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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Kaktuscpl

  1. And that my friend......IS WHY YOU'RE AWESOME....thank you for that ...oh and for the amazing pics/videos
  2. First off,I apologize if I have things fucked off,,,I am extremely high right now.... Now here is my thoughts on this.I have never understood the "humiliation/degrading/DISRESPECT" aspect associated with hotwife/cuckold lifestyle All this "Alpha male/ macho douche bag shit" ... I.E. "I'm here to fuck your wife,little man". Dude get it straight,,,you are here so SHE can fuck you....(if SHE wants to)and then go the fuck home... This lifestyle,IMO,is about RESPECT...." I respect and love my wife enough,to step aside,and let someone else give her pleasure(again...only if she wants it) I am not the baddest motherfucker to ever walk this planet,but I can hold my own...plus some... And to INVITE someone to join you and your wife in the adventure of a lifetime....only to be mocked/ridiculed /DISRESPECTED......Hell No... So tell me ..Am I wrong here or what Again sorry for this coming off as rant
  3. CELEBRATION......We going to have a good time that night ..... LOL... My attempt at covering Kool and the gang
  4. That fits perfectly for me too lol
  5. Should I bring marshmallows?lol
  6. Fuck me lol.....you would not believe how ..that "playfulness you have" effects me
  7. True. and oh how I want to interact with you ....LOL. wink wink
  8. No... You are so much more than that ......IMO I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here that thinks that But you know how I feel about you,so my opinion could be biased ... LOL. šŸ˜›
  9. Small world....I was born in Salina,KS
  10. Bro,1st off...I mean NO DISREPECT...but if you have to anounce that you're a bull...IN EVERY THREAD YOU COMMENT ON/in...........IMO oppinion,,you are nota bull....you may want to be ,,,but just calling yourself a bull..does not make you one.. And again.this is not an attack of any kind,
  11. LMAO....you do realize that you have posted this exact comment in 4 or 5 other threads
  12. OMG... I was worried something had happened to you/y'all... I'm so glad you're back...I've missed you...(fuck,that makes me sound so needy,LOL) LOVE AND POSITIVE ENERGY HEADED YOUR WAY
  13. I would start by eating her lovely pussy,work up to her tits,and after cuming inside her pussy..I would eat her pussy again
  14. What idiot would say No to you ...about anything? LOL Damn sure NOT me....just sayin
  15. WTF? What do you mean cut?....And how did they get you to go along with this,,,Why would anyone want to "disfigure" anyone's junk like that anyway? That is just mean and cruel IMO
  16. UUUMMMMM!!!! I'm going to go with "YES"and "YES"
  17. Agreed....she never fails to get me up.... LOL
  18. I don't understand how these dudes can be "limp dicked" watching there wives getting fucked/creampied......I damn near turn to stone watching my wife
  19. I think you should demonstrate for us Nicki....wink wink
  20. Bro,,,,she is sexy as fuck....love them big ass tiddies
  21. For us we have only done friends,so far...just like the aspect of trust,and knowledge that everyone involved is clean and healthy...so we can go without condoms
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