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Everything posted by cuckold2liz

  1. glad you all enjoyed my story. Graham carried on fucking her for well over 2 years, but each time I had to phone him to make the arrangements. I tried not to, but the suspense would get the better of me, All very humiliating to have to beg him to fill Liz with his cock, and as it progressed, he would take great delight in reminding me that my cock was too puny to fuck Liz, and that the only way to satisfy her was to satisfy her was when she needed his big cock. Feel free to ask anything about her time with Graham, would love to tell more
  2. Not sure of her true total, but its well into 3 figures. I knew 3 guys had fucked her before we married, but soon found out later that was actually 8. Bear in mind that we have been married over 30 years, and I have been cucked for virtually all my married life, its not that difficult for Liz to have had over 100 different cocks.
  3. Except fro a hat and her anklet, my wife spends all day nude in the dunes. Lots of guys have commented on her anklet chain
  4. By chance I found a glory hole in public toilets in Cheshire with a glory hole between two of the cubicles and told Liz about it. She had tried a glory hole in a swingers club, but I was amazed that she suggested trying the one in Cheshire. We wen a few days later, on a summers night just before dusk, and I checked it out before sneaking Liz inside. It wasnt long before a hard cock appeared through the hole, and Liz stroked it before getting on her knees to suck it. It was too uncomfortable, so Liz ended up coaxing the guy to let her suck it inside the toilets, and although it was risky, she loved the possibility of being caught. we didn't know at the time, but the toilets were are well known meeting place, and several other guys came in and caught liz on her knees with a mouthful of cock. The other guys didn't bother her, and soon she was being groped by several hands, which made the guy cum, shooting his cum all over Liz. By now the other guys all had thier cocks oput, and liz was stripped out of her dress. she was bra less under the dress, wearing just stockings and knickers wit tie sides. One of the bolder guys undid the bows on her knickers, leaving her fully @@@@@@@. Hands were all over her, and it wasnt long before she was back on her knees suckling several cocks in turn, with all of them either coming in her mouth or all over her face and tits. When we left to go back to the car, liz didnt even bother to put her dress back on, and her tie sided knickers had been taken by one of the guys as a trophy. Afterwards, we realised how risky it had been, but it didnt stop us having the occasional trip back for a repeat performance
  5. A few years ago, my wife Elizabeth came home one day after shopping in a very horny mood. It led to some pretty wild sex, and she told me she had chatted to an ex lover whilst out shopping. she admitted meeting him had put her in a naughty mood, and that she still fancied taking his very large cock again. As a true cucked hubby, I gave my agreement for her to contact him, but she refused, and stated that if I really wanted her to take Graham's cock, it was up to me to phone him, or it was a non starter. For a couple of days I resisted the temptation, but eventually i had to give in. It was clearly another case of cock over ruling brain, and I told Liz was in full agreement, and would make the phone call. As any of you fellow cucks will appreciate, the idea of offering my wife to another guy was too much to resist, and with shaking hands I made the call. Graham answered, and I told him I knew him and Liz had chatted, but found myself tongue twisted, and whether Graham had sussed out my nervousness, but he suggested I come straight to the point and tell him the real reason for the call. I couldn't help but blurt out that Liz fancied meeting him again, and it was there that Graham took over. He told me that he was only interested in meeting Liz purely for sex, and that he would be more than willing to fuck her again provided I assured him that there would be no objections on my part. It was very embarrassing to admit that I was giving my full agreement, but my mind was racing and my cock was throbbing with the knowledge that he was going to fuck Liz again.Once he knew I fully approved, he told me to send Liz over to his works premises that evening. He had strict instructions that Liz was to wear a dress and shoes, but nothing else, and that he was going to send her back well fucked and satisfied. The evening arrived, and off Liz went to meet her lover. It seemed like an eternity for her to come home, but the state she arrived home in was amazing. her hair was in a mess, and when she slipped off her dress, she had love bites all over her ample tits, and her cunt was soaking wet with Grahams cum. When I kissed her, I could still taste Graham's cock and cum on her lips, and when I put my cock into her, her cunt was oozing with Grahams cum. I probably only lasted a couple of seconds before I shot my load, the only comment from Liz was that she hardly felt my cock inside her, whereas Grahams monster cock had made her orgasm so many times. This lead to Graham servicing my wife for at least 18 months, but each time I had to make all the contacts, even having to beg Graham to fuck my wife on several occasions. .All very shameful, but the excitement of offering my wife purely for sex more than made up for the shame .
  6. Watching your wife kissing another guy is all part of being a cuck. Nothing better that seeing his tongue entering her mouth, as she squirms with passion. You only have to see the look of pure lust in her eyes to know than soon her lips are going to wrapped around his cock. Kissing is all part of the foreplay.
  7. My wife has two anklets, one a thin discrete one, the other more chunky and far more obvious and she loves wearing the chunky one at the nude beach we visit. I actually bought the chunky one for her in a jewellers in Darlington when were on holiday there. There were 2 ladies running the shop, one in her early 50's, the other in her 40's. Liz chatted to them as she tried different anklet chains, and she asked me if I liked the chunkier one. When the ladies asked if I approved, Liz then said it was a surprise item for her boyfriend, as she was spending the weekend away with him, and that he had insisted she wore one when she was out with him. Both ladies seemed shocked by my wifes comment, but it had the effect of giving me an instant hard on, and Liz seemed to love my embarrassment. Liz even asked my opinion as th whether it would be better wont with bare legs, rather than the possibility of it ruined her stockings. I must have been beetroot red as I paid for the anklet, and as soon as we got back to the car, I was so horny I had to wank myself off, much to Liz's amusement.her comments about finding other ways to shame me in the future had me shooting my load in seconds. And yes, Liz did wear it for a weekend away with her lover.
  8. going slightly off thread here, but I did have some pics of Liz kept in a drawer in the bedroom. One night my dad was babysitting, and when I got back i had suspicions he had been in the drawer and seen the pics. The next time he was baby sitting, I put some different pics in the drawer and listed the order I had placed them. sure enough, next morning when I checked, the pics were in a different order to how I had left them.
  9. Perhaps the thrill of knowing she has been filled is part of the excitement. I didn't find out until a few years ago when Liz confessed, but I had sloppy seconds with Liz before we married and not even realised it. Maybe I was too young and naive to know why she was so wet at the time, and just thought she must have been in a really horny mood. According to Liz, this had happened several times, and when I found out who she had sex with was both a shock and a massive turn on. Too raunchy to say who it was, but I wish I had been experienced enough at the time to have known I was having sloppies.
  10. No Max, not Studlands. we did have one visit to Studlands a couple of years ago. Was very good, but mid afternoon it clouded over and spoilt the day
  11. My finest hour waas persuading Liz to try a nude beach. She wasnt too keen at first, but gentle perasuasion convinced her to give it a try. The first time we went, she spent all day lying on her front, and ended up with a sunburnt bum. But after a coupe of trips, she got used to the guys wandering around the dunes and ended up sunbathing on her back, not caring who saw her,.Occasionally, a guy would come over to chat, and Liz was quiet happy to sit and chat nude, which quiet often lead to the guy stroking his cock. As you can no doubt guess, this often led to some frisky action, and as Liz got more daring, she often went "walkabout" in the dunes, Lots of happy tales to tell, but by the best was when she met Brian, her regular dom at the beach. brian is in his mid 70's, but has a cock that when slack is about 6 ins, and just over 10 ins hard. We have no telephone contact with him, and if he isnt at the beachLiz is often dissapointed. Howver, if he is there, she dutifully goes over to him, and spends the whole day with him. She adores being owned bt Brian for the day, and I have to stay a distance away, so that all the regulars at the nude beach know Lis is my wife, but for the day she is there for his entertainment. Needless to say, some of her days with Brian have been superb, so it was well worth the effort of coaxing her to give it a try.
  12. Unless your going to be ultra discreet and allow the bull to visit your house, its virtually impossible not to get found out. First time Liz was caught out with her bull, her sister and her hubby ended up in the same club. A very nervous brother in law tipped me off discretly, so I had to come clean and admit I knew. The plus side was that he had fantasised about the same thing, so the discovery led to the in laws getting into the same scence. Sadly, no, i never had a session with the sis in law. Liz also had a 5 year affair with her boss, that became common knowledge which was very embarrassing for me at first, but also was exciting that all at work knew she was getting fucked by the boss
  13. Bareback is amazing, condoms are a nono. the only problem I have is that the moment my cock gets coated in the other guys cum, I ahoot my load, much to Liz.s annoyance. Tried not to cum, but can't help it, the feel of another guys spunk on my cock has me shooting my load straight away
  14. All of our bad experiences came from internet meets, where the "failure" rate was well into 80%, with some horrific experiences and some who had never heard of personal hygiene. Without a doubt our best experiences were when Liz accepted dates from other guys, where she had the opportunity to get to know them first. Encounters with potential studs at a sex club and the nude beach we visit have always proved suitable too, but internet contact were always a disaster. .
  15. Being totally honest, I have been cucked for over 30 years. First was within 6 months of being married, and Liz has had many affairs during our marriage. Some were instigated by dates, which often lead to a relationship that lasted from a couple of months to one with her boss that lasted 5 years. Lne or two became common knowledge, which adds to the excitment once you get over the shame of being a cuck. During our marriage I have experienced all the cuckold dreams, from Liz coming home full of another guys cum, to seeing her serviced by many willing males at parties and sex clubs. It was Liz's idea that I tried cock sucking, which was amazing, and the last couple of years Liz has a regular lover she meets at the nude beach we visit. Her dom insisists on no telephone contact, but if he is there, Liz is his for the day. The down side is that if he is not there, Liz is dissapointed, but the bonus is well worth waiting for. Brian (her dom) is in his 70's, and blessed with a huge cock that is the envy of everyone else at the beach. I have no problem at all with having to sunbathe alone, allowing Liz to spend the entire day with Brian. It is now well known at the beach that Brian "owns" her for the day, and that I am Liz's husband. On the odd occasion I am invited to join them, especially when other guys are chatting to Brian and Liz. Brian always introduces me as Liz's cucky husband, and that I have no control over Liz when she is at the beach. Yes, this is embarrassing, but it also happens to be very exciting too.
  16. As a lifetime cuck, the time before the Aids scare was amazing. My wife regularly dated, and had a 5 year affair with her boss. Lost count on thenumber of times I have cleaned her after she has come home afer being filled with cum. Perhaps the best was her affair with her boss, as it became common knowledge that she was his "bit on the side". I was worried at first that her workmates knew, but once you get over the shame, it becomes even more exciting. In the end, Nigel, her boss used to phone me to say she was on her way home and full of his cum, which was mind blowing. Cleaning up was the biggest turn on for me, and many times I shot my load whilst cleaning cum from my wifes pussy. Happy happy days!
  17. Both can be exciting. Watching your wife with another guy is amazing, but the thrill of watching her get ready for a date is just as mind blowing. The wait for her return can seem like a lifetime, but when she comes home, glowing with excitement of being fuked by her latest bull is mind blowing, especially when she shows her well fuked cunt. snag is I cum in seconds soon as my cock touches the other guys cum
  18. my cock has always been best described as "well below average" Liz has never really teased me about being small, but she has on many occasions told me that her lovers are far "better" than me in the orgasm stakes. We use a nude beach in summer, where Liz meets a regular dom well into his 70's, but posesses and absolute massive cock, which actually swings ominously as he walks along the dunes. Liz has been spending time with him there for 2 years now, and its well known amongst the regulars that he "owns" her for the day.
  19. Nothing in the world beats sloppy seconds, but like most here, I virtually shoot my load as soon as I enter my wifes sloppy pussy. She would always get a fit of the giggles whern I come too quick, and has great delight in telling me at leat she had a good fuck before she came home to my 3 second wonder. To compensate for my lack of control, I now go down on her for ages, but on the odd occasion I have even shot my load when licking her out
  20. Our only bad experiences were net meets. All were absolute disasters, so we gave up on any future net experiences. My wife has always managed to find suitable lovers, so we kept to our old and trusted ideas
  21. some pics of Liz
  22. Can't see a problem with it. Love seeing Liz kiss another guy, especially if its the real passion kisses, with tongues.
  23. Even before we married, Liz had several boyfreinds, most of which had full sex with her. Soon after we married, it become a regular topic of our sex life, where she told me about her previous lovers, about how often they had fucked her, and adfter careful coaxing, she admitted that several were far better lovers than me.By the time we were 6 months into or marriage, the idea of her taking a lover became an obsession with me, and I kept pleading weith her to giver it a try, but she always refused. However, one Saturday afternoon, I came home from work to find Liz had gone out, assuming she was out shopping, but as time dragged on I was starting to get worried as to where she had gone, imagining the worst that she had had an accident or the car had broken down. Much to my relief, I heard the car pull on the drive, and Liz came in, albeit very late. Relieved that she was home, I asked why she was so late, and I was astonished to find she burst into tears and confessed she had spent all afternoon with a guy she worked with, and that she had let him fuck her, not once but several times, and that she now regretted it, and wished she had not gone through with it. I couldn't believe what she was saying ,so i held her as she cried, but I had such a massive hard on, Liz could feel it pushing into her. Although she was clearly upset, I just couldnt help it, and kissed her, my mind racing with thoughts of another guy stripping her, kissing and feeling her all over, and eventually putting his hard cock into her. As I kissed her, my hands pulled up her skirt, feeling first the tops of her stockings, and her wet knickers. My god,she was soaking wet, and despite her protests, i pulled her to the floor and dragged her knickers off. I slid my cock into her, and as soon as I felt my cock coated in the other guys cum, I shot my load. We both lay on the floor for a while,Liz was still clearly upset, but I told her that I was so proud that she had given in, and that at last I had the fantasy of her being filled with another guys cum, and that I had no problems at all that she had at last cuxckolded me, and that under no circumstances was I angry, in fact it was the complete opposite. In bed later that night, we had another wild session, and Liz had now got over her guilt,and admitted that on the way home she was very upset, and dreaded facing me in case my reaction was one of being offended rather than being turned on. so thats how I first became a cuckold, and thankfully it was the start of a lifetime of being a cuck. The other amazing side was that for her first date Liz had worn seamed stockings, which despite her knowing was my favourite, she very rarely wore them for me. The seamed stockings then became a ritual that whenever Liz had got a new date, she would always go out in seamed stockings, leaving me at home waiting in eager anticipation for her return. So that how I firast became a cuckold, well over 30 years ago. During all our married life, I have love every minute of being cucked, and we have progressed to virtually ever cuckold fantasy, even being found out by family and freinds. At first, getting found out was very embarrassing, but for any future cucks, you get used to it, and like a drug, you want more and more. So that my story, and if you find my introduction the the lifer of a cuckold interesting, please add your comments. If your thinking of becoming a cuck, my advice is go for it, your in for a very amazing lifestyle .
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