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Posts posted by secondjag

  1. 5 hours ago, Peter C said:

    I like the fact that you are black yourself Jag and are showing us how all our white wives and girlfriends - my little Becky included - are discovering the benefits of going with black men. My own interest in inter-racial sex, originally confined to me loving black girls, has grown immensely since Becky, normally so shy, admitted fancying black guys and with my approval and encouragement, is now chatting online daily to several much younger lads who we both know want her pussy.

    Here are some of the photos and gifs I have saved, purely because they bear at least a slight resemblance to Becky and arouse my desire for her to go black.







    Good stuff Peter; thanks for sharing and I do see some resemblance to Becky

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. Outside a Church in Boston a young boy is weeping, and an old lady approaches him and says, "What's wrong, honey?"
    The little boy replies between sobs, "My Grandma passed away this morning."
    "I'm so sorry to hear this," says the kind old lady. "Do you want me to call Father O'Riley?"
    "No," replies the boy. "Sex is the last thing I have in mind."

    Osama Bin Laden was shot and dies. He immediately goes to hell, where the devil is waiting for him.
    "I don't know what to do here," says the devil. "You are on my list, but I have no room for you. You definitely have to stay here, so I'll tell you what I'm going to do: I've got a couple of folks here who weren't quite as bad as you. I'll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I'll even let YOU decide who leaves."
    Osama Bin Laden thought that sounded pretty good, so the devil opened the first room. In it was Manuel Noriega and a large pool of water. He kept diving in and surfacing empty-handed over and over and over. Such was his fate in hell.
    "No," said Osama bin Laden, "I don't think so. I'm not a good swimmer and don't think I could do that all day long."
    The devil led him to the next room. In it was the Ayatollah Khomeini with a sledge hammer and a room full of rocks. All he did was swing that hammer, time after time after time.
    "No, I've got this problem with my shoulder. I would be in constant agony if all I could do was break rocks all day," commented Osama Bin Laden.
    The devil opened a third door. In it, Osama Bin Laden saw Bill Clinton, lying on the floor with his arms staked over his head, and his legs staked in a spread-eagle pose. Bent over him was Monica Lewinsky, doing what she does best.
    Osama bin Laden took this in disbelief and finally said, "Yeah, I can handle this."
    The devil smiled and said, "OK Monica, you're free to go."


    Abraham Moscowitz is an old Jewish guy who is a yarn merchant. He lives next door to the biggest anti-Semite in town.

    One day the anti-Semite calls up Abraham and says, "Hey Jew!... I need a piece of orange yarn. The length must be from the tip of your nose to the tip of your penis, and I want it delivered tomorrow."
    Abe says, "OK."
    The next morning the Anti-Semite is awakened at 7am by the sound of running engines. He runs outside to see a row trucks lined up one after the other, truck-full after truck-full of orange yarn in his front yard. Soon, his yard is a 5-feet deep sea in orange yarn. Abe then presents a bill for $18,000 to the anti-Semite.
    The guy starts yelling and screaming at Abe. "What is this, Jew? This is not what I asked for! I told you I needed a piece of yarn from the end of your nose to the tip of your penis. Look at this place! What do you have to say for yourself?"
    Straight faced, Abe replies, "I'm very careful when I deal with people like you. That's why I got a few witnesses here with me. I may be off by a few feet, so I gave you a 2% discount; but... the tip of my penis was left in Poland after my circumcision!"



    • Like 1
  3. 45 minutes ago, cucksean said:

    I so wish my bride was getting used, fi geared and fkd like that!  Thanks Jag

    we keep a good thought Sean.  Here's something to take your mind off it.   ( 12 vids)  SOUND ON















































    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Gunner3.5 said:
    8 hours ago, secondjag said:

    So some more fucking around with analytics this week.  YUP, I'm annoyed as fuck.  It's what I suspect is the reason for this.  FUCK THIS HOUSE!  Trust me, I get how annoying it is to hear me complain so often.  It's just that I've gone through considerable effort to make this place a destination.








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    After finding this place and discovering your page is why I stayed. 

    Very kind of you to say so Gunner.  Thanks

    • Like 1
  5. So some more fucking around with analytics this week.  YUP, I'm annoyed as fuck.  It's what I suspect is the reason for this.  FUCK THIS HOUSE!  Trust me, I get how annoying it is to hear me complain so often.  It's just that I've gone through considerable effort to make this place a destination.








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    • Like 4
  6. Superman is attending a 'Super Heroes’ convention, sporting a black eye.

    Batman approaches and asks what happened.

    Superman says, "I was flying along when I saw Wonder Woman stark naked and writhing about on the floor, so I flew down and slipped onto her to the hilt"

    Robin replies, "Holy Crap, I bet she was surprised".

    Superman says, "Yeah, but not half as much as the Invisible Man!"

    Oprah goes to the doctor with a sore throat, and he says, "Take off all of your clothes, lie on your back on my table, and spread your legs as wide as you can." She says, "How will that help my sore throat?" He says, "It won't, but I want to see how my house will look painted dark brown, with pink shutters."

    One time when I was visiting Toronto, I asked a chap where I could find a good brothel.

    He gave me an address and said to ask for Sally.
    I went to the address and requested Sally. She took me to a room, stripped down, and said, "Go ahead, but let me know how it is."
    After a few minutes I said, "It's not bad but a bit loose."
    She said, "Get off for a moment."
    I did that and she reached down and fiddled about with her privates.
    "Try it now." she said.
    I did and found it better but still a bit loose, so I told her so.

    She repeated her actions and when I tried it again it was perfect.
    When we were finished and I was paying her I asked, "How do you manage to adjust it's size to fit anyone?"
    "Well," she said, "I've been in this business for some time and have developed warts on one side and wormholes on the other. I just button them up or undo them as needed."



    941859_564436533642917_2035083438_n.jpg.7a6155c3ff92b5887a8ae43e86d17d9f.jpgATT3.thumb.jpg.d9b73a303ae9b1a86754af489f155f48.jpg480976515_ATT00004(4).thumb.jpg.47fbd5dd9558149b282c2abae448d86c.jpgATT3mmmm.thumb.jpg.293ed142336c896d7567e414f752e110.jpg820516599_32(21).thumb.jpg.ac845930e139d9fcfffb5abce4536ec1.jpg1342238930_AttentionGolfers.thumb.jpg.825400f586f1179b52801712503c7fc9.jpg6189971_GreatSex.thumb.jpg.0fa295b894c146253664ebaff7eb9b3e.jpg1280067453_GrestestPleasures.thumb.jpg.050882bafd61566181bd86b72f18017d.jpg2012294325_EpicAss.thumb.jpg.482fe35feee3678867144d6dad5ec352.jpg540493993_BeachStrollin.gif.4f833babab5834c9bbe8c09bcf7ba586.gif87347213_IWish.thumb.jpg.133942ac42d4dd227eeb2626fb4d9b4c.jpg468057395_NewYearsResolution.thumb.jpg.bda83b794cd94f65daf3ed0c08ba5616.jpg 846748586_NotaBigDeal.thumb.jpg.989256636a7d8d109e4269a2e324689f.jpg192460492_HomeEarly.thumb.jpg.b53ec3fb1c698c313780f3aea538b8f0.jpgOverdosed.thumb.jpg.03aa3bd3a2ee10f6ac5c650a8367a2e6.jpgPageant.thumb.jpg.679b0ea5f9f82442dc321996ae77e922.jpgOver.thumb.jpg.f31d9b78c31f4a176160342917d7b4b6.jpg279552469_PlayinTwister.thumb.jpg.0133cc9f5e02642fc4bd0f0fd593349f.jpgProof.thumb.jpg.0432eedf4942a7207c34119eff2d4154.jpg1915146325_SexyLingerie.thumb.jpg.0a927024c645e546691cc803b64c7e34.jpg1994529849_WhatsSex.thumb.jpg.50c37d35127a8aac19629a95e333e53b.jpg328244454_WantMilk.thumb.gif.63bece0a0781d355ac93fcc06965b78e.gif201.thumb.jpg.9994ea69016139e5f97f7c3bc92b6fe5.jpg204.thumb.jpg.1d0218c8b502ac929971941ca691df4a.jpg203.thumb.jpg.bae3d0e1e6bd2a1deb20550826bdcc16.jpg205.thumb.jpg.f635e6089097504c3a400a6d56574434.jpg202.thumb.jpg.19630795e01c0ea0721edd76d86631c3.jpg208.thumb.jpg.744c1e8b00d0e48a15ec79c485a10683.jpg207.thumb.jpg.54a66e94a684d0b69c63ee53d617703b.jpg209.thumb.jpg.2f5e964a046e58c7064264ec4ae356ed.jpg210.thumb.jpg.66c7aa8b3bf3643c7f15285684441033.jpg1969435974_WhatdoyoumeanIllhavetopayformyshareofthefish.thumb.jpg.e2fdcd06f70c3950262af524833a8707.jpg307360952_image013(28).thumb.jpg.2d1760dbf8b85ac1509d59cb001b2318.jpg1607990756_WhatFor.jpg.248a93858b40642a7bc91fa8d9b79773.jpg1407848023_WhatIDontHave.thumb.jpg.69b824bd2dffe5df573283bd1e7f096b.jpg1249870418_WhatILookLike(2).thumb.jpg.7675324d6dd748f4464882882778426e.jpg584199102_WhatHappensatSchool.thumb.jpg.50f2a9ae7fba7a911ed104b0f6ae6515.jpg373752675_image013(29).thumb.jpg.e6b9d8d031f225c39225a39c3901ef89.jpg347453204_image013(27).thumb.jpg.9df719a3fb022d1d400a25b3545811a3.jpg142976533_image013(26).thumb.jpg.8325b039859394ce5f00eabd822bfc6d.jpg1664460135_image013(30).thumb.jpg.69a8b8c7b4e84ac6d7f083c33d4b2178.jpgATT3kk.thumb.jpg.4bed07696a3f711eaa4dcdd6448d15c7.jpg936519_507727855980452_2042779133_n.jpg.e12fb9380c84f408fd2b43f9e3546e92.jpg

    • Like 1
  7. Superman is attending a 'Super Heroes’ convention, sporting a black eye.

    Batman approaches and asks what happened.

    Superman says, "I was flying along when I saw Wonder Woman stark naked and writhing about on the floor, so I flew down and slipped onto her to the hilt"

    Robin replies, "Holy Crap, I bet she was surprised".

    Superman says, "Yeah, but not half as much as the Invisible Man!"

    Oprah goes to the doctor with a sore throat, and he says, "Take off all of your clothes, lie on your back on my table, and spread your legs as wide as you can." She says, "How will that help my sore throat?" He says, "It won't, but I want to see how my house will look painted dark brown, with pink shutters."

    One time when I was visiting Toronto, I asked a chap where I could find a good brothel.

    He gave me an address and said to ask for Sally.
    I went to the address and requested Sally. She took me to a room, stripped down, and said, "Go ahead, but let me know how it is."
    After a few minutes I said, "It's not bad but a bit loose."
    She said, "Get off for a moment."
    I did that and she reached down and fiddled about with her privates.
    "Try it now." she said.
    I did and found it better but still a bit loose, so I told her so.

    She repeated her actions and when I tried it again it was perfect.
    When we were finished and I was paying her I asked, "How do you manage to adjust it's size to fit anyone?"
    "Well," she said, "I've been in this business for some time and have developed warts on one side and wormholes on the other. I just button them up or undo them as needed."



    941859_564436533642917_2035083438_n.jpg.7a6155c3ff92b5887a8ae43e86d17d9f.jpgATT3.thumb.jpg.d9b73a303ae9b1a86754af489f155f48.jpg480976515_ATT00004(4).thumb.jpg.47fbd5dd9558149b282c2abae448d86c.jpgATT3mmmm.thumb.jpg.293ed142336c896d7567e414f752e110.jpg820516599_32(21).thumb.jpg.ac845930e139d9fcfffb5abce4536ec1.jpg1342238930_AttentionGolfers.thumb.jpg.825400f586f1179b52801712503c7fc9.jpg6189971_GreatSex.thumb.jpg.0fa295b894c146253664ebaff7eb9b3e.jpg1280067453_GrestestPleasures.thumb.jpg.050882bafd61566181bd86b72f18017d.jpg2012294325_EpicAss.thumb.jpg.482fe35feee3678867144d6dad5ec352.jpg540493993_BeachStrollin.gif.4f833babab5834c9bbe8c09bcf7ba586.gif87347213_IWish.thumb.jpg.133942ac42d4dd227eeb2626fb4d9b4c.jpg468057395_NewYearsResolution.thumb.jpg.bda83b794cd94f65daf3ed0c08ba5616.jpg 846748586_NotaBigDeal.thumb.jpg.989256636a7d8d109e4269a2e324689f.jpg192460492_HomeEarly.thumb.jpg.b53ec3fb1c698c313780f3aea538b8f0.jpgOverdosed.thumb.jpg.03aa3bd3a2ee10f6ac5c650a8367a2e6.jpgPageant.thumb.jpg.679b0ea5f9f82442dc321996ae77e922.jpgOver.thumb.jpg.f31d9b78c31f4a176160342917d7b4b6.jpg279552469_PlayinTwister.thumb.jpg.0133cc9f5e02642fc4bd0f0fd593349f.jpgProof.thumb.jpg.0432eedf4942a7207c34119eff2d4154.jpg1915146325_SexyLingerie.thumb.jpg.0a927024c645e546691cc803b64c7e34.jpg1994529849_WhatsSex.thumb.jpg.50c37d35127a8aac19629a95e333e53b.jpg328244454_WantMilk.thumb.gif.63bece0a0781d355ac93fcc06965b78e.gif201.thumb.jpg.9994ea69016139e5f97f7c3bc92b6fe5.jpg204.thumb.jpg.1d0218c8b502ac929971941ca691df4a.jpg203.thumb.jpg.bae3d0e1e6bd2a1deb20550826bdcc16.jpg205.thumb.jpg.f635e6089097504c3a400a6d56574434.jpg202.thumb.jpg.19630795e01c0ea0721edd76d86631c3.jpg208.thumb.jpg.744c1e8b00d0e48a15ec79c485a10683.jpg207.thumb.jpg.54a66e94a684d0b69c63ee53d617703b.jpg209.thumb.jpg.2f5e964a046e58c7064264ec4ae356ed.jpg210.thumb.jpg.66c7aa8b3bf3643c7f15285684441033.jpg1969435974_WhatdoyoumeanIllhavetopayformyshareofthefish.thumb.jpg.e2fdcd06f70c3950262af524833a8707.jpg307360952_image013(28).thumb.jpg.2d1760dbf8b85ac1509d59cb001b2318.jpg1607990756_WhatFor.jpg.248a93858b40642a7bc91fa8d9b79773.jpg1407848023_WhatIDontHave.thumb.jpg.69b824bd2dffe5df573283bd1e7f096b.jpg1249870418_WhatILookLike(2).thumb.jpg.7675324d6dd748f4464882882778426e.jpg584199102_WhatHappensatSchool.thumb.jpg.50f2a9ae7fba7a911ed104b0f6ae6515.jpg373752675_image013(29).thumb.jpg.e6b9d8d031f225c39225a39c3901ef89.jpg347453204_image013(27).thumb.jpg.9df719a3fb022d1d400a25b3545811a3.jpg142976533_image013(26).thumb.jpg.8325b039859394ce5f00eabd822bfc6d.jpg1664460135_image013(30).thumb.jpg.69a8b8c7b4e84ac6d7f083c33d4b2178.jpgATT3kk.thumb.jpg.4bed07696a3f711eaa4dcdd6448d15c7.jpg936519_507727855980452_2042779133_n.jpg.e12fb9380c84f408fd2b43f9e3546e92.jpg

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  8. One day, while a squirrel was sitting in his tree, he saw a rabbit hopping towards him down the path, and as he came, he was repeating, "I'm a pig, I'm a pig, I'm a pig."
    So the squirrel decided to go down and see what the heck was going on with this rabbit.  So, he went to the bottom of the tree and when the rabbit came near, he stepped out and stopped him.
    "What's going on?" he asked.  "You're not a pig, you're a rabbit. See, you got long ears, a little button nose and a fluffy cotton tail."
    The rabbit looked at the squirrel for a second before he grabbed him, fucked him up the ass, beat his head against the tree and came in his face and continued down the trail repeating, "I'm a pig, I'm a pig, I'm a pig."


    Two widows, Sadie and Yetta, are talking over breakfast.
    Sadie: "That nice Morris Finkleman asked me out for a date. I know you went out with him last week, and I wanted to talk with you about him before I give him my answer."
    Yetta: "Vell ... I'll tell you. He shows up at my apartment punctual like a clock. And like such a mensch he is dressed. Fine suit, wonderful lining. And he brings me such beautiful flowers you could die from. Then he takes me downstairs, and what's there but such a beautiful car... a limousine, even, uniformed chauffeur and all.
    Then he takes me out for dinner. Marvelous dinner. Lobster, even. Den ve go see a show... let me tell you Sadie, I enjoyed it so much I could have just die from pleasure!
    So then we are coming back to my apartment and into an ANIMAL he turns. Completely crazy, he tears off my expensive new dress and has his way with me two times!"
    Sadie: "Oy! Vey... so you are telling me I shouldn't go out with him?"
    Yetta: "No... I'm just saying, verr an old dress."




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    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Gunner3.5 said:








































    3 hours ago, Gunner3.5 said:

    Dober can you imagine how stretched and gaped open he left her when he was finished. Bet she didn't move for 8 hrs afterwards.  

    Gentlemen, gentlemen; a lady would never tell. LMAO  Anybody have any idea what bandwidth goes for these days? Just curious, the world could always use another hotwife/cuckold home

    • Like 2
  10. A beautiful young girl was about to undergo a minor operation. She lay on a rolling bed and the nurse brought her into the corridor. She was totally naked, and laid underneath a sheet.
    Before entering the room, the nurse left her behind the surgery room door to go in and check if everything was ready.
    A young man wearing a white coat approached, took the sheet away and began examining her naked body. He walked away and talked to another man in a white coat. The second man came over and did the same examination.
    When a third man started examining her body very closely, she grew impatient and asked, "These examinations are fine and appreciated, but when are you going to start the operation?"
    The man in the white coat shrugged his shoulders and told her, "I have no idea. We're just painting the corridor."

    One day, a blonde and a brunette were out for a ride in the blonde's new car. Suddenly, some jerk pulled in front of them. The blonde then put her lips on the steering wheel.
    The brunette feared for her life, but had the courage to ask, "What are you doing?!" The blonde calmly replied, "I'm trying to blow the horn."


    There was a young man with a fiddle
    Who asked of his girl, "Do you diddle?"
    She replied, "Yes, I do,
    But prefer to with two --
    It's twice as much fun in the middle."

    She was standing in the kitchen, preparing our usual soft-boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, wearing only the t-shirt that she normally slept in.
    As I walked in, almost awake, she turned to me and said softly, "You've got to make love to me this very moment!"
    My eyes lit up and I thought, "I am either still dreaming or this is going to be my lucky day!" Not wanting to lose the moment, I embraced her and gave it my all. Yep, right there on the kitchen table.
    Afterwards she said, "Thanks," and returned to the stove, her t-shirt still around her neck.
    Happy, but a little puzzled, I asked, "What was that all about?"
    She explained, "The egg timer's broken."

    One day, Tony died.
    When he was sent to be judged, he was told that he had committed a sin, and that he could not go to heaven right away.
    He asked what he did and God told him that he cheated on his income taxes, and that the only way he could get into heaven would be to sleep with a 250 pound, hopelessly stupid, butt-ugly woman for the next five years and enjoy it.
    Tony decided that this was a small price to pay for an eternity in heaven.
    So off he went with this enormous woman, pretending to be happy.
    As he was walking along, he saw his friend Carlos up ahead.
    Carlos was with an even bigger, uglier woman than he was with.
    When he approached Carlos he asked him what was going on, and Carlos replied, "I cheated on my income taxes and scammed the government out of a lot of money... even more then you did."
    They both shook their heads in understanding and figured that as long as they have to be with these women, they might as well hang out together to help pass the time.
    Now Tony, Carlos, and their two beastly women were walking along, minding their own business when Tony and Carlos could have sworn that they saw their friend Jon up ahead, only this man was with an absolutely drop dead gorgeous supermodel/centrefold.
    Stunned, Tony and Carlos approached the man, and in fact, it was their friend, Jon.
    They asked him how it is he with this unbelievable goddess, while they were stuck with these god-awful women.
    Jon replied, "I have no idea, and I'm definitely not complaining."
    This has been absolutely the best time, and I have five years of the best sex any man could hope for to look forward to.
    There is only one thing that I can't seem to understand.
    After every time we have sex, she rolls over and murmurs to herself, "Fucking income taxes!"



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