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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by DeeDee

  1. In another thread, Ottawa Bull made the statement, "I'm also very dominant with the HW, but I believe that is prefered by the couple. I think because it makes the relationship more phyical (about multiple orgasms) rather than an emotional bond. In the end this is what the HW and cuck want in my experience. It may be different for other bulls/couples out there. Probably a good topic to discuss on its own sometime." Well, sometime is now! I can not speak for every Hotwife/cuckold couple out there, but I can speak from my experience and the experiences of those closest to me. We, me and my husband, have always had other men live with us. And I have always enjoyed sex with men who are not my husband. The men who lived with us, as well as our current live-in, had/have qualities we wanted in each man. For us, me and my husband, we wanted the man who moved in with us to be the King of our Bedroom, become my primary lover and allow my husband to watch and take pictures when our "king" and I have sex and/or make love. My husband and I wanted each man that lived with us to be in good shape, intelligent, well hung and have a high sex drive. The man or men that live with us and become my primary lover(s) are told that when they live with us that the have all the same marital rights with me that my husband does. We also add that our live-in will always get somethings hubby doesn't get. The man or men who live with us are not to ever question our sexual morals, and at no time is the thought of excluding my husband tolerated. When another man becomes my primary lover and the "king" of our bedroom, it is expected that my husband will serve as my "man in waiting," And the men who live with us must understand that I will have sex with other men other than them and their friends. For a live-in we want a man or men to be masculine, yet humorous. He must be in pretty good shape and want sex as often as I do. I don't want a man living with us that isn't fucking me. For casual lovers, I want them to be extremely well hung, masculine, take charge and be very experienced sexually. For casual lovers as well as live-in, I prefer the men to be Black. Our current live-in is 10 years younger than me and fifteen years younger than my husband is. Our live-in is very dark skinned and has a very thick, just shy of being twelve inches long, cock. He fucks me every morning and every night, and other times, too. I want and expect that with a live-in. My husband, being bi, likes the men to be open to letting him suck their cocks. Our current live-in fucks my husband as well as me. Our current live-in knows what we like. And he seems to like it, too. Our current live-in has been with us for about six months now. Our current live-in and my long term boyfriend have been my primary lovers. My husband has been happy that he has been able to be my "man in waiting." And my husband also likes that other men are taking care of me, sexually. Our current live-in has the same rights that our past live-ins have had. They have all known that they can have sex with my best friend, my sister, two of my sister-in-laws, my husband's ex-wife and her , three of my nieces and two of my cousins. And our current live-in, like our past live-ins, has been with each of them several times. We all understand that our live-ins are going to get sex elsewhere as well as with us. And we are all okay with that. I just found out yesterday that my middle brother and his wife are having a man move in with them to be like our live-in is. To me, and the rest of my friends and family that play, that means that my sister-in-law's lover will have each of us like our live-in has had them. Our current live-in quit his job, like our last two live-ins. When we offered the room originally, we advertised that we were looking for a renter. Once I had sex with and chose who I wanted living with us, and told then that if they moved in that they wouldn't have to pay rent and that if they had a car that we would pay for their monthly car payment, their insurance and gas, they (our current and past live-ins) agreed to move in. The hardest part about living with us, as my lover, is finding the time to be with my friends and family who like to play as well. Another big thing is that neither me,nor any of my friends and family that play, use condoms. Me, my sister, my sister-in-laws and my husband's ex-wife are fixed. So,we can't get pregnant. My husband's , my nieces and my cousins are all on DEPO. So no fears there either. What we looked for in a live-in was a man who loved sex and couldn't get enough of it. My sister-in law, the one that has a lover moving in with her and my brother, told me that the reason they wanted another man living with them as her lover was because my brother, since his hip replacement, hasn't been able to perform like he used to. And she likes how well hung our live-in is, like our past live-ins. So, she figured that if my brother couldn't be what she wanted and needed in bed that a live-in would be the best thing for her and hers and my brother's marriage. When my brother and sister-in-law posted an ad looking for a room mate, they mentioned in the ad that they had an open marriage. They also stated that they were looking particularly for a Black room mate. That should have been anyone's first clue when they read the ad what was being asked for. Since my brother and sister-in-law are getting a live-in, that means that their live-in is going to get to have sex with each of us, and each of us will hopefully get to fuck his friends as well. My sister-in -law told me that her live-in's cock is as big as our live-in's cock is. And that is good to know. I know this had to be a big decision for my brother, because he has always been the Master of His castle, and now he is giving up his wife and his house to another man. The good thing is that my brother made a very good choice, for all of us involved. My sister doesn't have sex with many other men, other than our live-ins and their friends. My sister's husband is Mexican and he was not blessed. He has a tiny penis like my husband does. So, he appreciates our live-ins and their friends for doing for his wife what he can't. What we have found is that what we look for in a Bull is a man who loves and wants sex as often as possible, and that can perform just as often. This is what we look for in a bull, and what we want. What do you look for in a Bull? And what do you want?
  2. We had people over yesterday for a super bowl party. There was me and my husband, our live-in, four of our live-in's friends, my husband's and the three men she lives with, my husband's ex-wife, my , my 's husband (my husband's son) and a friend of theirs, my mother-in-law and the two men she lives with, Amy, (a woman my husband used to work with) and my husband's old boss and her husband, my best friend and her . That's fourteen men and nine of us women. Throughout the game everyone kept disappearing here and there. That's not out of the ordinary when we have get-togethers like yesterday. Yet, yesterday was different. Yesterday I witnessed my husband having intercourse with my best friend, my best friend's , my , my husband's old boss and Amy. My husband knows that I don't mind if he gets some on the side, but what I felt yesterday was odd for me. During half time I saw my husband with my best friend's , he was giving it to her like our live-in does me every night. And she seemed to be enjoying my husband. Just before half time was over, I saw my husband doing my . That's when I approached my husband. I sat on the bed next to my husband and my and asked my husband if he was having a good time. He said that he was. I asked my if she was having a good time and she said that she had already cum and was waiting for my husband to cum. I left the room. After the game my husband ended up fucking his old boss and Amy. I didn't really mind that my husband was with my best friend and her , or even my and his old boss. What got me was when I heard my husband telling Amy, while he was fucking her, that he loved her. What made it worse, for me, was that Amy told my husband that she loved him. My husband is usually a voyeur. He really doesn't like intercourse, doing it, anyway. Then yesterday happened. My husband was being a man, to several women. That was strange for me. Yes, I love other men, but to hear another woman tell my husband that she loves him got to me. I knew that my husband had always wanted to fuck my friend and her . And I knew that my husband has always wanted to fuck my and his old boss, but when I saw him with Amy, it was different. My husband wasn't just fucking Amy, he was making love to her. Yes, I am in-love with our live-in and my long term boyfriend, but hearing my husband tell another woman that he loved her was hard for me to hear. Amy stayed the night. She and my husband are still asleep as I am writing this. I enjoyed the sex I had with our live-in last night, as I always do, but my mind wasn't on me and our live-in. I found myself thinking about what my husband and Amy were doing. I even got up and stood outside the bedroom door, where my husband and Amy were sleeping. But they weren't sleeping at 4:00AM this morning. They were making love. I heard my husband telling Amy, "I haven't enjoyed sex this much in I don't know how long," and "My god, you have the best feeling pussy I have ever been in." Amy asked my husband to compare her to my , my best friend and her , and especially his old boss, her current boss. My husband told Amy that sex with my , my best friend and her , and his old boss, Amy's current boss, was good, but not like the sex he was having with her at that moment. Amy asked what made her different. My husband told Amy, "You make me feel like a man," "You're sexy!" My husband added, "I admit that I did enjoy fucking them, but I don't love them like I love you." That hit hard. I have always said that to my husband. When our live-in made love to me this morning, I had trouble not thinking about my husband and Amy. I know that when my husband thinks of me and other men having sex that it excites him. Thinking about my husband and Amy making love didn't excite me. It still doesn't. It makes me nervous. This morning and last night were the first times that I have not cum with our live-in. And he noticed. Our live-in told me to just forget about my husband and Amy, but I can't. My husband has never had much of a sex drive, that is, until yesterday. With all the Black Men around, I was perplexed at what my husband did to get with my best friend and her , my , his old boss and Amy. While I was with one of our live-in's friends, he asked me what was wrong, because I seemed to be somewhere else. I told him that I couldn't get my mind off of my husband and the women he was with. That kind of ended it with me and our live-in's friend. I have to admit that I got little, sexually, yesterday. And that is not normal. Everything about yesterday bothers me. I don't think that it was that my husband was getting sex that bothered me the most. It was when I heard my husband tell another woman that he loved her, the same way I say I love him, that hit me the hardest. I talked with my and my best friend and her and they told me that the sex they had with my husband was just sex, nothing more. Amy told my husband that she loved him. My husband has a hell of a time getting and staying hard when he and I have intercourse, and yesterday my husband got hard and stayed hard for five other women, enough for one woman to tell him that she loves him. This may seem like a double standard, but I don't like that my husband feels that he loves another woman. Amy is fifty-two. She is seven years older than I am, and she and I are the same height. Yet, Amy is one hundred pounds thinner than I am. Yesterday Amy had on a pair of leggings, a sweater and knee high boots. I have to admit that she did look good. My husband was the only man that Amy had sex with yesterday, not that she didn't have other options, though. Amy had her choice of several, much larger cocked Black Men to choose from, and she chose to be with my husband exclusively. I wonder why, even now. I guess my questions are . . . For the men, have you ever been with another man's wife and fell in-love with her? If so, what did you do? For the women here, Have you ever been through this? What did you do?
  3. The significance of the ring was the wide whole in the middle. The Allen wrench is small. Get it now?
  4. Let me rephrase the question then . . . Have you ever wished that you had a Big Boy Cock, and not the little boy penis you have?
  5. Have you ever been with a woman, or women, and felt that their pussy was too big for you?
  6. I like that my husband shares me because it makes me feel like I am more than just my husband's wife. When other men want to have sex with me, it tells me that I am still sexy and desirable. And because my husband feels most loved when I have sex with other men, each time I have sex with another man or other men, I am given an opportunity to show my husband how much I really do love him. Because I feel that when men fuck me that they are making love to me, I enjoy that they are making love to me. I also like knowing that I can please as many men as I have. And because many of the men who fuck me are married, it makes me feel good that I am able to give them and do for them things that they can not or do not get at home. I feel successful when I can make a man cum, especially if he cums in me. And there is no better feeling than when a man's cock stiffens and his body jerks and he erupts inside of me. Men have a lot of choices when it comes to sexual partners, and when these men choose to fuck me and cum in me, that means a lot to me. I admit that some men fuck me only because I am available and will let them. But, no matter the reason they fuck me, I love that they do fuck me. I think that a lot of men fantasize about this, but I don't think many actually would be prepared to share their wives. I also think a lot of wives fantasize about it too, but going through with it is, well, scary to some. I think that my husband is a very special man because he does share me, and he enjoys that other men like fucking me. Both me and my husband like knowing that there are a lot of men who jack off to the memory of fucking me, as well as the men who come back for more. The fact that my husband has allowed other men to live with us as my lovers says a lot about him. He is not possessive. He has never been jealous. And he loves that I enjoy other men as often as I do. The fact that my husband doesn't mind that other men are my primary lovers says a lot as well. When our live-in makes love to me before I go to bed with my husband every night, I know that I am pleasing two men. I am pleasing our live-in because I am letting him fuck me, and I am also pleasing my husband by having sex with another man. When we go to the adult theater and several men neither of us know fuck me and cum in me, I know that my husband feels very loved by me. And I feel loved by all of the men who fuck me and cum in me. A lot of women worry when their husband brings up having them have sex with other men. When my husband brought up wanting to watch me have sex with other men, I wasn't worried. I was happy that it was going to be so easy to please him. We have a nice home, that we own outright. We both drive newer cars. Yet, my husband doesn't ask for a lot. What he wants most is what makes both of us happy. He wants more than anything for me to have sex with as many men as I possibly can. And I don't see that as too much to ask. On my birthday, my husband's birthday, our anniversary, Christmas eve or day, New Years day or eve, I get gang banged. This is something we do for each other, as well as for others. To me, having my husband set up gang bangs for me is a very loving thing for him to do. And I gladly give back to him by pleasing as many men as he sets up for the gang bangs. I am fortunate that my sister, my nieces and two of my sister-in-laws, two of my best friends, my best friend's , my and my husband's and my mother-in-law also live this lifestyle and love being shared. My very best friend is about as Christian as anyone can be, but she has learned that the heart and the mind can often fight each other. Luckily she has learned that what the heart says is usually right. That is why she also has sex with a lot of different men. I love the fact that the man I married enjoys sharing me with other men, any other men, and as many and as often as possible. I have never felt loved by a man as much as I feel loved by my husband by him wanting to share me. Love is meant to be shared. I like to think that I am love in it's physical form.
  7. When my husband, then my boyfriend, told me he wanted to share me, I was relieved. My husband is only 3.75 inches fully erect. I knew he wouldn't be enough for me. And since that day neither he, nor I, have had to worry about him satisfying me.
  8. My girlfriend and I are thinking of trying some cuckold/hotwife flings. (25 years both. I'm the only one she's been with). But we've got some issues (both of us) and we'd like to get some opinions from people who practice the lifestyle. 1. Is there any way back once we've done it? Can we do it only a few times or will it become a lifestyle? Will she lose control and become flirty with guys (like not having the power to stop flirting)? Each couple is different, but most find that the women want it to continue more than the men. Once you open the flood gates, there's no closing them. And once you, as a woman, experience amazing sex, you want it more often. Some women lose interest. Yet, many like the attention of other men. You will have to find out what happens, uniquely for the two of you. 2. Which is the best way to get started? To find a guy from a dating site or to pick up one in real life? We have found Craigslist to work well for us. 3. I'm 15cm. Presuming we/she find/s a bigger bull (we both hope), will I ever be enough for her after that? (from trying different toys, the ideal size she would like to find is 17-18cm). I prefer around 21-23cm, but to each their own. The vagina is a wonderful thing. We can feel all sizes of men in us. If you make her happy now, that will not change. The other men will be just added fun.
  9. It is a very real thing. My husband was a cuckold long before I met him, with his ex-wife. Before I met my current husband I had never heard the term "cuckold," but I learned quickly from my current husband within days of us meeting. It started for us when I saw my husband naked the first time. I realized then that my to be husband had the smallest penis I had ever seen on a man. Then he told me that he enjoyed watching. I knew then that I loved him. My husband went onto Craigslist on our second date and set up a gang bang for me. Since then we have had an open relationship and I have had countless men in my bed. My husband says the most exciting part for him is that I will fuck any guy who wants to fuck me, bareback. We go to an adult theater where most every guy there gets to fuck me and they all cum in me. We don't know any of them, but they all get to get off in me, and I love it. I don't have to know a guy to let him fuck me. A man just has to have a nice sized cock and he can have me. We have a live-in Black Lover. He doesn't own us, he just pleases us. He pleases me sexually, and he pleases my husband by pleasing me sexually. Having a Black Lover who completes your marriage is wonderful and fulfilling. I have had innumerable lovers in the past, but I enjoy having the lovers live with me. I like that I am available to them anytime they want me. And I like that they know they can have me anytime they want me.I also like the convenience of having my lover living with me. I also have other lovers that I see regularly. One of those lovers is a friend I have known for the last 25 years or so. He is married and his wife doesn't like sex. She never has. Soon after I met my current husband I became romantic with my long time friend and we have been lovers for the last eight years now. Another lover, that is also married, was with me on our honeymoon. He was a wonderful lover and he was also the first man I had after being married to my current husband. I have been married to my current husband since November of 2000. I have been with this lover numerous times since our honeymoon. Both me and my husband have felt that this lover who consummated our marriage should have the same rights and privileges my husband has with me. My husband is 3.75 inches long when he is totally erect, which doesn't happen much anymore. He has the smallest penis I have seen on a man, in real life. My husband had little sexual experience when he and I met, and because we have had lovers live with us and we have played out and had men to our house as often as we have and do, my husband has not gained much sexual experience since we met eight years ago. Because sex is very important to me, and my husband is so small, my husband has allowed me to have sex with other men most everyday since he and I met. Many people have asked us how we make this work for us. And I have responded, "The secret is . . . We know each other. I mean we really know each other. He knows what I like and I know what he likes. We know this because we talk to each other. We talk to each other in and out of bed. We COMMUNICATE! Our "cuckold" relationship is truly ours. Our relationship is unique because it is OUR relationship. As opposed to the "classic" cuckold relationship where the husband is inadequate, my husband is more than adequate. He may be very small when he is soft, but my husband is a grower. He is actually quite thick when he is hard. And I never deny my husband sex, nor does he want to be denied sex. Yet, he does prefer me to have sex with other men. My husband actually, more often than not, sets me up with the men I have sex with. He decides who I have sex with. He is actually more my Dom than a sub. My husband may enjoy playing the sub, but he controls who I have sex with and when. I have never been able to say no to my husband, or any other man for that matter. And I don't want to. My husband screens all of the men I have sex with that we meet online, and he chooses who gets to have me when we go to the adult theater. My husband decides which men get to fuck me and how often, and who gets to be a return lover. My husband grew up bi and having sex with countless men, like I do now. My husband had his hey day when he was younger. Now that he is fifty, my husband is not the young guy all the guys want to get with. So, he lives out his desires vicariously through me. And I am okay with that. I know that my husband would love to have a train pulled on him again, like he has seen with me. And I wish could make that happen for him, but the chances of that actually happening is very slim. I understand my husband being bi because I love cock. My husband loves cock. What is there not to understand? A man's love for cock doesn't make him any less of a man. To me, a man who can understand my desire and love for cock is more of a man than most others. My husband is also a voyeur. He has always loved seeing other men have sex. That works for me, because I love that my husband loves to watch me with other men. My husband is actually more of a wittol than a cuckold. A cuck is usually a man who wants to be denied sex and wants his wife or girlfriend to be in total control. My husband wants me to have control, but the problem with that is that I love being submissive. A recent lover, who happens to have the thickest cock and who happens to be one of the best, if not the best, lovers I have ever had, is a Dom. He was very gentle with me, but he said it was because he doesn't really know me yet. And few men have ever known me like my husband does. There have been men who were amazing in bed, but my husband is still my favorite. My husband is like an old pair of slippers. He feels good and is very comfortable. A lover who lived with us for about a year and a half got to know me better than most men ever have. He would join us in the middle of the night and make love to me while my husband was in bed with us, sound asleep. He usually came to me when he wanted sex. I liked that because my husband hardly ever asks me for sex. As a matter of fact, if I didn't come to my husband for sex, he would do without, and be okay with it. My husband is predictable. He is not the most creative man, in bed, but I love him. He and I both like that other men are often very creative, sexually. My husband also doesn't cum much when he does cum. Often he doesn't cum at all. We both like that other men are more than capable and willing to cum in me, a lot. That is what we both like about me having sex with other men, how good they fill me up. My husband loves watching me stretched and filled as much as I like being stretched and filled. My husband enjoys taking pictures of me with other men. He likes to take close ups of cocks stretching me. He also loves to watch other men be Dom with me. I like that, too. My husband has hidden Dom moments as well, just not often enough. That is why we both agree, "That is what other men are for." Me and my husband both agree that other men make up for what is lacking in our relationship, sexually. Although I don't feel anything is missing from our sexual relationship, having other men add to it doesn't hurt. The way I see it is my husband shaves me and prepares me for the other men, and the other men, by making love to me, prepare me for my husband. It is like a happiness circle that makes everyone happy. I love how my pussy feels after I have had other men cum in me, and my husband loves how silky my pussy is after other men have cum in me. It is not always the sex we are looking for. It is essentially the men cumming in me that we both want. We have kids. So, I don't get to play as often as I would like to. And too often life steps in and makes it impossible to play. When we have the opportunity to play, we see it as a wonderful thing. I love having sex with my husband. He is a very good lover. Yet, I also really love variety, sexually. That is why I love having other men as often as I can. I enjoy the sex I have with other men and my husband really loves to watch. So, it works for everyone. This is how our relationship works, and works well. The way I see it is that sex with your spouse is obligatory sex. It is something you do because you feel that you are expected to do so. It is not something you do because you enjoy it. Although sex with your spouse may be enjoyable, it is still obligatory sex. It is not something you do because it is fun. I believe a lot of women marry men who have small penises and settle with what their spouse has to offer. Other women who are married to men who have better, larger equipment too often do not show their husband's cock the attention it deserves. And that is okay by me, if I am getting sex from those women's husbands. I believe a lot of married men seek sex with other women because their wives do not appreciate them for what they have to offer. Far too many women, especially women married to men who are well endowed and are incredible lovers, fail to realize that sex with a man who is well sized can often be very enjoyable, especially if he knows how to use what he has. These same women may be a lot like me, in that although they may be married to a man who is well endowed and a great lover, their husband is still their husband and the sex they have with their husband is still obligatory. And obligatory sex is never as good as sex you have for fun. Men who seek sex outside of their marriage are the same way. They want sex that is fun, not sex they have to do because they are married to someone. It is like my husband. Although my husband enjoys sex with me, I am still his wife. And when he has sex with me, it is still obligatory sex. That is why I feel he needs sex with other men or women. He either needs to bottom for another man or top another woman. He's married. He owes it to me and himself to do so. How any man or woman can believe that one cock is ever going to be enough, or that one pussy is going to be enough, is beyond me. Why would anyone want just one cock or just one pussy for the rest of their life? How twisted is that? The reason you marry someone is because you want someone in your bed when no one else is available, or until someone else is. The traditional marriage vows promise each other to "love and cherish" or alternatively, the groom promises to "love, cherish and worship", while the bride to "love, cherish and obey" I am okay with the husband worshiping and I do obey. My husband wants me to be with other men. Traditional wedding vows often have gone like this . . . I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawfully wedded(husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others until death do us part. The priest would then say aloud "You have declared your Consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen." then he has the groom and bride kiss. A husband or wife having sex with others does not divide a couple. More often a wife or husband having others for sex strengthens the marital bond by allowing the other to enjoy sex that is not obligatory. I kind of like . . . " ______________and____________________ life is given to each of us as individuals, and yet we must learn to live and love together. We learn to love by being loved. Learning to love is one of life’s greatest challenges and is the shared goal of a married life. But a husband and wife should not confuse love by worldly measures, for even if worldly success is found, only real, open, shared love will maintain a marriage. ______________________ and ___________________ as the two of you come into this marriage uniting you as husband and wife, and as you this day affirm your love for one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals with you own needs, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another. Be able to forgive, do not be jealous, and live each day that you may share it with together – as from this day forward you shall be each others comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love that you share. Mankind did not create love; love is created by God. The measure of true love is a love freely given, shared and freely accepted, just as God’s love for us is unconditional and free. God does not love just one person. Therefore, we should follow his example." Why would anyone think that God didn't want married people to have other lovers? He made our sex urges as strong as they are. It is because God gave us the sexual urges that we have that we are able to seek and enjoy sex. The vagina is designed to stretch and contract. That way a woman can enjoy all cock sizes. And cocks come in many sizes so that women can have variety when they have sex with men. And because women have different sized vaginas, men can enjoy a variety as well. It is well known that women will often do more with their lovers than they ever will with their spouse. Why? The reason is that wives feel more relaxed and are willing to do more with a lover because there is no fear of failure. And because other men are not her husband, the other men have no fear of rejection. That is why sex with lovers is usually really, really good. I believe that any husband or wife who is not having sex outside of their marriage is settling and doing a disservice to themselves and their spouse. I know that sex is better with my husband after I have had sex with other men first. And I know this is not isolated to just me. I know I love my husband more after I have had sex with others first before having sex with him. I also know that when a man or wife has sex with another, outside of their marriage, that they are happier people with higher self esteems and a better self worth. To me the benefits of having lovers outside of your marriage far outweigh the downsides. When a husband or wife takes advantage of an opportunity to be with another, sexually, they are happier people. And those who regret having sex with others, just because the other is not their spouse, or are of another skin color, are cheating themselves. Why would you regret something so beautiful as two or more people enjoying each others bodies the way God intended? As far as the reality of the lifestyle, and the lack of use of condoms, it all depends on where you go and with whom you play with. We go to three different swinger establishments. One is The Retreat. "The Retreat is Denver’s longest running Swingers Club exclusively for couples and single females. It is an on premise club located in a remodeled home in West Denver. You need to call or email if you want additional information. You can find the rates and party details on their website. They are now offering Non-Members night once a month. They also give a free tour before you need to decide if you want to join and attend a party. 15 person hot tub, Private and group play areas, and a large “conversation” area surrounding a fireplace. Open Friday and Saturday nights 8-4 pm. Theme parties once per month." The Retreat is a nice place to go if you want to use condoms. And most of the clientele is couples, few single women. I have hooked up with several men at the Retreat. And I was lucky the men preferred not to use condoms. When we have gone to the Retreat, me and my husband have hooked up with couples as well. The only problem with us meeting other couples is that the women from the other couples expect my husband to be built at least as well as their husband is, and my husband is only 3 3/4" long when he is totally erect. So, rarely do we hook up with other couples. We also go to the Scarlet Ranch, but not very often. "Scarlet Ranch is a 10,000 square foot On Premise Swingers club. They do not sell any alcohol. You are welcome to bring your own (byob) and the bartenders will mark it with your member number. There is a bar area and dance floor in front, and a large play area with couches and private and semi private cabanas in the back. The Ranch is open Wednesday through Saturday nights 9pm-4am. Saturdays are busiest and there are busy theme nights once a month. You must purchase a membership and go through a brief screening process to attend. Single males are limited. All details and prices are on their website." We have gone on nights when single men are allowed, and it has been fun. The problem with the Scarlet Ranch is that the clientele is often younger and trendy. And condoms are almost always used. The Scarlet Ranch is more for the "pretty people." If you are older or overweight, you kind of stick out. My husband has been humiliated by women at the Retreat and, even more so, at the Scarlet Ranch. There have been a few good times at the Scarlet Ranch, but not a lot. The one place we enjoy going to the most is the Mon Chalet. "The Mon Chalet has 19 fenced in private Hotel Rooms and an Indoor Swimming pool inside of the fenced in area. Nudity is not only allowed, but encouraged in the pool area. 2 Hot Tubs, 4 Big screen TV screens showing adult movies, and a large public play bed all within the pool area. Single men must rent a Hotel room after 4 PM. Id or Drivers License Required. Couples can rent a room or just buy a pool pass for the afternoon or night. Great for a spontaneous adventure after a night out on the town. Towel rental available." (http://mon-chalet.com) We enjoy the Mon Chalet mostly because there is always single men there. And luckily few people want to use condoms. We have never rented a room, but we have been in most of them. We get a pool pass when we go. We undress, put our stuff in a locker, then we head to one of the hot tubs. Whenever there is a woman or women in the hot tub, men join us. Because I am very forward, when men join us I reach for their cocks. And they let me play with them. I love that. And the men know they can do the same to me. I tell men immediately that my husband loves to watch. And a lot of husbands like to watch at the Mon Chalet. In the play area, next to the pool, people can watch from a distance from one of the hot tubs, or they can pull up a chair and watch close up. At the Mon Chalet Black Men get laid a lot. They are a commodity. I remember a few weeks ago walking into the pool area and both me and my husband noticed a Black Man with one woman riding him, another between his legs and licking him, and another woman was sitting on his face. My husband told me that he wanted me to fuck that Black Man, too. So, when he could, my husband talked to he Black Man and told him that he would love to see him fuck me. He told my husband to give him a few because he'd already been with six other women. My husband agreed and later I had sex with this Black Man as well. Me and my husband ended up staying the night with this Black Man that night. Another nice thing about the Mon Chalet is that the smaller cocked men do not try to get sex, and that is nice because we women don't have to tell them, "No, but thank you for the offer." The smaller cocked husbands usually like to watch their wife have sex with better equipped men, whether Black or white. And the nice sized white males know that most of us women are going to give a Black Man priority. The white males don't mind though. They know that if they have a nice sized cock, they are going to get laid, eventually. At The Retreat and the Scarlet Ranch, I have had sex with up to 5-6 men. Every time we've gone to the Mon Chalet, the least I have ever had fuck me was 8 men. The couples who play at the Mon Chalet are mostly older couples in their late 30s to mid 50s. And they are average looking people with average bodies. Luckily most of the men who go to the Mon Chalet are well sized, though. Because the clientele at the Mon Chalet is older, the use of condoms is rare. A couple of the couples we have gotten to know have also gone to the same adult theater we go to. And no one uses condoms at the adult theater. My husband and I have gone to the adult theater (Circus Cinemas 5580 Federal Boulevard, Denver, CO 80221) and I have had sex with up to 30 men, then we would go to he Mon Chalet, and I had 6-10 other men. No one used condoms. Not all swingers use condoms, especially us older swingers. Several years ago there was a Air Force cadet that hosted BBC gang bangs for single women and couples. We met him and I got gang banged by his crew a few times. He would have kept it up had he been smarter. The cadet had a good thing going, but the emails he sent and received and the ads he posted on Craigslist and other sites were done on a Government computer. The cadet was released from the academy and I have no idea what happened to him after that. Yet, while he had his gang bang thing going, several couples found his services to be of great value to them. And I don't know if this was with every women they gang banged, but when his crew gang banged me, no one wore condoms. There are two gang bang groups in the Denver area that we know of, and I have been gang banged by both groups. We go to the adult theater a few times a month. And we go to the Mon Chalet a few times a month, usually after we go to the theater. On those nights, at least 20-30 guys fuck me and cum in me. Every one has a good time, and no one cares how many other men I have had in me before them. My sister, two of my nieces, my best friend, my , my best friend's and my husband's have gone to the Mon Chalet with and without us. My and her husband and my husband's and her boyfriend have gone to the theater as well, not with us, though. Well, my and her husband went with us their first time. My husband and his ex-wife were part of the polyamory community for about 20 years. In that time, they both attended countless sex parties. Even before getting involved with the poly community, my husband's ex-wife enjoyed other men, often. My current husband was in the military. And his ex-wife went to the barracks on a nightly and daily basis. This was back in 1981 to about 1985. My husband's ex has told me about barracks gang bangs and how many other military wives had sex in the barracks while their husbands were at work. I know her stories are true because I was a military wife with my first husband, and I did the same thing. Here in the Denver metropolitan area there is a very large swinging community. For us older swingers there is the Mon Chalet. And for those who want more of a couples type of atmosphere, there is The Retreat. For the younger crowd there is the Scarlet Ranch. There are other places as well, (http://www.myswingclubs.com/cgi-bin/do.pl?page=clubs&site=de) And there is always Craigslist. Many people may say that Craigslist has nothing but fakes and flakes, but we have had pretty good luck throughout the years. If you are a lady or a couple and you want a fast hook up, Craigslist is the place to go. We have had nights where we were kid free on a moments notice, and we have gone onto Craigslist and either answered ads or posted one of our own. Not once have we had a kid free night and not had another man, or other men, to the house. In our ads and ad responses we say we do not use condoms, and that doesn't scare many men off. My husband and I both give plasma twice a week, therefore we are tested often. So, to us going bareback is a trust issue that goes both ways. The current poly community is much more vanilla than it used to be by my husband and his ex's standards, yet my husband's ex and I have both gotten together with men my husband and his ex have known for years who were and have been part of the poly community for the last three decades. And it was my husband's son who got us involved in the sex parties he goes to, that we attend any time they are held. To me it would seem that who you associate with and where you go decides for you, individually, how real this lifestyle is and how many people actually live it.
  10. This is me.
  11. "Why oh why is it me that has to drive this. Can't she see she is having her cake and eating it! Seeing her pleasured brings me a more intense pleasure than pleasuring her myself." I know that when I have sex with other men the sex is always better than it is with my husband. My lovers always have bigger cocks, and they last longer, and they make me feel better. How can a woman not love sex with another, if the other is a better lover, more of a man? Keep in mind that it takes more than just a big cock to attract a woman. Women are attracted to men who make them feel like a woman, feminine. Women are attracted to men who are in control and do not make her make all the decisions. A woman likes a man who can be the Man in the relationship. Not another woman in the relationship. There may be a thrill in the chance of losing your woman to another, much better hung, lover. But, is losing her what you really want? You may not be able to sexually please your woman like other men can, but if your woman is with you, there is a reason she is with you. What is that reason? Think about it. Is your woman with you because of your massive cock? Probably not. Is your woman with you because you make more money than God? Probably not. Is your woman with you because you give her emotional support that no other man can give her? I doubt it. Is your woman with you because you fulfill all of her fantasies? Tell me . . . Why is your woman with you? And why do you think she hasn't left already?
  12. Are there other men out there who feel the same way?
  13. I have always wished that my husband was more like the other men I have sex with. I enjoy sex with most any man who wants me, especially if he has a good personality and a good sized cock. When I met my husband he was wearing a long, broomstick skirt and a tank top. He was very effeminate, not unlike he is today, eight years later. My husband will not ask me for sex, and he has never cared if I had breasts or not. Other men want sex with me, and they love my girls. I like that about other men. They make me feel desirable, wanted, sexy. My husband has never made me feel that way. It has been over two years since my husband has gone down on me, whether I have been with other men or not. I love my husband, and although he only has a 3.75" penis, I still like having sex with him. Yet, my husband says that sex is what other men are for. We have had other men live with us for most of our relationship, and they have always become my primary lovers. My husband loves to be my "man in waiting." My husband likes it when I tell other people, even people we just meet, that he has a small penis and that he is inadequate, sexually. My husband has also had the word "Cuckold" embroidered on several of his Polo shirts that he wears when we go out. Our current live-in is a 35 year old Black Man. He is 10 years younger than me and 16 years younger than my husband. My husband can barely attain a full erection anymore. And my husband rarely stays hard enough for intercourse. It seems that when he does get hard, when he puts his penis to my pussy, he goes soft. Or he cums upon entering me. That has never been the other case when I have had sex with other men. My husband believes that doing the dishes and vacuuming the floors or cleaning the house fills my love tank. He's wrong. Our live-in, his friends and other men I have sex with love having sex with me. I love sex! I have always wished my husband felt the same way toward me, but he doesn't. My husband is a good provider, financially. And my husband allows other men to please me in all other ways. I will admit that the main reason I love my husband is because he lets me have sex with other men, but I also wish that my husband wanted me the same way that other men do. Me having the ability to have sex with other men, with my husband's permission, has made life livable. The one thing that I do love about my husband is that he is willing to use my toys on/in me. Unlike other men who can please me with their cocks, my husband does so with my toys. I do not lubricate with my husband, but I get wet easily when I have sex with other men. I have asked my husband what turns him on, and he has said that what turns him on most is seeing me with other men, sexually or otherwise. Other men have told me that I turn them on, and that my intense desire for sex is a big turn on. When I want sex with my husband, I have to ask him for it. He will not make the first move. And my husband kisses me, on the lips, but he never deep kisses me. I love kissing, and I deep kiss every man I have sex with. My husband hates cumming. When he does ejaculate, he makes faces. Other men love cumming in me, and I love the feeling of a man cumming in me. My husband loves to massage me, but when he does, it is so mechanical. Even when he shaves me, for other men, it is so clinical. He is not a very sexual person, although my husband does enjoy jacking off to pictures of me having sex with other men. When I have asked my husband why he doesn't want sex with me, he has said that he does want sex with me, but that other men need sex, too. He also says that the bigger a man's cock is, the more deserving he is of sex with me. I admit that I do like larger cocked men, but then, I like most any man who wants sex with me. Sex is the one thing I enjoy most in life. Sex is what makes me happy. And having sex is what makes me feel alive and worthwhile. I am a words person, and I like to be appreciated. I don't often feel appreciated by my husband. Other men tell me how good I am in bed. My husband apologizes for his inadequacies. On our three day honeymoon I had sex with 37 other men. On our anniversaries, my birthdays, my husband's birthdays, Valentines day, New years Eve, and all other special holidays, my husband prefers me to have sex with other men. Three men have had me every holiday since they had me on our honeymoon, and other times as well. As a matter of fact, those same three men were part of a gang bang we hosted two weeks after my husband and I started dating eight years ago. And in these eight years, those three men have had sex with me more often than I have had sex with my husband. Two of the three men I have had sex with for the last eight years are Black and one of them is white. All three of them are very well sized, and very proficient lovers. Although I have sex with our live-in every night and every morning, I have found that I want, and need, more than that. I also have a male friend that I have known for almost 25 years. He and his wife have been close friends of mine. And my best friend, my lover, is like my steak and lobster compared to my husband whom I compare to a plain McDonald's hamburger. Two of the men I have been having sex with for the last eight years, as well as my best friend/lover, are married. They come to me when they want really good sex, and that is also what I get when I am with them. The married white male I have sex with, and have been having sex with for the last eight years, is a very good lover. And his cock is what I consider to be perfectly sized. The other two Black Men are much larger cocked than my regular white lover. I love having them when I really want to be filled. Our live-in is much larger cocked than my regular white lover and my best friend/lover are. And I enjoy him as well. Hell, I have him most often. Other men come to me when they want sex. My husband never asks for sex. My husband prefers to watch me have sex with other men. Other men make me feel appreciated and like a woman. I feel useless to my husband. When our live-in walks around the house, my husband can't keep his eyes off of our live-in's cock. Our live-in's cock swings between his legs when he is flaccid, soft. My husband's penis is small enough that it just kind of sticks out. I have never experienced an orgasm with my husband, but I have had orgasms with most every other man I have had sex with. I will ask my husband if he wants to make love to me, and he responds saying, "Sure." Other men, when I ask them if they want to make love to me, caress me and kiss me and show me that they want me. I feel that when my husband does have sex with me, he does so out of a feeling of obligation. Other men want sex with me because I feel good and I want them. I still want my husband as much as I ever have, but I have noticed that I want to go down on him a lot less often than I used to. It takes him forever to get hard anymore. Other men get hard instantly, even before they take their pants off. To me, when a man has an erect cock, and he wants me, that is the best feeling in the world, second only to the feeling of having them in me. When I do go down on my husband, he just lies there. He doesn't say anything, or moan, or anything. Other men tell me how good my mouth feels on and around their cocks. And I like that. I like it when a man tells me how good I am or how good I feel. And I, in turn, tell them how good they feel and make me feel. The biggest reason my husband remembers our anniversary, or my birthday, New Year's Eve or Valentine's Day is because he likes to have me gang banged on those days. I will admit that I do like to be gang banged, but I wish there was a different reason why he remembers these days. My best friend/lover made love to me 30 minutes before I walked down the isle to marry my husband. I had my friend/lover's cum oozing down my leg as I walked down the isle. After the ceremony, when my husband removed my garter, he mentioned that he could smell sex between my legs. And he thanked me for fucking my friend/lover before we said our vows to each other. On our anniversary, every year, I wear my wedding gown when I get gang banged. The other men who fuck me love that their cum gets on my wedding dress, just like my best friend/lover's had on our wedding day, and as their cum had on our wedding night. I remember our honeymoon as the best night of our entire relationship. Why? Because I had married the man I love, and 37 other men made me feel loved. My husband hadn't had sex with me for three days before our wedding. And he didn't have intercourse with me until the third day of our honeymoon. On the third day of our honeymoon, I'd had intercourse with 7 men that morning and three men that afternoon. One of the men was my best friend/lover. One of the men who I have been fucking since, and before, our wedding day was the first to have me on our wedding night. And because of that, he has been given special privileges. He knows that any time he wants me that he can have me. Me and my husband both feel it is only right since he consummated our marriage. The man who has those special privileges is white. His cock is about 9" long and he is very thick. And he cums a lot. And he can cum multiple times. That is what I really like about him, along with how good he makes me feel when I am with him. I am not Black exclusive. I have never wanted to limit myself in that way. I know that men of other colors and races can be great lovers, as well. I like that a good number of the men I have sex with are married. That tells me that I am something worthwhile to them, and more or better than they get at home. That is a good feeling. I have one lover who was born in Pakistan. He is very well hung, has a great sense of humor, and he treats me like a queen and a whore at the same time. I love that about him. I have another lover that is from Nigeria. He is gentle, but very well hung. And he lasts forever. Another lover is from Australia. His cock is huge. He is white, but can compete with the biggest Black Men I have been with. To me, Men who can be, and are, Men are what I want and need. And that is something my husband isn't. Other men make me feel like a woman, wanted, desired, desirable, sexy. My husband makes me feel like I have to mother him. Other men make me want to have sex with them. I often find myself wondering why I want sex with my husband. When I want sex with my husband, I have to practically beg him, and it takes forever for him to even get hard. And when he does get hard, he cums quickly or not at all. An old boyfriend from high school, who I have never stopped loving, had recently gotten in touch with me, and today I had him, three times. He has gotten better with age. I was wondering if the same electricity we felt back in high school would still be there, and it was. We both agreed to start dating again. Every time I have made love to or with my husband, I have thought about Shannon, my high school boyfriend. And now I don't have to just think about him. Yea!!! I have several regular lovers, and now I am back with my first love. I have a husband who loves me with all his heart, and I have a young Black live-in. I have other lovers and my first love back in my life. In answer to your question . . . "How has the lifestyle affected your relationship with your spouse?" I have to say that living the lifestyle has kept me and my husband very happy. He gets to watch me with a lot of other men, and other men get to please me the way that my husband should but can't. And I get a lot of sex! I will say that although I wish my husband was like other men, I am really glad that other men aren't like my husband is.
  14. I wrote this months ago on a polyamorous forum, and I wanted to know what people here had to say . . .Please let me know. I have played with several men in the past, and I have a semi-steady boyfriend, but I have met a new man that I have really fallen for. He is not entirely available as often as I would like him to be, though. The thing is that's the part about hi that really turns me on. He is so much more masculine than my husband is. I have done nothing more than flirt, touch a little and give my new man oral, but I hve very deep feelings for him. My new man and my hubby have not met yet, but they have talked on the phone. I have met with my new man 5 times and he is still a little freaked out about me being married. My new man is not poly, but he does have a desire to have a relationship with me. My new man is everything my husband isn't. My new man is tall, has a deep voice, is a master mechanic, owns his own business, is very muscular, is very, very well built below the waist, and loves my breasts. My husband could care less about my breasts. And my husband is not a real touchy-feely kind of guy either. I have not actually gone on a date with my new man, and we haven't had intercourse, but when I can't be with him I miss him. I used to miss my husband like that when we were apart, but never as much as I miss my new man when I can't see him. The other day I was going to surprise my new man. He had texted saying he was going to be at his shop. So, I convinced my husband to go with me to meet my new man. We were two blocks from my new man's shop when I called and told him that I was on my way to see him, with my husband. My new man told me NO, and that another time would be better. I felt let down, but also excited because my husband never tells me no, for any reason. I saw my new man's NO as him being a man, putting his foot down. I wanted to see him so bad, but I understood. He said that he had a client with him and another time would be better. I told my husband that I so wanted them to meet, so that my new man wouldn't be so freaked out about me being married. I also wanted to be touched and to touch my new man, but I think both my husband and my new man knew that. My new man called me after we had already turned around and were a block away from home. I had my new man talk with my husband. My husband told my new man that he was okay with me dating and seeing him. My husband told my new man that if he and I had a relationship that he would be more than happy about it. My husband told my new man that he believed that sex is what friends do for and with each other. My new man told my husband a few times that he just wanted to make sure no one got hurt. My husband assured my new man that he loved that me and him were seeing each other. My husband texted me telling me that he was so turned on by me and having had the opportunity to talk with my new man. I told my husband that I was turned on as well. After my husband texted, my new man asked me to send him a picture of my breasts. So, I took a selfie and sent it to him. He sent me back a picture of his cock. I would have ended up having to get myself off because of all the excitement, but luckily my other boyfriend stopped by and took care of that for me. My other boyfriend and I have been dating for 27 years. He is married,too. My new man is not married and lives closer to us. My other boyfriend is a great man, and I love him deeply, but when he and I made love this time, I pictured him as being my new man. I closed my eyes and could see my new man on me, with me, and the sex with my other boyfriend was amazing, better than usual. When I texted my husband and told him that my other boyfriend had stopped by, he got excited by that, too. He loves knowing when I am with other men. He's always liked that. After my other boyfriend left, my new man called and told me that he had jacked off to my picture. I was flattered, but also felt let down that he didn't want to please himself with me, and let me be a part of his pleasure. Is that wrong? I hate it when my husband jacks off instead of asking me to please him, or to make love to me. And now my new man has done the same thing, three different times. The other day, when my husband and I drove to my new man's shop, all I wanted to do was introduce the two of them, and possibly give my new man oral. I don't think I am asking a lot. Am I? All day long, when I am at work, or anywhere else, all I can think about is my new man, and he is always so busy that he doesn't have a lot of time for me. I hate that, but love him none the less. When my husband got home that day, after we had been told I couldn't see my new man, I wanted to be made love to by my husband, and we did make love, but I had to ask him for it. I have a very high sex drive, and I hate that my men don't. Well, my other boyfriend has a high sex drive, but we can only get together when his wife is at work or he is in my area. I think my new man has a high sex drive as well, but he is always so damn busy and has a hard time finding time for me, and I hate that. My husband is around a lot, but he is very girly. He is the exact opposite of both of my boyfriends. My husband is more like a girlfriend to me than a man. I love my husband for who he is, but I long to be with men who are more like I wish my husband was but isn't. Although I have what could be considered friend with benefits, it isn't the same. Sure, we make love, but I don't have the same feelings for them that I do for my new man. Has anyone else gone through anything like this?
  15. I have cuckolded my husband for eight years now, and we've had no bad experiences. Well, I do find my husband lacking after I have been with other men, but that is who he is. It is not because of any experiences with my lovers has been bad.
  16. These were the men I had on NYE. They are all compared to my husband. My husband is the one with the tattoo on his left thigh. Three of the men were in me on my honeymoon. I loved having them again. I couldn't think of a better way to bring in the New Year.
  17. I have no idea how many men I have fucked since I have been married. I know it has been a lot. My husband has watched several times, but not every time. I do drive to see lovers or they come to our house. What ever is most convenient at the time.
  18. Make it happen!
  19. My husband has several pictures on his phone of me fucking other men, and he loves showing them off to anyone who wants to see them. Him doing so has gotten me laid more than a few times.
  20. One of my ex boyfriends stayed the night last night, and he made love to me five times. My husband got to watch one time. the other times my son was awake and we had company over. So, no one got to watch. My boyfriend left about an hour ago to go see his in the Springs. I think this has been a great New Year so far.
  21. With me, my husband is very submissive, but he has recently found a new avenue for himself. My husband is very passive toward most men, and very submissive to many women, but we recently met another couple. This new couple consists of a very thin younger woman. She's 27. He, the husband, is 35 and is very submissive as well, even toward my husband. This couple shared a table with us at a downtown bistro. As we all talked, my husband surprised me by telling the young woman that she was very beautiful, and that he would love to get her naked and devour her. When my husband said this to this woman, she blushed and inadvertently tugged on the neck of her dress, revealing more cleavage than was already visible. The young woman told my husband, "You are a man who seems to know what he wants . . . And I think you're going to get what you want. That is, if your wife is willing to share." I looked at this young woman's husband and I recognized the look on his face as being the same my husband has when other men come on to me. I asked the husband of the other couple if he had ever shared his wife with another man before. He replied, "I've always wanted to . . .um . . . I think it's hot." My husband looked at me and I nodded. My husband got up and stood behind this young wife, put his hands on her breasts, kissed her neck and whispered in her ear that he meant what he said. The young woman told my husband she did, too. The young woman, Sheila, told me that her husband, Ted, had talked about her being with other men, almost from the day they started dating. Sheila told me and my husband that Ted had always asked about her past, and who she had sex with and how often. Sheila added that Ted really had no sex drive and that he would much rather jack off to porn in his computer than have sex with her. My husband told Sheila that they could be Ted's live porn. In our house, I am usually my husband's porn. And now he was offering the same chance to Ted, mostly because my husband was/is very attracted to Sheila. My husband has always been attracted to stick figures. And Sheila is 5'7" tall and weighs 110 pounds if she is soaking wet. And she has tiny titties, which my husband loves. Ted is a total nerd. He works in IT. He builds model cars and the funny thing is Ted has a cock bigger cock than my husband's cock does. Well, he's longer, but much thinner than my husband is. Sheila and my husband hit it off, big time. My husband was fingering Sheila right at our table, like other men have done to me right in front of my husband. I realized, the night that we met Sheila and Ted, that my husband had learned a lot from the other men I'd had sex with. My husband knew all the right things to say to Sheila, and he knew just how to make her feel desired. My husband even got Sheila to go to our Suburban and let him fuck her in the back. We had already taken out the back back seat. So, there was plenty of room for them to play. When my husband and Sheila returned to me and Ted, my husband told me that he had decided that Sheila needed him to service her for Ted. Sheila told me I was probably the luckiest woman alive, because I had a man who not only knew how to make her feel like a woman, but he also got her to cum . . . twice. For the last month or so, my husband has been "servicing" Sheila a couple times a week. Sheila has shared with me that Ted prefers watching her and my husband to having sex with her, and she is okay with that, as long as I will share my husband with her. I've told Sheila that I like seeing the man my husband is when he is with her and after he has been with her. He's a different man after he has been with Sheila. My husband still loves watching me with other men, but I like that he can do for Sheila what other men do for me.
  22. You're right. We do want only the best for each other. My husband knows that his penis, that is the size of a Bic lighter when it is erect, is inadequate for sexual intercourse. Therefore, my husband wants me to have the best, and other men have what he can't offer me. My husband knows that sex is very important to me. So, we have both agreed that other men are for sex and he, my husband, is for my financial, emotional, mental and spiritual support. "Reading that you are able to engage your family members into having and living this lifestyle as well, is very promising and enviable." I agree. My ,my husband's and I have shared men. And my and my husband's and my best friend's have shared the same men. Me and my sister and my best friend have shared men. Me and my nieces have shared the same men. And it has helped us to feel better about each other and ourselves. Not only has my husband's fantasies of seeing all of us with other men been fulfilled, but we have also fulfilled the fantasies of numerous other men. And we still do. And there is something very special about sharing a man or men with your sister or your or your best friend. I have always felt that the life I live is the way it should be. And by getting my family and friends into it, it has made it all seem so very right. My sister's husband has been able to watch me and his wife, my sister, and our nieces with big cocked Black Men. My brother-in-law, like my husband, has always thought our nieces were hot, and both my husband and my brother-in-law have enjoyed seeing them with very big cocked Black Men, numerous times. My brother-in-law is small cocked like my husband is, and since my sister has been having sex with Black Men, their relationship has gotten better than either of them ever thought it could be. My nieces are my oldest brother's daughters. My brother was the one who took my cherry when I was 11. I had sex with all three of my brothers growing up, and they had/have nice cocks. They taught me, by having sex with me, that as a woman I have a lot to offer as well as a responsibility to please other men if I want to be pleased myself. And they were right. I have sex with other men, to please them, because I know in doing so I am pleasing myself. And in pleasing myself I am pleasing my husband. It is the perfect circle. My brother doesn't know that his daughters have sex with Black Men, but his wife, my sister-in-law, knows, and she approves, because she has been with some of the men I have been with. My brother is uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that his wife has sex with other men, but he does love how she feels when they make love, after she has been with other men. My sister-in-law told me recently that the sex she has had with other men has improved the sex she has with my brother. She has also said that after she has sex with other men that my brother seems to want her more, even though he doesn't know why. I agree that engaging my family members into having and living this lifestyle as well, is very promising and enviable. I know that it has helped my sister and her husband, my brother and his wife. I also know that my nieces are living the life they want to live. And I am happy that I had a big part in making that happen. Both of my nieces have white boyfriends. And both of their boyfriends are monogamous with them. As a matter of fact, neither of my nieces have had sex with their boyfriends. The only sex they have had has been with Black Men. My nieces have told their boyfriends that they want the best and that the only way that can happen is if they, their boyfriends, remain faithful to them and allow them time to themselves at times. Both of their boyfriends love them and want to marry them. My nieces have told me that if they do marry their boyfriends that they will not be faithful to them. Luckily both of my nieces boyfriends have shared their fantasies with them, of them seeing my nieces with other men. My husband's has outright told my husband and her mother that she will only date Black Men. My husband's ex-wife, his mother's , is okay with it because she had been with several Black Men when she was married to my husband. And she, my husband's ex-wife, is currently living with a Black Man. I think that more and more white men are coming to grips with the fact that white women prefer Black Men, at least sexually. And why shouldn't we? My own currently lives with two Black Men. She is going to college and the Black Men are her room mates. She likes that they enjoy sharing her. She says that she has been with a few white men, out of pity for them, and regretted doing it. My has thanked me again and again for raising her as I did. She has also told me that the only reason that she would ever marry a white man is if he has a lot of money. She already knows where to get the best sex. Having sex with other men, especially Black Men, is a genuine form of giving, and the best way to get the best sex. I know what love is. And I love my husband. I love my husband by allowing other men, especially Black Men, to fuck me. I know what makes me happy is what makes my husband happy. My husband and I both agree that it is because I have sex with other men that we have such a good relationship. And I am going to do my part to make sure we are always, both of us, very happy.
  23. Thank You.
  24. Thank You.
  25. Thank you, Wavedancer. I do feel very lucky to have a husband who understands my needs and allows me to please him by being with other men. To me, having a husband who is understanding and supportive, and who allows me to have sex and relationships with other men, is the best of all worlds. I can't imagine not living this lifestyle. I can't understand why more women don't act on these same type of desires. My husband's co-worker is young and very good looking, and he says he has several friends he knows will want to be with me. That excites me. It excites me because I know I am going to have great sex, and I am going to be able to please my husband because he is going to be able to watch me have sex with these other new men. My husband knows that I prefer sex with Black Men, and men who are just really well endowed, unlike my husband. And me and my husband have both agreed that sex is what other men are for . And that has worked well for us. I love my husband by having sex with other men. It pleases me that I can please my husband in this way. And I know my husband loves me because he has allowed me to have sex with so many men. My husband and I agreed long ago that we have a wonderful relationship because he allows me to have other men, sexually. And I love him because I can have other men whether he is around or not. My husband told me 7 years ago to stop working and dedicate my time to making myself happy, and that meant to have sex with other men. And having sex with other men is what does truly make me happy. Because I have as much free time as I do, it has allowed me to not only have sex with other men, but it has allowed me to get others involved in the lifestyle as well. My , my best friend, her 19 yr old , my 21 yr old niece and my 24 yr old niece, my sister, a former co-worker and her sister have all been able to benefit from my lifestyle, and so have the men I have hooked them up with. And my husband has also benefited by being able to watch all of us with other men. I can't think of a better way of loving my husband, but by having sex with other men, and for him to be able to see these other men with me, my and my best friend, her 19 yr old , my 21 yr old niece and my 24 yr old niece, my sister, a former co-worker and her sister. Although my husband is never involved, sexually, he does get to see all of us naked and enjoying other men's cocks. When I want to please my husband the most, I will have a lover over and I will go down on my lover for 45 minutes to an hour and then me and my lover will make love in front of my husband for hours. On occasion I will stroke my husband's penis, but I do not give him oral. My husband knows that I prefer larger cocks for oral, and he loves to see me down on them. Having my husband watch as another man, or other men, brings me to orgasm over and over pleases me. And it is the best way I know of to show my husband how much I love him. My husband has has the hots for my nieces and my friend and her , and it has made me very happy to be able to make it possible for him to watch them with other men. My nieces are both young and beautiful and have hot bodies. My best friend and her are hotties as well, and my husband has been able to watch them please other men time and time again. This is something I have been able to give back to my husband for all he has done for me.
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