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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Madmajor

  1. I would like mine to have it
  2. Can't agree with you...... I have desires to share but don't see it as humiliating. Just titivating
  3. Is your 22 yo boy or girl?
  4. I'd like to know how you managed to get started. I have shared my wife with another but need to now push on further
  5. Would be sweeter if it was dribbling bull juice!
  6. Seems there might be a cuck or two out there!
  7. How does it all work?
  8. He did say it would be a long time before his girl friend stripped....
  9. So tell me Doc.... Is she ready for her medicine?
  10. I am trying to load a profile picture but it keeps telling me that the file is too large despite the fact that I have cropped it to bring down the file size. So how have others managed to reduce their pic size and get it uploads. I am using an iPad. Any techno geeks with wizardry skills.....
  11. CB Now we are talking a seriously shiny boat. Friends of ours used a floor polish called "Reflector" and after just applying 6 coats with 10-15 mins in between it shines like the most highly polished boat without all the buffing. I am looking out for some. MM
  12. A bonnie lass I deed
  13. She appears to be special forces trained (they all have their eyes blanked out to hide their identities)
  14. Maybe he actually is left handed!
  15. Great and thanks for sharing (normalising what many members here feel themselves) Bryan
  16. I read an interesting blog from an experienced bull that actually uses the wife to help get the cuck to suck his dick. Not because he is bi but because it helps in the domination of the cuck. Recruiting the wife to get the hubby to carry out this act especially if he is not keen forms a strong bond between wife and bull.....he claims. He actually makes some great points throughout his blog which is aimed at helping inexperienced Bulls to learn how to be great Bulls.
  17. I'm looking for someone to take my wife in August this year. We will be back in the UK (Southsea) she is 49 and has agreed to be shared. I have been tasked to present her with a few guys (who have supplied face pics) she will pick who she is most attracted to and then they will be invited to share her. If this is for you let me know and we can discuss further
  18. Maybe you should tell the folk a bit about yourself!
  19. CB Well that makes it clear as mud......lol So you were referring to your coffee not the color of your skin! Just need to know who to look for in NY By the way Mad as in hatter Major as in Army officer of field rank who held the queens commission before retiring! MM
  20. Plenty to be found on swingingheaven.co.uk
  21. CB We will just have to change your habits then and get you reacquainted with some jazz. MM
  22. Great avatar BARBWHB
  23. Where in the UK are you from?
  24. Having fathered more than my share I would be worried about maintenance!
  25. Presumably if he happened to be a vet then that would be a bonus
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