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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by rusty75

  1. The foreplay is an amazing part of it Louise you're definitely right there. But as robert smith has hinted at it does take some getting used to from the cuckold's point of view! In many ways it's not the actual sex that's the hardest part to watch but when they kiss and hold each other, touch and caress each other, all the little things that really remind you that she's not just yours anymore. It's definitely something that really hits it home that the one you love enjoys men other than you. I love it all now of course, in fact their intimate kissing after cumming is a joy to watch and their touching and foreplay drives me wild! But any would-be cucks out there should realise that your girl will form a real bond with her lover and be ready for that.
  2. My partner has told her best friend about what we do but that's it. We're quite discreet about it and although I get off on the humiliation of being cuckolded, I don't think I'd want family to know. But who knows what will happen in future. If this turns out to be our permanent lifestyle forever then maybe our secret will be more well known. It's up to her really (like everything). She doesn't mind talking openly in shops when buying lingerie (eg asking me 'do you think he'll like this?') in front of people and we talk about what we do openly down the pub. I'm totally in her thrall so if she wants to tell all then that's what will happen!
  3. This is only regarding the hotwife party we went to. We are not looking for anyone else to join us for our cuckolding fun! We have 2 regular guys for that. We would just love another invite as I've never experienced anything like that before. An amazing night! Fingers crossed!
  4. My partner enjoys seeing me suck on another guy's cock, usually just for a little while before they get down to having sex. Anyway, on her birthday last year she wanted me to go all the way and keep sucking till he came. I wasn't too sure about this; I don't mind cleaning up after but blowing a guy and taking his load in my mouth was a whole new step up. She got her lover to agree to it and so I started to go down on him but very reluctantly. I was quite deliberately not really doing it properly hoping she'd tell me to stop but she'd actually prepared for this to happen. To make me do it properly she started pegging me with a Tabasco sauce smothered strap on! The sting in my ass was unbearable so I got down to sucking as hard and as fast as I damn well could! Spent the rest of the night putting ice cubes up my ass while they made love but, suffice to say, anytime they ask me to do anything now I don't hesitate!
  5. Nail.On.Head. Excellent post Oldercock and sums up perfectly just how this should work. My partner and I have a great life, we're very happy, do everything together. I like to think I'm a good provider as we don't want for money, have a nice house, foreign holidays, etc and we stimulate each other intellectually as we enjoy the same interests and culture. But I've never satisfied her sexually. This wasn't a real problem, she never complained but I knew deep down I couldn't give her the pleasure she gave me. Now do I act like a typical arrogant bloke and ignore that or do I swallow my pride and accept that there are guys out there who can give her the best sex around? We've now made bonds for life with the 2 men my partner has taken as lovers and we're all very close. Everyone knows the role they play and everyone gets something from it - including me!
  6. I'm guessing the posts with 'FREE CUCKOLD DATING' links at the bottom are fake and just ad's for dating/sex sites? If so then this clearly is another 'fishing' post and the pictures are of actors. Still horny though!!!
  7. We've tried the email address a few times for the last invite we received for the party we couldn't get to but have heard nothing back. I hope we haven't been excluded for some reason as the one we went to was one of the best experiences of our lives. I didn't want to do this as it looks a bit sad but I have the phone number of one of the other guys who was there as a fellow cuck so I might call him to ask if they've been invited back but is that too desperate?
  8. It used to really ruin my confidence with women knowing that I can only last a few minutes during sex. That combined with having a very small cock meant that I always knew I'd struggle to satisfy women. That's why I'm so lucky in that I have this cuckold relationship now where I get to witness my partner being pleasured as she so richly deserves with both of us knowing that that is something I can't provide for her. Much better for me to step aside for other more sexually competent men than having her unfulfilled or start an affair or something.
  9. I used to think that just happened in porn films and that the actors took something to keep from cumming but I now know that there are guys who can just keep on going for long sessions before orgasming. Although I hope to be inside my partner again one day the thought of having to try and please her now is truly frightening after playing witness to what her other guys can do. Although it's tough going at times, I think my little dick is best locked away for now!
  10. Ha I don't blame you! But then you sound like a bull so why would you? It amuses my partner to keep my little thing locked up 24/7 so who am I to argue?
  11. I know that this thread has been quiet for nearly a year but I'm new here! Just wanted to say that this is what happens to me now. I only get hand jobs when let out of chastity and I haven't had full sex with my partner in over 3 years now. Her lovers are incredibly talented and very well hung which is the complete opposite to me so I can't complain really as the thought of trying to make love to her now she's used to them is daunting to say the least! I only get a few 'releases' a year these days and, just like the last caption there, it was decided by my gf that it's only ever to be a very quick unlocking and stroking before being locked away again straight after. Any other cucks here the same?
  12. Can also add to above that when listening it really brings home just how long some guys can go for. When watching and taking part I just get caught up in it all but last Saturday afternoon when banished to listen in spare room I kept looking at the clock and just couldn't believe how long they were going for. Nearly an hour for the first session whereas round 2 was nearly double that! I could never last any more than a few minutes and so I'm just so happy that my gorgeous partner is getting the service that I just simply cannot provide.
  13. Glad you enjoyed reading it! Yes it was a great thing that happened and totally random too. I'd heard of cuckolding but not really known much of what it was about but I found out that night and in the years since! Never would I have thought that I could derive so much joy from watching the one I love being pleasured by others whilst I'm constantly denied. Funny old world ain't it!!
  14. Yes the one we went to was great fun like you say. Even in the roped off cuckolds area where me and the other 4 guys were it was a great evening. It's a real shame we never heard from them again after we couldn't attend the last one. We did wonder where they found all the guys though. I wonder if they were from an agency or something as they were all incredibly fit and well hung. Does anyone know if that's what happens? I remember that us cucks were given a little bowl each in which we were allowed to jerk off into and the one who could jerk off the most won a prize at the end! It wasn't me though as my partner didn't bring the key for my chastity device as she didn't think we'd need it so I didn't get to cum once! Would love to go again some day (with the damned chastity key next time!)
  15. Oh you never forget your first time! Happy accident ours was. Brief summary: Mate of mine staying over, too much to drink one night. Him constantly complementing her ass (which is the greatest thing in the whole wide world btw!) She bent over on the sofa to show said ass in her thong. I jokingly/drunkenly pulled thong down to give him a better look expecting a slap or some resistance from her. None came. He playing with ass, her not stopping him, me thinking it all a joke. Her then getting up, pulling his trousers down, getting his cock out. Him ridiculously big, her big eyes wide staring at me, playing with cock, sucking the cock. Me thinking - great a threesome! Them both on floor now, she, in no time, on top of him and putting huge dick inside her. Looks like she's gonna cum pretty much straight away (didn't understand that then but know now that it must be the sheer size as that had never happened with my little thing inside her). Me thinking better get in here quick! Went over to them while undressing. Her hand on me saying softly 'no'. Me just thinking she didn't mean 'no' but 'not yet'. Watched them some more. Tried getting involved again. Told 'why don't you just watch for now'. Carried on watching. Never tried to get involved again. Initial dodgy feeling in tummy giving way to huge horniness. Realised was watching the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. Went on all night. Them having sex many times, me wanking many times! Talked after. Both had fun. Did it again. Loved it again. Fast forward 5 years to now, me in chastity her with 2 regular lovers. All of us special friends. Amazing sex for them, constant denial and humiliation for me. I couldn't be happier!!!!
  16. It's certainly a whole different experience being banished to listen to them make love rather than watching them I find. You find yourself concentrating on every sound you hear - every moan, every sigh, every slap, every giggle, every gasp and imagining what they're doing. I like to try and work out the times that she's orgasming and then ask her afterwards to see if I was right! I can tell when she's cumming by watching but not always by listening. It's like a little game!
  17. You are quite right Hungbull. The only way this really works, especially long term, is if there is a bond between all participants that is more than the actual physical sexual side. The two guys my partner sees regularly are also great friends of mine and we've kind of all gone on this journey together learning as we go. Everyone knows the part they play and enjoying each other's company is just as important as the sex. The kind of bull you see in a lot of cuck porn is misleading I think. A domineering guy with little regard for either the woman or her husband and just in to it to get their rocks off doesn't really happen too often. Certainly isn't what we'd ever be into and is just fantasy stuff I think.
  18. As a cuck who is expected to clean up after my girlfriends sex sessions with her men I'm quite glad they don't use condoms any more. She's had the same lovers for a couple years now so they are at the stage where they're all fine going bare back and for me that's much nicer if I can clean up her lovers load straight from her as it lets me play a small part in their fun. Before I'd have to have the condom's contents drained onto my tongue but it's much more intimate to lick up from her body.
  19. This is very similar for us. It's been truly wonderful to watch her grow in confidence over the years and it's quite amazing how far she's come with it all really. Hard to think now but she was quite timid with it all at first and I was always present and involved when we started playing around with this lifestyle, like Louise I think, due to the security of me being there but it's very different now! She makes all the arrangements with her guys, decides if I'm to be present or not, decides how long I'm to remain in chastity, everything really! It's everything that we both hoped for and more and to be around a super confident and assured woman in total control of her sexual needs is a total blessing for me.
  20. Oh I see Joys. You're lucky you have a say in the matter. I certainly don't!
  21. Oh gosh that takes me back! We definitely had a real moment like that where we realised that what was an occasional kink was now our full time sex life and we were cuckold and hot wife! A very special moment for both of us that was.
  22. Oops double post!
  23. Followed and loving it! Awesome stuff
  24. Look forward to reading that Louise. Might ask my partner if she wants to read and compare too as she's often spoke about wanting to hear from others in a cuckold relationship.
  25. Ha ha!! That's why we're cucks and you're a bull captainblack! I've never been able to last long and could never dream of pleasuring my partner in the way her lovers do. That's why my tiny little dick is caged in chastity permanently and she has to seek satisfaction from others! It's what you bulls are here for!!
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