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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. Sorry, but if she’s that materialistic you don’t want her.
  2. Sounds like she was a lucky girl. why would she want to move on to bigger when she was already allowed to enjoy them anyways? Kinda like have your cake and eat it too.
  3. OMG !!!! YES YES YES and YES PLZ!!!!!!
  4. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Why???? Why would this be good news? Unless you are unable to have kids, in which case ok...... It’s one thing to let and want her to enjoy a well endowed guy but unless you are unable to have kids I can’t see why anyone would even contemplate this.
  5. I have been offered $400 once but gave it back, I told him thx but I wasn’t a whore, I just enjoy sex...... a lot.
  6. Thank you, but you better watch it, you’ll be accused of being obsessed with me. Lmao.
  7. Yep, he said he loves sloppy seconds, his words not mine, and loves how I feel after I’ve been with someone else.
  8. I don’t go out a lot by myself just to play but this has happened a few times. I don’t know why but afterwards all I can think about is wanting my husband.
  9. I’all take # 9 and the last one plzzzzzzz
  10. Tbh, it does sound to exciting for a movie. People want to see drama, excitement, something to hold there attention. If a movie starts out happy and lives happy well then you pretty much know the movie and might as well just watch porn. Just my two cents 🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. I would die!!!! I couldn’t even imagine
  12. I’ve never experienced one I couldn’t get rid of. Lmao.
  13. And job cost, if there is any deductions or not. Oh and what about comp, you know Incase if you pull a muscle or how about on the job hazards. Lmao. I need to stop, I could go on and on with this. Lol.
  14. Tbh, I almost next to never meet anyone from the internet, or make plans for a play date. I’d rather be at the bar and if it happens it happens.
  15. Ok I think everyone has heard of prostitutes, hell even gigolos but professional bulls???? I’ve/we’ve but in the lifestyle since 2003 and never once heard of a professional bull for hire, and honest if I can get it for free, we’ll then it’s time to rethink some things.
  16. I would say it is most the husbands wanting it to happen and the truth be known the wife probably doesn’t even have a clue of her husbands wishes and him wanting her to play.
  17. I will definitely take that as a compliment and thank you.
  18. In a way it would be nice if it was more open and acceptable, but in honesty, would it be as much fun or exciting if it was. I think that is part of the allure of it.
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