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Peter C

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  1. Peter C


    Not to my knowledge. I think he keeps her on a pretty tight rein, where she goes he goes, probably well aware of the guy that went off with his wife had also been fucking Debbie. He's no doubt wary of the same thing happening again, especially if he's been told that Debbie regularly got laid by other guys whilst she was married to me. I doubt he knows that, at first at least, it was me that suggested it and liked knowing my wife was out getting some extra cock inside her. The workmate I mentioned above sadly died during the covid pandemic, so he never got any further with Debbie. Even if she has cuckolded her new partner, I doubt very much she'd let me in on the secret. Whenever I've tried to broach the subject of what she got up to whilst she was married to me, she's clammed up and refused to go there. Another thing to consider is that she's now 58, fat and let herself go somewhat. That said, there are no doubt guys that would fuck her if the chance presented itself. Any port in a storm....
  2. Yes, with all the attention Becky's getting on webcam in the chat room of that garage and hip hop site from black guys in their late teens and early 20s, she's spolit for choice. I have little doubt that each and every one of them has it in mind to get their young black cock into my girlfriend's tight white pussy. She must know that too, but which one will she choose?
  3. Me too Jag. That last bit of shyness, nerves and doubt eased away by his gentle, calming tone as his rock hard black cock slowly slips inside my girlfriend's tight pussy for the very first time. Becky won't be easy, but she'll be worth it. I also think going black at last after all these years will do her the world of good and make her realise what she's missed out on and wish she'd done it years ago. It'll change her.
  4. Those cocks look so good, especially when the guy is well built and muscular, everything I'm not. No wonder Becky is looking longingly at young black guys more and more and is pleased that I approve.
  5. That next to last gif had me imagining that's Becky having last second doubts about finally doing it. He's being really considerate and patient with her, getting her relaxed as he massages her thighs, but with her legs spread that wide as she strokes his erect black cock, you know she's about to take the plunge and let him penetrate her for the first time.
  6. Here you go DomBull4U : my current young lady, Becky, a young looking 45 year old. Nothing like Debbie at all, much more shy and inexperienced, but slowly coming out of her shell and showing a distinct interest in much younger black men.
  7. Here you go DomBull4U : my now ex-wife Debbie. She loved cock and of course, she wasn't restricted to just mine. She liked them young if possible, but wasn't that fussy. A couple of drinks were enough to help her legs open easier as a couple of my old workmates discovered, as well as her best friend's step-dad.
  8. She is becoming more and more aware of my submissive nature, pleasantly surprised at how accepting I am of her befriending all these black guys online and the encouragement I give her to carry on doing what she's doing. Having shocked me, but arousing me, with her gradual admission to having a thing about black men, she is now quite open with me about the guys she chats to, their names and ages. She's been especially flattered recently by being hit on by younger and younger guys and it's obvious that she's enjoying all the attention. At 45 with a grown-up son of 26, I don't think she expected black lads of 18, 19 to fancy her, nor that she'd be so excited by the prospect of being allowed a black toyboy lover with her white partner's approval. This of course has been building up very slowly over the past 3 years and she's got much more into this than I ever dreamed possible. Whether she'll ever go even further by agreeing to actually go out with one of these black guys on a date or end up going all the way and having sex with him remains to be seen. I've told her more than once that I'd be okay if she did which surprised her, but her loyalty, shyness and nerves may still hold her back, but never say never. I'm not going to push her. I'd rather leave that to that to the black men chatting her up online, let them persuade her and tempt her, make her curious as to what it would be like to go black like her sister did over 20 years ago, until she gives in and says, "Okay".
  9. I like the fact that you are black yourself Jag and are showing us how all our white wives and girlfriends - my little Becky included - are discovering the benefits of going with black men. My own interest in inter-racial sex, originally confined to me loving black girls, has grown immensely since Becky, normally so shy, admitted fancying black guys and with my approval and encouragement, is now chatting online daily to several much younger lads who we both know want her pussy. Here are some of the photos and gifs I have saved, purely because they bear at least a slight resemblance to Becky and arouse my desire for her to go black.
  10. Becky has always been a quite shy little thing and she's taken a long time to come out of her shell, but since she found a garage and hip hop clubbing website during lock-down, she's made more and more online friends. This seems to have got her attracted to black men and she's now quite open with me about the guys she talks to in a chat room and now she's even got brave enough to on webcam. Now they can see what she actually looks like, the black guys are like bees round a honey pot and she's really flattered by all the attention. At first it was a couple of black DJs about her age, then guys in the 30s sniffing around. More recently though the men have been getting younger and younger, it's been like a countdown. A 25 year old black guy, was soon followed by a lad of 22, then one of 21. She says she loves her toyboys now and she's now got three 18 year olds after her, one was 17 until just two weeks ago. None of them believe she's 45 and that she has a son older than them and she's loving how much this arouses me. It's really boosted her ego and self-confidence and long may it continue. For it to continue of course, things may have to progress to her plucking up the courage to actually meet one of these young black guys and at the very least, go out on a date with him, perhaps even start seeing him on a regular basis. I'm sure a confident guy, even a teenager, would soon be trying to coax her into bed and I've told her that I'd be fine with that if it happened. I'd want to know of course and stressed that I wouldn't dump her for having sex with a young black lad. I work evenings anyway and she has her own flat, so that wouldn't be a problem. She just needs to get over her shyness, her nerves and realise that I am deadly serious about letting her go black. One of her sisters went black over 20 years ago, when her and Becky used to go clubbing together. I suggested that being the prettier one of the two, the black guys were probably more interested in Becky than her sister, but she insists she never wanted a black boyfriend back then, never so much as kissed a black guy. Now though, that's all changed. In a text late one night she told me I was going to be the last white man she'd go with and when I asked her if that meant she'd only go with black guys in future, she replied, "Definitely xxx". I virtually shot my load there and then!
  11. I haven't managed to persuade Becky to pose with her legs wide open yet, nor to show you guys her pussy apart from a tiny glimpse, but I'm working on it. Nor have I had the pleasure of cleaning her up after she's been fucked by a young black guy. I'm working on that too. My ex-wife Debbie of course was a different propostion and only too happy to spread those legs. I even had the pleasure of licking her out after an ex-work colleague of mine finally got her to pay him a visit whilst his wife was out one Sunday afternoon. He'd been after her ginger pussy for years and we agreed that she should let him have what he wanted. She liked it so much she went to see him for a good pounding for 2-3 years until he moved away with another man's wife he'd been servicing. Here's Debbie. We didn't call it "being unfaithful" or "cheating" as it had been my idea. She was just "naughty". Later, she would get me to shave her, I suspect after a young lad she had sex with had perhaps commented on how hairy her mature married cunt was compared with girls his age he usually had sex with. Didn't put him off fucking my wife 3 times though! And Becky, almost revealing her shaved pussy. She sent me four or five similar pix that night. When i showed my ex-work colleague - the guy who used to fuck Debbie for me and now wants to fuck Becky - he said, "Next time, tell her to take her top off!"
  12. So does my girlfriend Becky, even if I do say so myself. She's 46 soon, but could pass for half that I reckon. The strange thing is she has two younger sisters who have both got really fat and let themselves go.
  13. This photo appears here now and again. Every time I see it, it looks more and more like my Becky on the receiving end of her first black cock.
  14. I wouldn't have a problem with that Jag, you know that. It's unusual for you to be so forthright about you fucking our white wives and girlfriends, so I'm very flattered that Becky would meet your standards. I definitely think it would be better for her if Becky's first black man was someone like you, older and wiser than these teenagers that are hitting on her and with the experience to make it extra pleasurable for her, so that black cock becomes her regular thing. I'd love that.
  15. aww Peter, you've got to at least let him cum on top of her pussy Well, if you insist...
  16. I tend to ignore them and hope they get bored of getting no response and go away.
  17. I hope she's getting some new cock now. All wives need a bit of variety from time to time. A change is as good as a rest and I used to love seeing that contented smile and the spring in her step after my wife Debbie had been out and got fucked.
  18. Me too Sean, the suspense is killing me! Becky is now chatting online to at least a dozen black guys. She's fast approaching 46, but that isn't deterring lads as young as 18, 19 pursuing her. They don't care how old she is, nor that she's with an older white guy and has a s0n of 26. She's loving all the attention that's for sure and very happy that I don't have a problem with her having young black "boyfriends",
  19. This appeared on my Faceb00k last night. It made me smile, remembering a conversation Becky and I had about perhaps renewing her passport as "it's good ID". My reply was, "Oh, I thought you wanted it so you could go to Ibiza to meet that black boyfriend of yours." Becky's face lit up. "Oh yeah, I could couldn't I?", she said with a big smile. She didn't like it when I said he probably fucks a different white girl every night in the summer, but she didn't complain when I suggested if she went over he'd probably want her in his bed every night she was there. A year later this could be us...
  20. I promise you Jag, you'll be the first person I'll tell once the deed is done. I'd hate Becky to go with another white guy now. We both agree that if/when she goes with another man, he will be black.
  21. I don't know if I'm unusual in this respect, but watching my wife get fucked was never something I envisaged. I was more than happy for her to get her extra rations elsewhere and hear all about it when she got home. That said, I did enjoy watching our sex toy going in and out of her pussy and told her so. I added how naughty she was doing with this "other guy" right there in front of her husband. "Mmmmmm, you love it!", she murmured as she climaxed more noisily than usual. She insisted that she didn't think I'd be able to handle watching her do it for real and she may well have been right. Later, as we got older, maybe, but I never got the chance. She did tease me once by saying, "If you walked in on me having sex you wouldn't even try and stop us would you?" She smiled as I admitted, "No, I wouldn't". As far as I know she never did it in our marital bed, but perhaps that was her way of telling she had. I think if we were still together a trip to Leicester would be in order...
  22. Yes, I was particularly pleased when Becky told me I was going to be the last white man she'd go with. When I suggested, "Only black guys in future then?", she replied "Definitely".
  23. Another great selection Jag, thank you. Our white wives and girlfriends look so much better with a black man than they do with another white guy. I especially love the contrast when the guy is quite dark and the woman very pale. Becky's skin is very pale as you know...
  24. That's what my girlfriend needs. At 45 with a grown-up son, she's only ever been with 3 guys, all of us white. I want her 4th to be black.
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