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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by uk_cuck

  1. Unfortunately she doesn't play away. Can always dream!
  2. I'm in chastity, so nope
  3. Hope everyone is staying well. Would love chat if anyone wants to fantasize
  4. Yes, but more about my fantasy of her, being a slut wife
  5. I also chat on Skype if that's better for peeps
  6. I use Kik because I don't always come to the site and might miss PM's. But each to their own
  7. Not sure if this is the best place to post this. I'm sure it can be moved if necessary. Would love to make some chat buddies into fantasy chat. Not interested in meetings, just chat. I have a few faceless pics of me and wife which I am happy to share. Main interest in chat creating a long running chat using pretty much any fantasy, though no underage chat. Obviously cuckolding will be a huge part but not exclusively. Used to have some great chat buddies, but have lost contact and want to get back into it. Send me a msg on here or send directly to me on Kik uk_cuck. Also interested if people want to to chat about you fantasies.
  8. Norfolk UK
  9. On Kik waiting from hard talk if anyone up for it. uk_cuck. Over 18 chat only, but otherwise anything goes.
  10. It just so that have a text conversation about fantasy. But like sending PM's on here. Love the generation part, I'm 42 so no spring chicken.
  11. Norfolk UK, but just enjoy chat. No meets.
  12. uk_cuck
  13. Would love to wife and my mum sharing bbc
  14. Love to chat. uk_cuck on Kik
  15. Yes locked from time to time. Hope you enjoy the cage. Love to chat if u want. uk_cuck on Kik
  16. Hey anyone fancy a chat about our fantasy's. Not up for meets, and pics I share will never have faces. I love being submissive and enjoy when my wife plays Dom. Never gonna be part of our real life, but love the idea of her cucking me. With strangers or even better someone we already know. Anyway would love to find new ppl to chat with from time to time, about all our fantasy's. uk_cuck on Kik
  17. anyone wanna chat about my fantasy of someone using me and my extended family, fantasy only(wife, mum sister in laws etc all 18+) chat as hard as u like (pain,piss,humiliation,lactation,animal) uk_cuck on yahoo only give out faceless pics of me and wife. Though if pics are all you are interested in, I would like some in return. I am not a cuckold in RL, just a fantasy. Just love chatting and wanking, having said that, wife is controlling when I cum often just ruining it. Have to say I am loving it. Love to hear from those interested in chatting. uk_cuck on yahoo and kik
  18. Always enjoy fantasy chat and swapping pics. Subs or Doms, all chatters welcome. No under 18 chat. uk_cuck on Kik and yahoo
  19. uk_cuck


    anyone else?
  20. uk_cuck. Love chatting about me and my extended family ( all well over 18) all used as playthings
  21. Norfolk, UK
  22. uk_cuck


    anyone want to give me their yim AND password so that I can read your conversation? Promise I wont speak to anyone with out your permission. Just love reading other conversations. Feel free to pm me with your log in details
  23. anyone wanna chat abt you using me and my extended family, fantasy only(wife, mum sister in laws etc all 18+) chat as hard as u like (pain,piss,humiliation,lactation) uk_cuck on yahoo only giveout faceless pics of me and wife
  24. Hey all, not sure if this the correct place to post this. Does anyone use any of the domination software like virtual master, or sex scripts. Used to love cybermistress but that is no longer about. Prefer virtual master to sex scripts. Would love to know if anyone out there uses any similar software.
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