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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by captainblack

  1. Obviously he is not serious since we still do not know where they live. CB
  2. MM, I agree. CB
  3. MM, I agree with you we need to come up with some sort of charm that indicates their status. I have chatted up women who had no idea of the anklet code on occasion. CB
  4. Wish I were there. Will try to find you a place to gig in NYC for your trip up here. CB
  5. MM, I have never had sex either on your boat, or with your wife. Something the photos make me want to change. CB
  6. I like dry red wine, a good aged steak, and someone elses wife for dessert. CB
  7. MM, I am well and give you joy of your trip to the UK. CB
  8. Well I do not need some guy to suck my dick for all three of us to understand the dynamic and who is the pack lead. CB
  9. Sounds like you are a cuck to me. Congratulations! CB
  10. MM, Told you to head north this summer. Time to start the trip. You should be here by about July. CB
  11. Marine, She might not be into it, but she may just be covering herself as well and not willing to admit. When I was 15 I had a job as a grounds keeper for base housing at a Naval Base. You will not believe how many wives of deployed sailors asked me in for something cool to drink, or would I be at the bar down the road after I got off work. I would say that at least 50% of the wives in the base housing hit on me that summer as I was doing my landscaping job. When I went to sea the first time my division officer told me as we were approaching home for the first time in 6 months that I should call my GF first, not just show up, to "give Jody a chance to get out of the house". I asked what he was talking about. He said Jody was the guy that had been drinking my beer and sleeping with my girl while I was away. He said any sailor who just showed up at home after being deployed might have an unpleasant surprise. So.......you never know, but as an ex-Navy man who has great respect for the USMC if you need her taken care of and she is near enough to NYC I will help how I can. CB
  12. Sexy, but why are they all selfies? You could get better photos if someone else took them. CB
  13. Where have you been for so long? I thought you wanted to meet the cuckoldress I told you about. CB
  14. MM, That is some fine equipment you have on the boat......the wife is easy on the eyes too. CB
  15. MM, My heart was pumping today! CB
  16. Mike where are you located? There might be a local bull willing to assist by romancing her. CB
  17. MM, I thought it was the foreplay floor......guess I had it wrong all these years. CB
  18. Bring her to New York City and I will see to it that she is seen and taken by an experienced bull around town to see the sites and be seen before taking her back to the hotel for a private viewing and tasting. CB
  19. I would prefer to fuck your wife instead of chatting about her. CB
  20. I got started with wives by giving one a hard passionate kiss in front of her husband at a party, then being introduced to the husband by the party host. A few weeks later he was begging me to fuck her. Seems she cut him off until getting with me! CB
  21. You should come to New York City for Holiday. CB
  22. I have actually been stood up at pubs and hotel lobbies as well. Cb
  23. Indeed, it is bad form to just blow someone off. At least show up, buy the bull a drink and say you are sorry that things have changed. It should also be noted that I never suggest play on a first meet, just a meeting for frank conversation to see if we are all on the same page. It seems most of them don't even have the sheet music! CB
  24. With a great ass! CB
  25. I speak no French, but I know those are tits, ass and cunt. Very nice examples. CB
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