, and I don't think I do that.' She reached over without moving, and stroked my arm. 'OK, it's fine. I hear what you're saying. Don't worry. You're wonderful. But let's sleep now.' Within minutes, she was snoring, fast asleep. I dropped off shortly afterwards. The next day, I woke to find she'd left and gone to the gym. When we saw each other at lunchtime, she was fine - loving, close, touchy-feely, chatty. I hadn't offended her, that was clear. But it didn't feel like the right time to press it, to either apologise or to ask again. That lasted a week. The following Saturday morning, we woke late and atfer the usual preliminaries, she climbed on top of me. I loved my wife riding me. Her golden hair fellover her face, her large boobs swayed in front of my face. She'd let me play with her clit, the only way she ever came with me inside her, and she'd already cum. Now she was riding me hard. She had ample hips, slightly thick thighs. It always felt like I wasn't filling her, or even making much impact. The thought made me feel inadequate and horny at the same time. She lowered her head to kiss the crook of my neck. It drove me wild. I grabbed her hips and pulled her onto my dick, thrusting myself into her wetness as hard as I could. 'Is this how you imagine me with another man? With someone else?', she whispered. I could hardly believe my ears. 'Yes, yes', I gasped. 'Like this, or on your back, or from behind, loads of ways. Every way.' She burrowed deeper into my neck, riding me hard. 'Good, because it's going to happen. I want it to happen.' At this, I couldn't hold back, and started to cum. She moved her mouth to my ear and bit and licked it, hard, making me writhe with pleasure. She knew I loved my ears being bitten. It made me feel taken and small. 'It's going to happen, it's going to happen', she whispered, over and over again, as I came inside her. A little later, our lovemaking over, we were lying next to each other, on our backs, staring at the ceiling. The silence was becoming oppressive. We both knew something had been said that couldn't easily be ignored. I took a deep breath and rolled over to look at her. 'So, you're, er, you're going to do it?' There was a long pause, as she rolled over to look me in the eye. She looked serious, staring at me for several seconds, as if to gauge my mood. Finally, she spoke. 'Yes. I'd like to. But only if you're OK with it. Really OK. I mean, totally OK. No changing your mind, or panicking and backing out. If you're not OK, you have to be honest with me.' She looked deadly serious now. This was it, my chance to make it happen or to back out. I jumped. 'I am 1000% OK with it and I will love you regardless of what happens.' A smile broke out over her face, a mixture of admiration, love and bemusement. Again, she looked at me for what seemed like an age, searching in my face for any sign that I was bluffing. 'OK, it's happening, no going back.' She leaned over to kiss my forehead. And with that, her phone rang, her best friend calling for a chat. 'Hi V, how are you? No, I'm not busy...' She leapt up from the bed and wandered into the kitchen. And that was that. - 'I think I've found him.' These were the words I'd dreaded and longed to hear for two weeks. She had declined my offer of helping her find the guy she was going to sleep with and told me that she had it in hand. Still, I was taken aback by the fact she'd actually done it. Another boundary broken. 'Er, can I ask about him?' 'Sure, she replied, brightly. I was suddenly struck by how pretty she was. 'Is he...local?' She laughed. 'Yeah, he lives next door! No, only joking, he's out in ________. So, you're not likely to see him in Tesco.' Again, that look – patient, kind. My mind went blank. I had a thousand questions but they all seemed to jam my brain up. Seeing my confusion, she carried on, speaking slowly, taking time over every word. 'He's 30. He's single... and he's a banker.' I'm 43, so he's younger and richer than me. Fuck. In fact, younger than her, she's 41. 'And he's called Karl.' 'Right.' A few seconds passed. 'And I'm seeing him next weekend.' I still didn't know how to ask what I really wanted to know. I needed her to tell me, but I couldn't ask. So I sat there, dumbly staring at my wife. A long pause. She cocked her head on one side. 'Isn't there anything else you want to know?' The smile was a little slyer this time. She wasn't going to make it easy for me. 'Yes...is he, er, good-looking? Tall?' She tossed her head back and laughed. 'I wondered when we were going to get to this! Yes, he's nice looking,' she replied. Silence. I had no idea what to say. 'And he's tall, six-two, and he's fit. In the pictures, anyway.' So, six inches taller than me. And she had pictures. Right. Another pause. I had literally nothing to say. She smiled again, a bright smile, as if she'd just won a prize and was bringing me the good news. Which, in a way, I guess she was. 'So, you know...lucky me!' A lovely smile now, like she was a mother speaking patiently to her child. I frowned. She rubbed my cheek. She could see this was hard for me. 'Are you really OK with this?' she asked. 'Yes, I'm fine', I stammered. 'Honestly. I am. It's all a bit new, very new' - I felt myself blushing bright crimson - 'but, really, honestly, I'm good.' She got up from the table, and leaned over to kiss my neck. 'That's good, really good. Thank you so much', she whispered. Then she stood up and pouted a little. 'But isn't there anything else you want to know? About him?', she asked, staring right at me. This was it, she was going to make me ask her. I could feel myself blushing, and I couldn't meet her eyes. 'Er...is he big?' 'What do you mean?', she asked, coyly. She was enjoying this. 'This guy. Karl.' Once more, the sweet look. 'What do you mean? Say what you mean, sweetheart.' 'I mean...is he big? Is his dick big?' How I got those words out, I will never know. Now it was her turn to blush a little. And to smile, that patient, kind smile once more. She spoke slowly again. 'Yes. He sent me some pictures of it. He's got an eight inch cock. So, yes, It's long. And it's thick. Like, *this* thick' - she held her fingers apart as if describing a pretty girth cucumber. Way thicker than me. My head started to spin and my throat went dry. 'So, to answer your question - Yes. He has a long and thick cock.' Big smile now. 'So, you know...winner!' She was beaming now. 'Right, OK. OK', I stammered. I tried to look normal, as I came to terms with what I'd just heard. 'And one more thing.' She stood up and leaned in to whisper in my ear. 'He's black.' And with that, she kissed the top of my head, picked up her phone and walked into the garden to call one of her friends. I sat there for quite a while. Report Story bylondondavid
  3. Here we go with the 3rd story at  My favorite erotica Cuckold network its a serie of 5 stories.


    First Steps To Being A Cuckold


    The thought of not being big enough for my wife had driven me mad for the last year.

    Ever since she had asked me if I was 'in yet', during a night of pretty drunken sex.

    After a few days of sulking, she'd finally asked me what was wrong and I'd told her.

    'Look, if you want bigger, that's fine, at leaast just let me know.'

    She looked terrified, clearly hurting at the idea she'd hurt me.

    'No, no, of course not.' She kissed me urgently. 

    'It was just the angle was wrong. And you were a bit soft, because of the booze. I love you, I love what we do in bed, you're a lovely size, a good size. Really.'

    I let it go, allowed myself to be reassured. 

    We got over it.

    I'm pretty realistic. 

    I know that most if not all girls I've slept with have had more than my five inch by four inch dick.

    Including my wife. 

    But the subject had been broached. 

    Six months later, after another drunken sex session, my tongue loosened by alcohol, lust and adrenalin, it came out.

    'Look. I know you say I'm fine, size-wise.'

    She turned to look at me.

    'You are, you are! I just came, didn't I?', she said, wriggling up the bed to lie next to me. 

    She seemed desperate for me to feel OK, to feel reassured.

    'Yes. But look...' I could hear the blood pumping in my ears. 'Just...'

    She was looking at me, trying to work out what I was going to say next. 

    I wasn't sure myself.

    'Just...if you ever wanted to get something bigger, that's fine by me.'

    The penny dropped, then hung in mid-air.

    She wrinkled her brow, puzzled.

    'What, a toy? A dildo?'

    Oh God, I was going to have to spell it out. 

    My head swam. 

    I was in too far to back out now, though.

    'Sure, a toy, fine, sure, if you want. But if you want another guy...a bigger guy, that's fine too. Just let me know about it. Please don't cheat.'

    Her eyes grew wide like saucers.'You want me to...fuck another guy?' 

    She couldn't have sounded more incredulous.

    'I'm not saying I want you to', I replied. 'But, look, if you wanted to, you know, someone different, bigger, I don't know, I'd be OK with it. Just don't cheat on me, I'd hate that.'

    I could see her trying to compute what I'd said. 

    We were both drunk, which made it eaier to talk, but harder to understand.

    'Is this...do you want to sleep with someone else?'

    'No, this is about you. I want you to feel OK, to feel good. Not like you're missing out.'

    She rolled over, away from me.

    'OK. Look, I need to sleep now.'

    Oh God, I thought. I've blown it now.

    I moved over to kiss her shoulder.

    'Look, I'm sorry, please don't be freaked out. It's just...I want you to be happy, to feel good, and I don't think I do that.'

    She reached over without moving, and stroked my arm.

    'OK, it's fine. I hear what you're saying. Don't worry. You're wonderful. But let's sleep now.'

    Within minutes, she was snoring, fast asleep.

    I dropped off shortly afterwards. 

    The next day, I woke to find she'd left and gone to the gym. 

    When we saw each other at lunchtime, she was fine - loving, close, touchy-feely, chatty. 

    I hadn't offended her, that was clear. 

    But it didn't feel like the right time to press it, to either apologise or to ask again.

    That lasted a week. 

    The following Saturday morning, we woke late and atfer the usual preliminaries, she climbed on top of me.

    I loved my wife riding me. 

    Her golden hair fellover her face, her large boobs swayed in front of my face. 

    She'd let me play with her clit, the only way she ever came with me inside her, and she'd already cum. 

    Now she was riding me hard.

    She had ample hips, slightly thick thighs. 

    It always felt like I wasn't filling her, or even making much impact. 

    The thought made me feel inadequate and horny at the same time. 

    She lowered her head to kiss the crook of my neck. It drove me wild. 

    I grabbed her hips and pulled her onto my dick, thrusting myself into her wetness as hard as I could.

    'Is this how you imagine me with another man? With someone else?', she whispered.

    I could hardly believe my ears.

    'Yes, yes', I gasped. 'Like this, or on your back, or from behind, loads of ways. Every way.'

    She burrowed deeper into my neck, riding me hard.

    'Good, because it's going to happen. I want it to happen.'

    At this, I couldn't hold back, and started to cum. 

    She moved her mouth to my ear and bit and licked it, hard, making me writhe with pleasure. 

    She knew I loved my ears being bitten. 

    It made me feel taken and small.

    'It's going to happen, it's going to happen', she whispered, over and over again, as I came inside her.

    A little later, our lovemaking over, we were lying next to each other, on our backs, staring at the ceiling. 

    The silence was becoming oppressive. 

    We both knew something had been said that couldn't easily be ignored.

    I took a deep breath and rolled over to look at her.

    'So, you're, er, you're going to do it?'

    There was a long pause, as she rolled over to look me in the eye.

    She looked serious, staring at me for several seconds, as if to gauge my mood.

    Finally, she spoke.

    'Yes. I'd like to. But only if you're OK with it. Really OK. I mean, totally OK. No changing your mind, or panicking and backing out. If you're not OK, you have to be honest with me.'

    She looked deadly serious now. 

    This was it, my chance to make it happen or to back out.

    I jumped.

    'I am 1000% OK with it and I will love you regardless of what happens.'

    A smile broke out over her face, a mixture of admiration, love and bemusement. 

    Again, she looked at me for what seemed like an age, searching in my face for any sign that I was bluffing.

    'OK, it's happening, no going back.'

    She leaned over to kiss my forehead. 

    And with that, her phone rang, her best friend calling for a chat.

    'Hi V, how are you? No, I'm not busy...'

    She leapt up from the bed and wandered into the kitchen.

    And that was that.


    'I think I've found him.'

    These were the words I'd dreaded and longed to hear for two weeks. 

    She had declined my offer of helping her find the guy she was going to sleep with and told me that she had it in hand. 

    Still, I was taken aback by the fact she'd actually done it. 

    Another boundary broken.

    'Er, can I ask about him?'

    'Sure, she replied, brightly.

    I was suddenly struck by how pretty she was.

    'Is he...local?'

    She laughed. 'Yeah, he lives next door! No, only joking, he's out in ________. So, you're not likely to see him in Tesco.' 

    Again, that look – patient, kind.

    My mind went blank. I had a thousand questions but they all seemed to jam my brain up. 

    Seeing my confusion, she carried on, speaking slowly, taking time over every word.

    'He's 30. He's single... and he's a banker.'

    I'm 43, so he's younger and richer than me. Fuck. 

    In fact, younger than her, she's 41. 

    'And he's called Karl.' 


    A few seconds passed.

    'And I'm seeing him next weekend.'

    I still didn't know how to ask what I really wanted to know. 

    I needed her to tell me, but I couldn't ask.

    So I sat there, dumbly staring at my wife.

    A long pause.

    She cocked her head on one side.

    'Isn't there anything else you want to know?'

    The smile was a little slyer this time. 

    She wasn't going to make it easy for me.

    'Yes...is he, er, good-looking? Tall?'

    She tossed her head back and laughed.

    'I wondered when we were going to get to this! Yes, he's nice looking,' she replied.

    Silence. I had no idea what to say. 

    'And he's tall, six-two, and he's fit. In the pictures, anyway.'

    So, six inches taller than me. 

    And she had pictures. Right. 

    Another pause. 

    I had literally nothing to say. 

    She smiled again, a bright smile, as if she'd just won a prize and was bringing me the good news. 

    Which, in a way, I guess she was.

    'So, you know...lucky me!'

    A lovely smile now, like she was a mother speaking patiently to her child.

    I frowned. 

    She rubbed my cheek. 

    She could see this was hard for me.

    'Are you really OK with this?' she asked.

    'Yes, I'm fine', I stammered. 'Honestly. I am. It's all a bit new, very new' - I felt myself blushing bright crimson - 'but, really, honestly, I'm good.'

    She got up from the table, and leaned over to kiss my neck.

    'That's good, really good. Thank you so much', she whispered.

    Then she stood up and pouted a little.

    'But isn't there anything else you want to know? About him?', she asked, staring right at me.

    This was it, she was going to make me ask her.

    I could feel myself blushing, and I couldn't meet her eyes.

    'Er...is he big?'

    'What do you mean?', she asked, coyly. 

    She was enjoying this. 

    'This guy. Karl.'

    Once more, the sweet look.

    'What do you mean? Say what you mean, sweetheart.'

    'I mean...is he big? Is his dick big?' 

    How I got those words out, I will never know.

    Now it was her turn to blush a little. And to smile, that patient, kind smile once more.

    She spoke slowly again.

    'Yes. He sent me some pictures of it. He's got an eight inch cock. So, yes, It's long. And it's thick. Like, *this* thick' - she held her fingers apart as if describing a pretty girth cucumber. 

    Way thicker than me. 

    My head started to spin and my throat went dry.

    'So, to answer your question - Yes. He has a long and thick cock.'

    Big smile now.

    'So, you know...winner!'

    She was beaming now. 

    'Right, OK. OK', I stammered. I tried to look normal, as I came to terms with what I'd just heard.

    'And one more thing.' She stood up and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

    'He's black.'

    And with that, she kissed the top of my head, picked up her phone and walked into the garden to call one of her friends.

    I sat there for quite a while.


  4. My favorite erotica Cuckold network Second Story. Here we Go with this new hot Story..........I like to Fuck your wife or you..... Betting On My Wife. by wives on September 9, 2016 My wife Jen and I have been married for 5 years. Jen is a very beautiful 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 130 pounds. She has auburn hair and blue eyes and the greatest tits and ass I could ever ask for. My story starts 5 months ago when we moved into our new house. On moving day we met our new neighbors John and Cathy. Cathy is a sexy blond and John is tall and athletic and has dark brown hair. John and Cathy came over as soon as we arrived at the house to see if they could help us in any way. It seemed that we became friends almost instantly. Over the last five months we have been have been closer to John and Cathy than we have been to any other couple since we married. We have dinner at one house or the other almost every week and often go out together. Two weeks ago when John and Cathy were at our house for dinner, Cathy was helping me clear the dishes off the table while John was in the living room talking with Jen about a book he was reading. Suddenly Cathy leaned close to me and whispered “You shouldn’t leave Jen alone with John like that.” then she laughed. I asked her what she meant and Cathy said, “John wants to have sex with Jen.” The way she said it was as if she were saying John wants to go to the store. There was no emotion so I thought she must be joking so I laughed. Cathy said “I’m serious, John will be inside Jen the first chance he gets. I said “That crazy. Jen isn’t interested in John in that way.” Cathy replied, “She doesn’t have to be interested now. John will seduce her. He can seduce anyone in a very short time.” I said “I don’t buy that, Jen would never fall for some line and then cheat on me.” Cathy looked at me for a minute then said, “Are you confident enough in Jen that you would take a chance that I am right? Because if you are I would like to make a little wager with you.” I don’t know what it was about her challenge but I suddenly felt both nervous and aroused at the same time. I said “How much of a wager?” Cathy said, “Well if you win I will pay you $50 and have sex with you. If I win you pay me $50 and you have to promise that you won’t get mad at Jen or John because it wont be their fault. After all, I warned you that it would happen and it’s not like Jen is out looking to have an affair.” The wager made Cathy sound all the more confident that she would win which made me more nervous and also more aroused. I agreed to the bet and asked, “Okay, how do we do this?” Cathy said “We will have to leave the house for awhile so just follow my lead.” Then we went into the living room to join John and Jen. Instead of sitting down Cathy announced “Since you two are talking about books that I am not interested in I am going to drag Bill along with me to the video store and pick out a couple of moves for latter.” Nobody said anything so Cathy headed for the door with me following. We got in the car and drove around the corner and walked to the house and crepted in the back door and went up the back staircase and moved to the balcony that overlooks the living room. John and Jen were still on the couch talking. I couldn’t hear them well but I did hear John telling Jen what an attractive women she was. I could see her blush but she seemed to enjoy the complement. John continued complementing her although I couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying. Within just a couple of minutes he was holding Jen’s hand and talking about how lovely her skin was. I saw that Jen was getting uncomfortable and then she pulled her hand away from John and got up and walked to the window. I began to think I was going to win my bet and I actually felt a little disappointed. While Jen stood at the window John got up and went to the CD player and put on some slow music and went over and asked Jen to dance. It surprised me a little when she agreed to dance immediately. As they danced I could see John whispering in Jen’s ear and slowly pulling her closer to him. Finally I could see that Jen was loosening up and began to relax in John’s arms. As they danced John began to slid his hands down Jen’s back until both hands were on Jen’s ass. John gently squeezed and messaged Jen’s ass and Jen didn’t seem to mind. As the second song began to play they continued to dance. I watched as John, with his hands still on Jen’s ass, pulled her into him. Then he lightly kissed her cheek, nibbled on her ear and whispered something to her. Jen stepped back from John and said “they’ll be back soon.” and John replied “They’ll be gone at least another half hour.” Jen seemed to hesitate for a moment then she lifted her skirt up high enough to hook her thumbs in the waste line of her panty hose and she pulled them down and off. Once the pantyhose were off Jen let her skirt drop back into place and they began to dance again. When John had his hands on her ass again I could see that Jen had her eyes closed and seemed to enjoy what was happening to her. I was confused. I should have been jealous and angry instead I had a raging hard on and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. As they continued to dance John began raising the back of Jen’s skirt until her panty covered ass was completely @@@@@@@. Then John slipped both of his hands inside Jen’s panties and fondled her bare ass cheeks. As they danced John guided Jen across the room until he pushed her up against the sofa, then he stepped back and opened his pants and let them drop revealing his very large erection. Jen just looked at John’s cock for a few seconds then she reached down and wrapped her hands around it and began stroking it. Next I heard John tell Jen to lift her skirt. When she did John slipped his hand inside her panties and I could see that he had at least two fingers inside Jen’s pussy. At that point I almost shot my load in my pants. John removed his fingers from Jen’s pussy and turned her around and bent her over the sofa. Next he pulled the crotch of her panties to the side and positioned his cock at the entrance to Jen’s lovely pussy. Now I was jealous, not because John was going to fuck my wife but because it wasn’t my cock that was going to be sliding in and out of that juicy pussy. I struggled not to cum in my pants as I watched John bury his cock inside Jen and begin stroking his hard cock in and out of her. Within just a few strokes he had Jen ready to orgasm. John told her to wait for him and he picked up the pace of his fucking and within a minute they both had tremendous orgasms. I continued to watch until I saw the head of John’s cock come out from inside Jen’s panties and saw the crotch of her panties get damp from the cum leaking from her pussy. I would have continued watching but Cathy grabbed my arm and dragged me back out of the house to the car. Once we were in the car Cathy said, “well, what did you think?” All I could manage to say was “Wow!” While I was sitting there reliving the picture of John and Jen fucking in my mind I was suddenly aware that Cathy was unzipping my pants. She pulled my stiff cock out and immediately went down on it. She sucked me to orgasim in less than two minutes. When she was done she sat up and said “Now you own me $50 and oral sex. You can pay me later. Then she started the car and drove back around the corner. When we walked in the house John and Kathy were sitting where they were when we left the house as though they had been discussing books all that time. The only thing that suggested anything was different was that Jen was not wearing pantyhose now. As we entered the living room Cathy said “We couldn’t find a decent movie and besides I am beginning to get a headache so I think we will have to leave soon. For the next hour we sat around making idle conversation. The whole time all I could think about was watching Jen getting fucked by John. And all that did was make me horny. I couldn’t believe how much I wanted to fuck Jen at that moment. Finally Cathy looked at me and winked and took John by the hand and pulled him toward the door. After we said our goodnights and they were gone I followed Jen up to our bedroom. I sensed that Jen didn’t want to get undressed in front of me. She tried to slip past me to go into the bathroom to change. I grabbed her and threw her down on the bed. I pulled up her skirt to reveal her soaking panties. I saw the terrified look on Jen’s face when she thought that I was going to ask her about her wet panties. Instead I just pulled them down her legs, dropped my pants and climbed between her legs. As I sunk my cock into Jen’s pussy I could feel the warm slippery slimy cum that John had left there an hour ago. That feeling made me even hotter. As I began stroking her I could see Jen begin to relax as she believed that I didn’t figure out that John had fucked her. As Jen was approaching her orgasm I said, “You were so beautiful tonight. Hot and sexy too. I don’t think I have ever been more turned on to you than I was tonight.” Jen was near her orgasm and didn’t understand what I was talking about so she asked “When was I so sexy and beautiful tonight.” And I said, just as she hit her orgasm and mine was just beginning, “You were sexy and beautiful while I watched John fucking you.” She couldn’t react to what I said immediately because she was having an orgasm but as soon as it was over she screamed “You saw me, why didn’t you stop me? I didn’t want to be unfaithful to you. I don’t know what happened, he just made me so horny I couldn’t help myself.” I assured her that everything was all right and that I wasn’t angry. I told her that Cathy told me that it was going to happen and about the bet even about what I owed Cathy. Once Jen realized that everything was okay she began kissing me and the next thing I knew we were fucking again. After we both had our orgasms I asked Jen if she enjoyed fucking John. She said that it was a thrill just because of the circumstances. The fact that she had never had sex with him before, that it was in our house while I was out running and errand with his wife and that we might come in the door at any moment is what made it so exciting. I asked Jen if she would ever want to fuck John again and she said “If I know that you are watching, yes”. I am looking forward to making that happen as well as paying my debt to Cathy. I’ll write about that when it happens.
  5. Maibe This one will be good for her.
  6. Here we Go with the First My favorite erotica Cuckold network My Wife At a Party Posted on May 3, 2016 12:24 am by admin This is what happened one night at a party. Wendy my wife is 35 weighs about 135 pounds and is 5’11” her tits are a D cup. We have been married for 15 years and have two kids but from the way here body looks it is hard to tell. She has always been very conservative about her dress and showing off her body. I had always wanted her to show off more and had even tried to get her to talk about it while we were having sex but she would always say she couldn’t. It was always in the back of my mind and I would fantasize about it all the time. I had to go to a party for my work and I told her she really needed to wear a short black dress we had bought a few years back that she never wears. She complained about it but gave in eventually. The party was at a hotel about 4 hours from us so we had drove down that day and checked into the hotel. When it was time to leave she walked out and looked so good I almost did not want to go to the party any more. We arrived at the party a little late and we were met at the door to the ballroom of the hotel by one of the guys from work who just kept talking to Wendy and brushed me off. I gave her a kiss and said “I am going to the bar and get us some drinks”. Wendy stayed there with Steve. I worked from home most of the time so Wendy had never meet most of the people from work. From the bar I watched as they got a table and were just chatting Wendy looked so good setting there here long brown hair in contrast to here milky white skin she kept laughing at whatever Steve kept saying to her. I took our drinks back to the table and Wendy said “I wanted a Coke”. I just smiled and said “it’s a party just have a couple of mixed drinks”. Now Wendy who never drinks said “no, that’s ok I will get a Coke in a while”. As part of my job I had to talk to some potential clients and got up to mingle Wendy just stayed at the table. After about 20 minutes I looked back at the table to see Wendy talking to a couple of guys and sipping a drink. I wondered what she was doing, I never thought she would actually drink anything as she never does. I walked back over to the table to check on her and saw she was ok and talking to guys from one of our other offices. She and I talked for a minute. She knew she would be without me most of the party because of me talking to clients and told me to go on she was fine. I left her and went back to making my rounds. I kept glancing over at her and she seemed to be getting more relaxed as the night went on. I even saw her get up and dance a couple of times something else she never does. I stopped back by to check on her and she was feeling no pain and talking away, did not even notice I was there she was too busy talking to the guys setting with her. She was laughing and seemed to really be enjoying herself. The party was really crowded and I noticed Wendy was not at the table. As I walked around looking for her and saw her dancing with a guy I had not seen before. He was holding her very close and his hand kept moving to her ass. She did not even try to move it but looked up at him and they started kissing. When the dance was over they went back to the table. I was actually I little jealous, but turned on. I walked over to the table and introduced myself. The guy was a client I had not met. We talked a few Minutes and Wendy got up to go to the restroom. He started talking about how she was letting him do whatever he wanted to her on the dance floor and he was sure it was going to be a good night. I let him know that Wendy was my wife and he turned red as could be. I explained to him how it was ok and not to worry I did not mind. I always wanted to watch her flirt and play around but never thought she would do as much as she already had. While talking I think I got the point across to him that I was ok with whatever she would let him do as long as I got to watch but did not think anything would happen. When Wendy returned I asked her to dance. Once on the floor we talked about everything that she had been doing. She told me how she had a buzz after the drink and just let things go too far. After a long conversation she knew I was not mad and that I had really liked the Idea and was getting turned on thinking about it. Then I said it “Do you think you might want to ask Gary to go back up to the room?” Wendy just looked at me like you can’t be serious. All I could say was “ I think you really enjoyed playing with him so far and you can have another drink and just flirt and when he leaves you will be turned on for me.” Wendy said “if that is what you really want but just some flirting.” We returned to the table and Wendy sat down beside Gary and me on the other side of him. I said “you know this is calming down in here do you think you would want to come up to our room for a last round?” Gary looked at Wendy and said “sure why not.” And to our surprise the guy Gary was talking to said “hey can I join.” Gary said Shane this is Steve he works with me is that ok?” I thought great no fun now but Wendy said “Sure why not the more the merrier.” The four of us headed to the room. Once we went in I went to over to a small table and set down a bottle of vodka and rum I brought from downstairs and started to make some drinks. Wendy kicked of her heels and plopped down on the end of the bed. I gave everyone a rum and Coke including Wendy and we just kind of looked at each other not knowing what to say. Wendy whose drink I had mixed very strong turned her cup up and started to cough saying “oh my God I can’t believe I just drank that yuk.” We all started laughing thank goodness that had broken the ice and it was not long till we were all laughing and talking again. I gave everyone another drink and Wendy looked at me funny and just turned it up again. She looked up at me and said “are you trying to get me drunk?” I just laughed and we all went back to talking. It was not long till Gary had got up to use the bathroom and when he came back he sat by Wendy. He would put his hand on her leg and rub while he was talking to her. Soon the conversation started to turn to sex. To my surprise Wendy was actually joining in and answering questions about does size matter and that kind of stuff. Then to my surprise Wendy looked at Gary and said “Well what about shaving do you like pussy shaved smooth or some hair on top or trimmed all over?” Gary not expecting it came back with “I like hair just above it and smooth below.” Wendy looked at me and said “Wow he likes how I do it Shane is always asking me to shave it all off.” Gary looked at her and said “I would love to see that.” Wendy came back with “I think Shane would like for you to see it to.” Then Steve chimed in with “Please there is no harm in seeing? Would you just give us a peek?” Wendy said “maybe in a minute” and got up to go pee. As she walked out of the room Gary and Steve just looked at me. I told them “Whatever she will let you do but do not expect much I am telling you.” About that time Wendy walked in and said “What do you mean do not expect much? What are you guys talking about?” Wendy sat back down on the bed her legs hanging off the end. She laid all the way back reached her arms above her head and pulled a pillow under her head. She closed her eyes and said” You can look but do not touch” and kept her eyes closed. She was now lying beside Gary and Steve got up and sat on the other side of her legs. Gary looked at me I got up and walked over and grabbed the bottom of her dress and lifted the hem slowly sliding it up her thighs. Just as it reached the top of her thigh she said again “No touching” and her pubic hair came into view. We were all just looking at her not believing she had taken her panties off. Gary asked “would you mind spreading your legs just a little so we can see it all” Without missing a beat Wendy spread he legs and we could see her now very wet inner lips glistening with her juices. Gary sighed and said “Yes that is just how I like it” I said “Why don’t you take you dress off so they can see all of your great body including those great tits of your.” To my surprise Wendy stood up pulled the dress over her head took off her bra and then just laid back down. Gary slowly reached a hand out and touched her tit Wendy jumped a little but then moaned and kept her eyes closed. He started to rub more and more stopping to play with her very erect nipples. She kept her eyes closed and started to squirm a little. Steve then being a little bolder started to rub her leg higher and higher till he was coming close to reaching her now puffy lips. Gary then leaned his head over and started to suck her right nipple and play with her left with his hand as he got on all fours beside her. Wendy started to moan louder and Steve moved his hand all the way up till he was messaging her pussy on the outside. As Steve would reach her Clit she would squirm under his touch. Then I noticed her reach out her right hand and start rubbing Gary’s cock on the outside of his pants. I could not believe what was happening. Was my shy wife really going to fuck these 2 guys in front of me? Gary reached down and undid his pants and started to pull them down. Wendy laid back and spread her legs as Steve now inched his face between them. As his tongue started to lick he pussy Wendy let out a very loud moan and said “Is this what you wanted to see baby?” I said nothing and just watched as she grabbed her nipples and started to give them a little tug. Now Gary was fully undressed and crawled on the bed beside Wendy’s head. He laid his good size cock if I was guessing I would say 7 ½ inches long and very thick on her cheek. Wendy wrapped her hand around it and guided it to her mouth. She stuck her tongue out and started to lick the head and then as she moaned again from the licking Steve was doing tried to get it in her mouth. She was trying her best to get the whole mushroom shaped head in her mouth but it was so thick she was having trouble. She started moving her mouth up and down the side of it as Steve now had 2 fingers in her finger fucking her as he licked at her clit. Steve pulled back away to start undressing and as he did Wendy pulled Gary’s cock toward the bottom of the bed as if wanting him to take Steve’s place. As Gary moved into position Wendy opened her eyes and looked at me and said “Are you sure this is what you want to see? You want me to be their slut?” By this time Gary was no positioning himself on top of Wendy and lifting her knees up to get in line with her soaked pussy. I just pulled my dick out and started to stroke it watching what was about to take place. Wendy Reached down and guided the head to her opening. As Gary started to push forward with his hips I could see her lips resisting the large head. They slowly started to part as Gary pushed harder as Wendy moaned loudly “Oh God that is big.” That gave Gary all the motivation he needed has he pushed harder as the head disappeared inside her. Gary groaned out as he sunk more if his cock in her until you could just see his balls lying against her. He then pulled out until just the head was inside and pushed back in again. As he started to get a rhythm going Steve got on his knees beside her head and put his dick to her mouth. Wendy opened her mouth as she moaned and Steve shoved the head in. This was now the wildest scene I had ever witnessed. Two guys were using my formerly shy conservative wife like their personal slut. Wendy would moan every time that Gary pushed in deep and suck as hard has she could on Steve’s cock. Gary started to pick up speed And Wendy stopped sucking Steve as she started to scream “Yes fuck me , Oh God fuck me hard!!!” Then Gary pulled his dick out which the head made a pop sound as it came out. He turned her over and got her on her hands and knees and shoved back in hard and pulled her head up by her long brown hair. Her tits were swinging violently as he took her hard from behind. Steve took the chance and got in front of her and shoved his cock in her open mouth and started to push it as far as it would go. As Gary would push from behind it would force more of Steve’s dick down her throat. Tit was not long till his balls were on her chin. She was actually deep throating him but I did not know if it was by choice. Steve grabbed the back of her head and moaned as he dropped his seed deep down her throat. Wendy gaged at first but then it started to flow from around his dick down her chin. Steve lay in front of her and she laid her head on him moaning while Gary continued to assault her from behind. It was not long till Wendy was screaming “yes oh God yes.” She just kept saying “yes” over and over again and her Body was shaking with the hardest orgasm I had ever seen her have. Gary was slamming her so hard she would move forward till just her tits were on Steve and push back to meet Gary’s next thrust. Then Gary grabbed her hips and buried himself to his balls in her moaning loudly I could tell he was unloading in her. She just stayed there with her head on Steve panting to catch her breath till Gary finally started to pull out. As he withdrew his now shrinking cock Wendy just kept her ass in the air. Gary got off the bed walked to the side closest to her head lifted her by her head and guided it to his cum soaked cock and forced her to lick it clean and to my surprise she did without even blinking. After a few minutes Steve and Gary got dressed said their goodbyes and Kissed Wendy as they left. Wendy had just stayed on the bed not even trying to cover up she laid on her back with Gary’s cum still leaking from her wide open lips. She looked at me and asked “is that what you had wanted to see all this time?” I crawled up next to her and said “Well I guess but, but I am not sure I was ready for all that at once.” She just laughed and said “If you are going to go, go big.” I laughed as I moved in and started to kiss her. I could taste the mixture of both of them on her lips and tongue as we kissed. She knew I was still hard and pulled me on top of her. My dick slid straight in with no resistance and as we made love she looked at me and said “I guess you were right, there is a difference between making love and being fucked.” I looked at her with my dick inside her with Gary’s juices providing all the lubrication I could need and said “What do you mean?” She said “Well they just fucked me the best I ever have been but they can never make love to me like you are now.”
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