Wife gave me a little tease tonight along with a strong hint of this happening one day soon. Needed to take her car to the dealer to drop it for a repair. She had already undressed from work. No bra or panties, just some stretch spandex like pants and a tshirt. So she starts getting ready to leave in our bedroom and looks right at me with a smirk and goes, "I could always go like this!" Me being unsure if it was a joke or not, I was a bit surprised by it. Gave a simple, "yeah you could." She continued, "Is that what you want? Other guys to see me without a bra?" Now I got a hard-on growing fast, take her in my arms, kiss her and say, "Yes babe, I'd love for you to do that though I'd like to see more as you can probably feel!" She kissed me again and said, "Maybe......" with this shit eating grin and a look in her eyes I haven't seen before!
What changed? I'm not sure. I've pretty much been very quiet on this subject for at least 2 months now. We also haven't done anything in bed for about 3 weeks now, not on purpose, just too busy.