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cookman last won the day on August 15 2019

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About cookman

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Australia - East Coast
  • Interests
    We are a D/s HW/cuck couple. in the lifestyle for about 8 - 10 years. She is free to have lovers, and currently has three regulars. He is the typical loving voyeur of his favorite porn Goddess :-)

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  1. Oh yes. she has often brought them home for me like that lol
  2. I'm your wife by making you shout in your bed I'm divorcing your wife would you like to watch us

  3. a few over the years of my Hotwife's delicious pussy 😋
  4. Whenever you approach Europe, come in touch for sun fun to spoil you here at the sunny Island together with mit sporty friends ;)

  5. Whenever you approach Europe, come in touch for sun fun and much more! ;)

  6. Amazing set of pics... many of them are so much like my wife and her lover and me... except for that stupid fake last one lol
  7. a few more of my gorgeous HotWife in her panties
  8. Hi there. thanks so much for your reply... even though it was nearly two years ago! sorry, we're not on here much as you might have guessed. a couple for your patienc
  9. yep of course lol My wife often brings them home - when she wears them of course! - after playtime with one of her lovers 🙂 this pic was of her fishnets and panties she brought home after sexing with her current lover 🙂
  10. well, ours started off many years ago mutually and consensually. we talked about it a lot and then gradually moved toward the lifestyle. for her first, I arranged for a guy (paid him) to meet us at our hotel on a friday night, but before then she was staying at the same hotel a few days before and she (and a gf) got picked up by two guys in the club lounge - sexed them both of course lol, so by friday night she had well and truly begun! since then she has had probably around 70 different men but these days mostly keeps with one or two regular lovers but will sometimes still get seduced if she's out and about and a potential seduces her with confidence, a touch of arrogance and a bottle of good champers lol Anyway, back to topic... years later into the lifestyle, my wife started to play up without me knowing - she met about 4 or 5 men without telling me - caused a big blow up between us at the time, but realised that she just wanted that freedom and dominance to do what she wanted when she wanted. Part of our natural progression into a HW/cuckold Domme/sub relationship I guess... worked out well now and she has the absolute freedom to choose who, when and where 🙂 which she does of course
  11. wow... great pics. that could soooo be my wife lol we are very lucky hubbys 😉
  12. I know your post was a loooooong time ago... we haven't been on for a while lol thanks so much for your comments and your insight into me wearing panties and just showing my wife. your comments show you have a great understanding of our lifestyle...thanks so much!
  13. thanks so much mr DomBull4U - we really appreciate your thoughts. Yes, she certainly does often get picked up lol but it seems that a lot of Australian men don't have the confidence to do so unless they've been drinking! and yes, you got it right, she loves sexy slutty elegant slutty, and most definitely yes, she went out with those stockings - not a tat - it's a pattern on her stockings. she loves causing a scene so to speak 🙂 once she went out with the girls wearing a 'slut' choker - a couple more for you
  14. A few more of dressed up but no-one to pick up lol
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