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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by jimboslut

  1. I would love to snowball that with her.......
  2. Wow, I love your story...
  3. One time many years ago while my wife and I were having sex I could barely feel her pussy. It was so stretched. After the sex I asked her who she fucked and she just got angry and said there was no one. Has anyone ever fucked their wife after she had a much larger cock than yours and found her pussy stretched out? Is there any other reason other than a large dildo that can cause this? She hates dildos and refuses to use them!
  4. I can relate to your anxieties and feelings and really that someday my wife will cuckold me. How exciting. Thank you for sharing your fantastic account with us....
  5. OMG UK_X, It was so hard not to cum while reading your account because you did such a great job at describing feelings that I also had with my wife. Early on in our marriage I had those exact impulses but I really was to jealous to really act on them. Now after 40 years of marriage I have even been asking my wife to cuckold me and the typical response from her is "You just want to justify fucking other women" I have told her that isn't the reason at all. I have been trying to convince her for two years now with little success. I am so envious of you to be able to ride that rollercoaster of emotions and want to buy a ticket on that attraction big time!
  6. Well l would love for my wife to cuckold me so if I was in your position it would happen often!
  7. Who wouldn't be interested, especially a S.F. Giants fan!
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