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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. I have to say, I LOVE this interaction between the two of you. ❤️❤️❤️
  2. Ok then, I guess I’ll just have to turn up the heat a little bit. 😈😈😈. I’m guessing today wasn’t that bad then, so I’ll have to try harder 🤔🤔 😂😂😎
  3. We had some very great people helping us when we were first starting out and we try to pass it on the new people.
  4. Oh no, not a bad impression at all, I think you both are great. I love where you two are at and I really enjoy helping you guys getting there.
  5. Well, you did validate my efforts, lol, so tyvm 💋. And it’s not so much playing into her hands as I’m hoping it will benefit you both, and ummm, yes it might just fuel me a little to egg her on some more for you. And I promise that it will be good, in a bad way, or is it bad in a good way, lol. either or I’ll try to make it a little more fun and intense than what it already is. 😈😈
  6. Ummmm, I had an idea of it yesterday 😊 and yes, I knew of it this morning so yes ✋🏼 Guilty, and guilty. And the results, is what I was hoping for. 👏🏼👏🏼
  7. Yes, that is just one of the major benefits that normal society doesn’t get or understand. Yes, I’m partially to blame for this morning, but in my defense, lol, I did tell her it would drive you crazy and insanely nuts all day. I’m sorry.
  8. In saying just that little bit right there, she thinks the world of you and it really matters to her what you think and what your opinions are. Exponentially is a good word to describe that, and it will continue to grow as well for some time. Again it will level off but being that it’s new, embrace it and enjoy it, you guys are right where you should be, in love and enjoying life I may be the guilty part and the one to blame for her teasing, to me it adds just a tad more fun to an aready sexually charged situation.
  9. Not just the lessening of the overwhelmingness, but being so distracted as well, it will always be on your mind, but it will be controllable, you will always want her, But it will be bearable. This lifestyle has the potential to create an amazingly close and tight bonds in a relationship.
  10. Thank you and her you did not have to say much, it’s more in how you said it, you can tell that not only do you love her very much but enjoyed Friday night as well by your actions of the last 3-4 days At first it can very distracting and almost overwhelming at times especially when you keep looking at the clock and there is nothing that can take your mind off her. Fortunately you are right, it will make for a enjoyable evening/night after such the build up of today.
  11. Here’s another one who is trying it now
  12. 👋🏼 Hi Steve, I was hoping you’d write something to some degree about how you felt. If I may assume you were referring to my comment about reclaiming your wife, if so, I wasn’t meaning it as in a competition more of a reaffirming your love for one another. But to answer your question, in short, yes it will continue. It may lessen with intensity but each time you know or see her with another, you will undoubtably want her.
  13. Omg what an amazing evening, I am so happy to hear this and how it turned out. I can wait to hear how much better the second time around will be. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  14. Who is this wonder chick you both speak of? I’d like to meet her😊😎
  15. The playing alone isn’t what’s bothersome, but he stated that he is an ex and he’s the one dropping ultimatums. If it was her idea then yes maybe, but to me the other guy doesn’t get to make demands, only requests. It’s for her pleasure not his.
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