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Cuckold Porn


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    Creative Writing, Music, Movies, Romance, Sunrises and sunsets.

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  1. There is one thing about being a woman should be known, and that is how to create the type of life you actually want to have. Most women try to create an archaic form of relationship. Meet a guy, fall, in love, get married, and raise a family. There is nothing wrong with that. The problem is that you still haven't learned to separate love from sex. Just because you are in love with someone, that doesn't mean your sex with them will be great. Also, if you have great sex with someone it will not insure that they love you. And then there's the kicker that what you feel (be it the rapture of love or the bodily quivering throes of sexual ecstasy) may not be what the other person is experiencing. People (both men and women) seek to find what they want in a single person and sometimes they do. But if people admit it to themselves, those times are rare. Most people end up settling and locking themselves into a situation they don't really desire. What I am saying is that there are men who appreciate a highly sexual woman and will even encourage her to enjoy her sexuality with lovers outside of their relationship. The problem is that most women think of such guys as weak (beta). And maybe you're right. But think of it this way. The man is in love with you. His only weakness is you. He finds it thrilling to know that the beautiful woman he married is a hotwife and enjoys coming home to find you being fucked by one of your bulls in your marriage bed. He supports you and your children, never asking for a paternity test and treating them as his own (even if he is a dark skinned black man and you are a golden skinned goddess who has given birth to a child with a skin tone that is lighter than your own and possesses the blond hair and green eyes of the man who impregnated you - Sorry. Personal position of a loving black cuckold when think 240p.h264.mp4 ing of a beautiful black hotwife). What I'm trying to say is you don't have to have everything in one package. Diversify. While most women don't have a desire for a spineless wimp of a man, that a man is weak for her should be an exceptionally desirable trait. Find a man who will love you for you and accept all the pleasures of a life with seductive siren. A good rule of thumb is that while alphas may be good for fucking you and fucking you over, your beta will always be a source of love, support, and encouragement.
  2. I apologize for my lack of attentiveness to this site. I've been spending some time trying to write more on a novel (series) I am creating. Present conditions are not conducive to allowing my most productive thoughts so it has been quite taxing. I will try to do better. Having read the few responses I've received, I am happy to hear that there are some women who understand that their sexuality is not restricted or does not become the sole province of their husbands following marriage. When marrying, people tend to treat marriage as a source of sexual imprisonment through which they might seek to control their spouse. That has always seemed weird to me, and such situations is what usually results in one spouse cheating on another. Personally, I believe that the strongest relationships are those where two people allow each other to enjoy all the pleasures life has to offer, trusting that their love is strong enough to bring them back to one another and the ability to enjoy the sharing of those pleasures with each other (whatever they are). I've always thought that marriage and loving relationships were about sharing the experiences offered by life (good and bad) and providing the support and encouragement to the person you love that will assist in their attainment of whatever goals or joys they might desire. However, despite this position (or maybe because of it - I'm not sure which) none of my previous relationships have worked out. Which, of course, is why I've entered this subject for the women. Thank you for your responses (even you Bimarried001).
  3. Are there any women on this site who are actually cuckolding their husbands, and are doing it because it was their fantasy and something they enjoy, not because their husband requested it? And if there are no women who are really cuckolding their husbands, are there any who fantasize about it and would do it if they thought they could and their husband would accept it? I ask because of the seemingly accepted socio-sexual position that is constantly being perpetrated by both males and females concerning feminine sexuality which portrays a woman as being unable to cheat or enjoy adulterous affairs without there being some underlying emotional reason for it (i.e. she is being ignored by her husband, ect.). Personally, I believe women, including married women, have more power over their sexuality than fall into any one singular mold. What is the female view of the subject?
  4. Stormgod


    Yes. It could have an adverse effect upon your relationship. But that should be obvious. Hell, buying brussel sprouts "again" can have an adverse effect on a relationship. But what you really want to know is something no one can really answer for you. In order for you to answer this question for yourself, you need to consider how much you really know of yourselves and each other. When I say that, I don't merely mean the illusions we present to ourselves. I mean the real you. For instance, is your husband truly accepting of your sexual interactions or is he merely going along with your desires? Is he secretly the jealous type and, if so, how does that jealousy affect him? Some men like that they become jealous of their wive's sexual interactions with other men. Some men recognize that jealousy as representative of the fact that they love their wife and it adds to their relationship, strengthening it. And, of course, the opposite is also true, meaning that some men respond to feelings of jealousy with hostility and violence. Consider all of the particulars before doing anything. For instance, are you a dominant or is your husband a submissive? Do you have emotional feelings for the man you are planning to have sex with in front of your husband? How would your husband feel if you did have feelings for the other man? And what is going on in the mind of the man you will be having sex with? Is he simply happy to help, or is his motive something more - like an act of trying to claim you as his in front of your husband? By raising this question, it is clear that your realize that your having sex with another man in front of your husband is not just a matter of your performing the sex act. If your husband is asking to be able to watch, make sure that is what he really wants. We sometimes lose ourselves in our fantasies and the resultant realities do not come into play until our fantasies are realized and we find they are not necessarily what we expect. So, again, I say you need to be sure that it is what you really want before you dive into those waters.
  5. Loved the statement. Actually, if one considers it thoroughly, all sex is about attitude. Only a completely selfish person could enjoy a sexual encounter when aware that his or her partner does not. Therefore, certain sexual compatibilities must exist between the participants in order to achieve a fuller, more pleasurable, sexual interaction. As an example I would state that I would love to perform clean up duties after my woman has been fucked by her bull. But while that would be enjoyable, what would make it even hotter for me would be if she made me do it by pushing me down on my back and lowering her well used pussy to my face, then humping and grinding herself to orgasm after orgasm while verbally commanding me to lick her clean. Of course, as a sub, that would enhance my enjoyment. And if she was an alpha female it would enhance hers as well. When people find other people who meet their desires it will always show in their attitude when providing any pleasure that is required.
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