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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Smokeymountaincuckold

  1. Lack of interest caused this post to be deleted
  2. My wife loves cock. Big small, doesn't matter. Shea quoted as saying small ones are good for anal and sucking. Large ones are good for fuxking
  3. 40 views One reply. Sorry shes not model material Plenty of websites you can go to for that
  4. I told her I needed to post a picture today She sent me this. I'm curious who took it or was it a camera selfie
  5. They are scattered through out my profile. And in members page
  6. Hes a bit older than us. Has had a crush for years. His health is turning and he's become more brazen. She's stated she will let him go as far as he can. If you have forgotten, ive included a picture of those luscious breasts
  7. So I get home the other day, Monday, and the wife tells me she has to tell me something. I was like ok, let me shower and I'll be right there. Short story long, the neighbor came by to get some mail that was at my house and the got to playing around and he got himself a hand full of those luscious titties. So I told her she needs to let him fuck her next time he comes over for some mail. Now what she doesnt know is I installed a nest camera in the kitchen to capture such an illicit act. Stay tuned, cause hopefully ill have a video for you guys to show what a dirty girl my blushing bride can be
  8. Well, youre in luck, that is what she wears 😀
  9. But you saw what i was talking about, right? It wasnt just me not understanding the system?
  10. Thanks for looking into it. I fiynd what you were referring to. I thought I had more than 472. Like 522. But anyways. Have a good weekend Cheers mate
  11. Maybe I'll just start ignoring the main page. I'm also not getting notifications on posts. Didnt know I had a reply on my post from hot wives showcase. Maybe my account in the database is corrupt?
  12. Great fantasy. Has been many mokns since shes played while I was at work Hard to find the time what with kids always home now Lol
  13. What is this ? I dont understand what irs for then
  14. I started out today at 49 now the main page says 35. Where did they go
  15. Was working and got these in a text. God I love my wife.
  16. Its how I'm to be kept while she's out. That way I don't cheat and rub one out . That way I have extra attention to spend on her. Although I'm waiting on getting to join in , I do so love the anticipation of waiting on her to come home
  17. I forgot about these. I was informed Saturday night while the wife was out with her friend that she didn't believe I had my cage on and wanted to see. No doubt to show him and cement the fact that them having sex wasnt going to be a problem Thought they looked cute. Comments, roasts, or suggestions welcome
  18. Yes, yes you are feeling bolder
  19. Great to have your point of view. I guess I didn't think of it like that. We assume beimg guys, guys are always just ready to go. But I've on many occasions stated some of my wife's lovers have been friends. People we know and care about. The guy shes showering for right now is a friend of hers she re connected with and is currently off to spend an evening with him. So we have had both sides of the coin. But, as the image states, with out the husband, none of it goes on, unless she's flat out cheating . But yea, i see you point man. Thanks for your two cents. You know we got this " coin shortage" going on 😁
  20. My best friend was the first one to fuck my wife after I married her. We went a different route as I would share photos of her to him tocgauge his interest and my wife and i would have sex talking about her fucking someone else After a year or so or prime, they hooked up and at first she was embarrassed she came , butni told her thats the whole point. He stayed around for about 3 years, on and off a couple times a month the 3 of us would get together. They were alone 6 times. All while I was at work, and I knew before hand. I miss him. But he went and got married and moved away
  21. Agreed Niki. The guy is a plaything With out me there is no sex or anything. And they do seem to forget that I'm calling the shots. My wife has a say, yes, however, she and I both have stop power. Ive never used it, but I totally thought this one guy was going to make me. Kept calling her wanting to see her with out me. Oh no. That's a hard NO
  22. Well here's mine too
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