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Everything posted by Madmajor

  1. What about the dominant cuckold that wants to manipulate his wife into the lifestyle?
  2. Being present is a gift.... Could say being present is a present!
  3. Do you ever let him stroke off....? You could always make him wrap sand paper around his little willy and let him have the choice.... You cum ....you have a raw cock.....your choice!
  4. Wouldn't even fit in my wife's panties..... Gee you must go with some big women....or they have midget hubbies!
  5. Many types of cuckold. I like to be involved....so maybe more of a sharer!
  6. She wore that bloody t shirt all day yesterday, no panties or bra.... All I could think of all day was that meeting. We were just on board boat and she never kept pulling it down so her ass cheeks and little fluff of pussy kept showing!
  7. If you want to find where he is from look at the queue that has formed and follow it to the front!
  8. Skyping wife as she is with another guy must be well horny....must put it on my todo list!
  9. Hypocritical as I hate em...but condoms until safety is established!
  10. 60 years just makes her experienced..... Glad there are stunners at 60 as I seem to be going in that direction myself!
  11. CB You never fail....you are of course right. Albeit general information available to everyone. The second you will find a little more tricky. It is linked to the practice of drinking port and toasting the monarch of the day. But I am guessing this will be a too obscure clue! Major
  12. CB You can regard any kink or obsession as a chink in your armour, or as another string to your bow! I know you like your military history and no doubt know where the two fingers raised in the air as a sign of disrespect! But do you know which battle got accredited to being the first where this gesture was used.? Another teaser...... Why is 1661 important for the British Army? Major
  13. I smile as a potential sharer of my wife. I am too big for her and if I get too excited it is uncomfortable when I thrust in her. Not all women can take a large cock, I have always had difficulty with going too deep. It is a myth that all women can take a long cock. I am only just above average at slightly smaller than 8" Now a guy with a 6.5" dick that is as thick as can be with a large bulbous penis head to rub her in all the right places.....not thrusting into wrong places.... Now he is the guy I need to find! I wonder how the guys who claim 9" and longer get on. Whether they only get to use had of it! Incidentally we have adopted the lazy shag to get over the problem. I lie on my side and she lays her leg over mine at a 45 degree angle and we fuck like that. She can control how much she gets and lying on my side is actually very comfortable. When I did share her the guy lifted her legs on to his shoulders....I thought this is never going to work, but she took it for a bit. Guess he wasn't as big as he thought he was!
  14. Only spell that is good is the love potion spell.....
  15. See I would never have thought of temp tattoo
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