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  1. Lovebounce

    Add if you have her...

    Pics of Linda
  2. Hello DomBull4U! It was nice that you checked up on me and your 'slut-wife' Linda
  3. I've been trying to stay away... Anyone seen my wife Linda?
  4. hey bounce. Im Spencer.  32 bull. Trying to talk to a REAL COUPLE that is serious about the lifestyle. Would like to stsrt online and meet when the times right......as u can see i have ALOT to offer your marriage. 



  5. Her ass for you...
  6. DomBull4U, You know she has been yours for a couple years now. Anytime you want her... her big tits, her wet open pussy, she's yours...
  7. lovely big boobs nice hairy pussy mmmmmmmmmmmLcWH113sE9bXODbkz3JUs3WMK_HHqScdApa4PJX0SxHU1AiHoykREQ==.jpg

    1. Lovebounce


      Mmm, why don't you cum all over her tits with your big cock?  ;)  Thanks for the hot comment.

    2. tahanemartou


      Ah yes my beautiful I empty all the contents of my balls on your nice breasts7qjomxJVPI4GsA2xvCnqGIDYOYlRcxIHRjHcm3C0le7ibFK6gEq-BA==.jpg

    3. tahanemartou


      mmmmmmmmmmmmC is good hot and sticky sperm on her breasts and her lips

  8. 24071-20161227.095900.1f82.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lovebounce


      Nice cock!  Love to see that in her pics... So hot!

    3. Lovebounce
    4. pointman


      A very sexy lady. I want to suck her nipples.


  9. Nice cock! Would love to see it cumming over her tits...
  10. My wife Linda, tell me or show what you would do to her... Thank you...
  11. I haven't seen you in a while... My wife Linda for your harem, if you still like...


    1. tahanemartou


      Yes i love your wife linda and i still want to kiss her

  12. Lovebounce

    Linda in blue

    Linda in her blue nightly. Do you like?
  13. error connecting problem

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