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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Madmajor

  1. Think it would soon be cold and horrid
  2. Great use of a good opportunity
  3. Often wondered what the wife thinks
  4. I would like to see you with another guys wife....lol
  5. Has too much blue on her face.... But rest is ok....lol
  6. Are you starting a cuck support group?
  7. Great to feed a cock into your wife's pussy!
  8. I would be thinking.... At last she has got it!
  9. Maybe he will bring her to any bull willing to take her on!
  10. We are traveling back to the Caribbean I did share her whilst here Stayed over with a guy in Leeds
  11. My wife bare backed because we were all a bit tipsy. But then suffered thrush for a few days.... Not a great step forward. So although condoms can be a passion killer.... Use them. Flavored condoms are best so hubby can lick her without latex taste
  12. That was me feeding him in to her
  13. To be successful you have to be sneaky too. I have contacted guys and got them to come and try and chat her up when we are out. I placed an advert and then got plenty of guys to answer it (spoke to them in chat rooms) Then I showed her the i terest. I was expecting her to flip. But I had picked when she was in the right mood. Three days later she agreed to give a MMF a try. We did that. I have shared her twice now. But for every step forward there are many steps back. Last guy I fed into her pussy and licked her to orgasm as he slid in and out of her. A dream come true. It takes time.... And be prepared once it has happened to have to wait a long time before she is ready again I always talk in terms of using a man to enhance our sex life...not getting her fucked by a guy!
  14. Good poses Love. Posing wife
  15. Well with great pleasure do I bring you the tale of Mandy being shared again. We visited Chris on his barge and after a liberal smattering of wine, Mandy and Chris got to it. Of course I had pretended I need the toilet and been waiting for things to start as there was sexual tension. K
  16. Do you want one made up for your hubby? Go to the website quoted in the beginning of the thread and ask. Dare you to tell them why....lol
  17. What part of Spain. Is it nice... We looking to buy out there
  18. Send her details
  19. Yes message me her details privately!
  20. Brilliant....the wannabes wear an anklet..... That definitely will be noticed....lol
  21. That is easy I tell her that she was recommended by fff as someone I might know. Although I don't recognise her I recognise that she is someone I would like to know. I send her a message telling her that I have not sent a friend request before writing to her as I think that is rude. Introduce myself, telling her that as I travel all over the world I like to make new friends, and fff is an ideal way to meet a new pen pal. I would ask her about herself as I am interested. I would keep everything very much non sexual...and non public. The sexy chat needs to develop slowly over a period of time. I will find ways to compliment her on things and gradually get her to respond. This doesn't happen over night. I have however chatted up women on the Internet and ended up meeting with them.... So it is possible. Think hard and long.... Do you want your wife chatted up...if so contact me. I warn you I will do my best to Wealden into her panties at some point...and I can be very patient to ensure success.
  22. Send me her details I will be very discreet and also keep you posted. The more you get to try the better your chances!
  23. My wife let me take a photo shoot of her for a guy we are going to meet....we will be staying overnight on his barge and he will be definitely doing all sorts of naughty things to her.
  24. Great pics
  25. Love slutty wives...classy but acting like sluts!
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