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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. So how was the experience? Did you both enjoy it, are you guys going to do it again?
  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I hope you both loved it. She looks amazing
  3. By definition you would be considered a stag, a cuckold by definition is a male in a female lead relationship in which he has no say in what she does. Hope this helps.
  4. Every girl would definitely want to if the knew just how fantastic it is. The hold up for most women is the uncertainty of not only it but of their husband too
  5. Thank you. Oh I knew what was planned, I just didn’t know what I was in for.
  6. The ones I play with are very respectful and greatly appreciative of my husband. They understand what they are there for, to give not take, and in doing so they’ve/we’ve enjoyed multiple times with these men
  7. For me it’s a big NO, NO and NO. I love and live with my husband who I married, the king of the castle. Yes I have and still do bring guys home and yes they may stay the night here and there but not in our bed and they usually go home immediately after we are done unless it’s really late or they are intoxicated in which case they stay in the spare room.
  8. I’m just you normal every day run of the mill house wife, ok myaybe not normal but for the most part just the wife next door who enjoys life.
  9. Thank you Rob, I try to pay it forward so to speak. We had really good people that helped us along our way and I know how much we really enjoy ourselves so I hope I can help others enjoy it as well. Granted I know every couple is different and has their own twist they enjoy but it all comes down to having fun and enjoying life to it’s fullest.
  10. Oh yeah and my favorite and honestly the truth.
  11. I have reported all of them since 1989 and up. This is starting to be ridiculous
  12. You must report it the first time you view it or the report flag goes away
  13. I honestly and really hope they see this and do something about him just flooding the feed time and time again.
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