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Naughty Nicki

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Everything posted by Naughty Nicki

  1. You don’t get it, the meeting in its self is it, everything after is just a bonus, no matter what, once they meet and establish a sort of friendship, it is going to be nothing but get better in every way. Even if Robert doesn’t cum home with you to night, it’s inevitable Because it’s already been set in motion.
  2. I think every think is right where it should and needs to be. I wish I could be there to see this epic evening unfold.
  3. There is obviously history between, to me it would seem like his attempt to win her back. If she is worth being in a relationship with then she won’t see him behind your back. Guys are a dime a dozen, she can find a new one anytime she likes.
  4. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Even from my point of view that would be a serious bad idea. This is for you and her not him, if he wants to continue playing with her it’s by your guys rules, not his.
  5. You never know, there just may be. 😉
  6. You have exquisite taste in beautiful women, all of which are lucky to have a guy like you to let them have that much fun.
  7. I think the reason I don’t get it is, I/we do this for fun and excitement, we love and respect each other very much and neither of us wants to change any part of that or our relationship.
  8. Maybe in a situation where one is unable, but I’ve seen many where it was just to do it. Those are the ones I cant comprehend.
  9. Forgive me, but I’ve never understood the wanting of this.
  10. This is what’s wrong with the world now days, people are so quick to judge and belittle someone who doesn’t fit their mold inside of trying to help and guide them. This is not how you help people, especially new people to the lifestyle trying to find their way!!!
  11. I have read every word, I have been struggling not to say this because it’s not my place to nor is it your, yes I do not agree with how it started nor would I have done it that way but again that is not my place to say it nor yours, I apologize S and L, I by no means mean that in a mean, hateful or judgmental way.
  12. You know what assuming does right? Assume broken down = Ass u me it makes an ass out of u and me, it not nice to assume and there’s no reason not to take either of them for their word.
  13. I think you are looking to far into it, yes it may have started out that way, but that is not what their story in a whole is about, it is about their entry into the lifestyle. And...... if you want to technical CUCKOLDING is exactly what you are accusing them to be doing, it is by definition a couple being in a female led relationship where the female have sexual relationships with other men and the male may or may not know about but does not have any say in it. To me if he is on board and has agreed to her doing this and or enjoys it maybe teeter a bit on a HOTWIFE scenerio.
  14. Leone, I think what other people, including myself are praising them for is her consideration of her husband enough to not only admit she screwed up but apologize and try to make amends instead of continuing behind his back, which she could have easily done, and for him and her to be open minded enough to not only work through all their issues but to move on and in to something like this. We all get into some form of the lifestyle under completely different reasons but still enjoy it just the same. I for one would rather help guide people, especially new people than condemn then for what ever reasons got them to this point.
  15. Yes plzzzzzzz, except #4 no thank you, 😬😬😬
  16. Naughty Nicki


    I couldn’t agree more with a lot of what you said, I how ever do not look for not do I want a bull so to speak, to me that infers exclusiveness in which case can lead to attachment and feelings. I play with several guys which are all good friends of my husband, some are single and some are of married couples that we’ve swung with. I agree %100 that when both the husband and other guy are on a level playing field with each other and know what the score is it can be much more exciting and enjoyable for all.
  17. Naughty Nicki


    It’s nice to see another guy who gets it and understands the dynamics of couples and roles of each persons involved
  18. Extremely hot, I love your sides of this, I can imagine it myself. A little FYI, I can’t say enough nice things about secondjag, a true gentlemen, polite and very well mannered.
  19. I’m especially loving your side. 😉
  20. I am loving their story, and the way they are both telling it.
  21. Naughty Nicki


    Fact: it has been proven subconsciously that male instincts through evolution takes over, the male see it as matting competition which is one reason they enjoy and become aroused and want to be with there wife immediately after. It may be different and not as strong if you are submissive guy but for your average to confident guys that’s why they can not wait to get their hands on there wife’s afterwards.
  22. Naughty Nicki


    You are more than welcome. Exactly, it the male instint to want to make you his again, no doubt hearing you tell him about it drives him wild, imaginethat only 100 times more. I even take it a bit further, depending on where we are I either make him wait till we get home or till my toy leaves before he’s allowed to get any. He sits and watches fully dressed and not touching his self till we are done. There are some that like to have their guy completely naked and fully @@@@@@@ so they fill vulnerable, depending on where you are at in your relationship there are many fun ways to enjoy this.
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