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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by toolman2c

  1. u have an interesting screen name,   please post something,  ur status, wannabe, curious, etc..

  2. love mature tempted women, is she aware U post her on here? do u have more pictures? show more plz
  3. ozman11 i like mature women, is ur wife aware u post her here?
  4. i think most would be want the guy even bareback but would hide it from the husband... IMO
  5. WOW U wont have any trouble getting plenty of help taking care of ur sexy self , good luck with teaching hubby that U r goin to have plenty of help with his homework.. "U go girl" id sure like to here how its goin as this develops.. id love U to pm me as ur status changes ,
  6. very exciting pix, Please post more...
  7. hi    hard to translate ur user name,   what is ur status?   r u in lifestyle, wannabe, m / f   etc     

  8. great scene, just add new cock, looks like the "best ride in the playground"...
  9. very hot and exciting pix, Please post more soon.....
  10. please post something to comfirm ur status,  fantasy, done it for real,  etc..

  11. fantasies do get hot when u have a sexy wife... please post more, and any progress u r having on approach to making it real...
  12. lil hubby Hi, i like the way U think... i'll bet IF - U pull this off after 2 decades of normal she makes noises and find moves even she didnt know she had in her,. thats sure a super hot thot.. do u think u could hide and watch / listen? that would raise ur blood presure up, along with other things.. how much have U told ur dear wife of this fantasy / desire of urs? im all ears if u want to PM me.....
  13. great screenname,     what is ur status?     m / f   fantasy, or into it  ,   etc 

  14. interesting screenname,   i would like to know ur status   m/f in a fantasy  or involved..etc..

  15. if thats her in the pix  U sure wont have any trouble getting a volenteer to survice her,   does she know U post her?   

  16. very interested in hearing what happens and also how U got to talkin about it at first.. do u have a pix? i love mature women that r being temped...
  17. i reallly like the view     PLEASE post more

  18. great pix, instant excitement
  19. looks like "the best ride in the playground" she would b real excitement for a younger studly type... and im betting her excitement would be so far over the top that it would b undescribable... PLEASE POST MORE, and details of ur / her status.. is it fantasy, or is she happily a shared wife?
  20. one of the hotest thots is a mature unshared woman getting a younger studly guys cock deep in her bareback, please post more. maybe start a new topic??
  21. this is a thrill for anybody that has a fantasy or to..
  22. Please post pictures of ur  wannabe shared wife.   or send me info of what u've tried..

  23. ur screen name sounds interesting,  could u post a pix  or a detailed txt of ur status?  does she know ur here? hoping to here more...

  24. she just rite, looks like the best ride in the park,
  25. looks nice, sexy and eager .. post more plz
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