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Cuckold Porn

Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. As you may have worked out from my posts about her, my wife Debbie was a pretty easy lay, having had plenty of cock from a young age. She was 22 when we met and 45 when she moved in with a neighbour after his wife had left him for a guy who'd been fucking her and Debbie! With her past I'm surprised she stayed faithful for as long as she did (if she did!) but I imagine it came as quite a relief when after we'd been together for about 11 years I suggested I would be agreeable to her going out and getting some extra cock from time to time and hearing all about it when she got home. Here she is Sean, sucking cock.
  2. I can only agree with what these two guys say. You provide a great and valued service to white guys like me and Sean and no doubt would provide an even better service to our wives and girlfriends given the chance, my Becky for one I'm sure. So by all means take a break away from the site and re-charge your batteries, but come back refreshed. There were some great specimens of black manhood in that last selection with muscles and cocks to put me to shame. I must show Becky what she's missing...
  3. I'll try and help out if I can, post some of my saved stuff to hold the fort.
  4. I used to buy my wife's condoms for her when we first started down this road, but as she'd been sterilised anyway she soon stopped bothering with protection once she got to know the guy. With my current young lady Becky, I pay for her to go on special VIP live sessions on the garage, hip hop and indie sites she frequents. When - if - the time comes for her to start meeting one of the young black guys she chats to then I'll be happy to pay for her, probably let her take my debit card out with her. She's done that before for shopping trips with a mate of hers and her mum and even that aroused me. Imagine how hard I'll be knowing she's using it out on a proper date.
  5. My girlfriend Becky and her younger sister Tanya used to go clubbing together over 20 years ago. They're both into garage and hip hop music and Tanya dated one of the black DJs for awhile and one of his friends too apparently. Becky said, "So yes, Tanya went black but I never did." I'd be very surprised if no black guys ever approached Becky, her being the prettier girl of the two, but she insists that she was never interested in getting a black boyfriend back then, never even so much as kissed a black guy, but now that curiosity has come to the fore and I have her chatting online to black men via a garage website she found. She's 45 with a son of 26, but the guys she chats to are getting younger and younger. A couple around her age to start with, then with her plucking up the courage to go on webcam in the chat rooms, more black guys showed an interest. It's been like a countdown : mid 30s, 30, mid 20s, early 20s, 19, 18 and now three 17 year old boys. She's really flattered by it all, loving all the attention and I've told her I'd be more than willing for her to meet up with one of them, telling her I'd want to know, but there's no way I'd dump her for having sex with a young black lad. She was shocked, but she's tempted though reticent and nervous about taking the next step. Perhaps her sister should have encouraged her more back in the day to go black, maybe get Becky out on a double date with the DJ and his friend. Similar taste in music, similar taste in men it seems.
  6. My ex-wife Debbie definitely had a thing about me sucking cock for her, presumably the cock of some guy she was about to fuck or was already fucking. Though we never did that for real, I was more than happy to take her dildo in my mouth when she wanted me to. "There's a good boy!", she'd say smiling. She gave me tips on how to suck cock better but said I was a natural. It wasn't until after our divorce that i finally gave in to curiosity and visited a local guy for a massage. After he'd put his rock hard cock in my hand with no protest from me, he offered it up to my face and i eagerly took it in my mouth. He said what Debbie had said : "There's a good boy!" as he stroked my cock for me and I came in his hand.
  7. Becky tells all these black guys she chats to online that she has a white "hubby". It doesn't put any of them off, nor does finding out she's 45 and has a son older than them. Only one was ever concerned that I might be angry about him chatting my missus up and come after him, but Becky told him that I'm fine with her having a bit of fun whilst I'm at work in the evening. The rest, as you say, couldn't care less as they home in on what they hope is some potential white pussy.
  8. Yes, I have many, many photos of well-built naked black men saved on my computer now. I really must start sending her perhaps one a day for Becky to feast her eyes on and fantasise about what it's going to be like to have sex with a black man for the first time. The way she is at the moment, I think it'll be the ones that look quite young that'll appeal to her most. She's chatting to 17 year olds now! We had quite a long chat about her and her young black online "boyfriends" the other day. My enthusiasm embarrasses her quite easily, so she either laughs it off or just says what she thinks I want to hear, but she did actually say to my face that I'm going to be the last white man she goes with and, with a bit of prompting, that she's going to go black and, apart from me, only let black guys fuck her in future. We'll see!
  9. So, just speaking to you on the phone about showing her his black cock, he was pretty confident he was going be fucking her too. I bet he couldn't wait to come over to your place!
  10. Think these are the photos you were referring to, one of Becky in black panties and one daring one without. Just need her to go a little lower next time...
  11. Wow! Thanks Gunner. I thoroughly enjoyed your post so well done for taking the time and effort to write it. I don't think that was long-winded at all! Becky still quite shy, so I doubt the same approach would work with her. Saying that, there is a good looking black guy I work with who I think would not only be up for doing it, but who Becky would fancy. Thanks Jag. I love knowing you like Becky's white tits. No, I posted those photos of her in her panties to fantasise that her belly's swelling thanks to one of her young black boyfriends. As far as I know, she hasn't gone that far on webcam yet, nor have any of them got their dicks out to show her yet. Well, so she says! Yes, I really like that photo too. Really pale skin contrasting with the guy's black body always excites me. Could easily be Becky - shame it's not...
  12. I'm only a wannabe as far as Becky's concerned. I'm a "usedtobe" thanks to Debbie. Just goes to show that once you've accepted being a cuckold, those tendencies never go away. That's Becky's come this far has surprised me though. Coaxing her out of her shell has been a slow process and is still ongoing. Her sheepishly admitting to having a thing about black men and posing in her underwear and topless for photos show Becky's not so prim and proper or sweet and innocent either, just a bit shy and inexperienced with men. Here's Becky, dressed and undressed.
  13. No, not as far as I'm aware anyway Sean! We have discussed it though, after she told me they'd been asking her to go to London to meet them at a gig and even mentioned them coming to our town. Part of her wants to meet them in person, whilst another part of her is nervous and reluctant to go clubbing here or in London, no doubt fully aware that these black guys are all intent on fucking her if they get the chance. I'd have to go with her I should imagine, which would of course make her even more reluctant to do anything more than kiss. She's a very loyal girl, as well as shy and inexperienced with men. I'm amazed she's come as far as she has to be honest.
  14. It would certainly be quite a shock if my girlfriend Becky were to get pregnant now, fast approaching 46 with a son of 27 but still fertile. I'm sure her friends and family would be very surprised, especially when she gave birth to a black baby. How humiliating for poor Peter, her mum, her two sisters and their partners all acting sympathetic to me, but privately amused by it all. Is it my imagination or is Becky's belly swelling?
  15. I quite agree. It might give me some pointers on how to get Becky to go with her first black guy. I love the mums and dau8hters photos and the dressed and undressed combinations, especially when the woman looks too prim and proper to pose naked, but then reveals a great body. Thanks Jag.
  16. That'll be me then! Like cucksean, I'm in awe of superior big black cock and hopefully my Becky will be too very soon. She's certainly changed in the last 3-4 years with her slow, almost reluctant, admission that she fancies black men, more recently confessing to being particularly attracted to much younger guys in the late teens and early 20s. I always like to see photos of the more mature women going black, late to the party but making up for last time. That'll be Becky perhaps once she's tried it. She's 46 next month. She says the young black lads don't believe her when she tells them how old she is, that she has a son of 26 and a white "hubby" in his 60s, but nothing seems to put them off chatting her up on webcam and flirting with her. Only yesterday, saying how young "her boys" look, she laughed, "What am I like!" and calls herself my "naughty wifey". I'll keep encouraging it too.
  17. The more I look at photos and gifs here the more I appreciate the naked black man, their muscular build and their bigger penises. It does make me wonder how many white women and in particular our wives and girlfriends would flatly refuse to go with a black guy. Not very many I suspect. I used to speak to a couple of women online that said black should only go with black and white with white, but both later let slip that yes, they would actually like to have sex with a black guy. I know my wife would have done, nearly did and actually may well have done, and it's now abundantly clear that even my shy, little Becky would too. Just off the top of my head I can think of 3 women I know locally that are with black men. I wonder how that percentage, which I suspect would be very low, compares to the number of black women that would not go with a white man?
  18. Quite a thrill for a teenager I bet! I agree. I think she's closer now than she's ever been. Says that when she used to go clubbing with her sister over 20 years ago she never even so much as kissed a black guy, let alone date one like her sister did. Now she's much more open about being into black men and comfortable with me knowing and approving. Becky's definitely flattered by all the attention she's getting from much younger black lads. I think with the right one at the right time it will happen, providing I can persuade her that she doesn't need to be faithful to me and get her past her shyness and nerves.
  19. I like to imagine this is my girlfriend Becky waiting at a hotel for a client. Probably a businessman in town for a conference, rang the agency looking for some company for the evening. Dinner, drinks, then upstairs to his room...
  20. I'd love to hear more about that, mature, married white teachers tempted and hit on by horny young black boys. Perhaps Becky should get a teaching assistant's job at a secondary school....
  21. Strangely, My wife Debbie going with a black man was never high on the agenda, though she did come home once and confessed to having been hit on by a black guy in a club on a girls night out. He'd bought her a drink and steered her away from her friends to a quieter corner of the club. With Debbie perched on a bar stool and his hand on her knee, within minutes they were kissing passionately, tongues in each other's mouths. Applying a little pressure between her knees, my wife parted her legs for him to explore under her short black mini-skirt, his hand massaging high up her bare thigh. Unfortunately, they were disturbed otherwise I'm sure Debbie would have been blacked that night. With Becky it's been different, it coming as quite a shock as it slowly became apparent that she has a previously hidden thing about black men. Sites like this have got me liking the idea more and more too and she's now comfortable telling me about the young black dudes she chats to online and really pleased that I actually encourage her. Whether she ever takes it further remains to be seen.
  22. Forgot to say awhile back how much I enjoyed the teacher photos and gifs you posted Jag. I like the thought of a male teacher fucking his pupil's mum almost as much as I do thinking about a teenage boy being lucky enough to fuck his married teacher.
  23. Yes, I've been with white and black women and don't think there is any difference - they're all delicious! My first wife reckoned that men's cocks all taste different and she'd had enough in her mouth to know!
  24. If this was my Becky's new teenage boyfriend - she's 45 but now chatting to 17 and 18 year old black boys online - then yes, I would quite happily get on my knees to thank him so he knows I'm fine with him looking after my girlfriend for me whilst I'm at work in the evenings.
  25. I live it when the woman's body looks like my little Becky's petite frame, her tight white pussy being stretched like never before by her first ever black cock and hopefully not her last.
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