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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. She’s a hottie, and apparently smart too.
  2. Not necessarily a side, if it’s fun and enjoyable then I do it.
  3. Not going to lie, this one made me extremely wet.
  4. Myself, I love playing with black men, they seem to be more dominant and aggressive with me, but I would not nor would I ever expect this from my husband
  5. I can understand that to certain level, but risking your career is not a chance I’d be willing to take.
  6. Thyag, after looking at your link, I’ll be the first to admit, I think your wife is super sexy. 😘
  7. Oh what a lucky girl. I’m a bit jealous tbh.
  8. My husband doesn’t mind if I play with out prior notice, as long as I tell him afterwards or when I get home. He completely understands not wanting to ruin the heat of the moment and tells me to go with it. But ultimately he’d rather be there.
  9. This, is a porn site, damn my fault, I got confused and thought this was a cuckold forum. porn is not all about objectification and/or disrespect unless that is the genre that you like. In which case it sounds like you may be and expert because acting like that I’m sure you have a whole stable of vixens dropping to their knee for you. This is absolutely hilarious to see someone act this way and think that they are so high and mighty.
  10. I do agree with you on most of your points, you are right about marring in love, but there is a big difference with love a sex. I love my husband very much and I do play with other as well, with that being said I do still and very much enjoy being with my husband too. We are both very respectful of each other but it’s hard to tell which of us enjoys me play with other men more.
  11. Tyvm, everyone always says lucky him (husband) or lucky guys, but to be honest, I think I’m the luckiest.
  12. Guilty as charge on all accounts. Lol.
  13. I completely agree except I think it to low morals, just someone who loves sex.
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