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Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. It's good that you're looking for photos of "Becky" being fucked by black men now too. Thank you!
  2. I never had the pleasure of watching another man fuck my wife. She insisted I wouldn't have been able to handle seeing them having sex in our bed, so always went back to their place. As she'd had a hysterectomy at the age of 29, she was of course free of any pregnancy risk, so happily let them cum inside her married pussy. The best I ever saw her was when she came home from her very first session (the first of many) with an ex-work colleague of mine who had been after her on and off for at least 20 years and finally succeeded. I still think he punished her for making him wait so long by fucking her as hard as he could that day and she came home with her pussy red, puffy, gaping open and still oozing a copious load of his cum.
  3. These look like the lovely Becky too. Maybe my little, shy, inexperienced girlfriend is coming out of her shell and regretting not doing this 20 years ago when her sister went black, but Becky chickened out. In the second picture, it looks like they were out for a walk and he decided he wanted her tight, little white pussy there and then, whether she was ready or not.
  4. I'm pleased to hear you'd do Becky for me. Actually she is the eldest of three sisters. It was the middle one that went black over 20 years ago and it would be amazing if Becky was the next sister to go over to the dark side. I don't know about the youngest sister. Maybe she's already tried it too and poor Becky's the only one that hasn't sampled a big black cock yet.
  5. I do love finding photos that look like her, photos that suggest Becky's already going black and loving it. I wish! Her and her younger sister are both into garage and hip hop and used to go clubbing together and I know the sister dated a black DJ for awhile. I'm sure Becky must have been targeted by black men too, though she insists "Yes, Tanya went black, but I never did." That was over 20 years ago now, but I bet she's still curious as to what it would be like. She's inching towards finding out too. This looks like Becky getting a good pounding.
  6. My wife was the opposite Dober. She enjoyed "making" me suck her dildo and would give me tips on how to take it in my mouth and tell me what a good boy I was and that i was a natural. She also delighted in fucking me with it once, ordering me to "shush" as I became vocal, enjoying that cock up my arse. I have no doubt that had we ever had a threesome, she'd have made a point of getting me to suck the other guy's cock for her and I'd have done it quite willingly. It wasn't until some years after our divorce that curiosity finally got the better of me and i visited a local male masseur and paid extra to not only hold his erect penis - which felt like iron compared to mine - but also to have him fuck my mouth. Just like my wife, he also told me I was a good boy which caused me to ejaculate into his hand and onto the towel I had under me.
  7. I love finding photos that look like my girlfriend is already going black. Either she has a double or...
  8. I'm with you on that! I love seeing white men with black women and wish there was more about. I've been lucky enough to fuck 3 black women, so i guess it's only fair to encourage my girlfriend to go with a black man.
  9. My wife never did anything in our bed, always went back to the other guy's place. When she was working at a 24 hour convenience store, her odd hours made it easier for her to meet men for sex whilst I had the kids, or if I was working, her sister who lived with us watched them. The first guy my wife went with was only 23 - she was 35 - and our kids were 16, 14, 12, 10 and 7. Later, having had a long break from cuckolding me, she went with lads of 25 and 28. I found this particularly exciting as my son was now 26, her boys 24 and 22 and our daughters 20 and 17. I liked the idea of her having sex with lads our boys ages and she particularly enjoyed the attention of much younger men, a real boost to her ego as a married mum, and loved their stamina and ability to get hard again quickly for another eager fuck, which being 7 years older than her, I struggled to compete with. My son from my first marriage once accidentally caught his step-mum getting out of bed stark naked and was for several seconds treated to the sight of her bare breasts and was eye level just feet away from her pussy. The prospect of him wanking in his room later at what he'd seen and him fantasising about fucking his step-mum excited me immensely. He and one of his step-brothers once went to an away football match with my wife and one of the guys she was seeing, but as far as I know they just thought he was a bloke she worked with. My wife said that he was on his best behaviour with our two boys there, only once sneakily fondling her thigh when they weren't looking. The only one I think ever had an inkling about her mum actually having sex with other men was our eldest girl. They often clashed, both being fiery redheads, and once my dau8hter mentioned the name of one of my wife's boyfriends during a heated argument. In temper, my wife shouted back at her that "your dad knows. He likes it", which rather took the wind out of our 's sails. It was never mentioned again.
  10. She's always been quite shy and very inexperienced - unlike my naughty ex-wife - so I'm taking it really, really slow. That she chats to these black men is progress, even more so that she's comfortable telling me about it, no doubt helped by me not displaying any jealous or possessiveness. An ex-work colleague of mine who used to fuck my wife is keen for us to go pay him a visit in the hope that he can try this new one out, but she'd run a mile at the suggestion. If she ever does cuckold me I'm pretty sure it'll be with one of those black men, not some white guy that knows me.
  11. I'm definitely not complaining. I'm very excited that my girlfriend is totally honest with me and tells me about the 2 black men she exchanges messages with on her Instagram and I'd be happy for it to go further. I'm sure both men are working on that possibility too.
  12. One by one all our white wives and girlfriends are giving in to curiosity and temptation and trying black cock. It seems to me now that more white women have had black than haven't and that number is increasing every day.
  13. We are very, very slowly inching along that route. My young lady - she's 44, I'm 63 - has been on Instagram for about 18 months and exchanges direct messages with people on there, including at least 3 men that I know of, including 2 black men. I have made a point of not showing any jealousy or possessiveness and only mentioning these guys if she does first. This has helped encourage her to be quite open about their chats and she knows now that if she wanted to meet one of these guys for coffee or a drink, then I'd be okay with that. She seems to be really pleased that I'd trust her that much, unlike her ex who wouldn't have allowed her to chat to them, let alone meet them. Her having sex with someone else however is an "elephant in the room" situation. She knows my wife cheated on me, but not that I encouraged it and I think she'd freak out if I suggested she did it too. She's relatively shy and quite inexperienced for a woman of her age with a 20-something son, only having been with 3 men ever. Of course, it's more than likely that one of these black guys she chats too will be working on tempting her into trying cock number 4, but she is fiercely loyal and I don't think she'd ever want to take a lover nor have a one-night-stand. I never say never though.
  14. Another two I've found...
  15. MacCuckold seems to have vanished off here. him and I shared several messages back in the summer regarding what his wife was going to do soon and what he'd like to do to my girlfriend, but nothing for ages since.
  16. Peter C

    Who knows?

    My wife couldn't resist telling two or three of her friends. One of them was only a teenage girl and she made one or two subtle comments in front of me, such as mentioning my wife "looking for a younger model", but the other one actually told me how lucky my wife was to have such a considerate, understanding husband. She confessed that she often got laid on girls's nights out, but her husband would kill her if he found out and wished he had the same attitude as me so she could be more open about it. Another she went on holiday with was shocked when my wife pulled a young guy in a pub. "What about Pete?, she asked. "It's fine", my wife replied. "He likes me doing it. I'll tell him when we go home." Since our divorce 7 years ago, I have confided in three or four women I know that I had encouraged my wife to get sex elsewhere as long as she came home and told me. All were a bit surprised that I would do such a thing, one calling her a slut, whilst another said she'd do the same if I wanted her to if we were married. I've also told a work colleague who said he wished we were still together so he could have fucked my wife for me and two other ex-workmates who both thought they'd fucked her behind my back and were shocked, but also a bit relieved that i was in on it from the start. Both are now my friends on Faceb00k and both said they felt a bit guilty fucking my wife, but neither were going to miss the opportunity to get their dicks inside her.
  17. I love the upskirt photos here as well as the dressed and undressed women pictured side by side and the black women sucking and being fucked by white cock. However, it seems indisputable that every day more and more of our white wives and girlfriends are succumbing one by one to the temptation of black cock. I wouldn't mind betting that a large majority have tried it. I'm not going to object if my own girlfriend is talked into it by one or both of the black men she chats to on Instagram. Her sister's tried it, so she's bound to be curious as to what it's like.
  19. It's good that your wife has experienced some black cock inside her. Do any of those friends of hers know?
  20. Married white women going black is probably still something of a taboo subject here in the UK, but clearly becoming more and more common. My now ex-wife - as far as I'm aware - never went all the way with a black man, although she did come home very excited after a girls' night out had ended up with her kissing a black guy passionately in a club, their tongues in each other's mouths as she let him put his hand up her short skirt for him to massage her bare thigh until they were disturbed. My current girlfriend is very much into the black-orientated garage and hip hop music scene and used to go clubbing with her younger sister. She tells me, "So yes, Tanya went black, but I never did." Since lock-down last year though, she found an online garage club website and now exchanges direct messages on Instagram with at least 3 men she "met" on there, two of whom are black. By being supportive and not showing any jealousy or possessiveness I have managed to get her to be quite open about these chats. Although it all seems fairly innocent up to now, both black guys have invited her to go and meet in person. One in particular she's keen to meet and as he only lives 50 miles away I can envisage a weekend away in the not too distant future. She is however quite shy, very inexperienced, a little naive even, so whether she realises he's going to expect sex I don't know.
  21. She looks to have a really nice body. Lovely breasts and an amazing looking pussy. Thanks for posting. Is she a good girl or has your wife been naughty and cuckolded you?
  22. My wife's was. I'm sure some men only wanted to fuck her because she's a redhead. My mate was a bit disappointed when she started shaving her pussy. Still fucked her though!
  23. Thank you. I like to remember the things my wife used to get up to. We've been divorced 7 years now, but I still enjoy visiting cuckold websites and fantasise now about my new girlfriend trying the lifestyle. If my experiences can help wannabes and novices, then I'm only too happy to share my stories. I'm not a wannabe, I'm a "usedtobe"!
  24. I've never liked the smell or the taste of my own cum, it reminds me too much of some nasty cheap glue, but I was okay with my ex-workmate's when I licked it out of my wife that Sunday evening. I think she was surprised how happy I was to still go down on her knowing he'd not long fucked her bareback. On another occasion she had me fuck her wearing a condom, then placed it carefully on her bedside table. She then proceeded to dip her finger in it and smeared a little bit on my lips for me to taste and lick. Seeing that I didn't bat an eyelid at this, she kept doing it, repeating the action for ages, feeding me more and more of my own cum. "There's a good boy!" still arouses me now. After our divorce I visited a local male masseur out of curiosity and ended up with his erect penis in my mouth. He was another one who told me I was "a good boy" as I performed oral sex on him. He didn't cum in my mouth though - perhaps that was extra - but I did cum in his hand as he massaged my dick.
  25. My wife liked "making" me take her dildo in my mouth, smiling as she coached me on how to do it. "There's a good boy!", she'd whisper. "You're a natural!" I never got to watch her with another man, she reckoned I wouldn't have been able to handle it so only ever had sex at their place, but I'm pretty certain that as long as the guy was agreeable, she would have loved to see me suck his cock, probably as lubrication before he fucked her and afterwards too, to clean him and taste her juices and cum mixed together on him. I did have the pleasure of licking my wife out when she returned one Sunday from her first session with an ex-work colleague of mine and I had no qualms about the taste of his cum still seeping out of her red, puffy, well-fucked cunt, so sucking his cock in front of her would have been fine and proof that I was more than okay with them having sex.
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