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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. ❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😎❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘
  2. You could not be more spot on. I love it.
  3. First off. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Second off no need to apologize for putting you relationship and yourself first. We are still here for when you come back.
  4. I’d be more than will to talk to her if she’d like. But no matter how bad you want this, you both have to be on the same page and honest with each other.
  5. From a girls pov I would say let it play out for a week and then definitely ask her. She may be taking the pics for you, hopefully. If she doesn’t come tell you about it then you have every right and should ask her. Being a hotwife and being unfaithful is completely two different things. If it’s going to work you both have to be honest and open with each other or your relationship could be doomed.
  6. Sounds like things are progressing quite well then. And she building up the never to play in front of you, may be or should I say hopefully that’s what she has in store as your gift on your wedding night.
  7. So how is your new jewelry? Has there been any more progression in their openness in playing?
  8. I’d love to be part of that study, but I think We are a bit more of a hotwife/stag than a cuckdress/cuckold to be honest
  9. Owners definitely isn’t the word for me, but that’s just my own opinion. For me it’s more about their attitude and the way they fuck more than anything, for the most part they are way more dominant and assertive.
  10. Nyguy she is a hottie no matter what she wears and I love love looove her hair straight
  11. For a while we were going every week and sometimes for the whole weekend and then just got burnt out on it. We liked it because it was a great place to meet new people and always have options in case something fell through.
  12. A bit lengthy but quite interesting, definitely worth reading.
  13. Hmmmm, looks like it was a little tooooo tempting, lol.
  14. Has nothing to do with color, I’m an equal opportunist and can say both are equally enjoyable if you find the right ones. Lol.
  15. I’d definitely say fake account for sure.
  16. Ok so this is what she’s up to, she’s putting BS post up for attention and the majority of them have links to this. Basically just BS spam ruining board.
  17. We started out swinging and a lot of times in the beginning we’d go to a club and end up just BS’ing all night because we never initiated anything so unless someone came right out and asked or said they wanted to, then nothing would happen
  18. Just going with the flow is/was a lot less nerve racking for me than making plans. My stomach used to get tied in knots when we tried to plan it.
  19. I’ve been wondering what it is she’s doing or trying to do
  20. Some of the best times are the ones not planned, I very seldom make play dates to just go and bang it out. I have my hubby if the itch arises suddenly, all the other guys I do play with are more of a friend than anything and we don’t call each other just to hook up it’s usually hey you guys want to go hang out or something and if it happens it happens.
  21. No tricked here, I know exactly what I do. you mentioned I might be a tease or enjoy teasing. Isn’t that what lingerie is for??? To tease. Besides half the fun is getting there, not just finishing
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