I've wanted my wife to fuck other guys for a long time. At one point I nearly got what I wanted. I was so close, but never realised it. Since I nearly got there (and failure is often a better teacher than success) I thought I'd share a few thoughts and pieces of advice to those who might be in a similar situation.
These are my opinions of course, feel free to discuss or contradict me. I don't profess to know everything and love to hear what others think.
I will add to this thread over time and cover one tip at a time. So hit the follow button if you are interested.
First of all I just want to say that informed consent is all important. I don't condone trickery or cohersion. If you really want this to work your girl has to consent 100% and you must look at her physically and mentally throughout. Don't look at other women or couples and compare her to them. Don't place unreal or unessessary pressure on her to wear a certain thing or do a certain thing. Just show her you love her and respect her. If you can't do this, she won't trust you.
So first, don't delay in letting your wife or girlfriend know what you want. A lot of guys might expect a bad reaction or be embarrassed, but I have found that most women are not surprised to hear their partner's fantasies. If presented as such, most women will only respond with interest. Don't present it as more than that at first. If you haven't got this far, you aren't going any further. Just tell her. What's the worst that's going to happen? Don't do it during sex. Just bring it up in a private conversation when you get chance or see an "in road". Films are good for this. Think "indecent proposal" or any other film you may have seen with some sort of infidelity. Use that as a chance to start the conversation. While I'm on the subject never use the word "infidelity" or any of its synonyms. That is a sure way of putting the brakes on. Be level and factual. Don't ask for anything. Choose your language carefully "you know what I'd find really hot" is good. NOT: "I want you to..."
Don't worry if she says "I could never do that because... " that's fine. And it might be true. But many people change over time and many people consider things over time. My wife was dead against it at first. Over the years, we found a way to both enjoy the fantasy together, and it became hers too.
While I'm here, hear out her fantasies too. After you have presented yours, ask her what hers are. That's really important. If you can combine the two somehow, there is a good chance you are both going to want to develop things in some way. That's what your goal is. Moving forward together. My wife said she didn't really have any. She did. Eventually when she trusted me enough she told me what they were. I was able to incorporate hers into my fantasy of watching her get fucked by other men. More on how to deliver that later...
NEVER discuss any of this with your friends or other people -or do anything that could leak the information to them. That can backfire badly and ruin everything.
Well that's enough for now. I'll be back with the second part soon if people are interested!