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Cuckold Porn


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About buddy550

  • Birthday 03/21/1956

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  • Location
    Jasper, Georgia
  • Interests
    Sexy women in search of a bull.

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  1. This is a question got all you loving moms out there. Remember when you had intercourse for the first time? Was it as great as you thought it would be? Being a mom now with a teenage you have the opportunity to insure your daughters first time could be all you wanted it to be when you was her age. Done properly, it could build the self confidence a teen needs to develop into a mature woman. Mom you have the opportunity not only to select who but when your child is ready for her next step. I have daughters as well as you do and have heard some horror stories involving the pressures young men put on them. My concern in writing this entry is to help all our daughters avoid trauma and enjoy their childhood.
  2. I would love to reward you for all your hard work and dedication during these try times. I’m sure you could use a few doses of stimulation and pleasure to totally relax and recharge your batteries. I used to live NYC and NJ until I moved south for my job. If you ever need a stimulant followed by tranquilizer let me know. Keep up you important work and I’ll be here when you need me.
  3. I love vintage porn photos and videos. You know your seeing authentic human beings. Today, airbrushing, artificial enhancement, and photographic tricks contribute to false representation that todays porn is known for. Give me the real thing anytime.
  4. Sexy and classy lady. Very desirable woman.

  5. Thanks for the replies and please keep them coming.
  6. Are their any ladies on here that can reach an orgasm by having their tits fondiled or nipples sucked. I enjoy playing with my lover’s breasts and the sounds of passion and contentment she makes during forplay..
  7. I used to live in Richmond. I wish I would have run into her.
  8. I really enjoy seeing the older photos. Interracial sex was a lot more adventurous then it is today.
  9. I could easily see how she could make a decent income working as an escort.
  10. buddy550


    I love a nice set of tits. Having sex is far more sensual with big tits to fondle.
  11. Very sexy wife. You’re a lucky guy.
  12. I see a lot of potential. Let me know if you need some help along the way.
  13. She seems to be a happy woman. Husband you must be doing a good job pleasing her.
  14. Charming. Never be ashamed to share what God gave you.
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