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Everything posted by icelord0807

  1. At first all women are a bιt concerned.It is natural.The first step is to plant the seed.Then you wait.In most cases they will consider about it and they will be positive.After all,why not?They will have the security of a loving husband and they can fuck whoever they want with their husband's blessings.I wish you luck my friend!
  2. That depends.If we have vanilla sex,the fastest was 8 seconds.When I have sloppy seconds it is almost instant.
  3. In my opinion it is better for the lover to stay in for the night.They will get bonded and there won't be any time pressure.This can be applied to a more "stable" relationship and not for one night stands.There are some dangers in that,especially if you live in a town where there is a lot of gossip and it is suggested that people living there should keep a lower profile,because there is no need for anyone else to know.
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