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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. Not going to go crazy but we must be one of the rarities cpls. Hubby as of yet has even tried it.
  2. You're not kidding treats, I'd be like a kid in a candy store. Especially 1,3,6,22,24,27,28. 😍😍😍
  3. These girls may have anything but the Monday blues.
  4. We are not to far from the pa line, and I do like the thought of binding him to the chair, but I love for him to watch.
  5. These look like they'd be a lot of fun.
  6. I could care less about him contributing or not but don't complain or accuse someone of not being "real".
  7. They way I look at it is, I'm not here to impress or boost anyone's ego or make them think they're somebody special , I do what I do for my pleasure and that's it.
  8. If you did a little looking, all my pics are "real" and of me.
  9. Sorry, haven't really been here in awhile. The holidays had been really busy and then wensday was hubbies birthday and well...... you know, I just had to put on a show for him. Lol. Here a little pic to help make up for not being here.
  10. I wouldn't mind enjoying those. And #8 is exactly dead on.
  11. I'm interested in hearing challenges too, I think it could be a lot of fun.
  12. 😬😬😬. Happy New Years to you too. 😘😘😘
  13. We started out swinging almost 15 yrs ago, both full swap, and we even had a live in girl friend. But in the last few years I have been the one playing and he's just fine watching. So I'd say my husband has went from being similar and real close to being a bull to more resembling a cuck
  14. I would say my husband is pretty close to that
  15. Entertain what thought? We have been swinging since 03' and he has seen me with numerous guys and has known about the ones he has watched me with. It has been but 2-3 years since it's been leaning more toward cuckolding than swinging.
  16. She is gorgeous bill. Glad everything worked out.
  17. He definitely not addicted to it but is more open to doing when I want him to now. The first several times were at a swingers club when he didn't even know I played. We were messing around one night and he kept trying to go down on me and I kept putting him off saying I just wanted it. He was pretty persistent so I told him if he really wanted to he could after he fucked me. He so NO, not gonna happen, so I told him about the several times he'd done it at the club and that I wanted him to do it willingly. So far I've only asked him three times, in which case it was his own, but he's done it way more than that.
  18. Not gonna lie, my husband has a few times but it's not the norm. The first couple times he didn't even know.
  19. Turn about is fair play, you've had me squirm a few times at work. Lol
  20. Different. I keep telling my husband I think it'd be hot to be with a chick with a dick, be I don't think he believes me. And the last pic, oh my, yes please😍
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