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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by calicolombia69

  1. It this is true, just confront her matter-of-factly: Look darling, I see you always leave on business trips and forget your panties. If you are cheating on me, at least let me know. I love you very much and Im not going to make a drama, but I would like to be included in your life outside the house. It might take a while for her to be absolutely sure you are not laying a trap and ergo she will deny it. If she does then you can prod about the cum stained panties. Remember that when they are ovulating, they leave a stain that is thicker than semen and slightly more sour to the taste. So make absolutely sure what it is. Smell is also different. Just be 100% brutally open and say, yes I say they had semen and I licked them because I actually enjoy you having a bit of fun in the midst of your hard work. Shock doesnt allow her to think of a quick story and normally brings out the truth much faster.
  2. I do but they are a bit far away: Miami beach in the States. All beaches are topless and women go to be seen. That means a lot of men go to watch! Jamaica, Hedonism II resort in Montego Bay. Half of it is topless and half of it is nude. Although mostly couples, you will find a decent amount of single men hoping to socially or sexually be invited to tag along with a couple or group. I am sure you will find a willing you man to "help" you taking pics of your wife and posing with her...
  3. Colombia / US
  4. what the book doesn't discuss is the brain's reaction when your wife allows you to penetrate her and compete, but makes you get out of the race before it is over. She does not allow me to orgasm inside her and makes me shoot on her stomach or butt! It turns her on as much as it turns me on. Several times she has declared that her pussy is only intended to hold lover's cum in it.
  5. Wife usually does her thing during lunch hours. I pay for a pad downtown so she always meets them there.
  6. Be proud of her! God gave them all the ability to enjoy sex to the fullest and to be sexy to the extreme. I would love to lick the thong she has just taken off after a hot and sweaty day.
  7. icelord: I am glad there is a scientific theory to this and it is not only an extreme perversion of ours. Sort of like dogs: they all want to mount the bitch in the hopes the puppies acquire his face! I can definitely attest to the fact that her overly semen-lubricated pussy makes me orgasm much faster than when it is dry or mildly wet. My face has already been down there and smelt the intense odor of oxigenated semen. So the brain is racing.
  8. Congratulations icelord! The lifestyle is like airline miles: once you reach a certain status you rack them up even faster! Some months when wife is on a roll, they start coming out of the woodwork!
  9. i do admit I was also a judge of strippers and whores until I met my wife. I had the misconception that they were would probably steal and take advantage of you when possible As I met her friends, I realized how normal they are. None did it for drugs. For all of them it was just a second job and all actually enjoyed it. And yes, my wife has done it also. When I looked for a second wife, I knew that if this is the kind of wife I wanted so I frequented places around the whore houses. It was the best decision I ever made. I am also bi and have enjoyed a few cocks in my mouth. My wife tells me also that many bulls are macho. Yet when she plays around their anuses, they relax and let her stick her fingers in them. Our nephew is also a cuck and I fantasize that one day I can play with him while his aunt (my wife) and his wife enjoy other men....
  10. thanks for the story. there will always be people who judge and who believe that they own the book of morality. As I said, in our society, the males think is it OK to fuck other mens husbands. But then they quickly label those wives as sluts and whores. Several of my wife's friends have also been strippers and call-girls. Besides the sex aspect, I have to say they are nicer and more honest than so called "normal" women. They actually have more ethics being fair with money and contracts, are more devoted mothers and they treat their primary husbands very lovingly. And they all wear minis and spandex when they come over haha. My wife also gets in a trance when she is super horny. I have only been allowed to watch twice. One of the times, we were in the bulls studio apartment. She was sleeping nude with him and I was sleeping on a small day bed. She asked me to prepare breakfast. The kitchenette was only 2 meters from the bed. As I prepared, she started fucking him . he was so embarrassed. He knew that I was OK that he was her boyfriend He didnt know that it was OK if they wanted to have sex in front of me. She pushed him down on the bed and sat on his face as she started to suck him. I could hardly prevent the eggs and bacon from burning! The fact is that after they were finished and eating breakfast on the bed, it was so normal we laughed
  11. They are probably fucking her in the break room. She is sitting on one of the table with her jeans down and legs open so they can lick her as they eat their dinner. Supervisor is OK and also participate because it is good for employee morale
  12. Modelwife: Thanks for the praise! My wife has said that she could never leave me because no other decent man would allow this kind of behavior. And there is absolutely no way she is going to turn faithful at 40something!
  13. I think we all have a different definition of Humiliation. As Oldercock says: I enjoy a partnership. Yet it is only the other partner that has full rights. I have occasionally enjoyed a game of open humiliation with one of her lovers. He was curious as to why my wife and I did not have sex yet got along tremendously. She did allow me to insert but not orgasm; but he didnt know this. He thought she was 100% exclusive to him. Anyway, they were nude under the covers in the early morning. She made me drop my shorts and display my 4inches. She told me to get it hard which I did and it grew to an exaggerated 5in. Then she turned around to him and said: see you have nothing to worry about. He is a very cool guy with a small dick. The guy was embarrassed b/c he was not into humiliation. Though he did like to bang her so I could hear her scream in the next room.... So I helped along and said: I have YOU to thank for making my wife happy in this area. Ive never heard her scream and moan like this in 20 yrs... which is actually true with me
  14. icelord: our society is a mixture of very conservative. this makes love affairs, bisexuality and hotwife styles more taboo and more exciting. My wife and her sister are sluts / whores/ But their brothers condemn it . They cannot get it in their minds that I have not divorced my wife for being unfaithful! I meant Soho is where artists and musicians live. She prefers gentlemen and well educated men
  15. I like the part of "what others will say" . My SIL knows I am a cuck as well as several of her married girlfriends. They are so envious of her! I once had a deep conversation / confessional with my SIL. It was so exciting to bare it all to her and explain that I simply get really turned on by knowing that other men fuck her sister.... My wife knows how to select her men. No need for me to interfere. Only High Street or Wall street for her! No Soho, artists or rockers
  16. A sugar bull is my wife's preferred type. She enjoys young bulls who are excellent in the bed. They can orgasm many times and always want sex. However for long term +6 months, she likes the kind you describe. This way, they can also go out to dinner or for a long week-end etc. She has had several in 16yrs. They buy her new bras and panties at VS and she wears them for him. When the 3 of us go out together, I pay half the time and he pays the other half. It is a friendly competition for my wife's ass. Of course he always wins because his dick is bigger! This is what my wife says! Do you speak Spanish?
  17. I agree 100% with the part that an un-managed Cuck is always a problem! I have learned to be more aware of my wife's cues vs my interpretation of the situation! We might walk into a bar as a couple and with one soft poke in my arm, I know that she has zeroed in on a potential bull and therefore I should keep two steps back; like the Queen of England's husband.... Another time, we gathered at a neighbors house for a lunch. We were new to the place. I was about to sit next to her and she all but pushed my chair with me on it, three places down! After 5 minutes I realized she had been flirting with another neighbor since she walked into the house. They hadn't even been introduced yet! I like the idea of a Cuck marriage. We did have a small gathering for our Civil wedding and yes, she did invite a few of her friends-with-benefits and a couple of bulls. They are also friends of ours so it was just natural. SHe is not one for contracts but we have a detailed understanding of the limits. Mainly, she must remember that I am being faithful and the reward is that she must ALWAYS relate to me all details. Tired as she may be, she must allow me to lick her and at least penetrate, even if we continue after she has rested. I have relaxed the rule over the years. I was young and worried that there may never be a next time. Now I KNOW for SURE: there is always a next time with this old slut! Recently she has also stated: Dear, I was not born to be faithful. You know I am a slut so please dont ever ask me to be faithful to you. I love you and adore you but I need my bulls. She has said this repeatedly and dead serious. So we know our contract....
  18. No safe word here. Once I said GO 16yrs ago, the flood gates were open!
  19. When I met my wife, we were friends and confidants first; so I knew ALL about her sex life and how she made ends meet. This included rent. Although slightly older (28), she ad a GF from her home town, shared a room in a house catering to University students. Basically they fucked the landlord's son in exchange for 50% off the rent. They would also fuck the boys in the house in exchange for a share of the groceries and utility bills. As her friend, I expressed that as long as she actually enjoyed it, it was her decision. If she was doing out of obligation, I would be happy to cover for her. She admitted that with the exception of one creep, she actually enjoyed the rest. It was then, that I planted the seed of fantasy in her mind of having a guy that would care for her and support her; while at the same time, allowing her to enjoy the sex life of a single woman. Once the image formed in her mind, without further ado, I became The Guy....
  20. she has grown very fond of a few of them. It almost felt like a three-way marriage. For ex he would sometimes advise me on work or financial matters. I would advise him on technical things. We would both sit around and watch her nude or trying on lingerie we both had paid from the VS catalogue. She always maintained that we can both look but only he can touch.... I do admit I was jealous at times; as was he. But she would give us both hearty kisses and all was well. Actually I would get my kiss while she was curled up on his legs...
  21. Friends and Family get the bareback discount. Yes she has done an uncle who is close to her age; and a nephew who is also close in age. Such large families that by the time Grandma was having her last one, first and second son were already starting their own families....
  22. I forgot to add that while she was giving him a tit job to get him hard, she would discuss the kids sports itinerary for the week-end with me. In other words: get your ass back home soon while I spend the rest of Saturday morning getting fucked. ( I paid to get her tits from 34A to 36Ds). Also, as she was lifting her legs on his shoulders so he could glide in, she would peek her head from under him and ask me to prepare breakfast for them before I left. I had spend Friday night on his couch
  23. I think that would defeat the whole purpose of the lifestyle. If Batman killed the Joker it would be the end of Batman's raison-d-etre However in our case, there have been certain ones which have warranted her accepting them almost as second husbands. She has grown very fond of them and actually made love to them (not just sex). In one instance, I was forbidden penetration for 6 months. She would come back to the house to let me lick her relieve me with her hand only. I noticed that after the initial excitement was over, it was a chore to let me fuck her. Thats when she decided she wanted to be faithful to him. As a good Cuck, I agreed. I truly began to wonder if your statement was about to become true! Second time, 2 yrs ago. She also took him on as a second husband. She made it clear to him that I would not be touching her body so long as he was in her life. The three of us would hang out together a lot. She would hold hands with both of us at the shopping mall or restaurants. She would walk around his studio apt, nude but provocatively in heels. They would get hot on his bed or sofa and she would assure him that while I can watch for a little while, her body was only His. I did feel jealous when they went off together on week-ends b/c I confused it with a three-way marriage. She would let me penetrate her but was terrified b/c my cum has a strong smell and he is quite experienced investigating the fidelity of a womans vagina. With this one, she would allow me to lick her when he had fucked her but again prefered that I ejaculate outside or with her hand. Like all Extreme Sports.... there is an inherent danger of death
  24. Wife normally keeps a long-term lover from 6mo up to 2 yrs with a few on the side for booty-calls. These keep her from growing too fond of the long term lover. A few make it to the hall of fame and get a Hollywood Star and will always be remembered for their combination of size, abilities and general character. The rest, she can hardly remember their names..
  25. Like a supermarket check, the individual items dont seem like much: one or two a month. But the grand total in all the years soon adds up! Cheers to all those wonderful women! And to us cucks who heretofore have probably swallowed a good liter of semen!
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