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Everything posted by gustav.jorgenson

  1. Poker Night by Gustav Jorgenson Excerpted from "Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching, Vol.5" Every month a few old friends of mine come over to my place for poker night. I’ve known Arnold, Ben, and Carl since college and we all ended up in the Bay Area together since that’s where all the tech work is. My wife Zoe usually just spends poker night at her sister Terry’s house to let us have a guy’s night, so I was surprised when she came into the dining room as I was dealing the first hand. “Hey, honey, aren’t you heading over to Terry’s tonight?” I asked in surprise. Zoe looked at my friends gathered around the table with me nervously before answering. “Uh, no, I am going out for drinks with William from work,” she said, touching her neck self-consciously. “Drinks?” I asked, growing uneasy. “Almost sounds like a date,” chimed in Arnold giving me a lecherous grin. “Quiet down, Arny,” put in Ben primly. “Well, yes, I suppose it is sort of like a date,” admitted Zoe, looking down and nudging the carpet with her toe. She shot me a sharp glance and motioned toward the kitchen. “Maybe we should talk about this in the other room, dear.” “Oh, come on, Zoe, why I’ve know these guys for twenty years,” I chuckled. “We’ve got nothing to hide from them. But I will say that I don’t like Will very much. I don’t like the way he looks at your boobs all the time.” “What’s wrong with Zoe’s boobs? They look good to me,” laughed Arnold, staring pointedly at my wife’s chest. “Can it, Arny,” said Carl. “Jeez! You can’t joke around with another man’s wife like that!” Zoe covered her boobs self-consciously with her hands and laughed uneasily. “Yes, Will is pretty aggressive. He’s always flirting with me and trying to get me to wear sexier outfits to work. I usually just turn him down when he asks me out for drinks, but he’s sort of worn down my resistance and since you boys have poker night tonight, I agreed to go out with him. I’m sure he thinks of this is a date. That’s why I wanted to talk to you in the other room.” My wife gazed significantly toward the kitchen and motioned with her head in that direction. “Come on, Zoe, don’t be ridiculous,” I said, putting more bravado into my voice than I felt. “Go ahead and have drinks with this guy if you want. I trust you.” “Yeah, but, you know, he is going to expect, well, you know,” Zoe trailed off, her face blushing cutely. “What are you talking about?” asked Carl, in surprise. “What’s he going to expect? He knows you are married, right?” I nodded along in agreement, looking up at my wife quizzically. “Believe me, Carl, Will doesn’t care if I’m married or not. If I go out drinking with him, he’s going to want to fool around a little,” said my wife with a forced smile. “Sounds pretty hot, how far are you going to let him go?” asked Arnold, wagging his eyebrows at Zoe. Instead of laughing and slapping Arnold’s shoulder as she usually does when he teases her, Zoe shrugged her shoulders and answered him, “That’s just it, I don’t know, Arny.” “Come on, now, what do you mean, you don’t know?” I said hotly. “Now settle down, Ed, settle down,” said Ben. Ben is always the reasonable one. “Zoe is a good girl, I’m sure she won’t do anything improper with this Will fellow.” “I’m not a girl anymore, Ben. I’m 43,” said Zoe with a smile. “Of course I won’t do anything improper, but you know, after I’ve had a few drinks and I’m feeling loose, well, it’ll be sort of hard to say no to a really assertive guy like Will.” I just broke out laughing, but I felt like I was hyperventilating and soon I was gasping for breath. Carl patted me on the back with a concerned look on his face. “Zoe, stop teasing your husband like that. A married woman can’t go fooling around with other men,” said Carl, glaring at my wife angrily. “I would pop such a boner if my wife fooled around with another guy. Christ, that would be hot as fuck,” muttered Arnold into his beer. “My God! Are you serious, Arnold?” asked Ben in frank surprise. “Sure I am,” said Arnold. “Jeez, you guys, I’ve gotten to the point with my wife where the sex has sort of petered out and our marriage has started to turn platonic. Frankly it’s hard for me to get it up for Sarah any more. I’ll bet Ed and Zoe are the same.” “Ah, no comment,” I said, ducking my head in embarrassment. Zoe just folded her arms and shook her head at Arnold, suppressing a smile. “But look at Zoe, she’s still got a great body, she’s a beautiful woman. She’s old news to Ed, but to Will, she’s a fresh conquest waiting to happen,” continued Arnold, gesturing excitedly. “Conquest waiting to happen? I don’t like the sound of that,” I said uneasily, looking at my wife with trepidation. She just shrugged sheepishly but said nothing. “You like to shoot your mouth off, Arny, but you are talking about breaking up a marriage here. That’s nothing to joke about!” snapped Carl angrily. Carl was clearly still sensitive about his recent divorce that was caused by his wife’s infidelity. Arnold looked at Carl sadly for a moment, the wind taken from his sails. Ben patted Carl’s arm in consolation. “Look, Carl,” said Arnold softly. “It doesn’t have to be that way. If Ed knows about it and agrees to it, then Zoe and Will can have a little fun and no harm is done. Maybe Ed will feel a little prick of jealousy, maybe he will stop taking his sexy wife for granted.” Arnold looked me in the eye. “What do you think, Ed, doesn’t it turn you on a little bit to think of Zoe fooling around with another guy?” I thought it over for a minute and then took a gulp of my beer. All eyes were on me and I could feel my pits growing damp with anxiety. I looked at my pretty wife, chewing her lip nervously as she waited to hear what I would say. “Do I really take you for granted, Zoe?” I asked. “I don’t know,” she said, looking back down at her feet. “Shit,” I muttered. “But wait a minute, do you really want to fool around with this guy? I mean, Will is a real prick in my opinion.” Zoe ran her hands through her hair and gave a half-hearted chuckle. “Uh, what can I say? You’re right, Will has a really dickish personality. But, it’s flattering to be pursued so insistently. It’s kind of exciting to be desired like that.” Her eyes lit up with excitement as she talked and my stomach roiled with jealousy. But I could also feel my penis stirring slightly at the thought of my wife being with another man. “Look at the gears turning,” laughed Arnold, gesturing at me. “I can’t believe you are even considering this!” sputtered Carl indignantly. “Now Carl, settle down,” said Ben evenly, putting a hand on Carl’s shoulder. “If you had worked out a consensual deal with Linda, you two might still be together.” If anyone but Ben had said that, Carl would have punched them. But Carl just looked at Ben’s earnest, bespectacled face and frowned thoughtfully. Ben looked at me and continued, “I think you would need to establish some ground rules before going through with this though. You need to agree on how far Zoe will go with this guy.” “This is too strange,” I said, smiling queasily, feeling slightly nauseous. “Negotiating how far my wife will go with another guy?” But my penis kept swelling in spite of my emotional distress. “Well, first things first,” said Arnold, rubbing his hands together excitedly. “Location. Does Zoe go back to Will’s place or bring him back here.” “Oh, I wouldn’t go back to Will’s apartment. I wouldn’t feel safe there,” said Zoe, holding up her hands. “We would have to come back here.” “Yeah, it’s much hotter if Ed can watch while you guys are getting it on,” babbled Arnold, sweat beading up on his forehead. “That’s sick,” spat Carl dismissively. “Besides, are we going to break up our poker night so Ed can watch his wife get pawed by some asshole.” “No, no, we are definitely not breaking up poker night. If Zoe wants to fool around with another guy, she has to bring him back here and do it in the the living room while we play poker in here,” I said adamantly crossing my arms. “I want to keep an eye on things to make sure they don’t get out of hand.” Zoe smiled at me brightly. “Oh, I agree dear. It will be like the old days, entertaining a boy with my parents in the next room. I will feel so naughty.” “Hmmph, this guy will need a pretty big pair of stones to put the moves on another man’s wife with the husband and all his buddies sitting in plain sight in the next room. He will probably chicken out,” said Carl, warming up to the idea. “True,” laughed Zoe, scratching her cheek. “Maybe nothing will happen after all. But somehow, I suspect that Will won’t be bothered in the least and that I will be able to see for myself just how big his balls are.” She moved her upturned palm up and down as though weighing a pair of testicles in her hand and my stomach flipped as Arnold and Ben chuckled at my wife’s raunchy joke. “Zoe, come on. I’m not fully comfortable with this yet,” I stammered, rubbing my head in confusion. “Right,” said Ben, pointing at me decisively. “So the question is, what can you handle, Ed?” “You don’t want Zoe rubbing Will’s balls?” asked Arnold, grinning madly. “It’s a little disturbing how much you are enjoying this, Arny,” I said, shaking my head. “But at this point, I could handle, I don’t know, maybe some hugging and kissing, nothing more. No ball touching.” “What, not even though his pants?” blurted Zoe. We all looked at her in surprise and she reddened in shame. “I mean, it’s been a long time since I made out on the couch with anyone, but a proper snog definitely involves some crotch squeezing.” “You want to grab this guy’s crotch?” I demanded, feeling jealous and a little angry. “Well, you know, I assume he’s got a pretty good sized package down there and I wouldn’t mind checking it out a little,” said my wife, trying to hide her excitement. My rebellious cock stiffened in reaction and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Uh, ok, that’s too much information,” I said. “What about second base?” asked Arnold, pointing to Zoe’s boobs. “Does the lucky guy get to squeeze Zoe’s luscious knockers?” “Well of course,” exclaimed Zoe impulsively. She saw the look of shock on my face and covered her mouth in embarrassment. “I mean, if you approve dear. But really, it’s kind of hard to imagine fooling around without some boob action.” “Yes, that’s true,” I admitted stiffly, fingering my boner through my pants under the table as I pictured that jerk fondling my wife on the couch while I watched. “This is going to be so hot,” gushed Arnold. His nose was getting red from the alcohol. “You are a goddamn pervert, Arny,” said Carl. “Oh my gosh, I am feeling so nervous all of a sudden,” said my wife, fanning her face with her hand. “I mean, I haven’t been on a date in years. What am I going to wear?” She looked down at us and spread her arms imploringly. “Normally, I would have my girlfriends help me, but since there is no time, I need you guys to help me pick out a properly slutty outfit. I’ll be right back.” “Slutty?” I asked grumpily. “Why not wear something modest?” “Honey,” said Zoe, putting her hands on her hips the way she does when I forget to take out the garbage. “You and I have agreed that there is going to be some hanky panky between Will and I tonight. But he doesn’t know that yet. I can’t just come out and invite him home to make out with me. I have to send him the message with my outfit.” “Oh my god,” I said, putting my face into my palm. “What have I gotten myself into?” “Oh don’t worry dear, this is going to be fun, you’ll see,” chattered Zoe. Then she sprinted off to our bedroom like a teenage girl to get changed. “Boy, she’s pretty enthusiastic all of sudden,” grumbled Carl. “Well, to be fair, Ed has agreed to this,” said Ben, taking up the cards and shuffling them. “Sure, she’s just excited to be going on a date. It probably makes her feel young again,” said Arnold reasonably as Ben dealt out a hand. “Ante up.” We played out a hand and I drained one beer quickly and then pulled another round from the fridge before Zoe returned to the dining room to show off her outfit. She was wearing a short, tight black dress that clung to her ample tits and ass and her pale white upper thighs peeked out above her thigh high stockings. Even Carl had to whistle appreciatively as she presented herself to us for inspection. “What a body!” said Arnold with admiration. “You look very attractive, Zoe,” said Ben primly, but his glasses were literally steaming up at the sight of my wife’s curvaceous body. “Does this dress make my ass look big?” asked Zoe with concern as she turned and bent over slightly so we could examine her rear end. “Yes, but in a good way,” I said, as I eyed my wife’s round buttocks, perfectly outlined by the absurdly tight dress. “I’d tap that,” muttered Arnold under his breath. “Shut up Arny,” said Carl. Zoe turned to face us again, smoothing her dress over her hips uneasily. “I don’t know, I feel fat. I have to suck my gut in. Do I really look sexy enough?” “Maybe too sexy,” admitted Carl. “Thing is, that dress is so tight, I can see the outline of your bra,” commented Arnold neutrally. “I know, I noticed that,” said Zoe, putting her hands on her boobs. “But if I take off my bra, my boobs will be bouncing out of control.” I think Ben surprised us all when he chimed in. “Well you are trying to send the message that you are, ah, available,” said Ben, pushing his glasses back up his nose awkwardly. We all broke out laughing at the idea of nerdy Ben encouraging my wife to lose her bra. “Jeez, Ben, I didn’t think you had it in you,” murmured Zoe as she deftly unsnapped her bra and slipped it off, extracting it from the front of her dress with a shrug of her shoulders. “Oh my god, they are going to sag to my waist.” “No, they are still fairly perky,” observed Arnold, gazing with relish at my wife’s jiggling boobs. We all watched in fascination as her nipples became flamboyantly erect. “Everyone will be able to see when my headlights are on,” said my wife, covering her nipples bashfully with her hands. “Well, there won’t be much doubt in Will’s mind when he sees you in that outfit,” I said. “I can’t believe I am helping my wife sex it up to attract another man. This is surreal.” “I know honey, this is definitely the kinkiest thing we have ever done,” said Zoe, coming over to give me a peck on the cheek. As she bent over I gazed with interest down the front of her dress at her dangling cleavage and then I glanced over to see Carl’s eyes fixed on my wife’s knockers. “Getting an eyeful there, Carl?” I asked sardonically, and he blushed with embarrassment and averted his eyes while everyone else laughed. “Ok, I’m going off to meet my date at the bar. If all goes well, he and I will be coming back here in a couple of hours, sauced up and feeling randy,” said Zoe with a twinkle in her eye, striking a sexy pose by cocking one hip. “Wish me luck, fellas.” “Oh boy,” I groaned. Zoe bent over again to take my face in her hands and I knew that everyone was looking down the front of her dress again. “Ed, you and I are going to have some extremely steamy sex once this is over. Can’t you feel it?” “Yes, I think you are right,” I said, looking up at her lovingly. “I feel those butterflies in my belly that I haven’t felt since we first started dating.” “Me too!” she said brightly. “Bye bye, see you later,” And with that she was gone, striding out of the room to go seduce another man. “Wow, I hope you can handle this my friend,” said Carl, clapping me on the shoulder. The hours went by and we carried on our card game, but I just couldn’t take my mind off my wife. I kept picturing her flirting with Will, bending over to show him her cleavage or rubbing up against him as they got drunk at the bar together and my gut wrenched with jealousy at the thought of it. “You’ve been losing all night,” commented Ben, showing me his two aces and scraping the chips toward himself. “He’s been distracted thinking about his wife with that other guy,” said Carl, looking pointedly at Arnold. Arnold pulled at his collar defensively. “Well, come on, it’s not my fault this is happening, Carl.” But Carl just gazed at Arnold coldly and said nothing. “Hey, Ed, look, lighten up man. If you change your mind about this this, you can always call it off and we will throw this Will guy out on his ass.” “Shit, that’s just it, Arny,” I said, throwing down my cards and taking up my beer. “It wasn’t your damn idea, it was this guy Will’s damn idea, and my wife suddenly felt someone paying attention to her in a way that I just can’t anymore. I mean, I love my wife, but after twenty years, the mystery is gone. We are both known quantities to each other. Should I deny her a little fun with another guy because of my petty insecurities and jealousy?” “Fuck, Ed,” said Carl, looking at me sadly. “You are making me feel like a heel for breaking it off with Linda.” “Do you ever talk to her?” asked Ben gently. “Sure, we make arrangements on who the kids will come to visit on holidays,” said Carl. “Dammit, I’m calling her tomorrow. I’m seeing this whole thing in a new light. I cried like a baby when she cheated on me. It crushed my precious ego. But it didn’t have to end like that. I want to give it another chance.” “Hey, good for you man, you do that,” said Arnold, acting serious for once. Just then the door opened and my wife and Will came stumbling into the dining room arm-in-arm, giggling drunkenly. They positively stunk of booze and pot. My wife’s hair and makeup was a mess and her stockings were full of runs. Will is a big guy, over six feet tall and maybe 250 lbs. I gritted my teeth at the way he draped his muscular arm possessively around my wife and how she clung submissively to his side. “Holy fuck, you weren’t kidding,” gasped Will, taken aback at the sight of our poker game. “Your goddamn husband is playing poker with his buddies right here.” He gaped stupidly at us for a second with his mouth hanging open. “Of course, that’s what I told you, silly,” said my wife, slurring slightly and rubbing Will’s belly in a disturbingly sexual gesture as she snuggled against his chest. I noticed that Will had a raging hardon that was pitching a tent in his tacky pleated dockers. “Ah, hello you two,” I said, feeling my ire rise and pulse quicken at the sight of my wife being so intimate with this other guy. “Will, these are my old friends, Arnold, Ben, and Carl,” I said carefully, gesturing at my pals in turn. “Guys, this is Will, my wife’s friend from work.” “Smells like you two have been smoking some strong weed,” said Arnold with pursed lips. “Omigod, I am so stoned right now,” babbled my wife gaily. “We smoked a bowl in Will’s truck and, uh,” she glanced at me shyly, “we fooled around a little.” I knew that she would, and I was resolved to let her have a bit a fun with Will, but my stomach dropped when she admitted it. My eyes went dark and I gasped for breath. Will looked down at me in frank surprise. “Zoe said that you were cool with this and I didn’t believe her. She said that we could come in her and fool around a little more in front of you, but that we had to follow some rules, and I thought she was just pulling my leg. Fuck this is some kinky shit you people are into. All your buddies wanna watch too?” “What’s the matter, will that give you performance anxiety?” asked Ben, tilting his head to the side quizzically. “Fuck no, I think I’m gonna get off on this shit,” said Will. “So Ed, Zoe said that I could squeeze her boobies in front of you. Is that right? I mean, are you giving me permission to feel up your wife?” He looked me right in the eyes with a broad grin on his face. I wanted to get up and punch him right in his gloating face, but I swallowed my bile and just sneered at him. “Don’t be like that, baby,” cooed Zoe, rubbing Will’s chest. “Let’s go into the living room and let these guys play poker.” “Zoe, you gotta admit, it’s pretty weird to fool around with a wife while the husband is sitting right there. I just want to make sure Ed’s cool with me touching your ta-tas.” “You already did that plenty in the car,” she giggled, looking up at him with big doe eyes. I groaned at the look of admiration on her face. “I want to hear it from his own mouth,” said Will, looking over at me and arching his eyebrows. “Don’t be a dick,” muttered Carl, irritably. Zoe looked over at me with chagrin but said nothing. “No, Carl, he’s right,” I forcing a sigh. “Will, I told Zoe that you two could fool around a little,” I said tightly. “Yeah? So I can touch her boobs like this then?” he asked, reaching over and bolding grabbing one of my wife’s nice round breasts in the palm of his hand. “Like this?” I watched with a dry mouth as he kneaded my wife’s boob in his hand while Zoe watching my reaction guiltily. “Uh, yeah,” I said, struggling to breath while my blood pounded in my ear. “If she’s ok with it.” “I like it,” breathed Zoe, tilting her head back to nuzzle and kiss Will’s neck. “How about if I pinch her nipple?” he asked haughtily, locating my wife’s areola and tweaking it with his thumb and forefinger until it grew stiff and erect. My wife moaned softly and started licking Will’s neck while he wagged his eyebrows at me and fingered her nipple. My blood was boiling at this point, but my dick started to swell at the sight of this guy pinching my wife’s tit in front of me. I looked around the table and all my friends were watching Will work my wife’s boob with fascination. “Let’s go in the living room, baby,” urged my wife, pulling his hand away from her boob and holding it in her own. “You are making me too hot.” “Yeah, I am getting hot too, feel this,” he said, taking her hand and putting it forcefully onto the big bulge in his pleated dockers. “Oh, boy,” she gasped gripping his shaft through his pants. “Are you happy to see me or what?” she tittered. “Ahh, ok, now,” I said, holding up my hands. “Honey, you said I could,” pleaded Zoe. “His thing is really, really hard,” she exclaimed with a strange innocence as she gripped the head of his dong in one hand and pinched down along the shaft with the other, making him grunt with satisfaction. “And it’s big too.” “Ok, but,” I complained weakly. “It’s hard to watch.” “I like watching,” blurted Ben, surprising everyone. He had to pull his glasses off and wipe the fog from them so he could see. “Oh yeah, nerdy guy?” he asked smugly. “Watch this dance I taught Zoe tonight. It’s a black dance called the grind.” “Oh, I don’t think Ed would like that,” she said, looking at me with trepidation. “Come on,” demanded Will, spinning my wife around easily and pushing her forward so that she was bent over at the waist. My pals and I got a nice view of her swinging cleavage as Will positioned himself behind my wife and started grinding his crotch against her rear. “Omigod, I can really feel it,” she gasped. “I like that, it’s pushing against my hoo-ha.” “Ok, ok, no dry humping,” I said, my palms slick and my cock stiff from watching this rude prick dry hump my wife in front of me and my friends. “I think she likes it though,” complained Will, giving my wife a few more thrusts before stopping. “I do like it, Will,” she said. “I like it a lot. It’s making me wet.” “Ok, honey, ok,” I said, holding up my hands. “Too much information.” “Sorry, baby,” she said, standing upright. “But I’m super drunk and stoned and super horny right now.” “Hey before we go make out in the living room, why don’t you, you know, go take your dress off?” asked Will, gripping his jock with both hands. “Can she do that, Ed? Is that allowed?” “I mean, we hadn’t discussed that,” I stammered. “It should be allowed,” chimed in Ben. “You never specified that she couldn’t.” “Listen to Ben,” laughed my wife, clapping her hands together drunkenly. “He’s dying to see me naked.” “Well, not naked, you still have your panties on I assume,” corrected Ben awkwardly. “I want to see you naked,” said Arnold frankly. “That would be super hot.” “I have to agree,” muttered Carl. “You guys are supposed to be on my side here,” I complained. “I think you are overruled, honey,” said Zoe. She came over and gave me a sloppy smooch on the cheek, then clumsily pulled her dress up and off over her head. She tossed it aside and stood there topless, in just her panties and stockings while we all gazed at her amazing tits, swinging freely. Her ears were bright red with lust but she covered her stiff pink nipples modestly with her hands, while Will grabbed her around the waist and dragged her off to the living room without another word. He picked up my wife and tossed her onto the couch, making her cackle with laughter. I watched in sick horror as he climbed on top of her and buried his face in her chest. “Uh, you guys,” I called lamely. “Play nice, play nice,” laughed my wife, pushing Will away. “Now let’s just kiss nicely, ok?” Will obliged, sliding off Zoe and sitting next to her. They wrapped their arms around each other and were kissing each other on the mouth passionately within moments. “Oh, man, watching Zoe make out topless with that big prick is given me a massive hardon,” breathed Arnold. “I hate to admit it, but me too,” said Carl. “Would it be bad form if I unzipped and started jerking off while I watched?” asked Ben politely. We all laughed, looking at Ben in amazement. “Ben, I can’t believe you,” I said, shaking my head. “You want to spank your monkey watching my wife fool around on the couch?” “Look at him, he’s got his hands all over her bare chest,” hissed Arnold, gripping his crotch under the table. I turned to watch as Will and Zoe kissed passionately, tongues flicking between open mouths. Just as Arnold said, Will’s hands roved freely over my wife’s bare chest, weighing her hefty boobs in his hand one moment and pinching her pink nipples the next. For her part, Zoe tugged insistently on the bulge in Will’s pants. I could hear her whimpering in passion as they made out and my innards were tied in knots of jealousy. But I felt like jerking off too, and my penis stood stiffly at attention. “Honey, I’m just going to, uh,” Zoe said, pulling her mouth away from Will’s for a second so she could unzip his fly. I watched in shock as she extracted his huge phallus from his trousers. “Oh my god, what a beautiful penis,” she gasped, staring at Will’s cock as she fingered it’s red bulbous head and thick, veiny shaft. “Didn’t I have a rule against this?” I asked, turning to Ben in desperation. “I don’t know, Ed, I don’t remember,” muttered Ben, his arm flailing up and down as he jerked himself off under the table. “Fuck it, if Ben’s jerking off, so am I,” said Arnold, as he unzipped and commenced to masturbating. “Omigod, are you guys actually jerking off in there?” called Zoe with delight as she stroked Will’s @@@@@@@ penis. “That’s so freaky! Is Ed jerking it too?” “Not yet,” I admitted. “Well, I’ll give you something to jerk it over. Stand up, Will, let me get these pants off you,” coaxed my wife, and Will eagerly obliged, standing up so that my wife could yank his pleated dockers down around his ankles. “Here turn so Ed can see,” she said, sitting on the couch with Will’s huge swollen prick just an inch from her face. “Honey, look how big Will’s balls are,” she giggled lustily, grabbing Will’s nuts and weighing them in her hand. “He’s got a real pair of stones, just like I thought.” “Ok, yeah, that’s nice,” I said impatiently. “Here, watch while Will dangles them in my eyes,” she said. Then Will and Zoe laughed uproariously while she bent down, her bare boobs brushing his thighs as he plopped his nutsack into her eye sockets. “So rude, I love it,” muttered Arnold, licking his lips as he choked his chicken. “Oh, yeah, now suck those bad boys,” urged Will. “Do you mind, Ed?” called my wife. But before I could answer, she opened her mouth and slurped one of his sizable cojones halfway into her mouth. “Oh fuck,” I groaned, sweating profusely as I finally unzipped my fly and started tugging my compelling hardon. “Yeah, you like how your wife sucks my balls, there Ed?” called Will triumphantly. He produced his phone from his shirt pocket and snapped a few pictures of my wife as she posed for him, gazing up at him in adulation with one of his nuts hanging half out of her mouth. “The guys at work are gonna love these,” he boasted. “Oh my god, it’s so big, I can’t fit it all in my mouth,” gushed my horny wife, as he snapped some pictures of her vigorously jerking on his cock. “But if you show these pictures to the guys at work, I will kill you,” she said cheerfully. “It’s ok, if I blow him, isn’t honey?” she asked me sweetly as she yanked Will’s meat. “I mean, we are all having fun, now, right?” “Yeah, I mean, do what you want at this point,” I agreed, feeling a chill wash through my chest as I jerked my dick under the table. I looked around the table and realized that all four of us were pulling our puds watching my wife get it on with this big dick and I felt like a dirty pervert for a second. But then I heard my wife humming with pleasure and I forgot all about judging our perversion as I watched my wife hungrily sucking on Will’s fat cock. Her head bobbed up and down as she blew him. “You like that, Ed?” he crowed in exultation. “You like how Zoe sucks my cock and balls? She can’t get enough of that big old dick in her mouth, man!” He gave a hearty guffaw at my expense, but I just frowned and kept beating my meat while I watched my wife drop submissively to her knees before him, topless and boobs swaying, as she ran her tongue up and down his engorged shaft. “I think I’m in love with your penis,” she groaned as he held his phone above her. “This is gonna be an awesome video,” he said excitedly. “But hold off, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that.” “Don’t cum, I need you to fuck me,” pleaded Zoe, gripping his thighs and looking up at him beseechingly. “Yeah, that’s right,” he said smugly. “You heard that, Ed?” “I heard it, but, Zoe, come on,” I said, trying to push my boner back into my pants. “You guys were just going to fool around, right?” I said. “I mean, already, the blowjob and getting topless was going a little too far. I am trying to be cool about this, but penetration is over the line.” Zoe jumped to her feet and ran over to me, her boobs bouncing in all directions as she approached. “The bouncing,” croaked Ben and he crumpled up and shivered and I assumed he was ejaculating into the bottom of my dining room table. “You better clean that up,” commented Carl. “Honey, please,” said Zoe, throwing herself onto my lap so that my stiff cock poked up between her stocking clad thighs. “Oooh, look at how hard you are,” she cooed, pinching the head of my cock. “See, you are into this. Don’t make me stop now. Feel how wet my pussy is,” she said, taking my hand and putting it down the front of her panties. “I know this is rough for you, but I need Will’s dick inside me. He’s so big and manly, he’s making me crazy. I need for him to fuck the shit out of me right now.” “Yeah, Ed, I’m gonna need you to let me fuck your wife now,” said Will, imitating the boss from Office Space. He walked into the dining room with his stiff dong swinging back and forth. He came right up to us and slapped my wife in the cheek with his dick while she sat on my lap, fingering the head of my own dick between her thighs. She turned her head casually and he pushed the head of his dick right into her mouth and I had a close up view of my wife giving her lover an enthusiastic blowjob while she tugged my knob. “Jesus, alright, alright,” I said, sliding her off my lap hastily. “Who wants to shoot the video?” asked Will dropping his phone on the table as he scooped up my pliant wife in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kicked her legs prettily, as he carried her off to the bedroom to fuck her. “I’ll do it,” offered Arnold excitedly, snatching up the phone and chasing after Will and my wildly snickering wife. “Are you really OK with this, Ed?” asked Carl, holding one hand over his dick to hide it as he stood. “Yeah, as sick as it seems, I guess I am going to go in there and jerk off watching this guy fuck the shit out of my wife on our own bed,” I admitted sheepishly. “This is soo fucking hot,” raved Arnold, over his shoulder. By the time I made to our bedroom, Will had already tossed Zoe onto our bed and pulled her panties off. He plunged his face between her legs, locking her twat in his mouth to eat her out for a few minutes, but she couldn’t take much of that and squirmed away. “Enough, enough,” she pleaded. “I’m already too wet, I just need that dick now.” She looked over at me apologetically as she spread her legs for him and my heart skipped a beat. Arnold leaned in to get a nice shot of my wife’s pale inner thighs and dripping snatch. She reached down and spread her labia for Will, her arms corralling her big boobs together and making them jut skyward. Will pushed Arnold aside and climbed up on top of my wife, stroking his big hard cock as he hovered above her, looking down at her body as she offered herself to him. “I’m taking ownership of your wife, now, Ed,” he said gleefully. “That ok?” “Own me,” she begged, holding her pink twat open for him. “Ed?” he asked. “I am waiting for your approval.” “Yes, take her,” I grunted, dick in hand, jerking off as I watched Will sink down onto my wife and plunge his fat cock into her eager pussy. “Yeah, yeah,” she moaned, affirming her pleasure as Will sank his shaft into her. “Nice,” muttered Carl, who had taken up a position in a chair along the way and sat masturbating with his pants down as he watched. Arnold was holding the phone with one hand and jerking himself with the other and he actually started dribbling cum onto the edge of our bed just as Will started pumping himself in and out of my wife. Arnold let his sticky penis drop from his hand, but continued capturing the coitus on video, walking around the bed to get the best shot. Will’s big dark body covered my wife’s small, pale form and his ass was pumping up and down insistently as he drilled her. My wife gripped Will’s ass cheeks, pulling him into her, her head thrown back in ecstasy. She was moaning and urging him on with inarticulate affirmations while he rhythmically violated her on the bed where she and I had slept together for all these years. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like it, I like it, fuck me,” she murmured, legs spread as wide as she could to grant him full access to herself. “That’s it, that’s it, I’m cumming,” she cried out as his forceful fucking increased to a fever pitch, making the bedsprings creak manically. “Ok, I’m going to empty my load inside,” croaked Will and after a few more vicious thrusts, he arched his back, driving himself as deep inside her as he could while he filled my wife’s womb with what I assumed would be a voluminous emission. His climax complete, he climbed gruffly off of my wife, and headed off to the bathroom to wash up. “Wait, where are you going?” cried my wife plaintively, reaching a thin arm out to him. “Willy, I think I love you!” she called. “Jesus, honey,” I complained, near climax myself. “Well, you know, I love his penis anyway,” she said with embarrassment. “Hey didn’t you cum yet? Come here, then,” She lay limp, sweaty and naked from being fucked once already, her hair plastered to her forehead, but she rolled to the edge of the bed and and grabbed my dick in a friendly and familiar way. “Did you like hearing me moan with pleasure while Will sank his big ole meat into me?” she asked, looking up at me impishly as she dispassionately worked my dick like a washerwoman, her sweaty tits swinging back and forth. “Bitch,” I gasped, her filthy talk bringing me to orgasm. I spurted blast after blast of hot cum all over her tits while she laughed with pleasure. “Attaboy,” she said encouragingly as I coated her chest in glistening semen. “Oh fuck, this is so weird,” I said, pulling away and pacing back and forth. “Um, yeah, can I add to the weirdness?” asked Carl, tentatively, coming over to offer his @@@@@@@ penis to my wife. “For real, Carl?” exclaimed my exhausted wife. “What do you want me to do with this? My arms are getting tired.” But she reached out and tickled Carl’s nuts anyway and apparently that’s all he needed because I watched in horror as my old buddy jerked his dick until he shot a nice sloppy glob of jism right into my wife’s eyes. “Wow, that’s awesome,” commented Arnold, leaning in close to capture the cumshot on video. “Jesus, Carl,” she complained, wiping the cum from her eyes. “What the hell? I’ve got like three men’s semen on me now.” “Four, actually,” corrected Arnold. “I think you are sitting in the spot where I came earlier.” Zoe stood up unsteadily and turned her rump toward us, touching the wet smear of cum on her ass cheeks gingerly. Arnold studiously captured the scene for posterity. “Oh my God, you are right,” she said with mild disgust. “You are a cum slut,” I offered gamely, noticing that I somehow didn’t feel that upset by the fact that two of my pals were looking my naked, cum slathered wife up and down with interest. Zoe noticed too. “Wow, you boys are getting an eyeful,” she complained good naturedly. Pulling a cover off the bed to wrap herself in. Will came back into the room, fully dressed with his hair freshly slicked back. “Ok, folks, well it’s time to go,” he said, chest thrust out proudly. “Ed, thanks for letting me use your wife for sex. Zoe, thank you for revealing what a filthy whore you are, I look forward to besmirching your honor many more times in the future. Arny, thanks for capturing the video, I will post that online tomorrow,” Will snatched his phone away from Arnold deftly. “Bye, now!” “No, Will, you can’t post that online, I will be mortified,” cried Zoe, jumping up to try to chase after Will, but hampered by the cover wrapped around her. “Ahh, you will get used to it. Lots of women have sex tapes out there,” he laughed as he scuttled toward the door. “In fact, once the guys at work see it, the worst that will happen is that you will get asked out on a lot more dates.” With that he was gone, slamming the door behind him. Zoe looked at me with a crooked smile, Carl’s cum still dripping from her eyebrow. “Well, that went better than expected,” she squeaked awkwardly. I thought I would be more upset when Will posted the video of Zoe getting fucked online and texted me the photos of her with his nuts in her mouth, but actually, I enjoyed jerking off to them. As predicted, there was a minor scandal at the office, but she braved it out and she accepted dates from several other guys at work, including her boss. Sometimes she would bring them home for me to watch alone, but I had to admit it was more fun when she brought dates home on poker night. Sometimes she would even let one of my pals slip it in her from behind or suck them off if she was drunk and stoned enough. Carl got back together with his ex-wife Linda, and when Linda came over to join in, poker nights got a lot more interesting. Overall, I don’t regret the turn our life has taken, though I still get a pang of jealousy when my wife begs one of her other lovers not to leave after sex and tells them she loves them. But I just blow it off, it’s nothing to get divorced over. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: Gustav Jorgenson's Fairly Clean Blog
  2. Under the Blanketby Gustav Jorgenson Excerpted from "Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching, Vol.3" Megan and her coworker Doug were chatting in the kitchen at work. “You look very nice today, Megan,” said Doug, looking her body up and down appreciatively. Megan blushed and tugged self-consciously at the hem of her skirt. Doug was always flirting with her and she enjoyed the attention, so she had started wearing shorter skirts and tighter sweaters to work lately. “Thanks Doug, that’s very nice of you to say,” she said, taking a sip of her tea. “Yes, that sweater, is very flattering,” said Doug staring unabashedly at her large jutting breasts. He knew that Megan was married, and he was married himself, but he liked to imagine what it would be like to bed his middle aged coworker. “My eyes are up here, Doug,” joked Megan, turned on by how brashly Doug was acting today. “Yes, your eyes are very beautiful,” agreed Doug, never taking his gaze from Megan’s chest. Megan felt a cool breeze as the air conditioner kicked on and her nipple stiffened visibly in her tight sweater. Doug wagged his eyebrows at Megan suggestively. “Your headlights are on,” he said, giving her a lewd wink. “Oh, Doug, you are terrible,” said Megan, covering her nipples with her hands modestly. Her face was flushed red with excitement. “I know I am,” said Doug casually. “Hey, when are you going to invite me over for dinner?” “You and Frida are always welcome to join John and I for dinner,” said Megan lightly. She hated to bring up their spouses while flirting, but it couldn’t be helped. Doug frowned at the mention of his wife and the erection inspired by Megan’s snugly fitting top began to subside. “Frida doesn’t really care to socialize with my work friends,” said Doug. “Couldn’t just you and I have dinner some night when John was out of town on business?” “Doug, that wouldn’t be appropriate,” said Megan weakly, her heart pounding at the idea of a dinner date with Doug. His face fell at the rejection, so she quickly added, “I’ll tell you what though, why not come over tonight and join John and I for dinner? It’s our night to watch a movie at home.” Doug stopped staring at Megan’s breasts for a moment and looked her in the eye with a calculating expression. He wondered if she was testing him, trying to see how much chutzpah he had. “Alright, Megan, I will take you up on your offer,” he said. Megan briefly wondered if she was doing the right thing to invite her work flirt home to meet her husband, but John paid so little attention to her these days that he probably wouldn’t even notice the sexual tension between her and Doug. So she smiled warmly at Doug and gave him her address. “Sounds good, see you at 7 tonight then,” said Doug. “And I expect you to answer the door naked,” he said with a grin. “We’ll see,” laughed Megan, her pulse quickening. “Don’t get your hopes up.” The rest of the day seemed to crawl past as Megan anxiously awaited dinner with Doug. She wondered if John would go to bed early or just doze off in his chair as was his habit on movie night. She wondered what would happen if she and Doug were together alone on the couch in the dark. When she finally arrived at home, she rushed to prepare a nice steak dinner for Doug. “What’s this?” asked her husband John when he came home from work. He came over and gave Megan a perfunctory peck on the cheek as she stood cooking at the stove. “Steak huh? What’s the occasion?” Megan gulped nervously and tried to sound nonchalant. “Oh, I invited my coworker Doug over for dinner tonight,” she said with a weak smile. “You remember Doug. He was at the office Christmas party.” “But it’s our movie night,” said John peevishly. But in truth, he actually looked forward to having company. He loved his wife, but they had fallen into a deep rut and movie night had become a bore. John recalled that Doug was a funny guy. Maybe he would liven up the evening. “I know honey,” said Megan pursing her lips and furrowing her brow sympathetically. “But it will be a nice change of pace to have company for once.” “Maybe you’re right,” agreed John amiably, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator and heading off to the living room to watch television. Doug arrived right on time at 7 and he brought a nice bottle of wine. They all enjoyed a friendly supper with Doug and John engaging in a lively discussion about the local football team which had made the playoffs. Megan was beginning to feel slightly neglected and oddly jealous of Doug’s attention to her husband. But as soon as her husband left the room Doug resumed his flirtation with a vengeance. “I’m very disappointed that you were fully clothed when you answered the door,” said Doug softly, leaning forward and gazing into Megan’s eyes. “Dinner would have been so much more interesting if you had heeded my request and gotten naked for me.” “Ha, it would have given us something to talk about other than football, I’ll grant you that,” replied Megan merrily. The idea of entertaining Doug and her husband in the nude both aroused and amused her. She was sure that John would have a heart attack if she ever tried something like that. Doug had enjoyed a few glasses of wine, and his inhibitions were down, so he put his cards on the table. “Well I have to keep John distracted with football talk so he doesn’t realize that I want to have sex with his wife.” He gave Megan a crooked smile, but in that moment they both knew that he wasn’t joking. “Really?” said Megan, her voice cracking slightly. She could feel her palms growing sweaty with excitement. “I didn’t realize you felt that way,” she said absently, unable to make eye contact with Doug. “Oh, you realized it alright,” laughed Doug. “I think I’ve made it perfectly clear at work.” “Made what perfectly clear?” asked John jovially as he returned to the dining room. Megan was startled so badly that she nearly jumped out of her chair, but neither man noticed. “Oh, I’ve made it clear how tired I am of working at that damn place,” rejoined Doug smoothly. “But the job market is tough, so I stick with it nonetheless.” “I hear you, brother,” agreed John, shaking his head ruefully. “Ok, boys,” said Megan brightly. “Why don’t you two clear the table while I go change out of these work clothes?” “Yeah, you must barely be able to breathe in that sweater,” said Doug cheekily, giving John a sideways glance to judge his reaction. John just laughed heartily at the slightly bawdy joke and Megan chuckled along awkwardly, “Yes, well, I’ll be back in a few and we can open another bottle of wine and start the movie.” She hurried off to the bedroom as Doug and John helpfully cleared the dirty dishes. “You noticed how tight that sweater was, huh,” said John looking over at Doug mischievously once his wife was out of earshot. “I have to admit I did notice, John,” said Doug matter-of-factly. John bit his lip to hold back his laughter. “She’s got quite a rack on her, doesn’t she?” he asked. Doug was surprised at John’s candor and simply responded in kind. “I’ll say, you are a lucky man, my friend,” he said with a lascivious grin and the two men broke out in raucous laughter as Doug pictured what Megan’s breasts would look like if she stood topless before him. Megan heard the laughter from the kitchen as she stripped off her sweater and unsnapped her bra. Her large bosoms came spilling out, and she heaved a sigh of relief as she rubbed them absently. She wriggled out of her skirt, stripped off her stockings, and stood contemplating her body in the mirror. She had gained a bit of weight over the years, but she had retained her hourglass figure. She looked herself over critically and decided that she didn’t look too bad for a woman of 42. Then she went to the closet and pondered what to wear. She briefly considered putting on a sexy negligee and going out to rejoin her husband and Doug as though that were perfectly natural. The very idea made her giggle to herself like a schoolgirl, but she knew she would never have the guts. She settled on a nice pair of sweatpants that were comfortable but well fitted enough for company. For a top, she slipped into a t-shirt. Her breasts were jiggling and her nipples were poking through without a bra on, so she pulled a light cardigan over the t-shirt and headed back out to the kitchen. “Oh, I was hoping you would come out here in a slinky negligee,” commented Doug sarcastically when he saw how modestly Megan was dressed. John slapped Doug on the shoulder and laughed along rowdily. Megan could tell that John was a little drunk, so she opened her cardigan and shimmied her shoulders to make her boobs bounce back and forth. The two men stared in fascination at the motion of her knockers before Megan blushed deeply and pulled her cardigan closed. “Wow,” said Doug, clearly impressed. John just laughed even harder and strode over to his wife to kiss her on the cheek and slap her bottom playfully. “You don’t need to wear lingerie to be sexy with that damn body,” said John lustily. “Thank you honey, that’s sweet,” said Megan, looking at her husband warmly. “I’ll drink to that,” said Doug with a wicked smile and he poured out more glasses of wine and handed them around. The trio adjourned to the living room together to watch a movie. John wasn’t bothered by Doug’s flirting, in fact he found that he enjoyed having another man pay attention to Megan. He realized that he took her for granted a lot lately. She was still a sexy woman, and it was perfectly natural for other men to take notice of that fact. “So what movie should we watch, gentlemen?” asked Megan formally, holding her wine and bending over to examine the rack of DVD’s. Doug stared unabashedly at Megan’s gorgeous round rear as she bent over. John noticed Doug’s interest in his wife’s bottom, but he was surprised that it didn’t make him very jealous. “How about Showgirls?” blurted out John as he sank into his favorite recliner. “Oh honey,” laughed Megan nervously. “That’s a very naughty movie. I don’t think it’s appropriate to watch… with a guest over,” she smiled lamely at Doug as she said it. Her husband must be drunker than she thought. “Nonsense,” objected John merrily. “We are all adults here, aren’t we?” he said. “Put it on.” Megan looked at Doug inquisitively. “I haven’t seen it,” said Doug with a smile. “Is there a lot of nudity?” “You’ll see,” said Megan with resignation and she put in the movie and turned down the lights. Doug sat down on the daybed which was Megan’s customary place to sit in the evening and she hesitated to join him there. “Doug took your seat, huh?” commented John, noticing his wife’s uncertainty. “Ha, we really have our routine, don’t we,” laughed Megan. “Oh, I can sit somewhere else,” said Doug, looking around the room but not actually standing up to move. “No, no, there’s plenty of room here for both of us,” said Megan, sitting down next to Doug on the daybed where she liked to stretch out and relax each evening. As the outrageously bad movie stumbled from one gratuitous sex scene to another, the threesome mocked the bad acting but were drawn into the sensuality nonetheless. Doug and John both had raging hardons and Megan felt herself getting wet. As they went through the wine she found herself snuggling up against Doug and he slipped one arm around her back surreptitiously. John didn’t seem to notice and in fact seemed to be nodding off slightly as was his habit after a long day at work, a good meal, and a lot of wine. “Are you tired dear?” asked Megan lightly as Doug ran his hand hungrily up and down her side while sexy dancers thrust their crotches into the air on the screen before them. “No, no, I’m fine,” mumbled John sleepily, nodding off in his comfortable chair. Megan reached down and gripped Doug’s thigh and started rubbing his leg in a more than friendly manner. Her heart was pounding with excitement and her body was hot from the wine and from arousal. She couldn’t believe that she and Doug were feeling each other up right in front of her husband while he was distracted by the titillating movie and his own drowsiness. Doug started getting more and more aggressive and he slipped his hand under Megan’s t-shirt and slid it up her side closer and closer to her boob. Her breath came faster and faster until she was practically panting when he finally gripped her bare breast in his hand and sought out her nipple with his fingers. John glanced over and saw Doug and his wife rubbing up against each other and he snapped to attention slightly. “Hey, what are you guys doing over there?” he asked good naturedly. Megan clamped her arm down trapping Doug’s wrist in her armpit. Then she released it and pushed him away slightly as he hurriedly withdrew his hand from her shirt. Doug’s own heart was racing and his erection was pitching an obvious tent in his trousers. “Doug was just tickling me, dear,” lied Megan. “But it’s all in good fun,” she added lamely. “That’s my wife you are feeling up over there,” said John with a smile. “Show some respect, fella,” he added with a nervous chuckle. He had enjoyed a bit of harmless flirting between Doug and his wife, but John was starting to get jealous of how Megan and Doug were snuggling together on the daybed there. He was starting to regret his choice of movie. Maybe it was getting everyone a little overheated. “You know this movie is considered one of the worst of all time,” said John, trying to sound light-hearted. “Maybe we should put something else on.” “I’m enjoying it actually,” said Doug languidly, shifting on the daybed to try to hide his erection. “It has excellent character development.” “Liar, you just like the boobs,” laughed Megan, punching Doug’s shoulder playfully. “Well I do like boobs, I can’t deny that,” said Doug, giving Megan a smoldering look of passion. “Heh, heh, yeah, well, I guess we can leave it on then,” said John, but he felt his stomach twisting with jealousy at how familiar Megan was being with Doug. He drank a bit more wine and started to relax and was soon drawn into the movie as another sex scene commenced. “I’m usually just stretch out on this, do you mind if I lay down here?” asked Megan softly. “Go right ahead,” said Doug. “Shall I cover you?” he asked, noticing the blanket folded at the back of the daybed. “Yes, please,” said Megan stiffly. “Why don’t you lay down behind me?” “And spoon you?” whispered Doug. “Yes,” replied Megan. “Cover us with the blanket.” As the two coworkers rearranged themselves on the daybed with Megan laying in front and Doug laying behind her, John roused himself and took notice. “Now what are you doing over there?” he asked, trying to hide the annoyance in his voice. “I’m just stretching out like I always do dear,” said Megan innocently. “And he’s going to lay there with you?” asked John. His head was fuzzy with wine and sleepiness. “I guess so,” said Megan pulling the blanket up to her neck. “Uh, huh,” replied John helplessly. He didn’t like this arrangement, but he was too muddled to think of a polite way to object. Doug wasted no time and immediately gripped Megan by the hips and started grinding his stiff boner up against her soft round ass. Megan gasped in response and reached back to pinch the bulge in Doug’s pants between her fingers. Doug grunted in response and brazenly slid his hands up the front of Megan’s t-shirt, gripping one large breast in each hand and kneading them greedily as she squeezed his cock through his pants. John sat watching them wriggle and shift under the blanket. “What the hell ARE you two doing under that blanket?” snapped John testily, growing deeply suspicious. “Nothing dear, my goodness,” panted Megan, feigning nonchalance as Doug gripped her boobs in his hands and pinched her nipples. “We are just getting readjusted over here.” “Yeah, what if I came over there and pulled the cover off you two?” demanded John hotly. “Well then I would be cold,” pouted Megan sweetly. John didn’t know how to respond to that it really appeared to him as though Doug was touching his wife’s breasts under that blanket and his stomach flipped with anxiety at thought, but he was tired and drunk and couldn’t think of the right way to handle this. “I just need to get adjusted a little more,” said Doug to John and he gripped Megan’s sweatpants by the waist and slid them down to her knees along with her panties while she clutched the blanket to her neck and her heart pounded in her chest like a drum. Megan’s bare ass was pressed up against Doug’s jeans under the blanket and he took a minute to run his hands over her smooth butt cheeks before unzipping his fly carefully so it didn’t make too loud a sound. Her gaze flicking nervously between the movie and her her husband. John noticed Megan looking at him and gave her a mistrustful frown as Doug freed his cock and started pressing it between Megan’s thighs. “What’s the matter?” asked John grumpily as the head of Doug’s long stiff penis found its way between the folds of Megan’s swollen labia. “Nothing at all darling,” gasped Megan breathlessly. “I was just thinking how much I love you.” John was utterly disarmed by his wife’s sincere sounding proclamation. Doug bit his lip to keep from snorting at the irony of it all and forcefully thrust his cock into Megan’s how wet cunt from behind. She stuck her fist into her mouth to keep from crying out in passion as John looked at her strangely. Doug left his dick sunk deep inside Megan and longed to start poking it in and out of her, but her dared not for fear of drawing John’s attention. So he consoled himself by reach around Megan’s hip cautiously, careful not to disturb the blanket too much. He slid his hand around her hip and down into her crotch and soon found the slippery nub of her clitoris. She nearly choked in her effort to suppress a moan of pleasure. John’s attention was drawn back to the movie as a group of erotic dancers froliced in the nude on screen. Doug peeked over Megan’s shoulder at John in his recliner and started working his dick slowly in and out of John’s wife fingering her clit the whole time while she whimpered soundlessly. He felt himself growing closer and closer to climax as her hot wet snatch gripped his stiff rod. Soon the daybed was creaking rhythmically with his efforts and John sat up in his chair. “Christ Doug, are you dry humping my wife over there?” he demanded groggily, the wine fogging his mind and his vision. “What? No of course not,” protest Doug as he increased his pace, thrusting his cock between Megan’s soft thighs and into her sodden snatch. “But what’s all that rocking back and forth?” demanded John, taken aback but Doug’s boldness. “I mean,no, I’m not dry humping her,” said Doug, reaching up and grasping Megan’s generous jugs in his palms again. The weight of them in his hands made his cock stiffen even more. For her part, Megan couldn’t believe that Doug would fuck her from behind and feel her up like this under the covers while talking to her husband. The sheer audacity of Doug and the wrongness of the situation brought her to climax. “I’m just, Oh shit,” exclaimed Doug as he felt Megan’s vagina tighten suddenly around his cock. She cried out in spite of herself as she came over and over. “Megan, are you ok?” asked John climbing to his feet with concern. “I mean we are just fooling around,” she gasped as Doug resumed humping her urgently and worked her boobs enthusiastically. “But you are making such a big deal out of it,” she whined, trying to sound offended and upset. Her face with bright red from passion and her breathing was fast and shallow. “I’m sorry, baby,” said John contritely. “But this is, Jesus, Doug, will you stop dry-humping my damn wife please?” he demanded angrily, turning to Doug. “Oh yeah, sorry bud,” panted Doug. He stopped humping her suddenly as he started spurting his load inside John’s wife. John looked on suspiciously as the commotion under the blanket suddenly ceased and Doug ground his crotch against Megans ass releasing the last of his seed inside her. Megan arched her back eagerly to receive his delivery. “I guess I got a little drunk and I got a bit carried away by having this big round ass right here,” admitted Doug, forgetting himself. John laughed in spite of himself. “That’s a nice way to repay our hospitality. Grinding your crotch up against my wife’s rear.” He had a sinking suspicion that Doug also grabbed Megan’s boobs in addition to dry humping her, but he didn’t want to say it. “I know, I know,” said Doug contritely, tucking his limp sodden cock back into his pants and zipping up quietly. He extracted himself deftly from under the cover, leaving Megan completely covered but with her pants down and he jumped off the daybed. “That was really out of bounds,” he said, running his hands nervously through his hair. “I uh, don’t know how to apologize properly.” John sighed drunkenly at Doug’s demonstration while Megan surreptitiously pulled her sweatpants back up. “Ok, Ok, I see how this happened. We had too much to drink and put on a movie with too much sexytime. I am partly to blame for picking the movie and for laughing along with your flirtation. Let’s just call it a night and talk it over another time when we are all sober.” “Ok, John. That’s big of you,” said Doug with a deep frown of respect. Then he turn to Megan, stretched out luxuriously on the daybed. “I am sorry for getting carried away, Megan. I hope you can forgive me.” “Forgive you? I thoroughly enjoyed it,” she laughed saucily. “We should do it again sometime. Soon.” “Megan!” exclaimed John in exasperation. “You aren’t helping matters here.” She looked up at her husband and shrugged, “Sorry, I guess I’m drunk,” she admitted. Doug just laughed and waved goodbye, “I will let you two sort this out then, thanks for the hospitality.” Then he hurried out of the room. “Yeah, yeah,” said John, waving him off dismissively. “Honey, how could you say that?” he whined petulantly. “Please don’t cry like a baby,” she sighed in resignation. “It doesn’t suit you. We were only fooling around. It was completely harmless.” Doug walked down the driveway and looked up at the stars, breathing in the cool night air. It was a good night to be alive and not to have been beaten up by a jealous husband. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: Gustav Jorgenson's Fairly Clean Blog
  3. Excerpted from "Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching, Vol.3" Cindy and Bob attend college together and have been dating for a year and living together for 6 months. One night they decided to invite Bob’s good friend Dave out to see a movie with them. Cindy liked to flirt with Dave, but Bob generally didn’t mind since he trusted Dave and he knew that Cindy was just a flirtatious person. But he never foresaw how her flirtation would play out if left unchecked. “Hey Dave,” said Bob answering the door. “Come on in, Cindy is still getting ready.” “What’s up, Bob?” said Dave, patting Bob on the back in greeting. “How are you doing?” “Good, I’m just glad that finals are over and I’m looking forward to the break,” said Bob, ushering Dave into their cluttered livingroom. Cindy walked in wearing black skin tight leggings with thin red zebra stripes and a little leather hippie vest that left her midriffs @@@@@@@. “Hey Dave,” she said languidly, cocking her hip sexily. “Whoa,” said Dave gazing at her curvaceous figure. “Nice outfit.” “You like it?” she asked, putting her finger in her mouth suggestively. “How about from behind?” Then she turned and bent over slightly so that Dave and Bob could get a good look at her rear. Her leggings clung revealingly to her round butt cheeks leaving nothing to the imagination. “Don’t tease me like that,” laughed Dave striding forward and slapping her bottom playfully. “I know you’ve got a great ass.” Dave enjoyed the firm bounce her buttocks gave as he slapped them and his member began to swell in excitement. A thrill shot through Cindy’s body and she put her hand to her mouth in mock indignation. “Bob, did you see what he did? Totally inappropriate behavior!” “Alright, take it easy,” laughed Bob. He could tell that Cindy was a little bit attracted to Dave, but it didn’t really bother him. He figured it was harmless. “Sorry about that, bud,” said Dave, flopping down on the couch. “Ha! Don’t worry, I trust you,” said Bob, opening a beer and handing it to Dave. “I don’t know if I can trust her though.” He paused to look at Cindy’s generous cleavage straining against the tight leather vest. “Jesus, are you even wearing a bra?” he asked her with a laugh. “No,” she responded petulantly. “I don’t need one, you can’t see my nips through this leather.” Cindy cupped her large round boobs in her hands and gripped them. She noticed with satisfaction that Dave’s eyes were fixed on her breasts as she did so. She liked it when Dave paid attention to her. He was normally fairly aloof and she was surprised that that he had gotten up the nerve to slap her butt. She casually wondered what it would be like to have a threesome with him and Bob. She was afraid to bring it up because Bob was pretty conservative sexually and she didn’t know how he would react. “Uh, yeah, ok,” said Bob with a gulp. Cindy had an amazing body. He couldn’t really blame her if she liked to show it off. “So what movie should we go see?” “Something with lots of sex,” said Cindy with a wicked grin, helping herself to a beer and casually dropping her rump into Dave’s lap. Dave spread his arms with a chuckle, surprised to find his buddy’s girlfriend on his lap. “You don’t mind if I sit here, do you, Dave?” asked Cindy innocently, wriggling her rear against Dave’s crotch. “Err, no, but I don’t know how Bob will feel about it,” said Dave, his penis stiffening beneath Cindy’s warm, soft buttocks. “Oh, Bob doesn’t mind, do you honey?” asked Cindy with a sly grin, taking a sip of beer. She could feel Dave’s thing getting harder and pressing against her ass cheek and it was making her hot. She wondered how far Bob would let her go. “Well, you are getting pretty… uh friendly with Dave over there,” said Bob uncomfortably. The sight of Cindy lounging in his friend’s lap gave him a strange combination of jealousy and arousal. “Yeah, maybe you should slide over,” said Dave, putting his beer down. He took hold of Cindy’s hips and squeezed them, enjoying the feel of her pliable flesh in his hands. It made his prick get even stiffer and press more insistently against Cindy’s rump. He knew she must be able to feel it, but she wasn’t making any move to get off his lap. “I like it here on Dave’s lap, it’s comfy,” said Cindy with a dramatic pout. She rearranged herself slightly so that Dave’s firm bulge was rubbing against the bottom of her labia. She felt Dave’s cock twinge in response and she knew that he understood what she was doing. She was getting really hot and bothered now. “Besides, Dave is normally so cold to me. I like that he is being friendly today.” “I’m never cold to you,” complained Dave, pulling down on Cindy’s hips, daringly grinding his rod up against her warm mound. “Actually, it’s OK, if my buddies act a little cool with my girlfriend. It shows that they respect that fact that you are my woman and they aren’t trying to put the moves on you,” said Bob impatiently. He didn’t like the way Cindy was shifting around on Dave’s lap, it seemed suspicious. He could feel his stomach twisting slightly from jealousy and excitement. “Ok, Ok,” laughed Cindy, her cheeks flushed and her eyes shining with excitement. “I didn’t realize you were the jealous type.” She slid unceremoniously off of Dave and he quickly dropped his hands into his lap to hide his raging hardon. “Is that better?” she asked Bob, crossing her legs as she sat next to Dave and twirling her foot at Bob rakishly. “Yes, it is, thank you,” said Bob standing and giving a little bow of exaggerated politeness that made Dave and Cindy laugh. “Shall we go?” “Sure,” said Cindy, noting with interest that Bob’s pants seemed to have developed a bulge of their own. Dave stood up awkwardly, struggling to conceal his boner, and walked quickly ahead while Bob ushered Cindy along from behind. Bob gazed down, admiring her perfect ass cheeks whose shape was accentuated by the thin zebra stripes of her tights. He decided that he really couldn’t blame Dave for giving them a spank, but he was afraid that other guys would notice as well. Good thing it was going to be dark in the theater. During the drive to the theater, Dave’s mind was racing madly. He felt guilty for flirting with his good friend’s girl, but he was also extremely horny for her now. He was torn between loyalty to his buddy and lust for his buddy’s girl. For her part, Cindy was trying to figure out how to get Bob to agree to a threesome. She liked Bob a lot and wouldn’t dump him in favor of Dave, but she would definitely prefer to fuck Dave and Bob together to just fucking Bob alone. Dave had made her extra hot which he pulled her aggressively down onto his cock and she wanted more of that treatment. Meanwhile, Bob was struggling not to be jealous at the fact that Cindy was clearly interested in Dave. He trusted Dave completely and so he didn’t really think anything would happen between them. Also, he was really into Cindy and definitely didn’t want to fight with her over the matter, so he just decided to grin a bear it if she flirted a little bit. After they disembarked from Dave’s car in the theater parking lot, Cindy casually put one arm around Dave and the other around Bob and the three of them walked arm in arm toward the cinemaplex. Bob felt a little weird about this, but he didn’t say anything. As they approached the entrance to theatre, Bob noticed that many of the men they passed were gazing with interest at Cindy’s body and the way she was casually strolling along with her arms around two guys. He realized that she looked incredibly slutty doing this and it made him blush slightly. He could feel his pulse quicken and armpits growing damp from all the attention they were getting. Cindy noticed the attention, and it quickened her heart rate as well, but she was loving it. She always enjoyed having men show interest in her, so she was feeling high spirited and she laughed and teased the ticket cashier and the guys selling popcorn at the refreshment counter. Dave laughed along with her sexual jokes as well, but Bob just grinned stiffly and tried not to be a spoil sport. Bob was relieved when they finally entered the darkened theatre and settled down in their seats. He was a little annoyed when Cindy slipped between him and Dave but he kept his mouth shut about it. Cindy wasted no time and immediately put one arm around Bob’s neck and started nibbling his ear as soon as the film started. He was interested in watching the movie, but he couldn’t resist his girlfriend’s insistent kisses, so they were soon making out madly. Dave just glanced over now and then with a little smirk on his face. He was surprised that he felt jealous about Cindy’s passionate attack on her boyfriend, but he knew he had no right to feel that way. He had to admit that we wasn’t totally surprised when Cindy reached back and gripped his hand while she was kissing Bob. Bob was too distracted to notice. Dave was feeling bold, so he took Cindy’s hand and put it right between his legs so she could feel his bulge. Watching her go after Bob like that had gotten him hard again. When Cindy felt the lump in Dave’s pants, her heart started racing even faster and she almost gasped from the excitement. She started squeezing it urgently and Dave’s penis responded by growing stiffer and stiffer. He looked over nervously at Bob, but Cindy was keeping her boyfriend distracted with her kisses. Dave noticed a pair of college girls sitting behind them giggling and whispering to each other. Dave wondered if they noticed how Cindy was gripping his jock and he felt a little embarrassed. But his embarrassment shot through the roof when Cindy started trying to unzip his pants. He tried gripping her hand to stop her, but she was insistent and so he looked around shamefully and finally let her pull his fly down. His stiff boner came springing out of his pants and Cindy moaned as she kissed Bob and stroked Dave’s @@@@@@@ cock at the same time. One of the college girls behind them leaned forward brazenly and watched with fascination as Cindy tugged on Dave’s rod. He tried to avoid her gaze, but she kept tugging on his shirt so he finally looked over at her and gave her a weak smile. She winked at him lewdly and waggled her eyebrows at him as she watched Cindy yank on his thing. Finally, Bob pulled away from Cindy to catch his breathe and the girl’s friend behind them yanked her back into her seat. Cindy quickly withdrew her hand from Dave’s shaft and he rushed to cover his pulsating manhood with the bucket of popcorn. Bob felt weird about making out so madly in the theatre like that and it was freaking him out the way the two girls behind them were watching and giggling. So he pulled away to catch his breathe and then decided to go the bathroom and cool off for a minute. “I’ve got to go take a piss,” he whispered to Cindy and she nodded solemnly as he scooted down the aisle and headed off to the restroom. “Where’s he going?” asked Dave with trepidation. “The bathroom, want me to suck your dick while he’s gone?” asked Cindy devilishly. “Oh fuck, we can’t do that here,” he whispered in response, glancing over his shoulder at the two girls behind them who were talking excitedly to each other in hushed tones. “Oh, just watch me,” breathed Cindy. She was horny as hell at this point and pulled the popcorn bucket aside to reveal Dave’s erect phallus. It wasn’t much bigger than Bob’s but it was hard as a rock and that got her worked up. So she descended on it with relish and started sucking on it right there in the theatre. She knew the two girls behind her would get a thrill from watching her and that made it even more kinky. “Omigod, you are such a slut,” whispered one girl as she leaned forward and watched Cindy sucking Dave off with interest. Cindy ignored her and Dave just shrugged his shoulders. “Sluts are more fun,” he told the girl behind him as Cindy went down on his meat enthusiastically. The girls just giggled nervously in response and Dave noticed a few of other couples sitting nearby them glance over curiously at the sight of Cindy’s head bobbing up and down in Dave’s lap. He just waved lamely when people looked over, trying to play it off as a joke. But it was too crazy to be getting blown by his buddy’s girl in the theatre while everyone watched and he could feel himself getting ready to cum. Cindy noticed the preejaculate oozing from Dave’s cock and she slurped it up with relish and renewed her efforts. She tugged his shaft as she sucked on the head of his cock and then she reached in with her other hand and started pulling gently on Dave’s scrotum. Dave couldn’t take any more and he grunted with pleasure as he started spurting loads of hot semen into Cindy’s mouth. She pulled his dick from between her lips and let his fountaining ejaculate splash against her face. “Oh man,” gasped Dave. “That was awesome.” “I guess it was,” said Cindy, judiciously dabbing at the generous load dripping from her chin. “Do you normally cum that much? There is like a quart of jizz on my face here.” She laughed and looked at the girls behind them. “He’s such a stud, look how much he came,” she told them in conspiratorial whisper, gesturing at her face slick with semen. “I can NOT believe you just did that,” laughed the one girl. “You are a total tramp.” “Jesus, he DID cum a lot,” interrupted the other girl with interest. “Has he been eating oysters or something?” All three girls broke out in hysterical cackling until they were shushed by the other theatregoers. Cindy turned back around and sat primly with her hands in her lap and her face covered in spooge. “Aren’t you going to wipe your face?” whispered Dave nervously. “Bob will be back any minute.” “Maybe he won’t notice it in the dark,” she said softly with a rakish grin. Bob did return just then and made his way back down the aisle past all the folks sitting there and finally plopped back down next to Cindy. She turned to him and smiled sweetly. “Jesus, what’s that on your face?” asked Bob in surprise, noticing that his girlfriend’s cheeks and chin were slick with some wetness. If he didn’t know better he would think it was cum, but that was impossible of course. “Do I have something on my face?” she asked innocently. She dabbed a finger on her cheek and put it in her mouth, sucking Dave’s semen off her finger right in front of her boyfriend. The girls behind them broke out snortling softly again and Cindy shot them a wicked grin. “Oh I must have sneezed or something. How gross. Can I get a handkerchief?” Dave handed over his handkerchief hesitantly and Cindy diligently cleaned Dave’s seed from her face with it and handed it back to him. Bob handled the soaked piece of cloth gingerly and put it back in his pocket. “Gee, thanks,” he said with disgust. ‘No, thank YOU,” she said with a strangely mischievous smile. Bob couldn’t understand why the girls behind them were laughing so much. It gave him a weird suspicious feeling, but he just put it from his mind. He was a little relieved that Cindy didn’t try to resume their makeout session and they just watched the rest of the movie in peace. After the movie, the threesome went and grabbed some beer at a corner store and headed back to Bob’s apartment together. All three of them were consumed with their own thoughts on the drive back. Dave was feeling a little bit guilty and a bit giddy with the excitement of having had this sexual encounter with Bob’s girl and he wondered what else she had in store for them. Cindy was eager to get back to Bob’s apartment with her two boys and try some more slutty antics. Bob himself had a lingering worry that something wasn’t quite right. When they got back to Bob’s apartment, he put on some good music and turned the lights down. Cindy snuggled up next to Bob on the couch and Dave sat in an armchair across from them. They chatted briefly about the movie but Cindy kept squeezing Bob and nibbling on his ear. “Hey cool it in front of Dave, ok?” laughed Bob nervously as Cindy nuzzled his neck. “Just kiss me for a minute, I want love,” pleaded Cindy cutely, putting her arms around Bob and squeezing him tightly. “What about Dave?” asked Bob, looking over at his friend with chagrin. “It’s cool, do your thing. I have my beer to keep me company,” laughed Dave easily. Bob shrugged and turned to give his girlfriend a kiss. Soon they were making out wildly on the couch and Cindy was gripping the bulge in Bob’s pants and putting his hands on her boobs, encouraging him to squeeze them. “Whoa, now this is getting a little too heavy,” panted Bob, his penis stiff with excitement. “I feel too weird doing this with Dave here.” “I don’t care if Dave watches, it will be kinky,” said Cindy, unbuttoning her vest so that her generous tits came flopping out. “Jesus,” exclaimed Bob, but he could say no more as Cindy clamped her mouth onto his and forcefully put his hand on her boob. He gripped one large soft breast in his hand and enjoyed the weight of it. Cindy squeezed Bob’s rod through his pants urgently as she flicked her tongue in and out of his mouth and soon Bob practically forgot that Dave was in the room. Dave leaned back in the armchair and drank his beer, watching with interest as Bob pinched Cindy’s hard pink nipples while the couple made out hotly on the couch. His own johnson was stiff as a board and he touched himself idly as he watched his buddy Bob getting it on with his girl. Dave thought back to how eager Cindy had been about sucking his own prick and it made him even harder. Cindy unzipped Bob’s fly and pulled out his cock to start stroking it and he pushed her away impulsively. “Ok, this is too weird,” said Bob, his heart racing madly with arousal. “Dave, can you take off now? Cindy and I have some business to take care of.” “I want Dave to stay,” said Cindy petulantly. She jumped up to stand before Bob and shimmied out of her tights. Bob stared at her dumbfounded as she discarded her top and stood there naked before him. For his part, Dave was admiring the sight of Cindy’s round white rump from behind. as she dropped to her knees before Bob. “Let me suck it,” she begged him sweetly, pulling his pants down and pressing her big boobs up against Bob’s thighs. “But, but,” stammered Bob, torn between arousal, embarrassment, and jealousy as his stiff cock strained upward expectantly, waiting to get sucked. “No buts, Dave’s watching while I blow you,” said Cindy decisively as she inhaled Bob’s hard penis. “What’s up, Dave?” said Bob sheepishly as Cindy’s head bobbed up and down on his phallus and she gave little whimpers of excitement. “Your girlfriend has a sweet ass,” commented Dave, admiring Cindy’s bare rear which pointed at him. “Yeah I know,” muttered Bob distractedly as Cindy sucked and stroked his rod in front of his buddy. He felt like he was going to cum soon. Cindy pulled her mouth off of Bob’s dick for a moment, “You like that, huh?” she asked Dave over her shoulder, wiggling her bare rear at his invitingly. “Come and get it… if you have the balls,” she said with a laugh and then resumed sucking her boyfriend off. “Don’t mind if I do,” said Dave, rising to the challenge and unzipping his fly. “Jesus, man, what are you doing?” complained Bob weakly. His girlfriend’s cock sucking was taking all the fight out of him so he couldn’t put up much resistance. “I’m going to tap that ass, if you don’t mind,” said Dave with a laugh, dropping down behind Cindy and reaching in between her soft white thighs to rub her hairy bush “What if I do mind? Oh jesus,” gasped Bob. Cindy was down licking his nutsack now while she vigorously tugged on his dick and he felt like he was going to cum any second. She reached back with her other hand to spread her labia enticingly for Dave. Dave pushed a finger inside her and felt how hot and wet she was. He needed no further encouragement and immediately plunged his stiff rod into her eager cunt until it was consumed up to the hilt. Cindy moaned with pleasure and started fingering her clitoris greedily. When Bob saw Cindy’s excitement at getting drilled by Dave, it pushed him over the edge and he started spurt load after load of hot cum into her face. “Do it, baby,” encouraged Cindy with a gasp as her face got coated with semen for the second time that night. “Oh man, this is so fucked up,” said Bob as he watched Dave pound his girlfriend from behind. She just gripped Bob’s thigh with one hand, and fiddled her clit with the other, moaning softly in passion. Dave gripped her tender pale hips fiercely as he drove his tool into her. “She’s a dirty slut all right,” agreed Dave as his stabbed his meat into his buddy’s girl. “But her twat is tight as fuck.” Hearing Dave call her a dirty slut made Cindy climax right then and there and she gasped with pleasure as the orgasm rolled over her. Dave felt her cumming and said, “Yeah, you like being called a dirty slut, don’t you, baby?” Then he noticed Bob’s annoyance and apologized, “It’s just sex talk, Bob, don’t take it the wrong way. Oh shit, I’m cumming inside her, ok?” “Hey man, come on!” complained Bob. Dave was already cumming and fired off a few loads within Cindy before pulling out hastily and plastering a few more shots onto her lovely ass cheeks. “There, I mean, is it really any better for me to drench her butt?” asked Dave sheepishly as he finished spurting jizz on Bob’s girl. “I, uh, well no, I guess not,” admitted Bob with a laugh. “That’s just nasty.” “Don’t be a cry baby, you loved it,” said Cindy with a grin, grabbing Bob’s face and planting a kiss on his lips. “It’s hotter when you share your girlfriend with your buddy.” “Wait a minute,” said Bob as Cindy stood up and stretched luxuriously, showing off her amazing body for her two lovers. “That was cum on your face in the theatre. You fucking blew Dave right there in front of everyone.” He couldn’t believe how arousing that idea was to him and his cock actually start to swell again at the thought of it. “I have no idea what you are talking about,” said Cindy casually, strutting naked into the kitchen. “Want another beer?” Bob looked at Dave incredulously but Dave just shrugged. “Sluts are more fun,” he said simply. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: Gustav Jorgenson's Fairly Clean Blog
  4. Wife Spanked in front of Husband by Gustav Jorgenson Jim, Bob, and Susie were all good friends since college. Bob and Susie were a couple and later got married, but Susie and Jim always liked to flirt and tease Bob. He didn’t mind it since he trusted them both and loved his wife. But one day things got a little out of hand… One afternoon, Bob and Susie had a BBQ at their house and invited some friends. In the evening, after all the other guests left, Jim hung around with the couple in the backyard having a few more drinks as was his habit. “Ok guys, now that it’s just us, I am going to go change,” said Susie. “Put on something slutty,” joked Jim. “Yeah right, you wish,” said Susie with a smile, walking into the house. “What’s the matter, Jim? You getting desperate now that’s you’ve broken up with Amber and you want to get your jollies ogling my wife?” asked Bob, handing him another beer. “Your wife!” snorted Jim. “Don’t forget that I knew Susie before you did. I’m the one that introduced you two.” “True, but now we are bound by the sacred vows of marriage,” intoned Bob seriously. But he couldn’t keep a straight face and he and Jim broke out laughing. Bob and Jim contemplated the mild evening. They looked out across the lush green lawn, illuminated by the bright full moon, listening to the crickets, and drinking beer. After a few minutes Susie re-emerged from the house. She was wearing a thin halter top with short denim cut offs and she carried another six pack of beer. “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” said Jim, looking Susie up and down and admiring her shapely legs, round ass, and generous bouncing breasts. “Don’t be a perve, I am just trying to get comfortable,” said Susie with a smile. Then she bent over, pointing her ass at Jim provocatively as she put the six pack into the cooler the ground. “Wait a minute, are you wearing a bra?” asked Bob wryly, noticing Jim checking out his wife’s ass. “Nope,” said Susie, straightening up and shimmying her shoulders for her husband to make her boobs jiggle. “Like I said, I’m trying to get comfortable.” Then she flopped down on the cushioned wicker outdoor sofa next to Jim. “That’s nice,” said Bob, slightly annoyed. “Oh come on, don’t be so uptight,” laughed Susie opening a beer for herself. “It’s not as though Jim’s never seen my body.” “Yeah, like that time in Rehobeth at the outdoor shower,” said Jim looking at her lasciviously. “Yeah, that was awkward,” laughed Susie looking at Jim fondly. “Wait, what?” asked Bob, sitting up to attention. “You know, that time we all stayed at Gerry’s beach house in Rehoboth Beach and Jim walked in on me in the outdoor shower,” said Susie. “I never heard about this,” complained Bob, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “Oh I’m sure we told you about that before, you just aren’t remembering,” said Susie furrowing her brows at her husband and leaning back against JIm on the couch. “It wasn’t my fault!” chimed in Jim. “I mean, who takes off their bathing suit in those things? They are just for rinsing off the salt water.” “So you were totally naked?” asked Bob queasily. “Yepper,” said Susie with a devilish smile. “He saw everything I have to offer.” “You’re a lucky man, my friend,” said Jim eyeing Susie’s boobs lecherously. “Ok, yeah, let’s change the subject, shall we?” said Bob testily. He was sure that Susie never told him about that shower incident and he started to wonder what else she might have neglected to tell him. “Moving on, how is Amber doing, Jim?” asked Susie, turning to look at Jim impishly. When he saw Jim’s reaction, Bob broke out laughing in spite of his annoyance with his wife. “Don’t start with that. We are through, I told you,” said Jim uncomfortably. He took a drink of beer and looked out across the lawn. “What’s the matter, weren’t you giving her enough... good luvin’?” teased Susie, poking Jim in the ribs. “Is that why she had to go looking for someone to keep her warm at night?” “Oh, you bitch,” yelped Jim with an indignant laugh. “You’ll pay for saying that.” Jim grabbed Susie and they struggled playfully on the couch for a moment. “Bob, help!” Susie shrieked as Jim tickled her. “You probably deserve it,” said Bob, amused but a little wary. It looked like Jim might have “accidentally” grabbed Susie’s boob once or twice. Jim finally managed to pull Susie down and put her over his knees with her rump in the air. “That’s it, you are getting a spanking now, young lady,” said JIm. His face was flushed from the exertion and the alcohol. “Oh no, Bob, make him stop,” said Susie, gasping with laughter. “Let her go, Jim,” said Bob with resignation. “Come on, man. You heard what she said. She was questioning my manhood there,” complained Jim, holding the struggling Susie down on his lap. “I mean Amber and I just broke up and she is already rubbing salt in the wound.” “Well, that’s true...” said Bob judiciously, taking a sip of beer. “Noo!” shouted Susie. “Come on, I was just kid-ding.” “Quiet down, you,” said Jim, giving her a slap on her soft round ass. “I can’t believe you are letting Jim put me over his knee and spank me like this, Bob,” giggled Susie. Bob noticed that she seemed to be enjoying herself more than was appropriate. He was also surprised to find that the sight of his old friend spanking his wife was making him slightly aroused. Jim rested a hand on Susie’s rear and rubbed it slightly before giving her another, slightly sharper spank. “Hey, that hurt,” purred Susie. She had stopped struggling and was clearly warming up to this little game. “It’s not my fault that you didn’t fuck your ex-girlfriend enough,” she said, wiggling her ass in anticipation. “Oh, you want to play it like that, huh?” said Jim giving her a few more spanks in rapid succession. Susie just laughed and rocked side to side slightly, but made no further effort to escape. Bob was embarrassed to notice that his penis was growing stiff at the sight of his buxom wife thrown over the lap of good buddy with her nice round ass in the air. “You think you’re a big man?” teased Susie. “Spanking a poor helpless wife while her husband just sits there doing nothing?” Susie shot Bob a wicked smile. Bob’s stomach felt cold and his cock stiffened at his wife’s flirting. He was torn between jealousy and curiosity, but he decided to play along. So he gulped some beer and replied, “I’m not doing nothing, I’m drinking my beer and watching.” “Pssh, no wonder Jim can’t keep a woman. A real man would have pulled my shorts down and given me a proper bare-bottomed spanking,” said Susie with a twinkle in her eye. “You think so, do you?” demanded Jim nervously, shooting his friend a guilty look. “Bob, I can’t have your wife questioning my manhood like this. I’m going to need to discipline her.” “Ahh, Jeez, I don’t know,” muttered Bob half to himself. He was aroused by the situation but the jealousy was starting to twist his gut and he hesitated to let the flirting go any farther. “See, you ask permission instead of just forging boldly ahead,” said Susie, unsnapping and unzipping her shorts as she lay over Jim’s lap. “You need someone to teach you how to be assertive.” “Oh, that’s it, I’m sorry, Bob, but she is going to get it,” laughed Jim angrily, his face deep red as he grabbed Susie’s cutoffs and yanked them down to her knees, exposing her panties, barely covering her soft white buttocks. She made a show of struggling, but Bob noticed that she didn’t put up any real resistance. “And you don’t get to keep your panties on either!” exclaimed Jim, casting Bob a quick glance of trepidation before yanking his wife’s panties down. “Uh, that’s a bit much, now, guys,” said Bob, but his voice caught in his throat. The sight of his wife’s bare ass waiting to get spanked by his friend had him frozen in fascination. His heart was racing and the blood was pounding in his ears. Jim and Susie just ignored Bob’s comment. She looked over her shoulder and exchanged a smoldering look with Jim as she wiggled her ass again, challenging him to spank her. Jim looked down and contemplated Susie’s beautiful round rear for a moment before slapping it playfully. Susie gasped in response and Bob noticed that her cheeks were flushed with excitement and her hair was a mess. “I hardly felt that,” she said softly looking up at Jim pleadingly. “How about this?” asked Jim giving her a solid whack on the rump that left a red mark on her pale flesh. Susie yelped in spite of herself, but she gritted her teeth and said, “Nope!” Jim cast a furtive glance at Bob as he laid a hand on Susie’s ass and rubbed it softly for a moment. Then he looked down again at Susie as he slipped his hand down between her thighs and prodded her vagina gently with his finger. “You feel that?” he asked her softly. Susie gasped with pleasure and looked over at her husband guiltily. “Uh, yeah, I felt that. Maybe I was wrong about you. It takes some balls to finger a wife in front of her husband like that.” “Yeah, Jesus, Jim. Cut the shit, will you?” stammered Bob. He was flustered and didn’t know how to react. “Yeah, uh, sorry about this Bob,” said Jim with chagrin. “But she was really questioning my manhood there.” He kept rubbing the soft, tender skin of Susie’s inner thighs as he talked. Then he moved his hand up and stroked her outer labia for a moment. He could feel moisture there, so he thrust an exploratory tip of his finger between her vaginal lips. Susie’s vagina was slick and wet inside and Jim’s probing elicited a moan of pleasure from her. Bob gripped his throbbing, stiff erection unconsciously as he watched. “Hey! Am I supposed to just sit here watching, while you prove to my wife what a real man you are?” he asked helplessly. “I don’t know what you should do,” admitted Jim as he started working a finger in and out of Susie’s hot, tight, vagina. Meanwhile, Susie reached up and gripped the bulge in Jim’s pants. “My god, you are hard as a rock,” she moaned breathily. Jim withdrew his finger from Susie and pulled her shorts the rest of the way off. The sound of crickets chirping filled the soft summer night as Bob watched his wife slide bare legged and bare assed off of his buddy Jim’s lap to knee expectantly before him. “Unzip my pants,” Jim commanded Susie. “What about my husband?” she asked, casting a look of concern back over her shoulder at Bob. “Well, I guess he’s going to watch this time,” sighed Jim with resignation. “This time?” yelped Bob with indignation. “What are you talking about?” “Honey, let’s not dwell on the past,” said Susie soothingly as she unzipped Jim’s pants and extracted his stiff member. “What’s done is done, let’s live in the moment,” she continued as she stroked Jim’s hard penis. “Suck it,” said Jim simply and Susie complied immediately, pushing her hair back from her face and turning slightly so that she could look at her husband as she slid the purple head of Jim’s swollen phallus between her lips. “I can’t believe this is happening,” said Bob in a daze watching his wife perform felatio on his buddy. He realized that his mouth was bone dry and he took a satisfying gulp of cold beer to quench his thirst. “How long have you two been cheating on me like this?” Bob grunted with satisfaction as Susie slurped heartily on his manhood. “Ah, it’s not really cheating exactly,” he said lamely. “Maybe we fooled around a little here and there. You know we were sort of friends with benefits before you and she met…” “What?” said Bob in shock, stunned to be hearing these revelations while he watched his wife go down on his old friend out the in the backyard like this. “What about marriage vows?” But he feels silly trying to invoke those vows seriously after joking about them before. “Oh come on,” coaxed Susie with a smile after pulling Jim’s cock from her mouth. “This is us we are talking about. We’ve all known each other for years. We are practically family. Can you really make a big deal out of this?” “Lay down on you back,” demanded Jim urgently. “Hold on a second, dear,” Susie said to Bob as she casually stripped off her halter top and laid back down in the cool grass spreading her legs in anticipation. Her pale skin glowed slightly in the moonlight as she lay there nude in all her sensual glory. Bob admired his wife’s gorgeous body for a moment. He gazed with anxious appreciation at her dark bush, lewdly spread wide for Jim. Then looked over at the neighbor’s house nervously. The light was on in the Smith’s kitchen, which had a clear view right down into Bob’s backyard. “Fuck you guys, what if someone see you?” he asked nervously. “Well, if that’s all you’ve worried about, I’m just going to go ahead and fuck her then,” laughed Jim, shedding his pants and climbing on top of Bob’s waiting wife. “This is so weird,” said Bob, shaking his head as he unzipped his own pants and started jerking himself off, casting a tense glance over at the Smith residence. “Are you going to jerk off while you watch?” cackled Susie in delight. “That is so kinky! I love that you are being such a good sport about this.” She looked over at her husband lovingly. Then Jim pushed the head of his prick into her and she gasped with pleasure, quickly returning her attention back to her friend with benefits. Bob looked on in fascination, masturbating himself while his friend Jim fucked his wife missionary-style in the grass. They made loud noises of lust but Bob was too engrossed in pleasuring himself to notice when Mr. Smith pushed through the low hedge that separateed the two properties and walked over to join them. “What the living hell is going on here?” blurted the elderly Mr. Smith in bewilderment, wearing his signature plaid shorts and faded US Army t-shirt. “Oh, hi, Mr. Smith,” said Susie cheerily, looking over at him from beneath Jim as he shagged her, his balls slapping her ass vigorously. “Oh fuck! Mr. Smith!” exclaimed Bob in mortification, struggling to put his cock away. “What is going on over there, Harold?” calls Mrs. Smith from their backyard. “Stay over there, Martha. I’m handling this,” commanded Mr. Smith gruffly. He looks down in disbelief at the tableau before him struggling to understand what was going on. Jim noticed the new arrival and stopped fucking Bob’s wife. He pulls out of her and looked up at Mr. Smith in surprise and embarrassment with his stiff cock hovering over Susie’s belly, still slick with her juices. She reached down and yanked on Jim’s scrotum playfully and he gasped in ecstasy. The tug pushed him over the edge and he started spurting load after load of semen all over her stomach and large breasts. Bob noticed Smith looking at Susie’s naked body as she lay there drenched in cum and he saw Smith’s expression change from perplexity to amusement and maybe even arousal. “My God, Susie, what are you doing, getting plugged by a man who isn’t your husband in the backyard?” Then he gestured over at Bob with a wicked smile. “While your hubby looks on no less?” “Sorry, were we making too much noise?” she asked sweetly, propping herself up on her elbows as Jim climbed off of her clumsily. Bob noticed that she made no effort to hide her nakedness and might have even shook her shoulders slightly to get her boobs shaking. Mr. Smith stood looking down at Bob’s sperm-soaked wife for a moment before answering. He ran his eyes up and down her body from her shapely legs still spread wide, over the dark patch of her pubic hair, and then up to her large generous boobs with her pink nipples pertly erect. “Mr. Smith?” asked Susie again, with a little smile. “Are you enjoying the view?” Smith looked over at Bob with a strange smile and wiped his brow with his handkerchief. “What was I saying, son? I got distracted. Oh yes. Your wife has a fine figure, I will give you that,” he said to Bob. “I wouldn’t share her if I was you.” He looked back at Susie who just lounged there unselfconsciously in the nude. “I guess this is a different era than the one I came from,” he said distractedly as he gazes at Susie’s lovely pale orbs and pink nipples. “What can we do for you, Mr. Smith?” prompted Susie with a suggestive smile. “Uh, right. Well, it’s a free country and all, but I would be obliged if you folks would, uh, keep it down a little when you are having your fun in yard.” Smith looked at Jim with annoyance as he struggled to back into his jeans. “You know if my wife had come over here, you would have given her a heart attack.” “Well I won’t tell her how much you seem to be enjoying the sight of my naked body, don’t worry,” teased Susie with a laugh. Smith broke out laughing at this, but didn’t stop admiring Susie’s body. “You are a bad girl. That’s for sure. I don’t know, get a tent or something if you must make hoo-ha in the yard though. It would be more neighborly.” Then he turned and gave Bob a strange look. “Bob, come and see me tomorrow, boy. You need a talking to, I think.” Then he waved vaguely and turned to trudge back to his house, shaking his head in bemusement. Susie broke out laughing. “Wow, that was so fucked up. Old man Smith really got an eyeful of my bod. I think he was hot for me.” She jumped excitedly to her feet and rushed over to Bob, boobs bouncing as she grabbed her husband by the hand. “Come on, honey. I will go rinse Jim’s spooge off myself and then I need you to fuck me more. He stopped before I could cum.” “Can I watch?” asked Jim lecherously. “Sure, hang out if you want to,” said Susie shooting Bob a sly glance. “Maybe you can slip it to me again later if you can get it up again.” “That’s nice,” said Bob sarcastically, but he let his wife lead him back into the house by the hand. Jim slapped him on the shoulder good naturedly and Bob looked at him sheepishly. “I don’t know how I’m going to deal with this wife-sharing business on an emotional level,” admitted Bob aloud as he and Jim waited in the bedroom for Susie to return from the bathroom. “Maybe Mr. Smith will have some good advice for you,” joked Jim gently. Just then Susie returned, naked as could be, pink and clean from a quick shower. She strode over pushed Bob back on the bed aggressively. “Maybe Smith isn’t going to offer advice at all,” she said pulling Bob’s pants off. “Maybe he wants to ask if he can get a crack at me himself… maybe you should let him!” she exclaimed with a laugh as she put her husband’s cock in her mouth. Bob couldn’t tell if she was kidding or not, but lust quickly pushed all thoughts from his mind as his wife gave him the most intense blowjob of his life. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
  5. Black Stranger Takes Wife Away to Sit for a Nude Portrait by Gustav Jorgenson Stephen and Janet were enjoying coffee at their favorite hip coffee shop in the Mission one Saturday afternoon. It was very crowded and the upper class married couple drifted around indecisively with their drinks, looking for a place to sit. A muscular black man in a tank top was sitting alone at a table reading. He looked up and noticed the couple searching for a seat. Then he noticed Janet’s gorgeous hourglass figure and his manhood began to swell slightly. He jumped up and addressed them amicably. “You folks are welcome to join me,” he told them with a friendly smile, allowing his gaze to wander over Janet’s large breasts, her cleavage shown to good advantage by the plunging neckline of her dress. Stephen noticed this man ogling his wife’s bosom and hesitated to accept his offer. Janet noticed the stanger’s interest in her chest and was flattered. “That’s very generous of you, thanks,” she said putting her latte down on the table and holding out her hand. “I’m Janet and this is my husband, Stephen.” “And I am Keon,” said the man. “Charmed, I’m sure.” He took Janet’s hand in his and surprised her by drawing it gently to lips and kissing it lightly. She blushed furiously in response at this brazen move and felt her loins grow warm. Keon had handsome features, with a strong jaw and deep set eyes. His hand was rough and his arms were big but his touch was surprisingly delicate. She glanced guiltily at her husband who raised his eyebrows at her in surprise. “We don’t want to inconvenience you,” said Stephen stiffly, standing and not putting his coffee down. “Oh, it’s no inconvenience at all,” said Keon smoothly, gazing placidly at Janet’s breasts. “Your wife is quite easy on the eyes and I won’t mind getting to know her better.” Janet and Stephen exchanged another awkward look but Keon motioned for them both to sit. “Please, sit down, join me,” Keon coaxed, winking at Stephen impishly as he pulled out a chair and seated Janet next to himself. “Uh, yes, thank you,” said Stephen, taking a seat on the other side of his wife. He was annoyed by this fellow’s flirtatious advances, but it would be rude to refuse to join him at this point. “So what are you two up to this afternoon if I may ask?” inquired Keon, staring intensely into Janet’s eyes. Janet felt her face heating up again under this man’s obvious interest in her but managed a wan smile. “Oh Stephen and I are just taking it easy, enjoying our day off. We thought we might walk around a bit and maybe visit some of the shops on Valencia.” “Ah, yes, this is a charming neighborhood,” agreed Keon, patting Janet’s hand in a casual and friendly manner. “Do you come here often?” Keon peered contemplatively at Janet’s breasts as he spoke. Stephen couldn’t blame the man for being attracted to his wife, but it annoyed him that the stranger wasn’t being more tactful about it. “Yes, we live right in Dolores Heights,” said Stephen haughtily, taking a sip of his espresso. “Really?” asks Keon, tearing his eyes away from Janet’s chest to smile brightly at Stephen. “Why so do I, we are neighbors. What street do you live on?” Stephen clamped his mouth shut tightly in annoyance, but Janet answered eagerly, “We are on Liberty,” she said with friendly grin. She liked this assertive man and got a kick out how jealous he was making her husband. She and Stephen had been married for 15 years and she sometime felt that they took each other too much for granted. “Ah, well, I am just two blocks over on Hill,” said Keon returning his gaze to Janet. “Small world, isn’t it?” “Yes it is,” said Janet returning his look warmly. She could sense her husband’s discomfort and it amused her. Maybe it was healthy for Stephen to get a bit jealous now and then and see that his familiar old wife could still generate interest from other men. She picked up Keon’s book familiarly. “And what are you reading here, Keon? Oh, Nietzsche? How erudite of you.” Stephen sniffed dismissively in spite of himself and Keon turned to him with interest. “Don’t you care for Teutonic philosophers, Stephen?” he asked with a controlled smile. He reached down and placed his hand casually on Janet’s thigh as he looked Stephen steadily in the eyes. Janet’s heart started racing at this stranger’s bold advance and Stephen was quite taken aback himself. He didn’t know how to object to this man putting his hand on his wife like that. “Uh, it’s just that I haven’t thought much about Nietzsche since reading him in college,” said Stephen, struggling to sound flippant. His stomach was twisted with jealousy and he broke out in a cold sweat. “Oh? I studied art in college so I never had a chance to read him at that time,” said Keon breezily, squeezing Janet’s thigh for emphasis. Janet’s blood was pounding in her ears and her crotch was definitely growing hot as this bold interloper put his hands on her so easily. She put her hand gently on top of his to let him know it was OK for him to touch her. “Are you an artist, then?” she asked him breathily. “Why yes, yes I am,” said Keon smugly. “I am a painter.” He was emboldened by Janet’s hand on his and he slide the hem of her dress up and began stroking her inner thigh. Stephen watched helplessly as Keon felt up his wife, but he couldn’t think of a way to broach the topic. His palms grew damp and clammy with anxiety. “A painter? That’s simply fascinating,” panted Janet as Keon stroked her thigh. She was sure her panties were soaked at this point and her stomach was churning with excitement. “What, uh, style do you paint in?” “I am a realist, and I have been working on a series of nudes lately,” said Keon. Keon grabbed Karen’s chair suddenly and slid it back so that he could get a better look at her. Stephen gave a start at how easily Keon flung his wife around, it was an impressive demonstration of strength and it made his blood run cold. “As a matter of fact, you would make an excellent model,” said Keon. He looked Janet’s body up and down judiciously. Her cheeks were flushed fetchingly and her dress was bunched up around her waist, showing off her shapely legs. “Heh, heh, that’s very flattering,” laughed Janet weakly, pulling at the hem of her dress modestly. “Have you ever been a model?” asked Keon seriously, ignoring Stephen as he squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. “Oh no, I understand that it’s very demanding to sit for an artist,” said Janet nervously. “I had a girlfriend who did it in college and she said that it’s actually very difficult to sit perfectly still for extended periods of time.” “Well, your great beauty would make your fidgeting more tolerable,” said Keon raising his nose in the air confidently. Then he clapped his hands together, startling both Janet and Stephen. “I have an idea. Come sit for me this afternoon. It’s just a short walk to my studio.” “Come now, that’s a bit much isn’t it?” croaked Stephen, finally finding his voice. “What is?” asked Keon, tilting his head to the side curiously and fixing Stephen with a piercing glare. Stephen was taken aback by the intensity of this big muscular man. “Err, aren’t you asking my wife to come back and pose, uh,” Stephen stammered and sweat profusely, struggling to get the words out. “In the nude, yes,” laughed Keon. “That’s the best way to paint the human form, Stephen. Don’t tell me that you are threatened by this idea. How long have you two been married?” “Fifteen years,” volunteered Janet meekly, intrigued by the idea of stripping nude for this aggressive stranger. “Well surely, you trust your wife after all this time together,” said Keon with an oily smile. “Trust her, why, uh, of course I trust her,” sputtered Stephen indignantly. “That’s not the point. It’s just inappropriate for a stranger to propose such a thing. I mean we just met a few minutes ago.” “I’m sorry, Stephen, you are right. Forgive me, I have the impetuous nature of an artist,” Keon furrowed his brow sympathetically. “And I was struck by your wife’s beauty. Tell me, Janet, what do you think of this idea? Would you like to pose for me?” Janet cast a guilty look at her husband and giggled nervously. “Well it does pique my curiosity, but my husband seems opposed to the idea.” “Wait, I am the one opposed to the idea?” exclaimed Stephen in shock. “Are you saying that you would be willing to go off with this strange man who you have just met and take your clothes off for him?” A pair of older women at the next table stopped their conversation and glanced over in amazement in response to Stephen’s loud outburst. He clamped his mouth shut and reddened in embarrassment. “Stephen, it’s sounds terrible when you phrase it like that,” gasped Janet defensively. “I would be just be sitting for a portrait.” “Do you have any paintings of Janet right now, Stephen?” asked Keon, sensing his advantage and leaning forward excitedly. “Well no,” admitted Stephen quietly. “But we could hardly put a nude painting of Janet up on the wall of our living room.” “Why not?” asked Keon with a laugh. “Your male guest will find it fascinating, I’m sure,” he added, looking Janet up and down lecherously. “Ahem, yes, quite,” said Stephen, at a loss for words. “Come along Janet,” said Keon hopping to his feet and holding out his hand to Stephen’s wife. “Your husband will simply love the painting once he sees it. I guarantee it.” “Well, alright,” said Janet rising hesitantly and looking at her husband beseechingly. “Come on, Stephen, it will be something different to do a Saturday afternoon.” “You can’t be serious,” said Stephen rising quickly and holding out his hands imploringly. “Oh, Janet, we can’t bring Stephen along, I’m afraid,” said Keon, sliding his arm around Janet and starting to lead her out of the coffeeshop. “I can’t work with an audience. Especially not a jealous husband.” “I’m not jealous,” complained Stephen trailing along behind as this man lead his wife out onto the sidewalk. Keon held up one hand solemnly as he gripped Janet tightly with his other arm. “I’m sorry, Stephen. I really cannot work with people looking over my shoulder. I promise that no harm will come to your lovely wife. I will return her to you later tonight, safe and sound.” “But, but, but,” stuttered Stephen helplessly. Janet leaned over and gave her husband a quick peck on the cheek. “Don’t worry honey, I’ll be fine. We need to try new things now and then, we can get into a rut sometimes.” “A rut?” asked Stephen. “Nothing worse than a rut,” agreed Keon, leading Janet away. “Bye, bye, honey,” called Janet over her shoulder as Keon hustled her down the street. Stephen stood dumbfounded on the sidewalk and waved as this strange man took his wife away. “I should probably tell you now that I’m not really an artist,” muttered Keon, sliding his hand down to grasp Janet’s buttock is his big strong hand. “I’m a fitness instructor. But since both you and your husband have agreed that should come with me and get naked, I won’t waste the opportunity. I intend to give you a thorough workout.” “Omigod, you are simply terrible,” laughed Janet in amazement. “Aren’t I?” he said with a devilish grin, wagging his eyebrows at her suggestively. “I swiped a married woman right away from her husband, totally sober in broad daylight. And now I am going to take this hot mama back to my pad and fuck the shit out of her. What do you say?” “Sounds intriguing,” agreed Janet, reaching down to surreptitiously grip the large bulge in Keon’s shorts. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
  6. http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
  7. The Perverted Bridge Club by Gustav Jorgenson You and your wife are relaxing at home one Saturday afternoon when two fellows, Matt and Chad from your bridge club stop by unannounced. “Why, Hello there, boys,” says your wife brightly as she invites them in. “To what do we owe this unexpected pleasure of your company?” “Hello, Heidi, Hello Clay,” they say greeting your wife and you and taking a seat in the livingroom. “We are sort of at loose ends this afternoon, so we thought we would drop by and pay a visit,” says Chad with a smile. “Well it's nice to see you. Let me get you two a beverage. Clay and I were having soft drinks, but maybe we should switch to something harder,” she gives you a questioning glance. “By all means," you agree, and you join your wife at the bar to mix up some cocktails. “So where are Gracie and Paige?” asks your wife referring to Chad and Matt's wives, as she hands Matt a gin and tonic. “Well, they are out with some... friends today,” says Matt with a strange smile. “I'm hearing scare quotes around the word 'friends' there," you laugh, handing Chad his standard martini and returning to your chair. Your wife casually deposits herself between Matt and Chad on the couch and crosses her legs jauntily, exposing a bit of thigh, as she hikes the hem of her dress up a bit. “They are doing sort of an... experiment today," says Chad. “But we aren't supposed to talk about it," he continues, giving Matt a significant look. You wife looks back and forth between Matt and Chad sitting to either side of her with a gaze of bemused curiosity. “What are you too playing at?” she asks with a twinkle in her eye. “You two should know you can't reveal that you have a secret around Heidi," you tell them with a chuckle. “Now she won't rest until she has pried it out of you.” “It's true, gentlemen. vee haff vays of making you taulk," says your wife, assuming a stern expression and trotting out her mock German accent. Everyone has a good laugh at her impression of a Gestapo interrogator. Matt holds up his hands in surrender. “Ok, Ok, we capitulate, Frau Heidi. We will spill the beans." He tries to suppress a smile and nods to Chad who just wriggles uncomfortably. “You tell them!” he says excitedly. “I fear the wrath of Gracie more than Heidi.” You all chuckle at this and your wife turns her attention back to Matt. She is twirling her foot with anticipation which you know is a sign that her interest is truly piqued. “I just can't imagine what's gotten into you two," she says, gazing raptly at Matt. Matt takes a deep breath and says, “Gracie and Paige are out on a double date this afternoon.” You and Heidi exchange confused glances. “Uh, wait, what?” you say with a crooked smile. “How is that possible with you two sitting here?” Your wife turns to Chad with a furrowed brow waiting for an explanation. He sighs and says, “They met some construction workers at a biker bar who asked them out.” You and Heidi break out laughing at that and it takes you a few minutes to gain composure. But you notice that Chad and Matt are just exchanging smug smiles. “Oh, that's rich,” gasps your wife. “The very idea. You two had us going for a minute there," she says slapping Chad's shoulder playfully. “Heidi, we are perfectly serious," says Matt with a straight face. “Our wives are out on a double date with two strange men they picked up in a bar.” You and Heidi both gaze at Matt in frank disbelief. You've know these two couples for years and they are perfectly normal, upper-middle class suburbanites like yourselves. Chad clears his throat, and Heidi turns her attention to him. “Maybe we should give some background to this.” “Oh, yes, please do," says your wife, lightly, still not taking them seriously. “Do you recall that Caribbean trip, that Gracie and I took with Paige and Matt a couple of years ago?” he asks. You and your wife exchange a look of surprise that this abrupt turn. “Of course," you say. “You all talked quite a bit about that when you got back. What does that have to do with anything?” “Well we didn't tell the whole story," says Chad, looking at Matt for help. Matt leans forward and steeples his fingers. “We did a fair amount of drinking on this trip.” “What ELSE is new?” snorts your wife playfully. Matt shoots her a quick grin and resumes, “Right, no news there. Anyway, one night we were all drinking by the hotel pool. It was very late and all the other guests had returned to their rooms. But we were having a wonderful time, so we stayed up. My memory is a bit fuzzy since we were quite drunk, but basically the girls dared each other to take off their bikini tops to give Chad and I a thrill.” “No!” says your wife, her eyes bright with excitement. “Scandalous!” “It's the sort of thing that made sense at the time," chimes in Chad. “Did we mention that we were drinking?” “But I mean, right there in the open?” asks your wife, wriggling with pleasure at the juiciness of this story. “No one was around," says Matt with a smile. “So they did it, both Gracie and Paige took off their tops and set their lovely boobs free to enjoy the mild night air.” “And believe me, Matt and I both took notice," says Chad, clearly warming up to the story. “I'll bet," you put in with a smile. “And of course, I was gazing at Gracie's pert, pink nipples, while Chad examined Paige's gorgeous orbs," says Matt, looking at your wife with a devilish smile. “Oh my god, you are terrible," says your wife with delight. “Each of you looking at another woman right in front of your wives!" Heidi is obviously titillated by the story and motions for them to go on. “Yes,” says Chad rubbing his hands gleefully, “It was a surreal moment for all of us, I am sure. I mean, we have all known each other for years...” “My god, it must be twelve years by now," you add thoughtfully. “Right," says Chad, acknowledging your point. “So it was oddly comfortable, and yet...” “Perverted!” laughs your wife, slapping his knee playfully. Her foot is really twirling now and her excitement is palpable. “It was pretty twisted," admits Matt. “But then the girls notice the reaction they were getting.” Heidi glances down at Matt's crotch significantly. “You mean... down there?" she asks. “Yep, we were both pitching tents at that point," says Chad proudly. “I guess you weren't TOO drunk yet then," you say with a chuckle, shifting in your seat to hide your own growing hard-on. “Whiskey dick hadn't set in yet.” “Oh, Clay!" chides your wife, wrinkling her nose at your off-color remark. “So Paige points out our erections to Gracie and says something like 'Haven't seen one of those in a while.'” says Chad ruefully. “Oh boy," says Heidi, gulping with anticipation. “And then Matt jumps up and well, he just pulls his thing right out and says something about having some juice left in him or something," says Chad giving Matt a teasing smile. “I was pretty drunk, and I sort of felt like my manhood was being challenged," admits Matt and he actually seems to be blushing slightly. “You didn't!” exclaims your wife, cackling with delight. “Oh he did! I was sitting right there," laughs Chad. “He pulled his johnson right out, standing at attention for the world to see. I wasn't too impressed," he adds mildly with a modest tilt of the head. Everyone laughs at that, but it's a jittery, over-stimulated sort of laugh. “No I guess you weren't impressed, but your wife sure was," returns Matt with a good natured smile. “True," admits Chad. “The girls broke out laughing and whistling when Matt pulled his shorts down but Gracie couldn't take her eyes off of Matt's manhood. Paige noticed Gracie's fascination and impulsively encouraged her to grab it if she wanted. Matt eagerly thrust it into Gracie's face, but I objected.” Matt cut in at this point, sweating and aroused to recount the tale. “So Paige just reached over and yanked Chad's thing out.” “I... I just can't picture meek little Paige doing that..," says your wife with amazement. Matt smiled knowingly in return. “Oh you don't know that side of Paige. She is quiet in company, but she's a hellcat between the sheets.” “I'll say," agrees Chad. “She went right to work on my stiffy. Once Matt saw that, he practically slapped Gracie in the face with his wang, and to my surprise, Gracie just open her mouth and took it right in.” “Let me get this straight," you say holding up your hands. “You guys are saying that you basically swapped wives during that Caribbean trip." You find this almost impossible to believe. You've spent a lot of time with both couples and you never suspected. “And most amazingly, bossy Gracie, submitted to having Matt's cock thrust in her mouth while retiring Paige practically tore Chad's shorts off," she is so thrilled by the story that she claps her hands gleefully. Chad surreptitiously rearranges the tent in his own trousers and says. “Pretty much. That's when we started swinging.” “Started?” you ask with a raised eyebrow. Matt leans back and takes a sip of his drink. “Come on Clay, you know how it is... A married couple together for years and years... Pretty soon the spark starts to dim a bit.” “Of course, we still love our wives deeply," asserts Chad. “And they are completely committed to us.” Heidi wags her finger and squints at Chad. “You know a lot of little weird comments over the years are starting to make sense now." She turns to you with a smile. “Think back to all the times those four rode together to various events even though they don't live very close to each other, Clay.” “That's true,” you admit thoughtfully. “But I never suspected something like... this was going on." You add making a face of disgust. “Don't be so judgmental," chirps Matt defensively. “How often do you and Heidi have sex these days?” “Well, that's... that's beside the point," you sputter, caught off-guard by the question. Chad takes Heidi's hand gently. “Well, Heidi?” he asks tenderly. Your wife looks wistfully into Chad's eyes for a moment and then averts her gaze. “Once a month maybe?” she says softly. She sounds a little choked up and it breaks your heart a little to hear how upset she is suddenly. Of course you had discussed it over the years, and you tried to reignite things once the kids moved out. But there always seemed to be something else to do each evening. “Ugh," you say, perplexed at this turn in the conversation. “The fact is that swinging a little bit has really fired up our sex lives. Seeing Matt get all excited by my wife's body reminds me what a sexy woman Gracie is," says Chad blushing slightly. “And frankly, when they have sex, it really stirs me up inside. I feel... challenged. It's been a long time since I've had to compete with another man for Gracie's attention. So even when it's just her and I together, the sex is amazing.” “It’s the same for Paige and I," gushes Matt. “I just think about how eagerly she goes down on Chad, and it burns me up. I feel that I have to top him and show her that I am a better lover.” Your wife is staring at Matt with her mouth hanging open in amazement. “So how often do you two... do it?” she asks him with interest. “Oh every day," he says with a boastful smile, casually patting her on the thigh. “Whoa," responds your wife, and you notice her glancing at the bulge in Matt's trousers. He sees her looking and rudely reaches down to adjust his erection right in front of her. “Hey, do your wives know you are telling us this now?” you interject, uncomfortable with that little exchange. “Yes, Paige insisted that we try to recruit you two today," says Matt glancing at you shyly. When you realize what he is suggesting, you feel your face heating up. “Hey!” shouts your wife laughing happily. “Is your slut wife trying to get with my husband or something?” she teases. “Yes, actually," he answers matter-of-factly, letting his eyes linger on Heidi's bosom for a moment longer than necessary. Heidi cackles with hysterical laughter at the idea and slaps his leg. He reaches over in turn and grasps her thigh familiarly. “What do you think of that idea?” he asks her lustily. “Why, it's just outrageous," gasps your wife with a smile. “I mean I don't know what to say. We've known you all these years... Honey, help me out here!” she says turning to you as she gestures awkwardly. “I am as taken aback by this as you dear, believe me," you stammer, but then you think of something they said earlier and decide to change the subject. “But what's this business with the construction workers all about?” you ask. “It's an experiment that Paige and Gracie cooked up. We've all enjoyed pushing past the boundaries of propriety with the swinging. Now they want to see how far they can take this," says Chad with a lewd smile. “And?” asks your wife, hanging on his every word. “And, some stranger construction workers are probably fucking our wives right as we speak," he says spreading his hands and giving her a little wink. “You've got to be kidding," she says, aghast. “Isn't that... dangerous?” “Well, we bought the girls pepper spray," says Matt judiciously. “Also, they agreed to stay together the whole time. And don't forget that Gracie is a black belt. I just hope they don't hurt the construction workers.” “Wow," you say and your mind is truly blown. “You think you know people and then all of a sudden, there is this wild revelation.” “Shocking, isn't it?" says Matt smiling at your wife as he continues to squeeze and rub her thigh. “Whoa, there Matt," says your wife, putting her hand on his. “That's a little fresh, mister.” “Don't you like it?” he asks her, shifting in his chair so that his erection is more obvious. Heidi's eyes widen at his overture. She gazes at his crotch and the glances over at you guiltily. “Well, the attention is very flattering, I'm sure," she stammers, looking at you pleadingly. “You are a very beautiful woman, have I ever told you that?” he hurries on before you can interrupt. Your wife sees the frank lust in Matt's eyes and her look softens. “Oh, Matt. No of course you never told me that.” “Why do I feel as though we've all fallen down the rabbit hole here," you laugh awkwardly. Your stomach is churning and your palms are sweating at the sight of your old friend Matt hitting on your wife. “I've had that feeling for years now," chuckles Chad. “You'll grow to love it.” “I'm not so sure, I mean, we are pretty conservative... sexually that is," you say looking on skeptically as your wife allows Matt to slide his hand a little further up her thigh. “Don't get me wrong, I am open-minded. You folks will always remain our close friends, and we will respect your choices, but...” “You you prefer to remain indefinitely in the sexual doldrums?” asks Matt somewhat snappishly. You see that he still hasn't removed his hands from your wife's thigh and has slid it up practically to her crotch at this point. “Uh, we are happy enough, aren't we dear?” you ask your wife half-heartedly. In fact, the question has bothered both of you for some time. Your wife is obviously thinking the same thing. The salacious story that Chad and Matt told obviously got her blood flowing, and now she is in a state of high arousal. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are bright with excitement. “Frankly, Matt, our sex life needs some work. I admit it. But this..," she gestures toward his hand on her leg, and gulps as he gives her inner thigh another squeeze. “Uh, I mean. Wow, it's going pretty far isn't it. I mean, this is crazy! I can't just sleep with another man," She looks at Matt searchingly. “Well, I'm not just any man off the street," he says with a suggestive smile. “We've known each other for years. Besides, Paige and Gracie are both interested in... trying Clay out as it were. So while you are with another man, you husband can be with another woman. Could you handle that?” Heidi looks over at you thoughtfully. “I don't know, I never seriously considered that. Would you want to have sex with Gracie and Paige, dear?” You snort with embarrassment. “That's a damned if you do, damned if you don't sort of question, isn't it," you say shakily. “Of course, they are both attractive women in their own ways. They are both certainly fit..." You laugh nervously. “But can you honestly picture watching me having sex with Paige while I watch you having sex with Matt?” Oddly, the idea doesn't seem that ridiculous as you say it and your erection actually grows stiffer at the thought. You wife notices the bulge in your pants and says “Frankly, the idea of that actually does turn me on a little, but I don't think I could live with the consequences." She puts her hand on Matt's again as he pushes up toward her crotch, but doesn't pull it away. Then she turns to Chad. “Don't you all get terribly jealous?” she asks meekly. “Of course," he answers with a relaxed smile. “That actually fuels our sex life. We try to keep it in balance. Gracie has sex with Matt and I have sex with Paige. We both 'cheated' on the other as it were, so the acts cancel themselves out mostly. Not entirely. There are little things, an extra orgasm here or there that cause pangs, but that's the fun of it.” “Also, we established rules up front," said Matt as he massages your wife's crotch. “We normally only have sex all together. No little trysts on the side...” “Matt, can you stop... touching my wife like that?” you interrupt. “We haven't agreed to go along with this stuff yet. Honey, isn't that making you nervous?” you ask petulantly. “It's making me very hot," she admits. He cheeks are flushed bright red now and she looks more beautiful to you now in this stirred up state than she has in years. “Let's make a deal, Chad," says Matt. “If you wife tells me to stop, I will. If she doesn't, then I think you need to reconsider your position." Then he hikes your wife's dress up around her waist, revealing her panties which are clearly soaked. Chad looks over with interest as Matt hooks his fingers into the top of her panties and starts to pull them down. Heidi puts her hands on Matt's lightly. “Oh Matt!” she says in exasperation. Then she looks at you pleadingly. Your blood is running cold, but your erection is fully engorged at the sight of this. You are frozen by the sight and can say nothing. “What are you saying?” asks Matt, looking at her with concern. “Are you asking me to stop?” You wife looks you questioningly in the eye and you gulp. She is clearly aroused and would go through with this if you don’t stop her. Your torn by conflicting emotions of jealousy and arousal. Part of you wants your wife to show her pussy to these two good friends and you unconsciously touch your erection as you realize that. Your wife notices you touching yourself and takes that as a signal. She sighs with resignation. “No," she says in a tiny voice. “We’re not trying to stop you.” You let out a huge pent up sigh as Matt looks at you and pulls your wife's panties down. “You will thank me for this, Clay," he says apologetically. Chad gazes at your wife's @@@@@@@ bush for a moment before she pulls her dress down in embarrassment. “Don't look, Chad," she says coyly as she kicks her panties away. “Well that's the first time I saw your vagina, so it was pretty exciting," he says gripping the bulge in his pants. “Chad!” says your wife in surprise. Then she turns to you. “It feels so strange to be the center of so much... sexual attention," she says to you with an air of confidentiality. “It's alright, dear. Keep your dress down. We don't have to show nasty Chad your privates while we do this," says Matt softly as he reaches his hand back up your wife's dress. After a moment your wife gives a start and you assume that Matt is touching her labia or clitoris. “Oh Matt," she says lustily, taking his cheek in her hand and gazing into his eyes. “This is so... dirty.” “Yes it is," he says in a deep voice. “What do you say now, Clay? You wife is letting me explore her nether regions with my finger right now.” “Yes, I see that. I kind of wish Paige were here to seal the deal," you say with a gulp as you look on in fascination your heart racing in your chest. “Yeah, sorry about that, old man. We are breaking the rules a bit here. Paige owes you one," says Matt contritely. He must have thrust a finger into you wife as he said this because she gasps with pleasure. “Christ!” you say helplessly as you watch your wife about to have an orgasm. “Oh boy,” she says, noticing your discomfort. She is panting with excitement but pushes Matt's hand away gently. “We better stop, Matt. Clay is upset.” Matt leans back in his seat and heaves a sigh of frustration. “I've got blue balls now, Clay!” he complains to you. “Is that my fault?” you laugh nervously. “I didn't tell you to finger my wife," But you feel weird about this. It's a bit ridiculous to let him feel her up and then make them stop. Matt just pouts and rubs his boner through his pants, while Heidi looks on in interest. “Jesus!” you say. “What do you want to do, Heidi?” you ask. “Whatever you say," she says meekly, not taking her eyes off of Matt's cock. “Well I guess you already let him touch you in a completely inappropriate way," you admit thoughtfully. “True," she agrees, looking at you curiously. “Didn't you enjoy... watching?” she asks quietly. “Well, I don't know... in some ways yes, but it's hard to take. I guess it really would bother me less if Paige were doing the same to me," you say. “That's true," interjects Chad. “It's not fair to make him watch without Paige here to service him, Matt.” “Yeah, I know. Sorry," admits Matt. Then his expression brightens. “Can I take Heidi into the other room for a minute?” “Uh, what?” you ask, taken by surprise. “Well you wouldn't have to watch then," he says, spreading his hands reasonably. “That sounds... kinky," says your wife with a mischievous smile. “Really?” you ask. “You want to do that, Heidi?” “He's piqued my curiosity now dear. As you said, we've crossed the Rubicon already in some ways. I promise to let you and Paige do whatever you like," she says standing up and leading Matt toward the bedroom. “I… well, alright," you stammer as they depart. Chad looks at you quizzically for a minute. “You know, I think you are missing a great opportunity. You should have just whipped it out and started masturbating.” “Come on, Chad," you object with embarrassment. “Well he's probably going to really fuck your wife now," says Chad knowingly. “He won't hold back at all.” “No, I don't think Heidi would let him," you say uncertainly. “Oh? She let him finger her didn't she?" he says with a smirk. “Yes, but that's... You know, foreplay," you counter lamely. “Would you put money on it?” he asks. “I'll bet you $100 that if we wait 5 minutes and then checked in on them, Matt will be fucking the shit out of your wife and she will be begging for more.” “Jesus, Chad!” you say. He just shrugs and looks at his watch. “Doesn't it bother you that your own wife is getting fucked by some strange guy right now?” you ask him. “I mean, even if Heidi does let Matt... go all the way. Just knowing that it's only Matt, well makes it somewhat easier to handle," you say, trying to rationalize your feelings. “I just hope they bring back pictures," says Chad with an evil grin. “I mean, I know what you are saying, it's just that we have been doing this a while, and I am ready for the more twisted stuff now.” You sit drinking in silence for a few minutes and then Chad checks his watch. “Well, let's go check in on the love birds.” You and he walk down the hall and stand outside your bedroom door. Your stomach drops when you hear the distinctive creaking of the bed and Heidi's muffled groans of pleasure. “Ok, you win," you say retreating, not wanting to see. “Don't you want to see?” he asks. “No, I can't," you admit. “Mind if I join them?” he asks casually. “Wait, what?” you ask. “Well, you know," he says. “I'm feeling a bit randy myself.” “But," you say, at a loss for words. “Don't worry, I will be gentle with her," he assures you and then slips into the room, closing the door softly behind him. You stand and stare at the bedroom door for minute. The creaking stops and you hear a muffled conversation going on. Soon you hear Heidi cackling with laughter and presently the creaking resumes. You feel truly nauseous now and head back to the living room to wait. They are in there a long time and you struggle with conflicting emotions of jealousy, excitement, arousal, anger and disgust. Eventually Matt and Chad emerge, both glowing with satisfaction. “Heidi's getting cleaned up," says Matt. “We both shot a lot of cum on her," he adds with a raunchy squint. “She was a good sport," agrees Chad with a chuckle. “She didn't mind doing us both at once. I was afraid I would have to wait my turn, or worse yet, just jerk off while I watched. But no, she agreed to let me stick my cock right in her mouth while Matt ploughed her from behind.” “Please stop," you say, stunned. “I can't take this.” “Oh, you'll be fine. We will send Paige and Gracie over tonight to even the score," says Matt good-naturedly. “We will clean them up first from their construction worker party. Don't worry," says Chad patting you on the shoulder. And with that, they are gone. Heidi comes back into the living room blushing furiously. “So... what would you like for dinner?” she asks meekly. And you know that you have truly gone down the rabbit hole. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
  8. Boss Takes your Wife on a Weekend Trip to a Nude Beach by Gustav Jorgenson You have been working at the same firm for 5 years which is a long time these days. You were hoping to be promoted to manager when your boss moved on to another company, but they brought in a guy named Jimmy Johnson who is in his thirties, has an MBA, and who had lead a highly successful product launch at another company. You are in your 40’s now and are despairing of ever breaking into management. They threw a special happy hour party the first Friday after Johnson arrived and they encouraged everyone to bring their spouses. Your wife was excited by the opportunity to dress up since you don’t take her out much any more. “How do I look?” asks your wife spinning in place. She is wearing a little black cocktail dress with a short hem half-way up her thigh, black stockings, and high heels. The dress has a low-cut neckline which shows off her large breasts and she is wearing her grandmother’s pearls which are classy. “You look great,” you say unhappily adjusting your tie in the mirror. “Look honey, I know this is tough for you, but we can get through this,” says your wife with concern coming over to rub your shoulder. “Why you make a good living now, we don’t really need the extra money from that promotion.” “It’s not the money, dear,” you sigh. “It’s really a question of my self-esteem. I know I have the potential to be more than just a worker bee.” “Well, you’ll always be tops in my book,” says your wife cheerfully. “Come on, let’s just go and enjoy ourselves, ok?” You look at you wife’s happy expression and can’t help but smile in response. She is so happy just to be going out to a party that you make a mental note to take her out more often. *** You arrive at the party and your wife goes off with some of the other women that she knows. You grab a drink and join some coworkers from your department. “He’s such a smug douchebag!” complains your friend Wilson. “Who, Johnson?” you ask, joining the conversation mid-stream. “Yeah,” says Wilson nodding to you in greeting. “He interviewed me yesterday and he basically asked what value I was adding to the company.” “Oh he did that with everyone,” you say shaking your head. “He’s just trying to establish dominance and put us on our heels. Don’t let it get to you.” “Well it sucks that they brought in an outside person for that position,” blusters Wilson taking another drink. A couple of the other fellows nod agreement and cast your furtive glances. Many of them consider you the team leader and would have been happy to see you get that promotion. Just then you hear a cackle of laughter and you look across the room. Johnson has joined the group of women that your wife was talking with and has casually draped his arm across your wife’s shoulder. The women in the group are all laughing at some witty comment that he made. You grit your teeth at the sight of this young prick taking such liberties with your wife, but you are determined not to show any jealousy. The other guys look at you with concern but you just smile wanly. “Yeah, trying to establish dominance…” mutters your friend Wilson with annoyance. His own wife is in that group laughing along with the other women and talking to Johnson excitedly. “I guess our boy Johnson is a real hit with the ladies,” says Sanders ruefully. He has a stain on his tie and his shirt needs ironing. He hasn’t been the same since his own wife left him last year. You just shake your head and change the subject to sports. The night progresses and you move from group to group chatting with various folks from different departments. You notice that Johnson is spending an inordinate amount of time talking with and touching your wife. You manage to avoid talking to Johnson for most of the night. But just as you were ready to leave and are about to go find your wife, Johnson approaches you with a good looking blonde on his arm. “Smith, there you are!” he says loudly. “Have you met my wife, Marrissa?” Johnson’s wife nods at you coldly. “Hello, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that Jimmy was married,” you say. “You wouldn’t think so from the way he’s been acting all night, would you?” she says stiffly, giving her husband a dirty look. “I have no idea what you are talking about, darling,” says Johnson with a roguish smile. “Here, be a dear and have the car brought around, I want to have a quick word with Smith, here.” Marissa sniffs angrily and strides away as requested. You take a moment to admire her slim figure as she departs. “Hot body, huh?” asks Johnson noticing your interest. “Uh, what?” you ask, taken by surprise. “Never mind. Look, I want to ask you a favor,” says Johnson, putting his arm around your shoulder and speaking quietly. “I met your wife tonight and found her to be simply charming.” “Yeah, she’s a great lady,” you say, restraining the urge to draw away from him. “She’s really fun. Anyway, I know this is really irregular, but how would you feel if I invited your wife on a weekend trip?” Johnson smiles at you with a devilish glint in his eye. You are completely shocked by this and it takes you a moment to gather your wits about you. “What, just you and her?” you stammer. “Basically, yes. I might also invite a couple of my old college buddies along,” he says softly, looking around to make sure no one overhears. “Yeah, that is… irregular…” you say trying to think of an appropriate response. “I guess that would be up to her.” “She said she was game if you were ok with it,” says Johnson wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively. “Where were you thinking of going?” you ask, struggling to suppress your anger. "There is a great little nude beach up the coast a little ways," he says nonchalantly. "My own wife is too uptight to go…" “You’ve got to be kidding!” you cry out, pulling away from him. A couple of people look over curious about your outburst. Your heart is pounding and your palms are slick with sweat. “Easy, easy. You don’t have to answer now. Just think it over,” says Johnson making a calming gesture with his palms down. “Ciao!” And with that he walks off with smirk on his face. At first you are angry, but it quickly crosses your mind that this might be a way to unseat Johnson before he can even get situated. You wonder if this qualifies as sexual harassment. You go find your wife and make your final goodbyes before heading out. Once you are both out in the car, you sit pensively thinking over the angles of the situation and waiting for your wife to spill the beans. “So I guess Jimmy talked to you about his request?” she asks finally. She seems embarrassed and chagrined. “He said you agreed to go off to a nude beach with him if I approved,” you say calmly looking out at the road illuminated by your headlights in the dark. “Well I was just kidding around, dear,” says your wife hurriedly. “I guess I had a bit too much to drink… and… I don’t know… I know you won’t want to hear this but he really is a funny young fellow in his own way.” You glance over to see her looking over at you with concern, biting her lip apprehensively. “He’s a prick, Martha. A douchebag,” you say firmly. “Christ, were you really charmed by that little scoundrel?” You arch your brow at her. “A bit, dear, a bit,” she admits with a rueful smile. “He has a way about him. Men don’t really pay as much attention to me as they used to, but he has a way of looking at a woman… That makes her feel…” she laughs nervously. “Desirable?” “Oh shit, Martha,” you say looking at her sadly. “Don’t I tell you how beautiful you are often enough?” “You do, dear, you do,” says your wife quickly. “But other men don’t do that much anymore. And that erodes my self-esteem. So I hope you don’t mind if I enjoy the attention of a prickish young douchebag a bit. Of course I wouldn’t dream of actually going along with him.” She tries to smile bravely, but you can tell she actually feels insecure and ashamed of herself. “It’s alright, dear,” you say, patting her on the knee. “But actually, I think you should go with him.” “What?!” she squawks in amazement. “What are you talking about?” “This might be a great opportunity for me to get Johnson fired,” you say smugly. “The request alone probably qualifies as harassment, but if you actually go on a trip with him, that will definitely seal the deal.” “Darling, think what you are saying!” gasps your wife. “A nude beach?” “Just because you go to a nude beach doesn’t mean you have to take your clothes off,” you say reasonably. “What’s the matter, don’t you think you can handle yourself around this young upstart? Are you afraid he will succeed in seducing you?” You shoot her a quick teasing smile and she laughs nervously. “You know I would never cheat on you, honey,” she says. “And yes, I think I should be able to handle a man ten years younger than myself… I just better swear off the liquor during this trip.” “That’s the spirit!” you laugh. “I’ll put an audio recording app on your smartphone and we will get all the goods we need to get this brash interloper fired and open that position up for me to take.” And though you are laughing, it bothers you that your wife wouldn’t trust herself to drink around young Johnson. *** The following day, you wife phones Johnson and makes the plans to head off to the beach. You and she are sitting together in the living room as she places the call. “Hello Jimmy, it’s Martha Smith,” says your wife. “... yes, that’s what I’m calling about. My husband has agreed to let me come along with you…” She shoots you a nervous glance. “Oh, well… you see he’s very confident in our relationship…” You realize that Johnson probably never expected your wife to go through with this and are worried that he will back down. Martha listens with furrowed brow for a moment and then breaks out laughing. “Oh Jimmy!” she exclaims gayly. “Don’t be naughty. My husband is open-minded, but not that open-minded…” You look are her in surprise and she blushes slightly as she listens to Johnson. “Yes well next week works fine… No I certainly will not! I expect you to be on your best behavior, young man… Ok, I will tell him… Yes, I am too… Bye now…” Your wife hangs up and you are annoyed at how flushed with excitement she seems. “What was that all about?” you ask jealously. “I don’t think he expected you to go along with it,” says your wife with an impish smile. “But he recovered pretty quickly.” “What did he say?” you ask, but you aren’t sure you want to know. You wife blushes more deeply. “Oh just some typically cocky comments. We agreed that he would send a car for me next weekend.” “Ok, Ok,” you say shaking your head. “I hope I don’t end up regretting this.” “Oh darling,” says your wife. “Don’t worry.” She come over and plops down into your lap, wrapping her arms around you. “You’re the only man for me. I will put that little fool in his place.” *** The following week you go to work as usual but Johnson makes no reference to his planned tryst with your wife. When Saturday rolls around, you and she go over the plan one final time as she waits for the car to arrive. “Ok Martha,” you tell her. “I put that recording app on your phone. It does both audio and video, but I assume that you will only be able to grab audio.” “Right, I played with it and I understand how it works,” says your wife confidently. “So you should make sure to tell him how you felt forced to come along since he was my boss and that you were afraid my position at the company would be jeopardized if you refused,” you say, rubbing your hands together in anticipation. “Are you sure you can go through with this?” you ask her. “Yes, I’ll be fine,” she assures you breezily. “If he makes any untoward advances, I will simply call a cab and head to a hotel. I’m not worried in the least. In fact, this might be a fun weekend.” “Uh, yeah,” you say looking at your lovely wife with trepidation. But before you can reconsider this crazy plan, a horn honks outside and your wife snatches up her overnight bag, pecks you on the cheek, and rushes out of the house. *** You spend an awkward weekend by yourself. The house feels big and empty without your wife to keep you company. You putter about and wonder if you are doing the right thing. If all goes to plan, you will get Johnson fired and be in a perfect position to take his place, at least temporarily. On the other hand, what if things don’t go according to plan. Your wife seems to genuinely like Johnson. She laughs readily at his jokes and she seemed quite excited and eager to be heading off with him. But then you shake your head at your worries. You know your wife is faithful and that she never went for that really prickish sort of guy. Besides, he’s ten years younger. He’s not a mature man like yourself. Late on Sunday night your wife finally returns. She is tanned and glowing with health, but she has a worried look on her face. “Welcome home, I missed you,” you say giving her a kiss. “How did it go? Did you get the goods?” “Oh boy, did I…” she says returning your kiss. She drops her bag on the floor and flops down into the couch. “Let me hear the recording,” you say eagerly, reaching for her phone. “Uh, maybe later,” she says not letting you have the phone. “What’s the matter?” you ask, looking at her strangely. “I want to… edit the recording before you listen to it…” she says not meeting your gaze. “But we can’t heavily edit this thing, it will take away from the credibility,” you say squinting your eyes. “Did you say something incriminating?” Your wife sighs deeply and pats the couch next to her, “Sit down honey, we need to talk,” she says nervously. “I don’t like the sound of this,” you say joining her on the couch. “No, you won’t,” she admits. “You know how we just assumed you could go to a nude beach and not get nude? Well, it doesn’t work that way. If you are at this particular beach, you need to be disrobed.” “Uh, ok,” you say with a gulp. “So you just went back to the hotel then?” “Not exactly,” she says delicately. ‘Wait, what?” you say, jumping to your feet. “Don’t tell me you got naked in front of him!” “Him and his friends,” she admits in a small voice. “What the hell, Martha? I thought we went over this!” you say pulling your hair and pacing around the room. “How could you?” The thought of your wife stripping naked in front of your douchebag boss is wrenching your gut. “I just… I don’t know…” she says holding her hands up helplessly. “I guess I shouldn’t have caved in and started drinking. By the time we got to the beach, I was feeling pretty loose. All the boys jumped out and pulled their shorts off without missing a beat. They all just stood there with their stiff willies pointing at me, waiting for me to get naked with them. So I thought, well, I will just take my top off. But when my boobs came out, Jimmy was so complimentary about them that I got a little carried away and pulled my bottom off to show him my bush as well. I mean, you should have seen how stiff he got when he saw me naked for the first time.” You wife scrunches up her face and grimaces at you guiltily. “Martha, I can’t believe you are talking to me about how hard you made my boss’ prick,” you say in shock. You feel nauseous with jealousy. “Well yes, I know. But I do think we got some good footage for you to take to HR. Like I said, I just need to edit it a little,” she says trying to smile and lighten up the situation. “But why do we need to edit it?” you ask in frustration. “Well, I am not… I don’t act very appropriate for a married lady. His friends took some video of Jimmy and I on the beach together that I don’t want anyone to see,” she says with chagrin. “Oh my god,” you say as the blood drains from your face. “Give me that phone right now, Martha.” You hold out your hand, and you see that it is shaking slightly. “You don’t want to see this, darling, trust me,” she pleads, gripping her phone tightly. “Are you going to tell me everything that happened this weekend, or am I going to watch it on the phone?” you ask, surprised at how calm you sound. “I was very naughty, dear. Terribly naughty…” says your wife, tears welling up in her eyes. “I never meant to hurt you. I just don’t know what came over me. I should have never agreed to do this.” “Just give me the phone, dear,” you say, your voice softened by your wife’s tears. “I can’t forgive you until I know what I am forgiving.” Your wife hands over the phone reluctantly with her head bowed and you start skimming through the video. There is a scene with your wife standing nude on a sunny beach surrounded by Johnson and two other guys in their 30’s. You press play on the clip and see Johnson slapping his erection against your wife’s bare bottom while she laughs hysterically. Your blood runs cold and you stop the video. “Christ, Martha! I don’t think I can watch this,” you say, hands trembling. “You let that young jerk slap his wang against your bottom!” “It gets worse, dear, please let me just delete all the video,” begs your wife with a sniffle. You skip the rest of that video and click on the next one. You watch as Johnson gestures at his stiff penis and tells your wife to get down on her knees to suck it. A group of other nude men and women have gathered around and are laughing. Your wife resists at first, but various people from the crowd are shouting encouragement and finally she grabs hold of your young boss’s dick and starts yanking on it. He puts his hand on her shoulders and pushes her down onto her knees in the sand before him, then slaps her playfully across the cheek with his erection. The crowd breaks out in a cheer and then your wife has his thing in her mouth and is sucking lustily on it, looking up at Jimmy with adoration in her eyes. You stab the phone to pause it and glare angrily at your wife. Your pulse is racing and your own cock is unaccountably hard at the sight of your wife going down on another man. “I can’t believe you!” you sputter. “If you told me you got drunk and carried away by the peer pressure, I could believe that. But the way you look up at him with his cock in your mouth. You are practically worshipping that little prick.” “Honey, it’s actually a pretty good sized prick…” says your wife, trying to smile. She quickly hold up her hands when she sees the look of horror on your face. “I’m kidding dear, I’m kidding.” “How can you joke about this?” you demand. “I admit, he just pushes my buttons sexually,” she says soberly. “I have no excuse for it. It’s just been a long time since I’ve been with another man. And lord knows our own sex life hasn’t been stellar for a long time…” “Ok, Ok!” you say. “I know, I could forgive you anything. Anything, with another man. But not with this asshole. I mean, he took my promotion away and now he’s taken my wife!” You pace around the room anxiously waving your arms. “Darling, he never meant to take anything from you, he just took a job that was offered to him,” argues your wife, jumping to her feet to console you. “And he certainly hasn’t taken your wife. That was a purely physical act. You are the man I love and I will stick by you forever. I just need you to forgive me!” “Oh Martha,” you say looking at her sadly. “Have I neglected you so much?” You look down at the phone. “What else will I see here?” you ask. “You haven’t seen the worst of it yet,” she admits, bowing her head. You rub your face and click on the next video. You wife in laying spread out on the sand, with Johnson on top of her, thrusting himself between her legs. His ass is pistoning up and down as she groans with pleasure and calls his name loudly. A group of nude men stand in a circle around the fornicating couple watching with interest. Some of them are stroking themselves lewdly. You toss the phone aside and walk out the back door into the yard, running your hands through your hair. It’s a cool clear night out here and the stars are twinkling above. Martha comes and stands in the doorway. “How many of those other guys did you fuck?” you ask numbly. “Several,” she admits quietly. “And I assume they shot their loads all over you?” you ask in disgust. “On me and some inside me,” she admits. Oddly your cock stiffens at the thought but you are disgusted with yourself for feeling aroused. “Ok, you need to get the fuck out of here for a couple of days while I mull this over,” you say coldly. “Yes, dear,” agrees your wife meekly. “I will go stay with my sister.” “Leave the phone, I am taking that to HR tomorrow and I’m at least getting that fucker fired!” you say. *** The next day at work, you march right into Sarah, the HR director’s office with your wife’s phone. You had located a couple of conversations in which your wife described how threatened you felt by your boss inviting her on this trip and him just laughing about it. “Hello, John, come in, I was expecting you,” says Sarah as you enter her office. “Really?” you ask, taken aback. “Yes, Johnson came to me last week about this trip your wife invited him on,” says Sarah squinting at you suspiciously. “He wanted to know what out policy was regarding sexual relationships between spouses of coworkers.” “Wait a minute, he invited my wife, not the other way around,” you say, taken completely by surprise. “And what did you hope to accomplish by agreeing to that little arrangement?” demands Sarah in a harsh tone. “What are you suggesting, Sarah, that I would pimp my wife to garner favors with Johnson?” you respond hotly. “You said that, not me,” sniffs Sarah. “Policy is very murky in this area. If Johnson propositioned a female employee working under him, then that would be very clearly harassment. If a woman propositions a manager for career advancement… well there’s no rule against it, but there ought to be.” “I can’t believe this, Johnson takes my wife on a weekend trip and you are accusing US of foul play,” you sputter angrily. “Please control your tone,” says Sarah. “I don’t want to have to call security.” “Sarah, can’t you see what is happening here?” you say, struggling to keep your voice down. “It’s clearly some of sort of torrid menage a trois,” says Sarah with disgust. “I think you probably agreed to it just because you thought you could use it against Johnson. While I personally find the entire situation on both sides reprehensible, neither you nor he appears to have actually violated any company policy. But I will talk to him about how appropriate it is to start immediately sleeping with the spouses of his direct reports if you want me to.” Sarah is looking at you coldly and you just deflate beneath her piercing gaze. You had no idea that this plan was so transparent. You shake you head sadly and leave without saying a word. Out in the hallway you run into Johnson. He sees whose office you are leaving and puts a conspiratory arm around your shoulder. “I swear your wife could suck a golfball through a garden hose, my man,” he says lecherously. “I assume you saw the phone video? That’s low res stuff, you should see the HD footage we got using my buddy’s camera. The way she sucked my pal’s nuts while I banged her doggystyle back at the beach house was epic.” “Get the fuck off me,” you snap pushing his arm away. “Ok, Ok, take it easy, bro,” he laughs easily. “We posted it all online. I will send you the URL.” Then he strides away whistling, but then pauses as he thinks of something else. “Oh but we are still editing the stuff we shot last night with her and her sister, so give us some time to edit that.” You just stare slack jawed at him as he backs away down the hall laughing. --- Read the "Wives Cheating, Husband Watching" series of cuckold stories: Vol.5, Vol.4, Vol.3, Vol.2, Vol.1
  9. Wife Goes Down on her Knees for you Rival by Gustav Jorgenson continued from “Your wife lets a rival squeeze her tits.” After that party where you all got drunk and your wife let Bob, your rival from work squeeze her bare boobs, you were surprised at what amazing sex you had with your wife. She realized that her flirting with other guys turned you on. She had joked about inviting them over again but you were surprised when they actually showed up at the door one night. “Oh, hey guys. I wasn’t expecting you,” you say one night when your friends Pete and Sam show up with a case of beer. Bob is with them and you just glower at him as you let them all in. “Jennifer said you were having a party tonight,” says Sam with confusion. “Look Jim, I’m really sorry about what happened last time,” says Bob with an insincere look on his face, holding out his hand to shake. “Right,” you say tightly, keeping your hands to your sides. Bob just shrugs and greets your wife. “Hello Jennifer. You look very nice tonight.” You wife has entered the room wearing a short, low cut dress that shows the tops of thigh high stockings. Her cleavage is hanging out and you notice your guests all looking her up and down from her chest to her shapely legs. “I’m glad you came, Bob. I hope there are no hard feelings from last time,” says your wife. “None at all,” he says gazing at her boobs. “Great, give me a hug then,” she says and then they embrace for a little longer than is appropriate. Bob is running his hands up and down your wife’s back and then gripping her tightly against his body. She looks over his shoulder at you as she hugs him and give you a devilish wink, then she pinches his ass. “Whoa, easy there.” laughs Bob, slapping your wife on the ass and then releasing her. “Your husband is going to get the wrong impression.” “Oh, he’s a good sport. He’s doesn’t mind a little harmless flirting.” says your wife giving you a significant look. Pete and Sam just chuckle nervously and watch your reaction as you press your lips together tightly and glare at Bob with hatred. You all sit down and start drinking. You have a bad feeling about this. The guys are all checking out your wife’s body and she is giggling flirtatiously and recrossing her legs a lot. It’s turning you on, but you are worried about how far your wife will go. After everyone has had a few drinks and relaxed a little, Bob gives you a smug smile and says. “You know, Jim, after I felt up your wife’s boobs last time, I was afraid you wouldn’t ever invite me back again.” “Uh, yeah, let’s put that behind us ok?” says Sam quickly, noting your ire with trepidation. Pete chimes in. “Come on Sam, don’t make such a big deal about it. Jim’s Ok, right Jim? Just some harmless fun.” “Well, I think you guys got a little carried away last time, but … yeah. It was harmless I guess,” you say shifting uncomfortably in you seat. “Oh, don’t lie to your friends, dear. You loved it,” says your wife, slapping you on the knee playfully. “Having other guys pay attention to me reminded him that I might still have a little sex appeal left.” “Well, well, well. That’s very interesting.” says Bob looking your wife over and rubbing his hands together. “Were you planning on giving him another thrill tonight? That outfit is pretty suggestive.” You are about to snap a rebuttal when Sam cuts you off. “Now take it easy, Bob,” he says. “I think you’ve got to admit that things did get a little out of hand last time.” Pete just shakes his head. “Sam, you are acting so holier-than-thou right now. You enjoyed seeing Jennifer’s boobs as much as we did,” he says with a teasing smile. “Fess up, Sam,” says your wife jiggling her boobs for him slightly. “Ok, Jenn,” you warn her softly but she just pouts dramatically at you. ‘Shouldn’t I shake my boobs for them?” she asks you innocently. “Uh, no,” you say, looking at your friends with distrust. “But didn’t that turn you on a little?” she asks curiously. “Jenn... can we not talk about this right now?” you say, embarrassment setting in. You can’t believe your wife is putting you on the spot like this. “Hey Jim, don’t be embarrassed,” Pete tells you good naturedly. “We are all old friends here... well except for you and Bob.” Everyone laughs at that but you just smile ruefully. “But I think it’s probably a common fantasy, wife sharing or whatever. I like it when Susan flirts a little bit.” “She never let some guy finger her knockers in front of you though, did she?” you blurt out, your heart racing and your member slowly stiffening at the thought in spite of herself. “No. But that was pretty hot,” he says with a lewd smile. “Ok, look, I think I see where we stand here,” says Bob standing up. “Jim, you are reluctant about this and probably afraid to come out and admit that your are getting off on it. But it’s clear that your wife wants to play this out a little further, so I am going to help you both out.” “Oh, yeah, how so?” you ask belligerently. “Jennifer, would you stand up please?” says Bob. Your wife gives you a reassuring smile and squeezes your hand before complying. “Ok Bob,” she says standing up and standing in front of him. “Why don’t you go ahead and take your dress off now?” he says commandingly. Jennifer starts giggling nervously and looks over her shoulder at you. Your heart is pounding in your ears and your can’t believe that he just came out and said that. “You can’t just tell my wife what to do!” you yelp. “I’m just asking,” he says confidently. “Look Jenn, he’s in denial, you are going to need to help him out with this fantasy. Just turn around and I will help you unzip that dress.” “Oh boy,” says Jennifer. Then she turns to you, “Do you think you could handle this honey?” “I could handle it,” pipes up Pete excitedly. “Get naked by all means.” “Jesus, Pete!” complains Sam. “Well I’m not naked under this, I do have panties on,” says your wife to Pete with a smile. “But no bra, right?” he says gesturing at her jiggling breasts. “That’s obvious, isn’t it?” she laughs. “Ok, I know that Jim wants me to do this in his heart but he can’t admit it. Bob had the balls to stand up and ask me to do it. Pete will play along once he’s sauced up enough. But what about you, Sam? I don’t want to freak you out.” She puts her hands on her hips. “Uh what are you asking?” says Sam licking his lips unconsciously as he ogles your wife’s body, then looking over at you guiltily. “Do you want me to take my dress off or not?” demands your wife playfully. “Um, that’s up to you, I guess,” he says, sweat breaking out on his forehead. “I think I see you getting a stiffy, so I will take that as a yes,” laughs your wife pointing at Sam’s lap. “Christ, Jenn, are you serious?” you ask, shifting in your seat to hide your own growing boner. This is incredibly erotic, but you just wish Bob wasn’t involved. “Oh, you’ll be fine,” she says with a dismissive wave. Then she turns her back to Bob unceremoniously and lets him unzip her dress. She looks down at you with her dress unzipped and you can tell she is having second thoughts. You and she share a complex look of guilt, excitement, incrimination, and love. You realize that you will still love her no matter what she does and she seems to sense that. “Well... take it off,” demands Bob. “Yes, Bob.” says your wife demurely. Turning to face him and dropping her dress to the floor without further delay. Your wife is standing bare chested in her panties as stockings facing your rival from work while he casually examines her body. Pete whistles in appreciation and Sam is gasping and gulping at the site of your wife’s bare torso. She does have a wonderful hourglass figure. You are frozen in your chair and don’t know what to do. You cock is throbbing but you also want to jump up and punch Bob in the face. But in some ways this is your wife’s doing, so you just grind your teeth and look on in fascination as your wife exposes her body to your friends. “Here, turn to the side.” says Bob gently. Your wife does so and he starts running his rough calloused hands over her soft white belly, then up to her breasts. He pinches her pink nipples slightly, making them stiffen and she looks at him with pursed lips and raised brows, not objecting, just watching his face. He slides his hands back down over her belly, then around to her sides, gripping the tender pale flesh above her hips. She is breathing faster now and the color has come to her cheeks, make her porcelain complexion glow beautifully. Then Bob puts one hand on your wife’s ass and slides the other down the front of her panties. She gasps in arousal and puts her hand over the hand he’s feeling her crotch with. “You fucker!” you shout and jump to your feet. “No, no!” says your wife as Bob withdraws his hands from your woman and prepares to defend himself. “Honey, just relax. Sit down,” she says. She is in a state of high arousal and you see both Pete and Sam grabbing their crotches. “I can’t just sit here and watch this!” you say with animation. “Yes. You can.” she says, breathing heavily and pushing you back reluctantly back into your seat. “You know you want to see this.” she whispers in your ear. “Let’s do it.” “Are we cool?” asks Bob, holding his hands up defensively. “NO!” you say petulantly. “Yes,” says Jennifer turning back to him with a deep breathe. “Ok, well, do you want to take your panties off now?” asks Bob looking at your wife’s body hungrily. “If you say so,” she says submissively. Then she grips her panties by the sides and shimmies them down, bending over to slide them over her hips and down her legs. Pete and Sam are both gaping in amazement at her neatly trimmed bush. “Turn and show them that ass,” says Bob, gripping his boner through his pants lewdly. “Ok,” consents your wife. “Do you guys like this?” she asks Pete and Sam, bending over to shake her naked ass at them. They both just stare open mouthed and neither one can say a word. “My ass left them speechless, dear. Did you see that,” laughs your wife archly. “Yeah, I see it,” you mumble trying to nurse your own stiffy without attracting attention. “On your knees, now, please,” says Bob unzipping his fly. Your wife slowly gets down on her knees and looks up at Bob waiting for his next instruction. “This is going to far!” you object, but you keep your seat. But Bob and your wife both ignore you. “I hope no one minds, but I’m going to jerk off now,” says Pete pulling out his cock and stroking it. Bob pulls his thing out too and puts it right in your wife’s face. She is still looking up at him submissively. “Do I suck this now?” she asks as the head of his penis brushes her cheek. “That sounds about right,” says Bob gruffly, his voice thick with lust. Then he takes your wife by the back of the head and pushes his stiff member into her waiting mouth. He grunts with satisfaction as she starts sucking him enthusiastically. “Oh fuck!” you say in despair, gripping your cock all the while. “Yeah, she didn’t... need to be asked twice, did she?” stammers Sam looking on in fascination. “Look how she’s looking up at him.” gasps Pete, fapping away madly. “Like she’s begging him for more.” “Do you like me, Bob?” asks your wife, pulling his cock from her mouth briefly and looking up at him lovingly. “Sure, you’ll do,” he says. Then he crams his meat back in her mouth. She resumes sucking with renewed energy and then reaches up and start massaging Bob’s balls. He can’t take much of this and pulls out to shoot a load all over her face. She licks the cum from his head eagerly. “Look how greedily she licks that cum,” pants Pete, jumping up and approaching your wife. “Sorry, Jenn, do you mind if I blow my wad on you?” he asks desperately. “Jesus! ok, Pete,” gasps your wife in surprise and within seconds he is shooting his load all over her face. You and Sam just look on mesmerized as Pete further soaks your wife with cum. “Wow, sorry about that Jim,” he says sheepishly slapping his limp damp phallus against your wife’s cheek playfully. “Well, I’m not sorry. That was awesome!” says Bob. “I would kiss you Jenny, but I don’t want Pete’s jizz on my mouth. Maybe next time.” Then he zips his trousers up. He comes over to you sitting in your chair and leans over you “I really like the way your wife sucks my cock, so loving, so submissive.” he says with a leer. And this manages to unfreeze you enough to reflexively smash a fist into his face. He reels back, completely taken by surprise as you stand up as if in a dream. You kick him in the groin smoothly and he goes down on one knee. You reach your arm back to strike another blow, but your wife and Sam restrain you. Pete has zipped himself up and is helping Bob to his feet. Bob’s lip is fat and bleeding. “Fair enough. Maybe I deserved that. But it was worth it.” he shouts madly with a bloody smile. “Blowing my wad in your fucking wife’s face was worth it.” Pete drags him out the door, shouting apologies over his shoulder. “Goddamnit, Jim. I was hoping to invite him back to fuck me next time.” shrieks your wife in anger. Sam turns white at the suggestion and you just slap her numbly right across the face. She grips her stinging cheek in amazement and a tear comes to her eye. “I can only be pushed so far.” you say shakily. Then you flop back in your chair and put your head in your hands. Sam mutters his own apologies and lets himself out. Your wife goes to clean up and then returns to the living room and watches you sitting despondently in your chair. After a moment she quietly comes over and lays down on the floor with her legs spread before you, masturbating herself quietly. “Oh fuck!” you say, looking down at her offering her snatch to you. Then you pull your pants off and climb on top of her. “You win,” you sigh, sliding your stiff member into her hot, waiting pussy. “Thank you honey, I was so horny from sucking Bob off in front of you, I thought I would burst,” she whispers in your ear as you penetrate her with your throbbing rod. “You little slut!” you laugh, slapping her thigh playfully. You fuck the shit out of her, pounding her with abandon and she is gasping from an orgasm within minutes. You shoot your own load deep inside her when you feel her cunt tightening around your dick. Then you lay on top of her in exhaustion. “Do you think Bob would come back to fuck me if we asked him?” she whispers fiendishly in your ear. “Oh sure, that lip of his will probably only need a stitch or two,” you say and then share a good laugh with your wife. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
  10. Your Wife Lets Your Rival Squeeze Her Tits by Gustav Jorgenson You and some friends are drinking one at your house one night. You are all feeling pretty loose when you wife comes in with another tray full of beers for you. "Here you go boys," she says cheerily as she sets down the tray. "Don’t bother to invite me to join you anything." Your buddies all laugh, and you join in weakly, but you don’t like the way they are looking down the front of her dress as she bends down to put the tray on the coffee table. "Come over here and sit with us," says Bob, a guy you know from work. He’s more of rival than a friend. You are always trying to outdo each other, but he’s friends with your other pals, so you invite him over sometimes. It annoys you how he looks your wife’s body over as he moves over to make room on the couch for her. "Why thank you Bob, at least there is one gentleman among you," says your wife teasingly. Your friends react by teasing you in turn. "Whoa," "Oh, boy, you heard, that, Jim?" You just roll your eyes and lean over to grab a beer for yourself. "Thank you for bringing us more beer, darling," you say sarcastically, tipping your beer at your wife. "You are welcome, dear," she says primly as she helps herself to one. You all resume chatting for a while but Bob keeps looking over at your wife’s boobs. They do seem rather jiggly this evening and you are enjoying the view but wish Bob would stop looking at them. "Jennifer, can I ask you a personal question?" he asks your wife, shooting you a devilish glance. "Sure, Bob, I don’t see why not," she says casually, recrossing her legs and tossing her foot playfully. "Are you wearing a bra right now?" he asks, suppressing a smile. You wife blushes furiously, and quickly crosses her arms over her chest self-consciously as your buddies break out in nervous laughter. A couple of your friends look over at you apprehensively. It’s no secret that you and Bob are always competing with one another. You keep your cool and just smirk at Bob, "Ha ha," you say in a deadpan voice. Your wife looks over at you helplessly, her cheeks flushed bright red. "Well, actually, no, I’m not, Bob. I didn’t think anyone would notice." Bob furrows his brow earnestly and gives you wife a look of consternation. "Oh, I’m sorry, Jennifer. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I shouldn’t have mentioned it." Your wife relaxes slightly and gives a half-hearted chuckle. "Oh, it’s alright Bob, I guess you boys have had a few drinks and it loosened your tongue a bit," She lowers her arms hesitantly and Bob watches with interest as her nipples grow hard and poke through the fabric of her dress. "You’re right, alcohol lowers your inhibitions," he says, gazing brazenly at your wife’s tits, not bothering to look her in the eye. She notices his attention and looks over at you with an uncomfortable grimace, but she keeps her arms by her sides and doesn’t bother covering her boobs again. You scratch your head in annoyance, but aren’t sure how to react. "So yeah," says your wife, “What were we talking about again?" "Your boobs!" laughs your buddy Pete to more laughter. You shoot him a dirty look but he just shrugs an apology and you can see that he is just a little drunk and didn’t mean anything by it. "Right," says Bob apologetically, still not taking his eyes off your wife’s rack, “I am sorry I brought them up, but see when I saw that you weren’t wearing a bra, I was wondering if you, uh, wanted us to notice them," He turns to you and wags his eyebrows at you like Groucho Marx and you have to restrain the urge to jump up and pop him one. "Oh lord," gasps your wife with amazement. Then she slaps Bob’s shoulder and breaks out laughing. "Don’t be silly. I am allowed to be comfortable in my own home, aren’t I?" "And then you bent over and we all got a nice view of your cleavage…" continues Bob shooting you another cocky glance. "Purely unintentional, I’m sure," asserts your wife, trying to laugh it off and giving you a significant look. "Oh, no, don’t apologize, we all enjoyed it, didn’t we boys?" says Bob looking around for support. Your friends just laugh awkwardly and avoid his eyes. Everyone except Pete that is, who is drunk enough to chime in. "Honestly, Jennifer, I did enjoy catching a glimpse of those gorgeous orbs of yours," he says with a slight slur and a crooked smile. "Pete, you’re drunk," says your wife kindly. "But that’s, uh, nice of you to say, I guess." "Let’s change the subject, now, shall we?" you demand coldly, glaring at Bob with hatred. "Oh yes, please," says your wife, relieved that you are taking control of the conversation. "Does it bother you that we like looking at your wife’s breasts?" asks Bob nonchalantly. You are surprised that he is pressing forward like this and are at a loss for words for a second. "Uh, wouldn’t you be?" you ask. "Honestly? No, it wouldn’t bother me at all. My wife would just laugh it off, I’m sure," he says smugly. "Well I just laughed it off too," pipes up your wife, squaring her shoulders indignantly. She is subtly thrusting her chest forward as though daring Bob and Pete to look. "Well that fact that you didn’t wear a bra and bent over to show us your boobs seems to be making your husband nervous," says Bob, turning to your wife with a smile. "Now wait a minute," she laughs, blushing anew. "I wasn’t trying to show anyone anything." "I don’t know what your are insinuating, but I have perfect faith in my wife, Bob," you chime in defensively. "Jim and I have a very solid relationship," agrees you wife with a emphatic nod. "So he shouldn’t mind if you show us your breasts?" he asks archly. "I mean a little thing like that shouldn’t affect your relationship at all." "No of course it wouldn’t, but I didn’t intend to show you anything…" insists your wife, looking at him strangely. "I’d like to see them again," offers Pete, clearly drunk at this point. One of you other pals shushes him up and looks apologetically over at you and your wife. "But it would be no big deal if you were to show us. You could just flash them for us maybe. It’s not like you and Jim would get divorced over it," presses Bob. "Wait, are you asking me to flash my boobs for you?" asks your wife with surprise. "Pete’s drunk, but what’s your excuse?" "I like boobs," Bob admits with a smile. "I like your boobs," he adds lecherously gazing at them obviously. You wife giggles in spite of herself and glances at you guiltily. "Alright Bob, just can it," you say angrily. You notice a couple of your other friends shifting nervously. "Maybe we should be going," says your pal Sam. "I think we’ve all had a few too many. Better call a cab." "That’s a good idea, let’s call it night," you agree with relief. "You have an amazing body, I’m sorry if it makes you nervous for me to tell you," says Pete drunkenly taking your wife’s hand. Jennifer just laughs and let’s Pete kiss her hand. "Pete, you are normally a perfectly polite and respectful guest. I promise not to tease you about this once you have sobered up," she says with a twinkle in her eye. "Perfect, now why not pull them out real quick so we can get a better look," says Pete gesturing clumsily at her chest. Sam leaps to his feet and guides Pete back to his seat shaking his head at you in amazement. "You are going to be really embarrassed in the morning, Pete," you say with resignation. "I promise not to tell your wife about it, though." "Jeez, you guys are making me self-conscious," says your wife touching her bosom gently. "I can’t just go flashing my chest for other men while my husband is sitting right there…" "Well I hope you wouldn’t do it even if I was in the other room," you laugh which makes her lower her eyes and blush an even deeper red. "Well, let her do what she wants," says Bob. "She didn’t come out here bra-less for nothing," he says looking her over lewdly. "I don’t know what you are suggesting," says your wife primly. "You want to show us, you knew we could see down your dress when you bent over like that. Don’t be coy, we are all adults here. Go ahead and show us if you want to. We certainly don’t mind seeing some beautiful breasts," says Bob matter-of-factly. "Bob, you are such a prick, do you know that?" you say. "Can’t you see that this is making my husband angry?" says your wife uncertainly. "Wait, it’s making me angry? Aren’t you offended by all this?" you ask her, startled at her attitude. "Well, not really. Boys will be boys and all that," says your wife with a wry grin. "I just don’t want you to get upset," she says. "You mean that you would show them your tits if it didn’t bother me?" you ask incredulously. "Well of course not, I see that it would bother you," she says quickly, biting her lip nervously. Bob just watches your interaction with interest as Sam hurriedly fishes out his phone and starts calling a cab. "You aren’t answering the question. You seem to be saying that you would gladly flash your boobs for these guys if I agreed to it," you demand. "She did bend over and offer a nice view already…" mutters Bob. Your wife slaps his shoulder in exasperation. "Shush now, you are making it worse." "Please answer the question, dear," you say patiently. "Ugh. Why are you doing this?" she asks unhappily. "Maybe I would give them a thrill if I thought you wouldn’t mind. Why not? I don’t get much attention from men these days." "Oh, I can’t believe that," says Bob soothingly. "I’m sure men still check you out." "Nope," says your wife, sniffing slightly. "I honestly feel invisible around men most of the time." "Can we not get into this personal stuff in front of the guests?" you ask uncomfortably. "You wanted to know," she snaps at you, upset now. "Would I flash my boobs? Sure I would." "Well do it then!" laughs Pete of the tension between your wife and you. She grabs the top of her dress and stares at you daring you to object. You just shrug your shoulders, unable to believe that she would go through with it. But she does. She pulls the top of her dress right down and her soft white breasts come spilling out. She turns and points her erect pink nipples right at Bob. "Are you happy now?" she asks him. "Sure," he says. "May I?" he asks reaching out his hands. "Do what you want," she says softly. You look on in stunned silence as Bob grasps your wife’s tender boobs in his rough hands and pinches her nipples gently. "You wife is an outstanding hostess," Bob says to you as he fondles your wife’s knockers and smiling crudely. You jump up and rush over to intercede, but he quickly withdraws his hands. Your wife flips her top back up and gives you a frightened stare. "Get the fuck out!" you shout at Bob, pointing to the door. He stands abruptly and holds his hands up defensively. "Easy, bud, easy. Just a little drunken tomfoolery. We didn’t mean anything by it." Your guests file quickly out of the room muttering awkward goodbyes and your friend Sam puts his hand on your shoulder. "This won’t seem so bad in the light of day tomorrow," he says sympathetically. You nod at him tight-lipped and say nothing. Once everyone is gone, you turn on your wife angrily. "What the hell was that all about?" you shriek. "I can’t believe you humiliated me in front of my friends! You know Bob is my rival at work!" "I know dear," she says looking at you beseechingly. "Please forgive me. I don’t know what got into me." She seems genuinely contrite and upset, so you just let it go and head off to bed, muttering angrily to yourself. Your wife joins you a few minutes later and you lay in bed together not talking for a while. She snuggles close to you, but you just lay there coldly, not responding. She reaches over and starts fondling your penis and you grunt reluctantly, but you don’t stop her. "You know, it was pretty exciting for me to show my boobs tonight," she purrs in your ear as she fondles your cock. "That’s nice," you say grumpily but you can’t hide the fact that your dick stiffens in response. Your wife notices you getting harder and continues huskily. "Pete and Bob weren’t the only ones looking you know. Sam couldn’t keep his eyes off of them. I didn’t know that I could still have that effect on men." "And all you have to do is act a slut," you say turning to her as she continues working your rod with her hand. "Well, I’ve been pretty modest my whole life up until now," she says eyeing you lovingly as she bends over to go down on you. "Oh shit," you exclaim with pleasure as she wraps her lips around your shaft and sucks. She pauses and says. "It really made me wet when Bob fondled my boobs right in front of you. He just grasped them rudely and pinched my nipples while you sat right there." "Yeah, I didn’t like that," you say, but are surprised that your cock gets even harder as she brings it up again. "Are you sure?" she asks coyly feeling your cock’s reaction. "Jesus! What are you saying?" you say, avoiding her eyes. You wife climbs on top of you and slides your throbbing member inside her. It plunges easily into her soaking pussy and you gasp with satisfaction. "I think you enjoyed that little show tonight," says your wife as she works herself up and down on your hardon. You are about to object, but she puts her finger over your lips. "You can’t hide the fact that it aroused you. I think I should invite Bob and Peter over again for another little party. Heck, I should include Sam too from the way he looked at my titties tonight. Maybe I will wear something a little more… intimate." "I don’t think…" you start to object. "Hush," she says softly. "Maybe I will let them do more than just cop a feel, too," she says devilishly. And now you are too busy cumming inside her to pretend to complain. She joins you by climaxing herself almost simultaneously, and you wonder how strange it is that this perversion has resurrected your love life. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
  11. Wife Asks for a Hug By Gustav Jorgenson Eve and Jason have been married for over twelve years and their life has settled into a comfortable routine. They have good jobs, live in a decent suburb, and have good friends. They have noticed that they don’t make love as much as they used to and have discussed ways to spice things up. Eve tried getting sexy lingerie, but she never got around to wearing it. Then one day while using her husband’s laptop, she made a disturbing discover and decided to talk it over with her best friend, Samantha. “So, what’s up?” asked Sam as she and Eve settled down at their favorite coffee shop with their coffees and muffins. “Well you know how Jason and I have been trying to respark our love life?” asked Eve nervously, looking around to ensure that no one could overhear her. “Sure,” replied Sam leaning forward and lowering her voice. “It hasn’t worked. I don’t know if our hormones are flagging or we are just bored with each other…” said Eve sadly, looking out the window at the busy street. “Well, sure, after all these years, I guess you just have to work harder,” said Samantha sympathetically. “Sure,” snorted Eve, looking at her friend significantly. “But then I was using Jason’s laptop the other day and I found that he was looking at certain porn sites.” “That’s annoying, but it’s understandable. Are you really mad about that?” asked Samantha taking a thoughtful bite of muffin. “I’m not mad, I’m freaked out. He was looking at… uh, wife sharing porn…” whispered Eve glancing at the nearest table to make sure the two older ladies sitting there weren’t eavesdropping. “Wife sharing?” asked Samantha with a furrowed brow. “Yes, like pictures of a husband watching another guy have sex with his wife,” said Eve, blushing slightly. “Whoa…” said Sam trying to keep from laughing. “So… uh, that’s different.” “I’ll say. So I looked it up and I guess it’s a whole thing where some guys get off on watching their wives…” said Eve with exasperation. “Well, it’s a little weird, but it’s just a harmless fantasy,” said Sam soothingly. “As least he’s not into bestiality or something.” “I know, but what if it’s not just a fantasy…” said Eve with concern. “What if he is trying to work up the nerve to get me to try it?” “Try what? Bonking some other guy while he watches?” asked Sam with a laugh. She raised her voice by accident and several people in the coffeeshop looked over at them briefly before carrying on. “Keep your voice down,” whispered Eve with a scandalized smile. “This is embarrassing!” “But you aren’t seriously considering this?” asked Sam with delight. “No...well… I don’t know…” said Eve with confusion. “What if that worked? What if that was what we needed to get our love life fired up again?” “You are unbelievable,” laughs Samantha. “I never knew you were so wild.” “I haven’t been wild since I got married,” says Eve blushing a deeper shade of red. “But I was in a threesome with two guys once, back in college.” “Really?” says Samantha, wriggling in her seat in excitement. “That’s kinky. Which of your husband’s friends do you want to try out?” “Oh my goodness, Sam! Are you encouraging me?” laughed Eve awkwardly. “I don’t know. Steve Winthrop is nice.” “Steve is not bad looking, but one has to wonder why he’s been a bachelor all these years,” says Sam thoughtfully. “Does he like women?” “Oh yes, he has dated on and off over the years. I think he’s just very nerdy and sort of eccentric,” says Eve. She pauses for a moment thinking it over. “I would do him,” she says finally with a devilish little smile. “Eve, you are terrible!” exclaims Samantha with a laugh. “How are you going to do it?” “Well, I figured we could just invite Steve over for dinner with just Jason and I. We could have a few drinks. Once we are all loosened up, I will go change into a sexy bra and panties and just come out as though it were perfectly natural,” says Eve, warming up to the conversation. She can’t believe she is actually planning this, but the idea is exciting her now. “That’s a good idea. Not too subtle, but not something crazy like grabbing Steve and kissing him or something,” says Sam thoughtfully. “Are you really going to go through with it?” “I think so,” says Eve bravely. “My love life with Jason might depend on me getting a little bit creative.” Eve and Sam sit quietly for a moment and then break out giggling like schoolgirls as the other coffee shop denizens eye them strangely. *** Eve invited Steve over for dinner the following week. She wore a short, revealing dress and Jason took note of it but didn’t make a comment. She was very nervous at first, but the three of them had an enjoyable dinner. She noticed that Steve was glancing at her breasts throughout dinner and also at her stockinged legs whenever she got up from the table, which she took as a promising signal. After dinner, the threesome moved into the living room to have some drinks. By her second martini, Eve started to feel more relaxed and decided to start dropping some subtle hints. “So, Steve, do you like this dress?” she asked innocently. “I noticed you looking at it all night.” Steve blushed immediately and looked at Jason guiltily but Jason just smiled in response. “Don’t tease him, dear,” chuckled Jason, leaning back in his favorite chair. “You know Steve is shy around women. In fact, I was surprised when you wore that outfit tonight. It’s a bit risque, isn’t it?” “Oh I don’t know, is it?” responded Eve, flipping her hair casually. “Does it bother you to have other men appreciating your wife’s body?” It was Jason’s turn to blush and he avoided his wife’s intense gaze as she sat, examining his reaction. “Uh, no,” he muttered uncomfortably. “You have an outstanding figure… You can show it off a bit if you like…” “Uh, huh,” responded Eve, staring at her mate knowingly. She could tell that he was getting excited by this turn in the conversation. “I didn’t mean to…” stammered Steve finally. “That is, I didn’t mean to stare. I guess I am not used to seeing you dressed like that.” “I wore this especially for you, Steve,” said Eve, turning toward him and hiking the hem of her dress a bit higher up her thigh. She leaned forward a bit to give him a better view of her generous cleavage as well. “For me?” squeaked Steve, his voice cracking awkwardly. He realized after a moment that he was staring at Eve’s boobs again and he forced himself to look her in the eyes. His penis was painfully erect, as it had been all evening and he held his drink in his lap hoping that she wouldn’t notice the lump there. “What do you mean?” he said, struggling to maintain a normal tone to his voice. “Yeah, what is that supposed to mean?” laughed Jason nervously, mustering the nerve to look his wife in the eye. “Well Steve probably needs a bit of thrill now and then,” she says reasonably, putting her hands on her knees primly and sitting up straight. “He hasn’t had a girlfriend in… How long has it been, Steve?” “Oh, what?” he asks, taken aback. “Since I dated a woman? Uh, there was that lab technician, Martha from work a couple of years ago.” “Don’t you get lonely?” asked Eve, tilting her head sympathetically. “For a woman’s attention, I mean,” she adds, shooting her husband an impish smile. “What? No, I’m ok,” responded Steve, rubbing his face distractedly. “I am comfortable being alone. It’s simpler that way.” “That’s true!” laughed Jason. “Women are complicated creatures. It’s hard to figure out what they are thinking sometimes,” he said giving his wife a look of mild exasperation. “My goodness,” responded Eve putting her hand to her mouth in mock surprise. “I had no idea my little dress would cause such a stir. Shall I go take it off?” “Oh, no, dear, it’s fine,” said Jason with chagrin, glancing down to admire his wife’s shapely legs. “You do look nice.” “No, no,” said Eve, standing up resolutely. “I don’t want to make our guest feel uncomfortable. I will go take this off right now.” She walked purposefully out of the room with a little smile on her face. Jason and and Steve watch her go, each of them confused. Jason notices Steve looking at her ass as she departs and feels his member stiffen at the sight of another man checking out his wife. Steve noticed that Jason is watching him and blushes anew. “I’m really sorry about that, Jason,” he says. “I had no idea I was staring. I guess I don’t know how to play it cool,” he gave a rueful laugh and takes a sip of his drink. “Don’t worry, my friend,” said Jason. “Eve does have a great body. I don’t blame her for wanting to show it off a bit now and then. And I don’t blame you for looking. She’s feeling devilish tonight, I can tell. That’s why she’s teasing you like that.” “Devilish!” laughs Steve. “See, that is why I can’t understand women. It almost seemed like she was flirting with me,” he says after brief pause, giving Jason a furtive glance. “Well I was of course, silly,” said Eve, striding bolding back into the living room wearing her pink lace bra and panties, her black, thigh-high stockings, and nothing else. The bra barely contained her large breasts and the tops of her nipples peaked out. The panties were very brief, and the top edge of her public hair was visible too. Eve laughed as Jason and Steve’s jaws dropped in amazement. Eve was turned on by the way her husband and his friend were devouring her @@@@@@@ body with their eyes, looking her up and down hungrily. She could feel her crotch getting hot. “Gah, Eve, what are you doing?” blurted out Jason once he caught his breath. He couldn’t believe this was happening. This had been a fantasy of his for some time, but now that it was happening in real life, his blood was running cold in shock. “Well you two told me to go take my dress off, so I did,” responded Eve coyly. “Wait, what?” stammered Jason in response. “We did no such thing!” “Well I don’t know what you want then,” said Eve furrowing her brow in mock confusion. “Do you want me to take these off too?” she asks, tugging at her panties and suggestively. “My God, no!” exclaimed Jason, struggling to catch his breathe. His heart was pounding in his ears and his palms were slick with sweat. “Steve, you did want me to take my dress off, didn’t you?” asked Eve cocking an eyebrow at him. “Wha… I… No, I didn’t mean to say that,” said Steve. He fingered his boner through his pants unconsciously as he gazed at Eve’s voluptuous figure. “Steve, why are you touching yourself like that?” asked Eve quizzically. Steve gave a start and withdrew his hand from his crotch guiltily. His face was burning bright red. “Honey, you have to go put some clothes on,” said Jason, trying to regain his composure. “You don’t really want me to do that, do you dear?” asked Eve seriously. “You are just saying that to maintain an illusion of propriety.” She stared at her husband frankly. Jason realized that she must have discovered his secret fantasy and he bowed his head in resignation. He understood why she would try this. She was trying to reignite their love life. But the stress of the situation was practically giving him a heart attack. When Jason said nothing in response, Eve nodded her head. “Alrighty then. Let’s proceed, shall we. Steve, will you please come give me a hug?” she asked sweetly. “A hug?” gasped Steve, his own heart was racing and he his stomach was flipping from arousal. “I really couldn’t,” he said looking at Jason helplessly. Jason looked at Steve in dismay, but said nothing. “My gosh, I just want a friendly hug,” begged Eve plaintively. “I came out here in my underwear and created a terrible scene. Now I feel terrible. I want you to show me that you aren’t mad at me and that there are no hard feelings between us.” “Of course I’m not mad at you,” stammered Steve looking at Jason in desperation. Jason just shrugged his shoulders in response. “Well then, give me a hug and comfort me,” purred Eve, hold her arms open as she stood before him, wearing practically nothing. Steve gazed at her erect nipples, pushing through the thin fabric of her bra and gulped. He rant his eyes down her gorgeous, pale torso to her generous hips and shapely thighs and he felt that he would burst with excitement. He got up shakily and approached her. His erect penis pitching a tent in his trousers as he did so. Eve looked at the bulge in Steve’s pants, but said nothing. She glanced at Jason significantly and he just returned her gaze with a wan smile. The blood had drained from his face and he was feeling faint. Steve approached Eve hesitantly and then reached out to give her a loose embrace. The smell of her body filled his nostrils. She smelled clean and fresh with no cloying perfume. He put his hands on her bare back chastely and the feel of her soft, smooth skin made his cock quiver in response. Eve wrapped her arms arms Steve and pulled him close. His erection pushed up against her crotch and aroused her. Steve tried to withdraw but she gripped his buttocks and pulled him toward. She ground her groin against his stiff member eagerly. “Is that a billy club in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” she breathed breathily. “Steve’s pushing his cock up against my pussy, Jason,” she told her husband matter-of-factly. “He’s hard as a rock.” “Ok, that’s…” Jason tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. Steve stopped trying to withdraw and started dry humping Jason’s wife shamelessly. It felt so good to grind his dick into her waiting crotch. He could feel her heat right through his pants. “There you go,” gasped Eve lustily. “You just needed some encouragement. But I still feel that I might have been too forward. Can you give me a little kiss to assure me that we are still friends?” “Ugh,” said Jason. Eve looked over at her husband out of the corner of her eye as she and Steve locked lips. She darted her tongue into his and soon they were french kissing madly. Jason sat staring in fascination, mouth dry and hanging open. She reached back and pulled one of Steve’s arms from around her back and placed his hand firmly onto her breast. He didn’t need much encouragement and began enthusiastically kneading the large soft orb, pinching her nipple for good measure. Eve was satisfied to see Jason grunt desperately and unzip his fly. He started stroking his own cock as he watched his wife making out with his good friend. Emboldened by Jason’s masturbation, Eve reached down and unzipped Jason’s fly. His dick erupted from his pants and she gripped the smooth hard shaft fiercely. “Oh, Eve,” he panted. “Yes, Steve?” she asked innocently, looking him in the eyes, their noses practically touching as she stroked his stiff erection. “Were you going to ask me to blow you? Because, I will, you know. You just need to ask.” Steve looked over at Jason in confusion. “My husband’s jerking off over there, Steve. I don’t think he’s going to object.” said Eve softly, yanking Steve’s rod insistently. It was a good hard cock and she was anxious to get her lips around it. “I see. Yes, I want you to suck my penis now,” said Steve awkwardly. “Uh, huh,” said Eve absently as she smoothly descended to her knees before him. She looked over at Jason, breathlessly beating off. “Watch this, dear,” she told her husband with a conspiratorial air. She put her hands on Steve’s thighs and looked up at his submissively with his straining cock just an inch from her waiting lips. “Are you sure you want me to, Steve?” she asked coquettishly. “Yes! Suck it!” he exclaimed pushing his thing into her mouth. “Oh Steve, you are so forceful,” she said, pulling his cock from her mouth briefly. Then she popped it back into her mouth and began sucking fitfully. She looked over at her husband, to make sure he had a good view of her with another man’s dick in her mouth. She wagged her eyebrows at Jason and he groaned in pleasure as he fapped off. Then Eve unsnapped her bra and wriggled out of her panties. Jason almost blew his wad right then when he realized that his wife was preparing herself to get fucked by his friend Steve. Once she was fully naked, Eve, withdrew Steve’s penis from her mouth and lay back on the oriental rug with her legs spread, looking up at Steve suggestively. “What do you want to do with me now, Steve?” she asked innocently. Steve said nothing. He gazed down at Eve’s lovely pale body spread before him and pulled his pants down unceremoniously. He paused just a moment admiring her large breasts and was struck by how atrractive the dark patch of her public hair looked in contrast to her white belly and thighs. Then he climbed on top of her and plunged his cock directly into her waiting snatch. Steve gasped with pleasure at how hot, wet, and tight Eve’s cunt felt. It had been a long time since he had his penis inside a woman and he had to fight to restrain himself from ejaculating right away. Eve moaned as well as her vagina gripped Steve’s stiff rod. “God you are hard,” she said distractedly as Steve started pumping his thing in and out of her deliberately. Steve pinned Eve’s wrists down the floor and finally felt comfortable taking control of her. She writhed with pleasure beneath him as he jammed his rock hard phallus into her over and over. Meanwhile her husband sat in his favorite chair and watched, pulling his pud the whole time. The way Eve ground her pelvis against his greedy to receive his dick pushed Steve over the edge quickly. “I’m going to cum!” he shouted, forgetting himself in his passion. “Cum inside me, Steve,” she urged, reaching down to finger her clitoris frantically. Steve sank himself deep inside Jason’s wife and discharged load after load of sperm within her. Jason sat watching in amazement. He couldn’t believe this was happening. As Steve rolled off of Eve, Jason jumped up and rushed over to stick his own cock into her face. She sucked him hungrily as she fingered herself and urgency with which her husband forced his member into her mouth triggered her climax. While Eve shuddered from the effects of her orgasm, Jason pulled his thing out of her mouth and jerked it until he started shooting cum all over her face. She licked his spurting head receptively as he did so until he fell back with a grunt of satisfaction. All three lay on the floor in a daze for several minutes, saying nothing. Finally Steve stood up shakily and put his pants on. “I, uh, hope it was ok that I did that to your wife, Jason,” he said, looking at this old friend with concern. “Yeah, it’s ok,” said Jason. “She clearly wanted to do it.” “You wanted me to do it too, dear,” said Eve, stretching luxuriously. Both men stopped to look at her body as she did so. “Yes,” admitted Jason tightly, gazing at the way his wife’s breasts jiggled. “I did.” It was embarrassing to admit, but he felt a weight removed from his shoulders as he did so. “Will you come back and fuck me again next week, Steve?” asked Eve, batting her eyelashes at Steve flirtatiously. “Um, yes?” he said, pulling his gaze away from Eve’s naked body and looking at Jason for confirmation. “Well if you want to, I guess that’s ok,” said Jason, blushing. “Ok, it’s settled then. We have a little menage a trois,” said Eve happily. “Give me a kiss before you go,” she demanded of Steve. “But your face is covered in, uh, jism,” said Steve with a crooked smile. “Well, kiss my belly then,” said Eve playfully, gesturing to her smooth, flat belly. Steve complied and got down awkwardly on his knees to give Eve a smooch on her soft white stomach. Jason’s gut twisted with jealousy at this intimate gesture, but he said nothing. Steve climbed back to his feet and departed with a wave. “That was awesome. I can’t believe how horny I got with you watching Steve put his hard cock into me. I never knew that I could get off on being so perverted,” said Eve excitedly. “Yeah, that was pretty surreal,” agreed Jason uncomfortably. It felt weird to hear his wife talk about another man’s dick inside her. He was excited and freaked out by her flippant attitude to the whole thing. “So, which of your other friends should I fuck next?” asked Eve pleasantly. “Oh God,” said Jason, staring at his wife in amazement. “Or should I bring home a stranger?” she asked with a devilish smile as the blood drained from Jason’s face. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
  12. Bob and his wife Dorothy head down to the park one weekend to sit and read and get some sun. It was a beautiful summer day and the park was crowded with families and couples walking about and playing on the lawn. “Honey, let’s go find a secluded spot. I might want to take my top off and really soak up the sun,” said Dorothy with an impish smile. “Come on now, you can’t do that here, it’s too crowded. Look around,” laughed Bob. He was very familiar with his wife’s penchant for outdoor nudity, but she normally restricted this behavior to remote or private places with no people around. “But look how beautiful it is out here, I can’t be all covered up on a day like this,” she whined playfully. “Look, you’ve got your bikini on under your clothes,” said Bob reasonably. “We can strip down to our bathing suits like just like we planned.” “You know I’ll get tan lines and everything,” muttered Dorothy searching for a spot to sit. “Just humor me, I am sure we can find an out-of-the-way place.” “This park isn’t very big…” said Bob nervously. The couple walked to the edge of the park where it bordered some woods on private land and they found a little clearing that is set back from the footpath that encircles the park. “This is fine,” said Dorothy happily. She throws down her bag and starts spreading the blanket about 20 feet from the path partially screened by some low bushes. “It is nice and sunny here,” agreed Bob. “But there is no way you could strip here. You’ll be clearly visible from the path.” “Well, there are these bushes,” said Dorothy with a half-hearted smile, gestures at some low shrubs. “Come on, those don’t offer any privacy,” countered Bob. “Just skip the naked sunbathing idea for today, OK?” “Alright dear, whatever you say,” agreed Dorothy reluctantly. She casually pulled off her t-shirt and shorts while Bob stood admiring her gorgeous hourglass figure as she stood in her bikini. “I don’t blame you for wanting to show off that body,” he growled flirtatiously, grabbing her by her soft white hips. “Stop it,” she laughed, giving him a quick kiss and then pushing him away. “No PDA please.” While Bob stripped down to his swimming trunks, Dorothy unpacked their snacks and pulled out their novels. They settle down and are soon engrossed in their reading. It’s a wonderful spot. A cool breeze blows out of the woods and they are far enough from the center of the park to not be disturbed by the raucous laughter of the children playing there. Few people passed by their little clearing and pretty soon Dorothy get emboldened. “Honey, will you run back to the car and get the other thermos? I want some iced tea,” she asked sweetly. “No problem, dear,” said Bob and he gallantly jumped up to go fetch his wife some tea. As soon as he is out of sight, Dorothy looked around cautiously. No one was on the path so she slipped off her top and wriggled out of her bikini bottom. She breathed a sigh of relief as her large breasts swing free and the cool breeze stiffens her pink nipples. She scratched at her bush distractedly, enjoying the unique feeling of freedom she experienced being nude outdoors. “Now this is the way to enjoy a beautiful day,” she sighed to herself. She knew her husband would be miffed when he got back, but she liked being naughty sometimes. By the time Bob returned, Dorothy was already engrossed in her book again. “Christ Dorothy,” he exclaimed as he approached on the path. “Anyone passing by could see you perfectly well from the path here.” He stood there, themos in hand, shaking his head. The sight of his wife boldly displaying her lovely body made his penis stiffen with lust. He eyed her large round breasts with their erect pink nipples hungrily as he approached. “I don’t think anyone will say anything,” she said with a wicked smile. “Well, any guys that pass by certainly won’t complain,” admitted Bob, adjusting his erection. “Jeez, look at you,” laughed Dorothy, grabbing the bulge in Bob’s shorts. “You like it when I act a little slutty.” “Ha, maybe I do,” he agreed amicably, flopping down next to her. “But I will be embarrassed as hell when the next passersby come along.” He paused, contemplating his wife’s shapely bare thighs and slightly unruly snatch. “Won’t you be mortified if someone sees you?” “I don’t know,” she admitted, scrunching up her nose cutely. “I think I will just sit here reading as though it’s the most natural thing in the world. Folks might take a peek, but I’ll bet they will just keep on walking.” “Ok, that’ what I’m going to do then,” says Bob. “But if the police come, I don’t know you.” “Thanks alot Sir Galahad,” laughed his wife. The first people to pass by were an elderly couple. A man and woman were walking slowly together and enjoying the day. Bob glanced up furtively then back down to his book again. His heart start pounding with anxiety and he wriggled with embarrassment. He glanced up again to see the old man staring open mouthed at Bob’s nubile wife. Then the old woman took notice. Bob quickly averted his eyes and felt a horrible urge to jump up and run away when he was surprised to hear the old couple break out laughing. They just shook their heads and chuckled as they walked slowly on their way. Bob looked over at his wife who kept her eyes glued to her book the whole time but was blushing madly. “See,” she croaked nervously. “No big deal.” Bob relaxed after that incident and found himself enjoying the weather and his tea as he sat reading and chatting with his wife. A couple of lone joggers passed without taking any notice of Dorothy at all. But then a group of fraternity boys in hurley t-shirts with backward baseball caps came sauntering along the path, and they stopped in their tracks when they saw Dorothy. They starting pointing at her naked body and hooting with excitement. “Oh shit,” muttered Bob. “Just put a blanket over yourself, will you?” “Fuck, I hate to cave in to a bunch of assholes like that,” said Dorothy through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to let them push me around.” “Push you around?” sputtered Bob. “What are you talking about?” “I’ll show those fuckers,” whispered Dorothy. Then she lifted her head up from her book and waved to the frat boys. “Hello boys, enjoying the view?” she shouted boldly. Bob had to admit that was a gutsy move and the frat boys did shut up for a moment, completely taken aback by Dorothy’s audacity. But then, one especially cocky looking jerk wearing his sunglasses backward on his head squared his shoulders, fixed a grin on his face, and strode right over to Bob and Dorothy’s blanket. His friends exchanged nervous glances and followed hesitantly. “Wassup,” said the frat boy nodding to Bob and Dorothy and then gazing down unabashedly at Dorothy’s bare boobs. “Nice rack.” His friends broke out giggling behind him. “Uh, yeah, thanks… I guess,” said Dorothy with distaste. All the guys were staring at her body, but she just sat up straight and let them look. She kept her arms to her sides and refrained from the urge to cover her nipples and her crotch. “Hey you know what would be cool? It would be cool if you guys could chill out and leave me alone,” she said boldly. Bob tried to square his shoulders and seem authoritative, but it was hard when he was sitting next to his naked wife while she told off a group of meatheads. “Oh yeah, like, we’re so sorry,” said the leader furrowing his brow in mock contrition. “You have every right to hang out totally naked with that smokin’ body without being harassed.” The way he emphasized “smokin” made Bob grit his teeth in anger. “But you know what? I think everyone should be allowed to hang out naked. In fact, to show there is no hard feelings, I will join you.” With that the guy pulled his shorts right down and his erect penis came popping up, pointing directly at Dorothy’s face. His friends all broke out laughing in amazement at this. “Jesus Christ,” shouted Bob, jumping to his feet. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” “Easy, bro, easy,” said the jock stepping a bit closer to Dorothy so that his swollen cock was just a foot from her face. “If she can hang out naked, I can too.” He started stroking his dick as he said that. Bob noticed with discomfort that Dorothy was gazing with fascination at the purple head of the penis bobbing just in front of her mouth. She started touching her nipples distractedly as she contemplated this young guy stroking his cock right in front of her. “Oh man, look at her, she’s playing with her titties,” snickered one of the frat boys. “Now who’s enjoying the view, baby?” asked the leader, noticing the interest the Dorothy was taking in his cock. Dorothy blushed deeply and pulled her hands away from her nipples. “Eh, it’s a dick, no big deal,” she teased shrugging her shoulders. The frat boys laughed at the way Dorothy emphasized “big.” Even the leader had a chuckle at that, but he kept his cock directed at Bob’s wife’s face and he kept stroking his rod. “Come on honey, let’s get out of here,” said Bob nervously. “I’m not going to go anywhere,” said Dorothy decisively but she never took her eyes off the cock in front of her face. “I’m not going to be driven out of this spot by these asshats.” The frat boys laughed with delight at being called “asshats.” “I like her, she’s feisty,” said the leader to Bob while he jerked his thing in front of his wife’s face. He stood another step forward and practically stuck it in her eye with his rod, but she reached up instinctively and pushed it away. He gasped with shock, “How dare you touch my penis!” “Keep that thing away from me,” said Dorothy. She was breathing heavily now and Bob would swear that she was actually aroused by this situation. “I’m sorry,” he responded softly. “You seemed so interested in it…” Bob strode forward and pushed the leader backward interceding between the leader and his wife. “Get the fuck out of here,” he demanded hotly, holding his fists up. “Honey, just relax,” said Dorothy sharply. Then in a softer tone, “It’s a free country, they can do what they want. I am just going to lay here and ignore them.” Then she leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs slightly, exposing her bush to the group suggestively. “Uh, what?” said Bob, distracted by the sight of his wife’s gorgeous body spread out for the whole group to enjoy. “Yeah, sit down, honey,” said the leader. “She’s right. Nothing to get worked up about.” Bob was torn. He knew how stubborn Dorothy could be. He was afraid to argue with her in front of these guys. He felt that would be a sign of weakness. So he had no choice but to play along with Dorothy’s lead. “Ok, no problem,” snapped Bob. He backed away from the confrontation and sat down next to his wife. His mouth was dry, so he poured himself a cup of tea. “Can I have more tea, too, dear?” asks his wife casually, ignoring the group of frat boys standing several feet away. “Aren’t you going to offer us any?” asked the leader with a hurt expression, cautiously drawing a bit closer to Dorothy. “Oh are you still here?” drawled Dorothy with a bored expression. She looked down at his cock, hanging limp between his legs from the clash with her husband. “Ha, what happened to your big purple cock? Doesn’t look like much now.” But his cock responded to her attention almost immediately and began noticeably swelling as it filled with blood. “It knows your talking about it,” said the leader smugly coming over to stand before Dorothy. Bob didn’t like how close he was standing or the way the big frat boy gazed down hungrily at his wife’s @@@@@@@ beaver. Dorothy’s eyes widened in surprise at the leader’s cock rose up into a stiff erection before as she looked on. “Yeah, you like that?” he asked confidently. “Your body made that happen.” He started stroking his meat again as he stood over her naked body. “You like to play with yourself in public, huh?” responded Dorothy laconically, gazing at the frat boy’s cock which had quickly regained it’s purplish hue. “Hey, if a sexy lady spreads her legs for me, I will jerk it wherever… in the park… in church… wherever.” He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as his buddies broke out laughing. Dorothy couldn’t help herself and laughed along with them while Bob sat gritting his teeth in anger and jealousy. “You would do me in church huh?” asked Dorothy with a smile, nudging her pelvis upward for emphasis. The frat boys broke out in further raucous laughter at her little pelvic thrust and Bob’s face was burning with humiliation. She seemed to actually be flirting with this asshole now and he had no idea how to stop her. If he chastised her, she would probably resist him and the frat boys would mock him. So he just sat and drank his tea in frustration. “Dude, did you see that little groin move she made?” said one of the leader’s sidekicks. “She’s into you.” “I would definitely fuck you wherever you let me,” said the leader looking Bob’s wife up and down. “You have got a hot motherfucking body... and I like the way you dress.” Everyone laughed at that, including Dorothy. Even Bob had to struggle to keep a straight face. “Yeah, the way I dress,” said Dorothy softly. “That was clever, actually.” Bob’s guts twisted with angst as she looked up at the frat boy with amusement in her eyes. “But I can’t let you do me, I’m a married woman,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “But what if your husband went along with it?” asked the frat boy, waggling his eyebrows at Bob lewdly. “Of course I would never go along with it!” squeaked Bob in indignation and the frat boys all laughed at the way his voice cracked from the stress. Bob’s face burned bright red from the humiliation. The leader just pursed his lips judiciously. “Now don’t rush into a decision, my man,” he said, wrinkling his brow. “I mean you let your wife take her clothes off in a public park, now didn’t you?” Bob said nothing and just glared up at the frat boy who desisted from jerking himself and just waved his phallus back and forth as he started pacing back and forth above Bob’s wife as she lay spread out before him. Bob was mortified to see Dorothy’s eyes fixed on that stiff prick the entire time. She had a little smile on her face and her tongue was poking out slightly between her teeth, which Bob knew was a sign of intense interest in his wife. “What were you thinking when she pulled her top off and those amazing orbs came popping out? Of course any red blooded guy who laid eyes on those bad boys would need to come over here and investigate.” He gestured reasonably to his buddies and they acknowledged his point. “Next, I would like you consider the intense interest your wife has shown in my humble johnson. You might have noticed that she can’t seem to pull her eyes away from my cock. I think it would be terribly selfish of you to deprive your woman of the pleasure my penis will bring to her.” Dorothy laughed out loud with delight at this, “You’re pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?” she said looking up at him with a lascivious smile and spreading her legs a bit more. She cupped her breasts in her hands and started unconsciously toying with her nipples again. “Dude, I think she just spread her twat a little more for you,” laughed one of the frat boys in surprise. “She playing with her titties again too,” chimed in another. Dorothy just shot them a dismissive smirk before returning her attention to the leader who stood waving his cock above her. “It’s true, buddy, your wife clearly wants me to sink my meat into her. Be a sport and give us a few minutes alone, will you?” said the frat boy earnestly. “Honey, let’s get out of here,” said Bob jumping to his feet decisively. “Oh Bob, why are you letting these guys get your goat?” pouted Dorothy cutely. “Can’t you see that they are just excitable young guys who haven’t seen too many naked women before?” “Come on, Dorothy. This has gone far enough, we are getting out here right now,” demanded Bob, going out on a limb. But Dorothy just looked up at him with her inner eyebrows arched skeptically. “If you want to go, feel free. But I am going to lay right here and enjoy the sun. frat boys or no frat boys,” said Dorothy firmly. “Of course, I want you to stay,” she added quickly when she saw Bob’s face turn white. Bob couldn’t believe that she was doing this to him. He had no idea what had gotten into her. Dorothy didn’t know herself. She hated to admit it, but she was incredibly turned on by this brash douchebag of a frat boy. She wondered what that stiff purple penis would feel like plunging into her cunt while his buddies looked on. She was sure that she was soaking wet by now. Bob was very afraid that if he left now, the frat boy would just climb onto his wife and start fucking her right there in the park. So he swallowed his pride and sat back down by her side. Meanwhile, the frat boy kneeled down on the other side of Dorothy with his knees practically touching her side and his cock hovering above her belly button. “Do you mind if I kneel over here?” he asked politely, looking down into Dorothy’s eyes. “It’s a free country,” she responded breathily, gazing back into his eyes with frank lust. Bob wriggled uncomfortably at this exchange but could think of nothing to say. “You know, your skin in incredibly nice,” said the frat boy, putting his hand casually on Dorothy’s belly. She gasped in response but didn’t object. Bob said frozen with indecision. “It’s so soft,” said the jerk running his rough calloused hand lightly over Dorothy’s stomach. “Thank you,” she gasped, barely able to breathe from excitement. Her pelvis thrust upward against reflexively and she had the intense desire for him to put his fingers inside her. The frat boys gathered more closely around to get a better view and Bob noticed one of them unzip his own fly to start jerking himself as he watched. The situation had clearly escalated out of control and he had no idea how to stop it short of dragging his wife physically away, and even that probably wouldn’t work at this point. “I don’t want you to touch my wife,” said Bob suddenly. Dorothy looked over at him with concern, but the frat boy just kept rubbing her belly. “Don’t be selfish, Bob,” he said in an infuriatingly familiar tone. “Besides, I notice that your wife isn’t objecting. You don’t want me to stop, do you darling?” He looked down into Dorothy’s eyes with a imploring tenderness that Bob found surprising. “I… I guess it’s OK…” said Dorothy in small voice, looking at her husband with concern. “Yeah, sure it is. Perfectly harmless,” said the leader soothingly as he started making wider and wider circles with his hand until he was alternately brushing the top of Dorothy’s public hair and the bottom of her breasts. Bob noticed Dorothy’s belly quivering with excitement and her eyes were locked with the douchebag’s. The frat boy’s penis started giving little spasms of excitement as as he felt up her naked body. Dorothy looked down at it and made a little “O” of surprise with her mouth. “Your thing is hopping…” she said thickly. “It’s cause your tits are so fucking big,” he said as he brazenly gripped a boob in each hand. “Cut the shit,” squawked Bob helplessly as the frat boy started kneading Dorothy’s boobs in his hands and pinching her nipples. “Take it easy, Bob, everything is going to be ok,” said the frat boy in a friendly tone. “You can’t blame me for going after these titties now, can you? Look at these things.” He squeezed Dorothy’s tits and pointed the nipples at Bob playfully. She giggled in spite of herself and reached down to grab hold of the frat boy’s purple cock. “Ah fuck, atta girl,” he gasped with pleasure. “I thought you would never cave in and grab that thing.” “Oh you like that?” she purred sexily as she started pulling on his swollen member. “Dorothy!” exclaimed Bob in shock. “What’s gotten into you?” “I don’t know, honey,” she said apologetically, tugging away on this other guy’s cock the entire time. “I just … Jesus, he’s as hard as a fucking rock. And it’s purple for Christ’s sake! I mean, who has a fucking purple penis?” She laughed weakly, averting her eyes from the stunned expression on her husband’s face, as she continued to work the frat boy’s tool. The frat boys laughed raucously and crowded in closer. “This is awesome!” muttered the guy who was jerking himself as he watched. The leader looked over at Bob and said, “Pardon me, Bob.” and he swung a leg over Dorothy so that he was straddling her with is cock in her face. She just broke out laughing hysterically. “Oh my God, you are really going for it!” she exclaimed happily. “Care to suck a purple penis?” he asked casually as he reached behind him and started exploring her twat with is fingers. Bob looked on in dismay as his wife hungrily thrust her hips upward in response to the frat boy’s fingering and simultaneously took his cock into her mouth and started sucking it urgently. “Man, look at your wife going to town on Joey’s rod, Bob,” said one of the frat boys with a laugh. “It’s like she hasn’t had a dick in ages.” “Shut the fuck up,” said Bob numbly as he looked on in shock. “Ok, that’s enough honey,” said Joey pulling his thing away. Dorothy gripped it and didn’t want to let go. “I want more,” she pleaded. Her eyes shining with lust. “Don’t worry, I’m going to put it in you now,” he said tenderly. The frat boy turned and gave Bob a cocky smirk as Bob sat staring open mouthed at the site of his wife refusing to let go of this douchebag’s penis. Then the frat boy deftly squat-thrusted into a missionary position and dropped down between Bob’s wife’s legs. He grabbed his dick and nudged the head gently between Dorothy’s labia, moving it up and down her slit to get it lubricated. “She’s real wet,” he told Bob confidentially. “Don’t tease,” whined Dorothy, her cheeks flushed and eyes burning with lust. “Put it in me,” she begged, avoiding her husband’s glare guiltily. The cocky frat boy thrust his hips down, smoothing plunging his stiff prick into Dorothy’s hot sodden snatch. She gasped with pleasure and wrapped her arms around his back eagerly. “See, you like that, don’t you?” he asked her. “Yeah, it’s real hard,” she admitted, her wits dulled by lust. “Take that!” he grunted as he started pumping his thing in and out of Bob’s wife. She clung to him making little whimpering sounds of passion. He turned to Bob and panted, “Oh man, your wife’s pussy is so fucking tight, it’s awesome!” Bob couldn’t take any more and jumped up. Bob was about to give the frat boy a kick, but one of his buddies intervened. “Hey, I know how you must feel,” said the frat boy sidekick interposing himself between Bob and the fornicating couple. He continued in a surprisingly compassionate tone. “But you should just let him do her at this point. Look how into it she is.” Bob paced back and forth in frustration as the leader drilled his wife on the blanket they laid out just an hour before. A group of teenagers was gathered on the path watching in fascination. Suddenly Bob’s wife cried out in ecstasy as she entered the throes of climax. Bob looked over to see the frat boy pull out and spill load after load of hot sperm all over her soft white belly. She jerked his cock to help him finish and looked over at Bob with an apologetic expression. ”Sorry honey,” she said to Bob with chagrin. Just then the guy jerking off while he watched knelt down by her side and shot a load right into her face. “Jesus christ!” she said, punching him in the gut angrily. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The guy fell back on his ass laughing. “What? Are you going to get all picky now? You just fucked my buddy without even knowing his name.” “I didn’t know his name, but he had the balls to whip his junk out and take control of the situation. You’re just a fucking peanut in the gallery, jerking your pud,” she replied angrily wiping his cum from her face. “I don’t want your fucking jizz on me.” All the frat boys laughed uproariously at this and the leader got up and gave his buddy a swift kick in the ribs. “She told you off, Patterson. That was epic. I love this lady.” He went and found his shorts and pulled them on. “Ok, we are out of here,” said, bending down to give Dorothy a kiss on the cheek. “See you later gorgeous, thanks for the shag. You were amazing.” “You too, purple penis man,” said Dorothy with a laugh. Joey turned to Bob and held out his hand, “Hey, no hard feelings, huh, bro?” Bob just slapped his hand away in anger and turned his back on him. Joey shrugged his shoulders and helped Patterson to his feet. “That kick really hurt, bro,” complained Patterson. Joey just punched him in the arm as hard as he could in response. “Ow, what was that for?” yelped Patterson. “That’s for taking liberties with my woman,” said Joey with a laugh as the group walked away. Bob gritted his teeth in anger that this douchebag was calling Dorothy “his woman.” Just at that moment a policeman pushed through the crowd of teenagers and strode casually over to where Dorothy was laying, naked and covered in cum. “Hello, officer,” she said laconically. “Can we help you?” “You can help everyone by putting some clothes on. I’m going to have to take you two in for public indecency,” said the policeman shaking his head sternly. “Oh, I don’t know her officer, I was just passing by,” said Bob thinking quickly. As he walked away he heard Dorothy screeched in complaint behind him. He only felt a little guilty about it. Maybe she deserved a night in jail for cheating on him like that. *** If you like this, check out my eBooks on Amazon: View my favorite porn images and more free stories on my Tumblr blog: http://gustav-jorgenson.tumblr.com/
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