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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. I can help you with that!!! Lol.
  2. You answered it pretty much how I expected you too 😉😘
  3. Sooooooo playing with me wouldn’t 🥺😥
  4. Among something else.
  5. YES PLEASE!!!! I could use something to brighten up me day.
  6. Don’t worry, she’ll be a little preoccupied as well. 😉😘😘
  7. Oh I am, and he’d have to wait his turn, just like you, till I was finished with her
  8. Maybe, I know at least one other one who occasionally pops on here that’s a bit fond of her as well. Hehehe. But you might be a little preoccupied to watch. 😉
  9. I’ll let you sliiiiiide this time or maybe I’ll slide my 👅 somewhere
  10. For now 👅👅💋💋
  11. Give me a GD heartattack !!! This was the first thing I seen when I logged in.
  12. Oh there is a beauty and an art form to it for sure 😉😘
  13. I think he might be getting the hint on how we see things. Lol.
  14. 😮😍😍 Mmm Yummy yummy.
  15. Even if I’m not even close it sends me over the edge.
  16. That initial first blast the most 😍😍😍
  17. And you Just like you are being to Playmate.
  18. Ok, let me put this into perspective, it’s one thing for guys to like/love to see cream pies, for girls it completely different, it’s not just visual. It’s the intense feeling when it starts to swell, when it pulsate and that initial feeling when it lets loose and even the warm squishy afterwards . When we see this it brings us right back to that feeling, it’s not just a pretty sight.
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