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shycplnfl last won the day on January 27 2023

shycplnfl had the most liked content!

About shycplnfl

  • Birthday 04/19/1957

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    Fucking you if you are reading this

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  1. Time to meet for sun fun and to make all your nasty wet Dreams become true here at the sunny Island while your Hotwife Holidays! :)

  2. Hi, My wife is normally here, but showed me this. I assume you mean mid-September 2023. I fit the description of what you are seeking. Your wife is very lovely. It appears we have time to get to know each other before you come, so that would be great. I am good with anything that doesn't involve anything illegal, pain, or potty. I would love to hear your ideas, and if she is down for it. I will be glad to share mine as well. Regards, M
  3. I need to work less and e fucked more.

    1. farmqueen


      What my hubby did out in car, when the other guy visited the farm



  4. I will let you know.
  5. I will post it if any want to come
  6. shycplnfl

    Sue Horton for you

    Mature, needs more cock, love it when they hit my cervix, Dying to try Gangbang, Train, And especially DVP
  7. Very hot!
  8. scoredm98n points - Ultimate Cuckold.
  9. Come in touch and lets plan your nice Vacation for summer 2023 and lets spoil your Beauty here at the sunny Island while your hot Holiday! ;)

    1. shycplnfl


      Sounds great to me.


  10. I LOVE  you....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Cancer is back....no more fun for now.   Thank you all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silkteddy


      OOh  My  Darlings....You are  both in my thoughts  and  prayers....  I have recovered from lung cancer 2 years ago.  No fun.  Chemo, radiation and  surgery.... No recurrence....Hoping  we  can celebrate together...Warmest hugs        sweetest  kisses...... teddi

    3. Taocentered


      Thoughts are with you, get well, be strong and know you are not alone.

  12. Hoping for the best for you. I don't know what you are dealing with, but as one who dealt with just about the worst, I can tell whatever it is you will come through and be better than ever. God bless.
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