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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. I still have a good bit too, but it’s definitely taking a hit and dwindling
  2. Sorry rob, I can not agree. The subject in the title is cheating, not cuckolding, cheating is the complete disregard to your Significant other and the breaking of ones trust and behind their back, cuckold is a lot different, he would have known, cared or not, But he would have had the choice to whether or not he was ok with it. A relationship is built on trust first and foremost, everything else is just icing on the cake. No trying to sound concedes or arrogant or self centered, but I’ve been hit on by many man many times that I found extremely attractive before I had the freedom I do now and I never once considered it to be worth losing my relationship over or doing that to the man I love.
  3. I’m just picking and giving you a hard time. You are right, age is relative and is just a number everyone will reach at one point in time. thank you for the compliments and you’re welcome for the “ little black something else”.
  4. OLDER ???? So 38 is older?????
  5. No explanation should be needed, to each their own. 👍🏼
  6. Absolutely great video No only a hot video but a great informative one as well for anyone already in the lifestyle or considering it.
  7. As of right now my tumblr is still BANGIN. <———— Pun intended.
  8. Thank you very much, I try not to take things so seriously and enjoy life as much as I can. But like I always say, if you’re not having fun, it’s time to go home 😘. Lol.
  9. Oh? I know do I? See how a girl gets treat when she asks a simple question of opinion, lol. Thank you for you complements. It actually isn’t as short as it looks, just has a tendency of working it’s way up, again lol. and yes that dress has flashed a different things on a few occasions since I don’t wear anything under it 😉🤫 That particular night two guys got a good view, three counting my husband. And no offense taken. Lol.
  10. Just curious, does this constitute a Lbd?
  11. I’m not sure you’d want to see more than just a glimpse into my “dirty” mind. Lol.
  12. I have here, on several occasions and posts. And that is me in our profile picture
  13. I have two teenage kids and a very well paying career I can’t jeopardize. There is a swingers club we attend offend where I’m usually nude or very close to it especially in the summer time, they have a huge pool we you can swim and sun bath with out worrying about tan lines. But I could never openly post on the internet like that.
  14. At least she finally came clean about it and now it can be dealt with
  15. I being in upper management am the one who usually does the flirting at our parties but have never let anything go past the slightest of groping from the guys as I do not want to lose my job, but this is true, ‘‘tis the season for the guys to be on the prowl. HAPPY HUNTING.
  16. Me? I very much enjoy all aspects of my life.
  17. I wish I could be the brave and brazen.
  18. I’ve heard it but hoped it was just rumors. It is/was definitely a go to place when hubby wasn’t around 😢
  19. I am quite the opposite, unless we know you very well and trust that you are clean, condoms are a must. There is only four couples and three guys, four counting my husband, that we/I play with that we fully trust to go with out
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