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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. Very true, it all comes down to communication.
  2. Omg girl, I m loving you. You guys have come so far and learned so much in what little bit of time. Your advice couldn’t be more spot on.
  3. She is a cutie, but I mean this post, the site posted it on their tumblr. It showed up on mine because I follow them, that’s how I actually found this site.
  4. I’m famous, my post made it on my tumblr feed!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  5. Or would you rather our lips kiss like this? Hehehe
  6. 🥰🥰🥰 you are going to drive him nuts, and I hope you do. Lol.
  7. Yes, that’s just be the start.
  8. I do I do and will 😘
  9. I don’t know to love this or laugh. Lol.
  10. I’m definitely not big on chasity, although I have teased him with it.
  11. I like all but the keys.
  12. Just wanted to be clear, after I read it it could have been taking either way. And now you just made me blush.
  13. That was in disbelief not bitchyness.
  14. Really???? It’s mostly kids, early 20s and younger who say it.
  15. LMFAO!!!! You could maybe get away with it if you had an accent, lol.
  16. BBC might be to obvious, but a ♠️ Might be just enough
  17. If I had to guess, I’d go out on a limb and say maybe a QOS charm ?
  18. Unfortunately it’s not a very well know fad, as occasionally you do get a vanilla lady wearing one who is none the wiser and can lead to a little bit of embarrassment. My only advise would to be if a lady is wearing one then try to look and see if and what charm is on it.
  19. For the most part it’s spot on, not only do I agree with most of it, I’ve even preached some of it.
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