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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by captainblack

  1. Very nice. Wish she was in New York.
  2. h_old_m0 you will note he put his location in his profile. NJ == New Jersey USA
  3. It has been a while since I posted this here, so some folks may not know this. I have a flat in NYC that can be used by visitors to the city. It is not where I live, but it is appointed with all that one needs if one is visiting. If an HW/cuck couple takes the flat for their trip to the city they will know that they do not have to look for a bull to make her stay more comfortable. I will also note that the place rents for much less than single small hotel rooms where the cuck might have to spend the night on the floor if the bull decided to stay over. Nope this is a full flat with more than one bedroom. So if any of you are planing a trip to NYC let me know. The place is also used by non-kinksters visiting, so one can not just drop in and expect a place to stay and good service for the wife. As we get closer to the summer the place will be booked more and more. Right now it is pretty free, so if you would like a long weekend in the city cheap and with extra special treats included let me know.
  4. Like one other bull here I enjoy not chemically castrating the husband, but instead prefer a cage. I find that he can come to be very eager to please us both in any way just so his time in the cage may be lessened due to being a good boy. I also find that the husband will avoid things he knows displeases either the wife or me so that his time in confinement is not prolonged. For release I dictate when/where/how/who. Usually whatever I chose for his release it is something that will happen quickly with minimal pleasure for him. I make sure whatever way the release happens it reinforces to him that I am in charge, she is next, then him and that he has to be well behaved. Having said that for reasons not related to me a cuck in one couple I had (they are no longer with me) was already on prescribed testosterone blockers when I started with her. In fact that was part of why I started with her. He could not get it up, had no interest in anything beyond cuddles on the couch and would not even eat her pussy. He was pretty compliant, but not as compliant as a male in a cage who sees the promise of his being good allowing him to have an orgasm. Another method of cutting the cucks ability to get hard and in many cases even have interest is use of a tens unit on his dick. One has to be careful do not place the pads on the scrotum, and for certain no place where the current can flow through the prostrate as prostrate damage can happen. However, say one electrode at the base of his dick on the top and another on the bottom of his dick just behind the head where that very sensitive nerve bundle is located will do wonders. Start with a low setting and a pulse pattern he can well handle and then work it up in 5 min increments each time going to just the point of discomfort and backing off slightly. I have found such a tens treatment can keep a man from getting hard for 2 weeks, but your results may be different.
  5. Yahoo chat is not a good option. Now it only works via their web thing, and they save all the chat conversation data on their servers which it can be mined by them, or by someone with a warrant. A much better chat that is encrypted is: https://cyph.ws/ I just discovered it this week. I have tried to get some folks to chat with me via it, but largely no one wants to try something new even if it is safer in that their chats can not be read by others.
  6. I think it would be easier to get her shared with a bull on this site if you had your location in your profile.
  7. I have been off the site for a while. Sometimes life gets in the way of enjoying simple pleasures. Good looking and long lasting NYC bull seeking a new hotwife. My last HW was with me for over 13 years, but she recently had to move far away. So I find myself looking without a HW/cuck couple. I am a well educated, well traveled, in shape ex-military officer. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs with brown hair, close cropped beard, and piercing blue eyes. I had my first experiences with other men's wives in my early 20's. One of which turned into a long term relationship that ended because like my most recent cuck/hw pair they had to move away. I have a many interests outside the bedroom that I enjoy the company my HW and sometimes her cuck, but discretion is always required and ensured. I am a respected professional who keeps his private life private. If you are a in the New York Metro area, and want a bull who is more than just an terrific lover then we should get to know each other.
  8. It is too bad you are not in New York City. I am at the moment looking for a new HW. My last one had to move away.
  9. My HW wears an anklet with a B for Black. She was thrilled to get it. She started dripping when I put it on her.
  10. Let me know when you have a couple in New York City. Cb
  11. Your before and after make me think that if you sent her to me after you got done with grooming her cunt I would put her over my knee for showing up not properly trimmed. CB
  12. Looks like attachment failed and I can not seem to find the attach anymore. CB
  13. So the woman who's photo is attached lives in the midwest. She plans to be in NYC in June and has asked me to arrange a gang bang for her. She will be traveling alone. Her cuck will only get to hear her tell him about it. I do not know her well, but she has been talking to me on another site. If you are in the NYC area and interested in a piece of this in June then let me know. I can not promise she is real or will show, but what the heck I figured I would toss it out there. CB
  14. I am shocked that I am the only one in the New York City area that wants to get laid New Years Day. CB
  15. So one of my regular hot wives has been begging for a gang bang. I plan to surprise her with one January 1. To be considered you need to contact me via private message. This will happen near the PATH train in NJ. There will be no photos. She has a high profile position and can not have her activities get out. She is 50, 5'10" 135 lbs. Nice C tits. Shaved cunt, black hair, submissive 3 hole girl. This will be limited to about 10 guys. You will have to meet with me for coffee or beers first. Let's do this! CB
  16. Hello there CF! January will see the opening of a very special Bed and Breakfast in New York CIty catering to cuckold couples. The apartment is in an up scale very trendy part of town. It is a short walk to some of the best resturants in the city and only 10 minutes from Wall Street and the 9-11 memorial. It is a 2 bedroom place with full kitchen, living room and a parlor. The nightly cost is far less than a cramped hotel (neighborhood hotels can be $400/night) and there is the added benifit that a cuckold's wife will be well taken care of by a local bull. The lucky cuck can listen to all the activity from the second bedroom. Think of how special new years eve could be in New York CIty at the Cuck & Bull B&B. If you are interested please let me know ASAP. CB
  17. So when would you like to book your stay? CB
  18. Thank you so much Michelle! I do hope some peopel take advantage. This came about because my tenant of many years decided to move home to Salt Lake City. I decided to give this a try and see if I could pay the mortage with resonable prices to kinky couples. Hotel rooms in NYC run fairly pricy, I have seen small rooms for $400/night. I am looking at about $100/night for the 2 bedroom flat. It may go up or down depending on what I find my associated costs to be. Of course there is the extra benifit of the land lord being an experienced bull who has others he can call on as well to help with making a wife feel welcome and taken care of. I need to get 14 nights a month to cover my mortage at $100/night, so I hope people contact me if they are interested in a trip to NYC. CB
  19. MM, Yes I know jazz clubs in NYC. CB
  20. With age comes stamina and experience. CB
  21. Thanks UK_EX. So far one wife from OZ has written me. If she books I am sure she will have something to say when she is finished with her stay. I have some friends lined up to assist with entertaining the ladies. CB
  22. Gentlemen, I am arranging a gang bang for a 50yo submissive hot wife for her birthday. She is a tall thin brunette with nice c cup tits. No photos for professional reasons. This will happen in the next two weeks in New York City. If you are interested in participating send me a private message and be able to meet in Manhatten BEFORE the event. I take no chances with my girls. CB
  23. Well let her know. At the moment I am replastering and repainting, but I will stop work and have cuck couple guests, then resume work after. When it is finished there will be some special features that couples with submissive cuckold men will realy enjoy. CB
  24. Wives, Have you and your cuckold wanted to visit New York City, but thought hotels were just too expensive? Have you wanted to get fucked by one or more New York City alpha males while cucky is denied? Well you are in luck. I am here to announce the New York City cuckold bed and breakfast. It is located in an upscale discrete neighborhood with plenty of resturants and shops, about 12 minutes from Wall Street and the Brooklyn Bridge. Amenities include 2 bedrooms, full bath, kitchen, coffee maker, tv/dvd, high speed internet access, and all the attention from local bulls you can handle. The price is much lower than any hotel and you have a full flat for your use and enjoyment. Contact me via private message to book your stay and the experience of a lifetime. CB
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